D) Trade secret protection It's also important to monitor any external environmental factors that can affect how the business functions as well as develop methods for overcoming these challenges. D) They provide services on demand. A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by having: Resource availability contral and assignment management. A) E-commerce is affected by the law of diminishing returns. Vivian has just been promoted to management after years of working at the company. Six Sigma is a BPI methodology holding that all processes within an organization can be defined, measured, and improved and that positive financial results should always be the ultimate goal when doing so. True or False. B) It seems like it will require a lot of paperwork. All of the following are steps involved in the strategic management process EXCEPT _____. Join over 1000+ companies already growing with Helpjuice. A) number of process improvements Examples of management processes like these are very useful for those who want to have an initial idea of how to model a process in their company. E) offshoring low-skill jobs E) innovation. Using the Internet to buy or sell goods is called: This, of course, means theyll be delivering the most value they possibly can to your business. A) Identify the business ecosystem the distributor is E) 1, 2, and 3. C) develop synergies. ________ is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. D) people orientation and improvement orientation. From there, its on to the next business process in need of improvement. The first is for processes, policies, and procedures for conducting work, which includes the following: Policies Procedures Standard templates General guidelines The project management team cannot update or modify these elements usually, as they have been provided by the organization. C) yield Whats more, enabling and empowering your employees will make them happier and more loyal to your company. C) monthly. D) statistical process control. c. internal influences Hannah believes that Mac computers are better than Windows-based computers because they are not as vulnerable to computer viruses.This thinking or mental processes that Hannah is engaged in represents which psychological element? Resources 6. How would innovation and learning be measured on the balanced scorecard? B) 1 and 2 C) realistic, positive, and understandable B) the distinction between an idea and its expression. C) operational The four major types of enterprise applications are: The Internet increases the bargaining power of customers by: Low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and supplier intimacy. B) Reengineering C) Decentralized Firstly, you must be prepared to invest properly into the initiative, in terms of manpower, resources, and capital. Values that influence decision-making. A) Musical compositions B) e-business. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! B) timely, accurate, and objective Depending on the situation, enabling your team may involve: You might need to let your team practice implementation of the new process before actually doing so. A) Sales and marketing E) Stop by everyone's cubicles often and ask to see their work, so they know you are still part of the team. A) structural C) Competitive advantage A strategy map helps employees to feel engaged because it shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. A) structural The enormous volume of data generated by Internet activity, such as web traffic, email, and social media is referred to as: Examples of external EEFs are political and . These factors after being figured out are grouped into strengths and weaknesses of the company. A) dashboard C) Make sure they know you are taking the new role seriously and come in early and stay late. B) Behavioral targeting program When it comes to revenue-generating initiatives, the skys the limit for what youll be able to accomplish. E) Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, Gaining unapproved access to a computer is not a federal crime. C) external environment. D) identifying and clearly describing the facts. C) income statement. A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth. In many cases, fixing the problem at the source will eliminate most of the issues you face downstream, as well. D) better meet customer demands. (This is most important when making changes to high-stakes processes, like customer service or accounting.). Its these ongoing tasks that make your company what it is and that determine how successful your company can be. Better yet, youll be allocating resources more effectively allowing your team to squeeze even more value out of them than youd anticipated. D) Bureaucratic C. Domineering influence. Okay, the answer to that question may seem pretty straightforward and maybe a bit obvious. D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits A) Business processes influence the relationship between an organization and information technology. E) They require controls at many different points. E) safe harbor, _______ grants the owner exclusive ownership of the ideas behind an invention for 20 years. B) Functional C) the utilitarian principle B) income statement. Customer satisfaction is an important focus for marketers because. A) Business processes influence the relationship between an organization and information technology. ", B) "I was able to learn from this experience. D) His action is wrong, because if everyone were to do this, the concept of personal property is defeated. Learn how Brixly instantly achieved a positive ROI after introducing Helpjuice to their customer service processes. E) Innovation and learning, According to Kaplan and Norton, ________ maps are "visual representations of a company's critical objectives and the crucial relationships among them that drive organizational performance." A) Increasing speed of communicating D) cost reductions, 12) Measures of the balanced scorecard's customer perspective include: A) COPPA B) zero-base budgeting C) access. As committed to BPI as you should be, being overzealous can do major damage to your business. The supervisor observed him while he tried it again and gave suggestions for improvement. All of the following statements are true about information technology's impact on business firms except: In ________, raw data is systematically acquired and transformed during various stages that add value to that information. Firms should do all of these things to balance the conflicting demands of being agile in a dynamic environment EXCEPT: Create a culture of complacency to counter the dynamic environment Goals are formulated as a result of: balancing stakeholder demands and internal political processes A) external perspective True or False, Operational managers use ESS primarily to solve specific problems. A) operational B) Motion pictures B) The World Wide Web 20) The return-on-investment ratio is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: D) incremental internal business processes a 11. True or False, Which of the following industries has the lowest barrier to entry? A) evaluating the firm's internal and external situation. The ________ function is responsible for identifying customers. C) employee turnover rates C) the mobile digital platform. This theory holds that we learn all our behaviors from interacting with our environment. D) first-level managers. No matter the scope, though, the keys to successful implementation are to equip and enable your team members, and to facilitate engagement and growth throughout your organization. What would be good advice for her? B) As a major cost center, it is important to pay attention to the sourcing, shipping, and warehousing. E) monitoring. Which of the following is a primary function of management? B) outsourcing. B) low-cost leadership, product differentiation, focus on market niche, and customer and supplier intimacy. Ideally, personal finance is a process of management and planning that anticipates or keeps abreast with changes. E) TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS. This control is part of the ________ area. The principles of agile software development have also been applied to the world of business process improvement. How is management using controls when they allow decision making at lower levels and encourage employees to work together in teams? A) SCM, CRM, DSS, and KMS. A) market share D) informational Note that, while some of these causes may be rather quick to fix, others may require a more formalized BPI approach, themselves. Supply chain management systems are more externally oriented than enterprise systems. A) A safe harbor T It was triggered by a large decline in US home prices after the collapse of a housing bubble, leading to mortgage delinquencies, foreclosures, and the devaluation of housing-related securities. A) Relational D) Freedom of Information Act E) He has a scheduled vacation and is e-mailing and texting employees during regular hours. Describe the use of braces for listing the members of a set. B) Knowledge and data workers in an organization D) organizational chart C) global suppliers. 29. Throughout the last 60 years, the United States has had an interesting track record in regard to productivity. D) an increase in operating income from increased profit margins, 26) Managers need to evaluate the success of a strategy by: The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are: Advertisers use ________ in order to display more relevant ads based on a user's search and browsing history. B) top managers. A) In digital firms, time shifting and space shifting are the norm. True or False. C) time taken to deliver product to customers Similarly, you might choose to slowly unroll the new process to different teams or departments as needed. C) allowing operational employees to interact with management. One thing All Round did was count the number of products sold and units produced. E) innovation and learning perspective, ________ perspective helps top management focus on what the organization must excel at to effectively meet its financial objectives and customers' expectations. B) He expects assignments to be done according to the directions given. C) comparing performance D) locks managers into stable spending arrangements. Justin Lionel and Courtney Morehouse share net income in a 2:1 ratio. A. Notions of time Culture is the unseen thread that binds people together. C) linking the sources of operating-income increases to the strategy A) The Privacy Act Analyze employee performance data, collect feedback from them, and simply observe them to determine whether or not your documentation matches reality. Unlike the external environment, the company has control over. True or False, Middle managers make long-range strategic decisions about the firm's products and services. C) CIO E) They are decentralizing decision making. B) Business processes are a collection of standard operating procedures. B) motivation and passion for her career A) providing better reporting facilities. Although everyone is different, some financial concerns are common to or typical of the different stages of adult life. True or False, Some forms of illegal sharing of music files have declined as legitimate online music stores have expanded. A) unitary C) a cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations Which of the following is not one of the six strategic business objectives of information systems? A. personality B. affect C. individual differences D. cognition E. lifestyle D. cognition A(n) ________ represents the profits or losses incurred by an organization. A) Improved efficiency D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services. E) cultural, Some managers use ________, which provides four indicators with which organizations can set goals and measure performance. C) gross profit percentage D. Political influence. Write each percent as a fraction in simplest form and as a decimal to the nearest hundredth. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a successful control system? Naseef Asad invested $75,000 in the Lionel and Morehouse partnership for ownership equity of$75,000. This means embracing the idea that the status quo is mere table stakes at all times and that its always possible to do more in some way. E) customers, suppliers, new market entrants, and substitute products. D) too much control E) Survival. So, even if a given improvement doesnt bring in more revenues, youll still be making more money in time. In many cases, your team may have simply gotten used to the way we do things around here and might never give a second thought to how much better things could be. A) Amazon's one-click shopping. Janis is the CEO of Global Marketplace. Identify three environmental factors influenced by family that affect human behavior. Olivia is the go-to person at her company for quick turnarounds and short-term projects. There're generally two type of business processes: Functional processes Cross-functional processes Functional processes are the processes that are performed within the ambit of a functional department. A) programmer. A) to help employees understand how their work contributes to the company's goals E) inflexible to optimize control. In fact, 84% of teams surveyed by Camunda in 2020 plan on investing more into automation technology for those specific purposes. Moreover, youll likely have developed contingency plans to fall back on should you encounter these issues in the first place. A) feed-forward control. Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies. A) the distinction between tangible and intangible ideas. D) safety. On top of achieving immediate results, this also opens the door for even more powerful improvements at every step. E) randomly. This will strengthen your community culture in multiple ways and, in turn, lead to major breakthroughs for your organization. True or False, Identifying customers is a business process handled by the human resources function. C) It is effective in ensuring that performance standards are being met. D) CTO. E) Terrestrial radio, Which of the following is not protected by copyright law? As time goes on, its important to keep close tabs on your teams efforts to improve. The distinction between an idea and its expression. Your customers will benefit from your efforts to improve internal processes, as well. A) taking corrective action D) financial True or False, A(n) ________ is typically a major source of data for other systems. C.Resource availability control and assignment management. Healthy eating habits C. Adolescent daughters of mothers who are employed hold more traditional gender role attitudes. On the hard drive of the visitor's computer. C) MIS B) new product development time A) They cannot hold inventory. B) the risk aversion principle D) feedback. Internal processes are an aspect of the balanced scorecard method, which is a performance metric an organization can use to identify areas that may need improvement. In short, an internal business process is anything your business does. D) competitive C) apply 3. Thomas Friedman's description of the world as "flat" refers to: Walmart's attempt to increase its online presence is an example of a firm using information systems to: a. C) anonymous email. Enright Industrial Leasing has effective control processes, allowing its managers to discover ________ in bookkeeping right away, before a would-be embezzler could seriously affect its business. This commitment to excellence should extend beyond singular initiatives, and become part of your organizations ethos. E) Controlling the supply chain means it can be used to monitor employees and assess job satisfaction, engagement, and leadership. C) PGP E) balance sheet. D) annually. A) planning programming budgeting system C) The Internet E) The opt-out model, Copyright is a legal protection given to creators of certain types of intellectual property. Political (Citizen) Involvement. Motivation 2. As such, the Theory of Constraints follows these steps: Based on the practice of lean manufacturing, lean BPI aims to minimize waste, and to ultimately squeeze the absolute most value possible out of every resource used. Charging less for superior products Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT C) employee education Responding to customers in real time True or False, A TPS is an information system that keeps track of all of the daily routine transactions of a business. Consumer perception is a major factor that influences consumer behavior. E) enabling the development of new services. B) customer perspective Finally, be sure to stay at arms length to provide guidance and assistance, and to keep team members motivated as you implement the change. She is reviewing the company's five-year plan and deciding if any corrective actions are needed. D) the RATER system. 20 Questions Show answers. A) employee commitment and customer satisfaction. E) substitute products. C) Privacy Protection Act B) transmit orders to restock directly to its suppliers. C) measurement management D) people orientation and improvement orientation. There are a number of other manufacturers who produce similar water toys. Our pilot agents are able to find information in a timely manner. Using the above example, you can transform the basic goal of decreasing invoice errors by answering the following questions: On top of giving you clear goals to strive for, being this comprehensive will help you assess your improvement efforts over time. All of the following are IT-enabled products and services providing competitive advantage except: A(n) ________ budget allocates resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs. A) significant decreases in operating costs. D) 1 and 3 C) Solar energy A) bureaucratic C) reduced cycle time. These are factors that the company may be able influenceor at least anticipatebut not fully control. Which of the following U.S. laws gives patients access to personal medical records and the right to authorize how this information can be used or disclosed? A) overemphasis on means instead of ends C) Patent law B) TPS D) fixed That said, you ultimately want to get to a point where everyone is naturallyoperating to their highest capacity. D) financial perspective, 22) Manufacturing cycle efficiency is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: A) An intranet A) evaluating budget-to-actual variances C) It identifies all measures, whether significant or small, that help to implement strategy. A) writes software instructions for computers. A) feedforward. As such, it provides essential information for the following objectives except A. C) number of process improvements B) shows how their work contributes to organizational effectiveness. A climate of trust is enhanced when leaders: A. Micromanage. D) It can be created to fit your values and needs. D) Enabling cost-effective e-business processes C) organization, culture, management, and environment. D) Benchmark A) cash flow statement. B) income statement B) market Business processes are typically unaffected by changes in information systems. His manager had a choice of punishing Evan or providing him coaching and retraining on how to calculate the cost of flooring correctly. Provide the journal entry to admit Asad. E) Business processes are typically . True or False. B. C) 2 and 3 C) financial A) uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas. Despite their variations, each methodology adheres to the principles of lean operations: While the methodologies discussed above differ in many ways, you probably noticed some considerable overlap between them. C) organizing. C) FIP principles Which of the following may be done as a corrective action in the control process? All efforts to improve your business processes must be backed by no, driven by data and other hard evidence. D) capital expenditures budget D) customer input into management strategy and decision making. E) only a single supplier. C) too much control True or False. D) verifies that generally accepted accounting principles have been followed C) zero-based E) statistical process control. C. Use domineering influence. B) Companies should determine which workers are to blame for problems. ". C) external audit. D) expense budget. D) Quality can be improved on the basis of hard data. D) the mobile digital platform. While this sounds pretty straightforward, the European Investment Bank found that teams typically put less than 10% of their total composition of investment into BPI initiatives. D) to actually see the sequence of suppliers that contribute to a product B) overemphasis on paperwork D) FIP B) competitive advantage Although many things can affect the choice of an appropriate structure for an organization, the following five factors are the most common: size, life cycle, strategy, environment, and technology. A focused and uncompromising commitment to improving business processes is crucial. D) low-cost leadership, new market entrants, product differentiation, and focus on market niche. C) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches B) A restaurant chain analyzing local sales figures to determine which menu items to serve. Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called: Which of the five moral dimensions of the information age do the central business activities of DoubleClick involve? B) Breadth control Simon's job involves An internal process is any operation that takes place within your organization on behalf of your business, for business purposes. C) encouraging good communication and mutual participation. A) unrealistic standards. A) broad. C) ero-based C) making information available to everyone. A) market share (Note that organizations may use multiple methodologies for various purposes at different times and sometimes even simultaneously.). Otherwise, you run the risk of spreading your team too thin, making sub-optimal changes, or worse yet changing processes that werent broken to begin with. B) economic value added A) Remind them you are now the boss and ask to be copied on everything. Question: Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes Except: ______________ making customers aware of the product submitting the order checking the customer's credit shipping the product assembling the product Question 18 1 Point According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as Information technology (IT) consists of all hardware and software that a firm needs to use in order to achieve its business objectives. B) capital expenditures budget. B) fixed B) emphasizing development and improvement. E) fixed, A(n) ________ budget is one that can be adjusted over time for changing environmental conditions. 11. E) customer, Examining how the organization looks to shareholders is part of which of the balanced scorecard perspectives? Roberta, a customer service manager, tracks monthly complaints and has been trying over the past six months to reduce complaints to less than 0.2 percent through additional training for her staff. C) He assumes that people are working their hours as noted on their time card. C) Satellite radio But, when things are running well enough, it can be hard to notice when processes arent running as optimally as they could be. E) nowhere, because they are only used during a visit and are discarded once a visitor leaves the Web site. B) customer satisfaction Colin was working on his budget. E) capital, Charmaine was required to take an Excel spreadsheet test as part of her application for an executive assistant position. 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