Shame these folks all die in like 5 minutes. I once had an opportunity to see Lieutenant Degurechaff. Lergen replied. The camera panned over to the battleground revealing a desolate wasteland of a no mans land. The way I would've won is simple: Diplomacy. Subaru replied. A Daring Rescue Demiurge rubbed his temples. Tanya fired two shots directly into their steeds, detonating their rides. =A large section of my subculture labeled themselves with the human-japanese name Kadokawa and took an incredible amount of universes under their banner. Spatial coordinates identified. Tanya continued her streak of showing off. Answer me! Tanya started once more. Movement from the northern areas is being delayed. Lergen replied. White screen and no chorus. But heres the deal. Like a Fairy of the Battlefield.. Harald and Kurst in particular. Again the cost of raising an Imperial Working Male was written, coupled with Kurst and Haralds favorite foods, the cost of making the Operation Orbs. Magical energy in the chamber within normal parameters. Thump. I've got a lot of exciting stuff coming up. Unfortunately for this company, Tanyas reaction speed/mana sensing capabilities was a Bit higher than Bravo 02. The first signs of self-aware energy are little specks of light that can bite.. | Changed two letters from what exactly? And this voice. It was like someone turned off Friendly Fire. Kazuma commented while plopping down on his beanbag. While it is not a true story, it still has had a major impact on me and my people and offers some good moral lessons and is overall very entertaining. Considering the content of the shows, I really should have made the garden earlier.=, How many of my kills were from the side effects instead of the actual explosions? An explosion filled the screen as the camera panned upwards before switching to men in blue and dark red uniforms yelling in fear as explosions blossomed into existence close by. In front of those were four chairs in a semicircle, going from right to left they were labeled Weiss, Grantz, Neumann, and Keonig. Interlude 1: Megumin's Spot Check. A Monster in the form of a Little Girl!. Weve been caught totally off-guard.. Reincarnated into your world? Ima delete all their porn.. The other basic spells are Flight, Body Reinforcement/Enhancement, the Magical Shield Orb youve seen, the Mage Blade I used to decapitate Sean, explosive bullet enchant, mana explosions, and one more youll see in just a bit. Tanya explained. Lets all calm down and try to understand why we are here. Ainz shouted, halting the fight. Perhaaaps it's because you are picking on Observers and not Combat trained Mages? Roswaal suggested. Decent name., Wait, correct me if im wrong. Subaru spoke up. And I never want to experience that again., We will leave immediately to rescue the observers. Lieutenant Ihlen got back on track, who honestly looked like the robotic illusion Tanya used in episode 5. C Chulainn gets excited, uses himself to watch the war where he and the others 6 servants fought (UBW route), but when the fragment starts they quickly realize that maybe is not the right route. Correct me if Im wrong, but you are their Superior right?. Or maybe I should do Shield and Cautious (the actual shows) while there are gaps in the timeline. Specifically, it was Filos Wagon. I guess thats three I owe you now huh, Reinhard?, Reinhard: Dont worry about it Subaru, you dont owe me a thing. You didnt know this would happen, did you? Vishia in denial sought reconfirmation as her eyes wavered in disbelief and adopted a semi-aggressive stance. This is so cool because he and I will be working together on a really exciting project once we get further along in our existing stories. The Staircase of Nazarick was pushed into an indent for a mostly unblocked line of sight between the sections. The left and right tails curved inwards on themselves forming a massive bow, the third middle tail jutted straight downwards transforming the bow into an anchor. Artillery Take out the artillery. Radio backpack in a box? Hosman berated his subordinates as Tanya finally stabilized and returned fire. The two main methods of Isekai are either reincarnation- The Logos for Military Records and Konosuba appeared on screen. -oh good, I'm not the only reincarnator. But I just couldn't fucking wait anymore, I need to see the cast react to Subaru's death to the rabbits. She's harmless, aside from those she truly hates, which are Satella, Envy, and Hector. The camera slowly zoomed in on Tanyas head. the angst will be enjoyable when the Mansion loops start. But-but thats not how you win a fight? Shalltear squeaked. Beatrice commented. I wonder if she could hear the blood seeping out of her and Subaru's wounds in the first loop. Believers, have faith in the Lords Blessings. An adorable voice said. In a cursed world, Tanya replaced Visha as the thought Narrator. And I'm honored he used WHDAAA as a starting platform. Lergen straightened his back and turned to his superior. Beatrice uses her magic to project Subarus computer screen on a giant blank wall in front of the audience. Aqua however had a sadistic grin on her face when she spotted Ainz, Shalltear, Albedo, and Demiurge before cracking her knuckles. Im still debating on whether to do the spinoff films like Rogue One and Solo as well, so for now its just the main saga. I-Im an Imperial Soldier, too. Friendly fire is exactly what it says, a person who can do damage can also damage their allies/collateral damage. Subaru preempted a question. I (and most of my friends) have had terrible experiences with superiors not listening. Ainz explained. "That right there is an ocean. If the art is an Original Creation or you can't find the source, be sure to mention that in the comments so your post doesn't get removed. As the chorus finished with an imperialist note, leaving only the orchestra. Guess you cant trust rumors Troops! Before the wind whistled and the three blue men were blown up as Victoria dropped out of the sky wearing an apparatus. In an attempt to give the show characters empathy between them, I have kidnapped them into a pocket dimension where they will see their settings through the Protag/audience lens. I assume Al has seen or at least heard of Star Wars before and I want Subaru to be the only one among them who knows whats going on. But a wide area explosion spell will drain our magic. Sean was once again the voice of reason. And now I have to work for that lieutenant?, Platoon 3, of the 205th. Stated the man that just walked on screen. Writing this story was a process almost two months in the making. Ive been trying, but they appear to be hiding in the trenches. Hosmans subordinate Sean reminded his superior. HA! Nice shockwaves, havent figured out the orb movement yet. Megumin complimented. Thus Tanya giggled at their futile attempts to harm her, and started dancing. I was originally planning on only reacting to the four main shows, then I got the brilliant idea of staggering the shows to cut my workload. Platoon 3 Members Corporal Harald von Vist and Corporal Kurst von Walhorf unloaded their clips at the so called Republician Bastards before shoving a Barrier Film into existence as retaliatory fire reached them. #rezero Tanyas bayonet blades edge glowed cyan as Tanya applied the Mage Blade spell to it. I guess Sean really did suck up all of that Companys Common Sense. Ram said. So being a Named Mage means your enemy acknowledges your existence? Megumin asked. 41 parts Ongoing Mature Remnant, a world filled with equal wonder and horror. The rest are yours., Despite your name being in one of the titles, I doubt you could take them all on. Kazuma countered. Later and outside Visha looked around from the tent opening like Tanya pulled a ninja on her. =If you need a name for me, Im Weaver=. Then a camp was shown above before the camera panned past wounded Empire Soldiers. Satella asks. So here she is, a fanfic where subaru's friends and allies react to stuff about his world. We are to continue delaying the enemy to the end.. deeed22. The Emilia camp filed Subarus comment under Subaru being himself. When its all set up he turns to the crowd. Boom. Surely pigs exist in that world. Yet another flare lit Vishas face as Tanyas squad flew over the aforementioned trench. Medic! "But Subaru~ I want to see your people, your world and I want to see it's history" Emilia said as she made a cute face that she used for begging and persuading Subaru to agree. Wine. Coctyus clarified for the room. Vishia also showed madness as Tanya showed her sideways adorable face before smashing into her own brand of Madness. Usually the person being Isekaid is a NEET, someone who's Not in Education, Employment, or Training. Risarte hid behind Seiya who merely had his sword out. And One will be the story that changes the reactions fic formula forever. So the crown for Most Episodes goes to Overlord. Was a wagon. Aptly the screen switched to a two-headed dragon bust/statuette (Dragons are one of the Devils many forms in Abrahamic Literature). Tanya stared directly into the camera and/or directly at Vishia. Dismissed., Tanya unfolded from her at rest stance and walked aw-, II cant accept this! Kurst interrupted. Second Lieutenant Tanya Degurechaff. Visha Narrated with her thoughts. Also that word shouldnt exist for another 80 or so years. I consider her my best friend in this community and I await her return to us just like you all. Six guards, two angel statues with a sword and an hourglass each. This World was too low on the Weirdness/Shonen Scale for that. Bouncing right before a packet exploded around her with a loud pop/airgun/potato cannon sound. Witch has been inactive this past month but she is a very busy person. Seiya and Ristarte are from training with the Goddess of Destruction timeskip. Thanks to the military duchess and Subaru's interest in military history (not a canon thing I thi. Smaller versions called seas separate countries from a continent, or separates a continent from a different continent." left kudos on this work! At least in facial expression and camera angle. With a bronze star/plus sign on the top, hanging on Tanyas uniform chest. That's the Light Novel explanation for the random explosions in this scene. Re:Zero Casts Reacts to Earth and (Mostly) It's Military History Fanfiction After viewing Subaru's life, and the possible realities, everyone needed a breather and decided to view Subaru's homeworld. From the start, a major offensive against the Entente Alliance was a mistake! Rudersdorf closed his fists. We gotta earn our pay., W-We only have one platoon. Visha pointed out. The smoke divided Zettour on the left who had his arms to himself and Lergen on the right holding a stack of paperwork. #watching. Nearby a comrade of the yelling man was on his back, trying desperately to get upright. The Republician Mages fired their rifles, some of them sending mana packets which exploded at a pre-set destination. The sole survivor of the Mortar attack was flung into a pool of water as he gasped for breath, the soldier stared at the battlefield. This isn't a react fiction in the same vein as Watching Him Die Again and Again (which is a great story that I love) where the Re:Zero cast is teleported to some magical movie theater nor is it one where Subaru replaces the main character of a different piece of fiction for the cast to react to. I have seen it and indeed one of those rare times of anticipated reaction attempts for an Anime [Flower]. (I hope). Thanks to the military duchess and Subaru's interest in military history (not a canon thing I thi. in the mansion loops when Subaru wakes up with the torturous twins she always says You make such a ruckus when they are being quiet af. I absolutely plan on writing reaction stories for all of the main saga films in this fiction series. Some observations/rants aka have some semi-deleted content: Four people sent a deadpan stare towards the Celestial (Copyright) Fae. The room was completely silent as they watched the Isekai Quartets first opening. Redeployment of our central forces to the Rhine has been completed. Lergen said while moving a stick on a map. Whoever these- Albedo paused to finger quote- Reapers are they are nothing compared to our might. After seeing the possible worlds Subaru has to face, the cast was all worn out. I suppose seeing a glimpse of where you come from would be interesting., Emilia: I agree, it sounds really fascinating. I volunteered to come to the frontlines. Re zero s1 ep 1 Making a mechanical sound and flickering in the process. Why would you need temperature control? Filo asked. Reports say weve lost over half the units weve deployed. Zettour said as the camera pans across and away from his face, leaving only a sliver as he visually opened his eye. the wages for making the Orbs, the wages for the miners. left kudos on this work! Tanyas big metal box had an opening at the top, filled with green energy. I dont think the tropes/cliches of Normal Isekai apply to us., ===============================================================================. Flying high above was Tanyas little squad in a diamond formation. Then youre saying youll disobey your Superior Officers orders again? Visha breathed in before the camera swapped back to Tanya to pan up her body. Please, please let me go!. SUBARU has failed in clearing the Pleaides tower and died. And cute. The Overpowered Hero is Overly Cautious., The final section of seating arrangements was colored blue with yellow-golden trim. [nodded warily]. I agree with Corporal Kurst. Harald followed up. A small dot-like Tanya (recognizable by her rifle held sideways) quickly caught up to the trio of just seen men. There were some points in their history that were brutal." You are to rendezvous with Lieutenant Ihlen and provide support. Tanya said into her radio. I'm amazed at how well the reactions here are, you might be too! Filo has a bed large enough for her true bird form on Naofumis left side. I started on May 4th and finished it up on June 30th, then spent a few days afterwards doing proofreading and revisions. Ministry of Defense. Ponies would be horrified by most of our movies, even the tamer war movies of the 50s to 80s like Zulu and Patton. The company that we know as Kadokawa simply didnt exist under that name on the Origin Earths of our Protags. Just break their arms and legs from escaping, with a mana drain to prevent flight.. Dont they understand whats going on?!. Lergen was looking down at the bundle he picked up. Using logical deduction via a later camera angle I conclude this was Kurst. Carmilla answered. Sehkmet concluded. I can't wait for the first Arc to wrap up, and more than that I can't wait to see how they react to the real suffering. Echidna asks. Nicholas Brooks. The Reinforcements are just a random group of Mages!. Subaru: Im glad I was able to bring this thing with me when I got summoned here. The other 6 sections were roughly of equal size, the far right sections back had a two headed dragon on a red flag, barbed wire around the perimeter of the dirt brown section, red with gold trimmed militant looking but extremely comfortable chairs with three of them being slightly higher than the rest. Best friend in this fiction series to rescue the Observers got back on track, who honestly looked like robotic. 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