Watermelon actually contains even higher levels of lycopene than tomatoes; it can contain up to an estimated 72 micrograms per gram, whilst the raw tomato maximum is estimated at 42 micrograms per gram. They can vary in flavor, from sweet to sour. Sweet flesh with a high sugar content. Uniform oblong shaped watermelon / These melons weigh between 10 and 15 pounds. Watermelons are not only well known for being delicious, but they are also known to have a high water content making them perfect for eating on a hot summer day. Smell lets us enjoy the scents and fragrances like roses or coffee. They quickly reproduce inthis sweet and warm environment, especially under the clinging film and these can cause intestinal diseases. After 3 to 5 days, it spoils. Any deviation from this appearance spells potential spoilage. So, if you notice any discoloration such as dark spots your watermelon may be bad. These watermelons are generally around the 15 pound mark. Whole (uncut) watermelons can last up to 7-10 days at room temperature. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In fact, the rapidity of its spoilage is one reason farmers harvest them close to the peak of their ripe age. Of course, there are some varieties of watermelon that dont actually exhibit this colouration, but its the pink-fleshed watermelon thats by far the most popular. If you're undergoing cancer treatment, it may be the reason why everything tastes metallic, according to the Mayo Clinic. According to the experts at the Watermelon Board, yellow and orange watermelons are generally sweeter than those with pink or red flesh. Got a burning unpopular opinion you want to share? Scientists now think that (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal is the predominant watermelon odourant, and that several other aldehydes also contribute. Some studies also show that intense exercise can increase pressure on the lungs, which allows red blood cells to leak into air. Recently discovered sugar free Jolly Rancher flavored drink mixes. The watermelon should have a healthy, consistent pine green shade or a striped alternating appearance of darker pine and lime green color on the outside. When you taste a melon, and the taste is sour, it has gone bad. Watermelons are juicy, fresh, and tasty. 6. Then, slice open your melon and look for deep pink or red flesh inside. Check the firmness of the rind. The alcohols were suspected due to their relatively high concentrations; however, they also have higher odour threshold values (the level at which they can be detected by the human nose) than some of the other compounds in the aroma mixture. If it smells tangy or sour, dont buy it as it is already spoiled. Yellow flesh with dark and light green stripes on the skin. Watermelon can be rotten. They may even have no slime or mold growth. Instead, focus on factors like smell, patch color, texture, and many others to successfully choose a good watermelon fit for your table. If this is the case, you can take a bite to confirm. In some cases all you need is one molecule to give you the flavors essence and for you to make that instant connection. Pick it up 2. It comes in 8 delicious flavors - Ice pop, blue raspberry, tropical punch, orange, lemon lime, grape, meta moon and strawberry watermelon. Contact the author here. Here, we explain the potential causes of that metal aftertaste, plus what you can do to avoid it in the future. End up composting 2/3rds of the melon after separating the good from unusable bits. Watermelon should be sweet, juicy, and fresh. Different varieties of watermelon have different internal appearances. Im Margaret. See the sitescontent usage guidelines. Starting today, you can taste these flavors by purchasing them in the latest 12-pack Variety Pack (along with fan-favorite mango). Puff Bar tastes burnt is one of the foulest points that you can experience as a vaper. I use to be able and go to the store in the middle of winter and be able to purchase a jubilee that weighed about 30/35 Lbs. It's best made during . By The five terms used to describe watermelons are: Used to describe a basic watermelon that is round or oblong and weighs between 15 t0 45 pounds. Where can I get yellow watermelon? Dark-colored or moldy spots, which will look fuzzy and be black, white, or green, indicate the melon isn't fresh. 3.2 Bijou Watermelons. Banana flavoring is and was bad for the same reason strawberry bubble gum and grape soda dont taste like the fruits theyre named for: Chemistry is hard. The hostess said she had cut it up herself, so it wasnt altered by a merchant. Thanks for the info! These watermelons are often used in gourmet fruit trays. Forchlorfenuron is approved for use on kiwi fruits, grapes and raisins in the US, and whilst its use is completely safe, its not considered appropriate for use on watermelons. These watermelons weigh between 5 and 8 pounds on average. This is due to the fiber and water content in the melon. If you've ever wondered why meat tastes like metal, certain substances may be to blame. The outside of the melon should be a pale green with paler streaks. Initial studies suggested that the primary odourants were C6 and C9 alcohols. Now, slice the watermelon into 1/4 - 1/2 inch thick slices. Check how resistant the rind or skin of your watermelon is by scratching with a thumbnail. Bright pink/red flesh / Dark green stripped rind, Round and Oval in shape / 18 to 22 pounds in weight. The chemical composition of fresh fruit flavor is surprisingly complicated. Watermelons are a popular, refreshing summer fruit. Please tellus about them inthe comments! Sign up to receive Popular Science's emails and get the highlights. A deep hollow sound means the melon is good. ", "It helped me learn that the watermelon I was about to eat was molding.". Taste - Sour instead of a fresh, sweet, and juicy flavor will show you that watermelon is spoiled, so you shouldn't eat it. The process ofspoiling happens faster inthese places and there isahigh chance youll end upthrowing the whole watermelon into the trash. The stem should not be visible on the surface. This is perhaps partly a result of watermelon flavour being notoriously hard to produce artificially, and a number of studies have tried to pin down the exact molecules that contribute to its aroma and taste. Its thought the Chinese farmers used too much of the growth chemical on their watermelons, and at the wrong time of the year, during a particularly wet period. Watermelon Bruschetta with Whipped Cream Cheese, Round / Approximately 15 pounds in weight, Seeded One of the most popular seeded watermelon varieties, Red flesh / Light green rind with medium to dark stripes. The view on the main components of watermelon aroma has differed over the years. You can get it by grabbing 20 or 30, he says. This will keep the watermelon from picking flavors from other foods in your fridge. The good news is, the analytical approach means we can now replicate almost any flavor we want. If you are a keen gardener with a green thumb, why not buy some seeds online and grow them in your very own backyard! Most. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment, like beta-carotene (the compound that gives carrots their orange colour). A few of the other iconic candy flavors also came about for related reasons. How you store your watermelons will determine how long they last before spoiling or rotting. Then slice those slices in half. Block fruit shape / 17 to 21 pounds in weight, Red flesh / Features Crimson Sweet rind pattern with light and dark green stripes, Deep red flesh / glossy green skin with Crimson stripes, Round / Medium sized watermelons / 18 to 20 pounds in weight. Its now thought that its the C6 and C9 aldehydes that make the main contribution to watermelon aroma. Trust. The taste of yellow watermelon is similar to an apricot, and they're also a unique color. For one, you can puree them. Thats kind of true, according to Breslin, but less isnt always more. All I really know is that most melons are juicy and sweet enough so a good watermelon is all about texture. (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadien-1-ol, in particular, was suggested as the predominant compound contributing to the aroma, and has a smell individually described as watermelon rind-like. When watermelon goes off, the flesh becomes dry and gritty. In the first few hours of eating the bad watermelon, you may get a headache and feel fatigued. I just dug through a bag of jolly ranchers to find a watermelon (my all time fave), popped it in and returned to Reddit to find this. If you store a whole watermelon at room temperature, it should remain edible for up to 7 days. Rinds that are easy to puncture are generally overripe but can also be slightly underripe, too. What tricks doyou use when you are choosing awatermelon? It has a sweet, vegetal, and honey-like taste with a thicker rind when compared to its red counterpart. A stem suggests that it was plucked off before it was ripe. The melon is cooked in the same way they've been smoking meat for years. . Crate & Basket is owned and operated by Crate & Basket, a California limited liability company. Speaking of the cucumber aldehyde, trans,cis-2,6-nonadienal. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Typically, an off smell, a discolored rind or flesh, or dry, gritty flesh indicates spoilage in watermelon. Watermelon is one of the trickiest flavors to recreate in a lab, which is why "watermelon flavor" doesn't taste much like actual watermelons. If the watermelon has a different color, then it has gone bad, and you should not eat it. Why don't fake flavors taste like real fruit? Candy still tastes fake simply because weve come to associate those flavors with the candy itself. For instance, fish and other seafood can sometimes contain high amounts of mercury, which can produce a metallic taste in your mouth after eating, per the Cleveland Clinic. When watermelon smells off inside or outside, you should not eat it. Attempts to produce structurally similar esters that might provide a similar aroma and flavour have also been unsuccessful to date, so it doesnt look like the problem of substandard watermelon flavourings is one thats going to go awayany time soon. I love having some sliced in the fridge for whenever I need a cool-down snack for myself or friends. And you can tell a lot about the way a watermelon tastes based on how it looks. When left at room temperature, sliced watermelons should not be consumed after 24 hours. As of 10 a.m. Your email address will not be published. Lycopene has been linked with a range of health benefits, though the scientific evidence for the majority of these is currently conflicted or limited. If you take supplements with your meal, this could be the cause of the metallic taste in your mouth when eating. Learn more about the chemistry of food and drink with the upcoming Compound Interest book, Why does asparagus make your wee smell?, coming in October 2015 and available to pre-order now. Ever chowed down only to notice a metallic taste in your mouth after eating? Regardless, though, visit your doctor to identify the source of your allergies and find the best treatment, per the Mayo Clinic. so maybe the presence of nonadienal compounds is the reason why cucumbers and watermelon have a similar odor profile (at least to me). Its true that the Gros Michel variety tastes more like the artificial stuff than do todays bananas. Nowadays, flavorists could make Laffy Taffy taste much more like a real bananathey just dont need to. [] Ingredients of An All-Natural Peach. We've heard the song. Slice the veggie and layer quarters on top of your avocado toast, or add to a salad such as a mix of cabbage, dill, and mint (via Instagram). However, you will still need to store them in the fridge within two weeks of purchasing them. 9 Reasons Your Mouth Suddenly Tastes Like Metal, Cleveland Clinic: "Common Causes for a Metallic Taste in Your Mouth", Cleveland Clinic: "The Pros and Cons of Eating Organ Meat", Wheezing, nasal congestion or trouble breathing, Digestive discomfort like belly pain, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. In the wild, watermelons (shown), cucumbers, and muskmelons produce bitter cucurbitacins to defend against predators. Watermelon is a refreshing summer treat with a light sweet taste. I know, I know, it might sound odd to sprinkle a watery fruit like melon with salt, but think about why the classic Italian pair of prosciutto and cantaloupe works so well; prosciutto is salty AF. Line the trays of your dehydrator with the watermelon chunks. Watermelon chemistry has made the news for a number of reasons. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Still, you shouldnt wait that long to eat a watermelon. As a bonus, watermelon is super hydrating and packed with nutrients and antioxidants. It pairs well with sweeter fruits, like watermelon, and in vegetable dishes that include squash and other members of the gourd family. And heavy is a good thing. Tightly wrap the cut end of the watermelon with plastic wrap. The flesh of a good watermelon is typically red or deep pink. You can check if a watermelon is bad when looking at the patch or ripe spot on its skin. So, you may not enjoy eating it. It was suggested that previous researchers had failed to realise this, as they collected the compounds over long periods of time, during which enzymatic action converted the aldehydes into the alcohols. Last week we published a story about the phenomenon of post-Covid parosmia, a condition where tastes and smells are distorted, and pleasant smells often become disgusting . When you bite into the crisp meat, you'll find it essentially equal in texture and juiciness. Watermelons that have green and fresh tails are not ripe. There's really nothing like a crisp and spicy, ginger-lime Moscow mule.What's even more refreshing? A resealable bag or container is the best place for watermelon. If the watermelon tastes fizzy or sour, spit it out and discard the rest. This will preserve its flavor and freshness. Everyones familiar with the vivid pink colouration of watermelon flesh. Had some unusual watermelon the other day. Choose watermelons that have adry tail. The graphic in this article is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. How Long Is Watermelon Good in the Fridge? WeatBright Side like sweet watermelon alot. Check further. But in the absence of any of those signs, you can verify the freshness of watermelon by tasting it. But, ifthe holes dont goall the way through the rind, you shouldnt beafraid ofthem because these are the traces left bythe larva ofwireworms and they affect neither the quality nor the taste ofthe fruit. Even setting aside personal preference for coarse or fine grain textures, there are so many strangely textured melons show up in the stores, mealy, even outright mushy in the seed pockets (including seedless types), some parts almost seem slightly elastic. You should not eat watermelon that has already gone bad. "Commonly, vitamin supplements that contain iron, chromium, calcium, and zinc cause a metallic taste in the mouth," she says. Some people believe that holes inwatermelons are traces from insects and not nitrate needles, but still try tostay away from fruit with holes. Pink flesh with dark green rind that features some yellow dotting. It does this by increasing levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). All of them are in the flesh of the fruit. One hour later, the watermelon looks exactly the same, except it is sweating. Scientists now think that (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal is the predominant watermelon odourant, and that several other aldehydes also contribute. 2) that you lack a fructose taste receptor, but you the watermelon should taste bland and not bitter. Delish editors handpick every product we feature. The taste of yellow watermelon does not change much after the fruiting season, and they are grown year-round. It depends. A metallic taste can indicate a serious illness, such as kidney or liver problems, undiagnosed diabetes or certain cancers. | She got a master's degree in science journalism at NYU's Science Health and Environmental Reporting Program, as well as another one in data visualization from the University of Girona. When a watermelon gets too ripe for its own good, the juicy crisp texture of the flesh can turn gritty and dry. The truth is flavor manufacturers were never going for that particular essence. 25 of the Best Watermelon Varieties Picnic Allsweet Charleston Gray Crimson Sweet Georgia Rattlesnake Klondike Blue Ribbon Striped Sweet Princess Icebox Blacktail Mountain Bush Sugar Baby Sweet Beauty Personal Golden Midget Little Darling Mini Love Giant Black Diamond Yellow Belly Carolina Cross #183 Florida Giant Seedless Big Tasty Mini Piccolo Enjoyed this post & graphic? August and September are always associated with watermelons. This will reduce how long it takes for your watermelons to spoil since they are not touching the cold frozen sides in the fridge. Since your watermelon was fermented without either of these steps, and packed in an environment where they assumed it would be refrigerated, it's an uncontrolled ferment, which means there's a chance it could give you food poisoning. There is never any additional cost to you. If you want to learn how to store your watermelon so it lasts longer, keep reading the article! They also used it on a particularly thin-rinded melon, so all of these factors made the ultimate fate of their crop grimly predictable. That wisdom, along with much better technology to analyze and isolate these individual molecules, has led companies to develop fruit flavors that actually taste like the fruit itself. Yellow watermelon tastes like your custom reddish-brown watermelon but with an enhanced taste. Will determine how long they last before spoiling or rotting spoil since they grown! And muskmelons produce bitter cucurbitacins to defend against predators you notice any discoloration such dark. Stem suggests that it was ripe a thicker rind when compared to its red counterpart in! In this article is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License pairs well sweeter. 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