His eyes were like sun-filled blue skies that were deeper than all space. In the twentieth century, Saint Germain stepped forth once again to sponsor an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood. It is always thought, felt, written or spoken with the feeling of intense LOVE. Listed on 2023-03-01. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet, is the governing Master for this Golden Age. They work through dreams, visions, and spiritual intuition. Each Book and Discourse carries the definite Radiation and Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and points the Student to the attainment of the Ascension through their use of the Sacred Fire. It has been said of his musical ability, he played as if he was an, . By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. Known for his involvement in the occult, which was popular interest in 18th century France, Saint Germain was also believed to be an alchemical master, so much so he is known as the Violet Flame, referring to the highest frequency of spiritual energy. Germain a most important person for all those on the Christian path. Those report visitations include theosophists such asAnnie Besant, C.W. Each person was shocked and amazed and became a believer immediately. Ascended Masters have revealed. ), According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Francis Bacon made it appear that he died on Easter Sunday, 9 April 1626, and even attended his own "funeral" in disguise. More recently, Saint Germain was Roger Bacon, Christopher Columbus and, in his final lifetime, Sir Francis Bacon. Ellen was unimaginable wealthy. Unfortunately, none of these books tells the simple story that I believe. Ellen had been present for these teachings and had the films made for her personal viewing. Here is the transcript of this YouTube video of Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saint Germain, alchemy and the violet flame: We are, then, at [], This video clip is a preview of the 2-DVD Set, I Believe in the United States of America by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The Great Secret, Count St. Germain purports that St. Germain was actually Francis Bacon by birth, and later authored the complete Plays attributed to Shakespeare. [10] According to The Theosophical Society, the Seven Rays are seven metaphysical principles that govern both individual souls and the unfolding of each 2,158-year-long Astrological Age. The Saint Germain Series contains the Original Instruction from the Ascended Masters on the Eternal Laws of Life. He says this, "my special interest has focused on America and the expansion of freedom for all. Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal The moment your attention is upon your Great Source of Life, the Mighty I AM Presence, that very moment your Ascension has begun! Permission for Them to be explained to students as given forth in these Discourses has been granted to us by these Great Ones. Day: Saturday. Dees fame as a mathematician, cartographer, scientist, astrologers and navigator made him the singular Renaissance Man of England. Hiram is the master who is killed, but raised again through the efforts of the masonic lodge and its rituals. For a brief time, I offered my services to her organization. Ascended Master Saint Germain is one of the Great Beings from the Spiritual Hierarchy who govern this system of worlds. Finally on 1 May 1684 he is believed to have attained (by his knowledge of alchemy) his physical Ascension (attaining immortality and eternal youth the sixth level of Initiation), at which time Francis Bacon adopted the name "Saint Germain". The Ascended Master Saint Germain says this is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have, and there is no freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the United States Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.[9]. What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About You, Dr. Bradley Nelson On How to Break Down Our Heart Walls, How 'The Boy with the Broken Brain' Became A World Leader in Learning, 3 Powerful Tips to Activate the Law of Attraction in Your Life, Amma: The Loving, Hugging, Humanitarian Saint, Sacred Power: Medical Intuition and Why People Don't Heal, Ocean Noise Pollution From Drilling and Sonar Is Beaching Whales, Buckminster Fuller's Spaceship Earth Is More Relevant Than Ever, We Can Easily Solve The Problem of Food Waste, 7 Tools for Managing Overwhelming Emotions, Push Away Nothing: The Art of Receptivity, 7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Negativity, 5 Life-Healing Lessons We Can Learn from Animals. She studied everythingfrom Steiner to Blavatskyso we had much to discuss. Raymond Bernard's book The Great Secret St. Germain is biographical and covers many aspects of the Count's life, including his conflation with Sir Francis Bacon, and the author of the Shakespearean opus. Printer-Friendly. I explain by that art, the soul with the womb of a Mother, Make its home, take it away, and as a kernel. Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. When he returned to the Aquarian Foundation after his release, Keith used his closet practice to channel St. Germain and the masters. Your feeling is your power of qualification. The Shakespeare Code, by Virginia M. Fellows, "Shakespeare" Identified, by John Thomas Looney, Secret History of Francis Bacon, by Alfred Dodd, Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown, by Andrew Lang, Bacon is Shakespeare Together with a Reprint of Bacon's Promus of Formularies and Elegancies, by Francis Bacon and Edwin Durning-Lawrence, Shakespeare Bacon Conundrum: Direct Evidence of Francis Bacon's Shakespeare Authorship, by Russell Storrs Hall. The Chart of the "Mighty I AM Presence" is the Open Door through which every human being on Earth can see God face to face, because the Chart represents the form of each one's own Individualized Presence of God. St. Germain and the Master Jesus travel between the other masters, coordinating their activities. How Do Avatars and Bodhisattvas Guide Us During Challenging Times? Saint Germain's Seven Ascension Discourses Introduction. So she introduced me to Elizabeth. He is often pictured as the well-known alchemist known during the reign of Louis XV, King of France ( 1710-1774). I do believe that Mark Prophet was truly inspired and have found great truth and wisdom in his works which were clearly influenced by theosophy and the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky about the masters that she personally encountered and could contact at will from a distance. America Saint Germain was the invisible man helping our founding fathers write the Declaration of Independence. . Ellen wanted to see, feel, and touch the spiritual world, which is what we call in neoanthroposophy spiritual materialism.. The "I AM" Teachings - Saint Germain Teachings. You will have amazing results! The Saint Germain Movement is a religious organization, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat. St. Germain can help each of us on our path to the spiritual world because he has climbed the path and found his way home. Throughout history, there have been those who discovered what lies beyond this "undiscovered country." They are the great saints, sages, and masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Padmasambhava, Lao Tzu, and Saint Germain, who not only attained liberation, but who often remained on earth to help others. According to the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain is "The God of Freedom for this system of worlds". The ritual of being raised from the dead had started in a prior incarnation for Lazarus. Violet Flame Mantra by Saint Germain for transmuting personal and planetary past errors in thought, feeling and action. A reader could be overwhelmed with either of these perspectives and then to add to the issue is whether, as some claim, Sir Francis Bacon was Shakespeare and perhaps even Saint Germain. Eventually Dee was snubbed and ejected from Rudolfs court. But as hard as I tried to help her get out of her materialistic thinking of spirituality, she was drawn to people like Keith Rhinehart and Mark Prophet who could make things manifest from the thin air into the physical world. The cyphers of Francis Bacon are found in many works and consistently show his influence over the printed word in English history. In their youth, they were seemingly connected to spiritual sources, and then they drifted towards a fall from spiritual source into materialism, a fall, however, that was necessary for the development of the consciousness soul of humanity. The spiritual goal of the teachings is that, through a process of self-purification, the believer may attain the perfected condition of the saints, or become an ascended master when leaving their body, contrasted to common concepts of 'ordinary death'. She had said numerous times that she would fund the project just as she had funded the early work of the Aquarian Foundation and Summit Lighthouse. After Mark died, Elizabeth said he became a master that she channeled exclusively. When he predicted eventswith eerie accuracy, including a detailed foretelling of the French Revolution, the queen reportedly responded, only royalty will be left. Saint Germain replied, Not even royalty. Now is the time to turn the rudder in the direction of the spirit and to seek the help of the ever present Masters of Wisdom like St. Germain/Christian Rosencreutz or the being of Wisdom Herself Sophia. According to Stephen Wagner, Saint Germain is said to be linked to several secret societies, from the Rosicrucians to Freemasons, Society of Asiatic Brothers, the Knights of Light, the Illuminati and Order of the Templars. He created an aura of mystery among the nobility by hypnotizing them with tales of past lives and magical powers. When we met, Ellen was in her seventies. I AM Teachings Understanding the I AM Instruction Mighty I AM Presence Beloved Saint Germain The Violet Consuming Flame Our Sacred Pictures . After his final lifetime as Sir Francis Bacon, the ascended master Saint Germain physically appeared throughout the courts of Europe as le Comte de Saint Germain. Bacon was like Amos Comenius who was the last of the Rosicrucians to come out of the Unity Brethren, the Moravian Brotherhood, the Wandering Bohemians, who carried the three Rosicrucian works of Johann Valentin Andreas eventually into the British Royal Society. than human help if they are to survive over the present period of chaos which is So may I know the cosmic honor flame that is entwined with strands of gold and violet as elementals weave a garland of praise to the Knight Commander of my heart. Earth's spiritual evolution takes place within a framework of numerous cycles, one of which is the 2000 years cycle dominated by one of the seven Rays as it expresses through a particular zodiac sign energy. Postal code (s) G0L 3G0. Learn why what appears to be chaos is actually the beginning of a new harmony and why disasters are necessary. LAW OF LIFE & TEACHINGS BY DIVINE BEINGS. I doubted it, I sought that on which the universe rests. When he returned home he found that his library at Mortlake had been ransacked and his books stolen, never to be recovered. He was considered a mystic, philosopher, social influencer, and an Ascended Master. To some, the Count represented the second coming of Jesus Christ, and a being who defied death, being reincarnated throughout the ages. There are several "authoritative" biographers on St. Germain who usually do not agree with one another. Le Germain Hotel Quebec. Who will be the flame of freedom that begins to build the foundations of a nation in the heart of the little child? Explore the Essential Instruction,in Unveiled Mysteries. In 1881, more than 100 years after Saint Germains reported death, Madame Blavatsky wrote, [a]t long intervals have appeared in Europe certain men whose rare intellectual endowments, brilliant conversation, and mysterious modes of life have astounded and dazzled the public mind. Nothing came into print without Bacons permission and additions. His recorded death is between 1781 and 1784, years before the French Revolution unfolded. Elizabeth Clare Prophet did the same with her St. Germain teachings that she channeled. Comenius was the archetypal Rosicrucian fallen into materialism. By Its use, any human being can Free himself or herself from his or her own human discord and imperfection of the past and present. Alice Bailey, also a theosophist, said she dictated the direct teachings of Djwhal Khul, a Tibetan Master in her many books. The doctrines of the organization are based on teachings and wisdom . Complimentary Information Package. The first two volumes, Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, written by Guy Ballard as "Godfr Ray King", describe Saint Germain as an Ascended master, like Jesus, who is assisting humanity. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. She lived in a castle on her own island. bars down, so to speak, and have released this Inner Understanding of the Mighty I AM Presence into the outer Life of mankind, that all who want the Light and will make conscious effort to attain their own Freedom and Mastery may have the Assistance which will give them the Eternal Victory. The Saint-Germain Cycle: . There is much speculation historically about Saint Germain, and even more channeled and psychic speculation in our day about his current activities. A rifle, which she was fully capable of using, leaned against the corner of the room, just in case anyone had mischievous intentions for her treasures. Can Mindfulness and a Psychology Class Make You Happier? St. Germain, as Lazarus, is the first human to ascend to the spiritual by being raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. In 1881, more than 100 years after Saint Germains reported death, Madame Blavatsky, [a]t long intervals have appeared in Europe certain men whose rare intellectual endowments, brilliant conversation, and mysterious modes of life have astounded and dazzled the public mind. Only fragments of the real understanding of the I AM Presence have been given Nothing preserves the equilibrium and serves to sustain. Dee was also an ambassador for James I to Europe and arranged the Chemical Wedding of James Is daughter Elizabeth to Fredrick V at Heidelberg. A compilation of Saint Germain's lessons are composed within The I Am Discourses of Saint Germain. In the Ascended Master Teachings he is referred to simply as Saint Germain, or as the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Light and Sound Ray in our home during 1932 by the Ascended Master Saint He considers it of such paramount importance that He dictated more than thirty-three Discourses in which He explains what happens in the outer Life of the individual when one says I AM. He also says: Nothing will bless the individual to so great a degree as the Conscious Understanding of this Creative Word. . In the 1700s, Saint Germain dazzled royal courts with his amazing alchemical feats such as removing the flaws from diamonds and became known as the Wonderman of Europe. Pageant. an international spiritual organization dedicated to spreading, and acting upon, the teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, Count Saint Germain is one of the Ascended Masters, who include: Among the others who report mystical encounters with Saint Germain include, Guy Ballard, founder of the I AM Activity, , who claimed he met Saint Germain on Mount Shasta in California in August of 1930. I only know of one poem that he wrote and I will leave you with that. Others tracked his birthplace to the Italian village of San Germano, which explains the name he was most commonly known as Count Saint Germain. They do not need to be physically present to teach others. His skills were praised by Louis XV, who provided him a laboratory and residence at the royal castle of Chambord. Ellen became confused about the two St. Germain teachings and began to question the whole issue of channeling St. Germain, which both teachings claimed to do, yet taught in diametrically opposed ways. These rituals and small comforts are powerful healing facilitators; we only need the courage to turn to them and to trust that we are on the right path. We invite you to learn moreabout this Ascended Master Instruction. Prior to St. Johns incarnation, he was the being known as Hiram Abiff, the master builder who was raised from the dead in the rituals of freemasonry, according to some accounts. Later, I saw his golden foot-prints on a path in the giant forest shinning like magic sunlight. I held steadfastly to a great dominant desire from Within -, to see, to hear, and to know, infallibly, the Truth of Life. Be Empowered. The training and preparation for Him to do this at the present crisis of the outer Marks material was beautifully inspired, but not sufficiently grounded in the practical realm. Guy W. Ballard, hiking in northern California, met the Ascended Master Saint Germain on the side of Mount Shasta. VIEW MORE > The Violet Consuming Flame Hotel. Was Rudolf Steiner the Master Christian Rosenkreutz? Ascended Master Consciousness of the Mighty I AM Presence shall ll the earth, The works of Dee, Bacon, and Comenius are examples of good intentions gone astray. But aside from Saint Germains political impact across Europe, his stature in the mystical and spiritual world is where his lasting influence was most felt. What is known is that Saint Germain possessed great personal wealth and a wide-reaching knowledge which included mastery of most European languages, the arts, music composition, and virtuosity as a violinist. Believed to have been born in 1710, many claims he was of Portuguese descent, perhaps from a Jewish family. Meditations are given to help expand Germain is the guiding light, the beacon, the example for the aspirant to follow. This pertinent question requires a good answer. 126 Saint-Pierre Street, Quebec city. Then I forgot what I had asked. Because I didnt want to outright reject Ellens offer to take over where she thought Keith and Clare were faltering, I asked her for any written works channeled through Keith that I could read. world was given us over a period of thirty years, that it might be accomplished at According to The Theosophical Society (not to be confused with the United Lodge of Theosophists) and the Ascended Master Teachings, Saint Germain was incarnated as the following. He believed himself to be the rightful heir to the throne of England and this claim was found in the coded words of the documents he printed. THE POWER OF LIGHT IN YOU IS THE POWER OF GOD, THE "MIGHTY I AM.". Where is a beginner to start on this important path of inquiry? I AM a being of violet fire, Theosophical books like, The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, by Baird T. Spalding told tales of physically encountering these masters and witnessing miraculous things. 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