WebComputer Simulation of a Magnitude 7.7 Earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Today, an estimated 11 million people live in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, according toTransRe, a reinsurance company that essentially insures the property insurance companies. Scott, that would be interesting to find out who your brother is. Rolla, MO 65402-0250 Brother Weather I agree with Ken , I have Wilkerson s 1973 book the vision , almost all has come to pass just as David said , I believe he was a great man of GOD . Between 2004-2014 that number shot to almost 900!!! It can also be interpreted as fleeing in a spiritual sense that He is commanding us that we not be partakers of Babylons plagues and of her sins. 2:5) The LORD has granted us long life and has preserved us from destruction. That would be absolutely catastrophic. Mark- thank you for posting this. ( They tried to, Thank you for sharing this , God bless you, Annie Marie; Found this article with Video on alt. He can rescue any of us but will only do so if we are in His will. It was only a 4.5, but with it being deep i am wondering if it signals magma movement. Savage: Do we love danger? The quake was felt over an area of two million square miles nearly two-thirds of the country. I am in Chicago on business right now, and I had a very clear dream. The quake that will make the Mississippi run backwards into the Great Lakes would definitely have an effect on MSP. This is that very thing. I saw an orchestra playing on the deck of a large ship. Yes We should all pray for intercession. Yes the status of the buildings there is very concerning. Mena Lee Grebin posted this earlier today here is the link to the article that she posted on FB.http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.715143. Developing a disaster contingency plan is essential as nearly three quarters of all companies without one will fail within three after a disaster. I believe God will look upon the past 20 years as famine of the Word, as years the cankerworm has eaten, years of self-seeking, years of strangers being exalted in Gods house, years of devilish music, proud preachers, money madness, empire building, years of shallowness. I think very few would expect it, and it would be devastating because how many buildings there are really built in a way to withstand a major earthquake? Monique Bizet Some of the details involved in this prophecy include an unzipping of the fault so powerful that it'll I had no idea at that time I would be leading this class, but the LORD did. Some people may not know how to pray concerning these things; many have never been taught their Authority as a Believer, so here is an excerpt from one of my books if you need some direction. They are scheduled to be voting this week on Friday April 22 !!!! Jo Ellen Stevens http://nstarzone.com/SAFEZONE.html, Interesting Merily,Im thinking I seen a correct vision from the Lord then : ), This may be for me personally or may speak to something bigger. MARK!!! Too much truth for the church to handle. Bittrex, bittrex, coinex, mexc, Binance u.s, Kucoin, This is concerning. The New Madrid Fault Line in Prophecy! Michele Burdo This reminds me of a vision I received a week or so ago. How do you move links !? In contrast, Super Church #2 he says will be the invisible, empowered, underground Super Church of Jesus Christ. There is a map also that shows the effects Lying in the central area of the North American Plate, the seismic zone is about 45 miles (70 km) wide and about 125 miles (200 km) long. Lastweek southern Japan was struck with two earthquakes, first on Thursday April 14, a 6.2 magnitude and again early Saturday April 16, a 7.1 under Kumamoto, a densely populated urban area. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya His love, kindness, and protection will never depart from us. Except for along the larger floodplains and areas of loose fill materials, the more distant, densely populated urban area of St. Louis is not expected to experience major damage to the land by liquefaction. Folks I feel the need to remind many-dont forget pet supplies. But if Houston is any indication, it looks like it wont be. United States. But sequentially, Shane saw this quake happened after economic collapse and mass rioting in the streets, then revival broke out after the quake. A 2004 HAZUS report prepared by FEMA, based on a 7.7 earthquake occurring in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, estimates earthquake damages to be $296 billion dollars across the region and nearly 730,000 people displaced from their homes. I cant find anything about it. This created temporary waterfalls along the Mississippi River, which in turn created a wave upstream; thus creating a wave which caused the formation of Reelfoot Lake by damming streams. As you listen, notice what he says causes the formation of Super Church #1 a mysterious chain of events. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-04-18/dozens-large-earthquakes-strike-speculation-mounts-japans-southern-island-may-split. He asked God to speak to me in some way while I slept to give confirmation that we should physically leave the US. Meaning a massive earthquake will cause lots of land mass loss even the Mountains huge abysss will open up. http://preparingfortheperfectstorm.com/john-paul-jacksons-prophetic-headlines/, An earthquake will occur that divides the Mississippi. I warned him of the prophecy given about the Mississippi River becoming the Mississippi SEA before he accepted the job but he doesnt really believe in all of this. Your email address will not be published. Glasgow Prophetic Centre I guess we will see. I heard the Golan heights was one of the most vital areas for the protection and security of Israel because of its location and topography. Jazzy Here is the info from JMA. By studying the geologic materials of the seismic zone, the stress buildup of an area and the historical record, a probability of exceedance can be calculated. I cant shake it and it would be very unexpected. some prophetic ring to these earthquakes so close together! Due to the nature of the bedrock in the earths crust in the central United States, earthquakes in this region can shake an area approximately 20 times larger than earthquakes in California. More broadly, it may speak of persecution of the Bride or a time when we prepare for persecution (?). Its not just you Tracy. Yes I have faith that Jer 51:6 is truly a warning from Merciful God and fear I fear God, for He is just, and His warnings are to be heeded. You can justify and stretch any prophecy to fit, but if no good timing to it, might as well throw it in the back of the closet and move on. It is amazing what happens when we quit trying to control people and just love them and watch how God works with them and does the work of warning and conversion. The indication of the alert is that Islamic militants have evil plans for that date. If it could help anyone. Theyll have to discover that on their own. Thank you RCT, but I have yet to see/find any of them.. Any specifics? Thanks! Beverly, It is said that a powerful quake in the New Madrid area would forever change the landscape of the U.S. Earthquakes that occur in the New Madrid Seismic Zone potentially threaten parts of eight American states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Tennessee. In asking the LORD for Scriptures, I was reminded of the WATCHMAN from Ezekiel 33. Hi Kathleen, it might be something I am to add to my list. In THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE it is mentioned a girl from the farm of Montezuma IA. Robin Kirby Gatto When I woke up, I knew that the body of water was in the same general location of the NEW MADRID FAULT. to set your compass to True North.) The quakes, which occurred between December 1811 and February 1812 produced seismic events measuring 7.0 and greater. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. Hands around my ankles and then planted my feet right fast on the ground! 4) Again, I went back to sleep, and immediately I had a dream of a partial map of the Americathe southeastern part. of this eventhe was shown in his dream. The subject is very close to his heart. Whitney Webb. The basic single story log buildings, which are in fact a very earthquake resistant type of construction, often shifted or sunk as parts of the areas submerged and flooded. http://injesuschrististand.blogspot.ae. The River will widen in dream ! The safest place to be is in His will, not staying in Egypt when its time to go or fleeing from Jezebel when its time to stand. I am in no way an expert in earthquakes. It demonstrates the profound focusing effect the Reelfoot rift has on ground shaking produced by earthquakes. The Angels wait along the faultline to strike it w sledge hammers. I used some of Davids materialalong with the WORD and other things. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This animation shows the simulated ground motion of the Earths surface that could occur in the central U.S. region for a magnitude 7.7 strike-slip earthquake on the southern section of the New Madrid seismic zone. N.S., Ive lifted your family in prayer. I had to look around and see if we were actually having an earthquake. Wanda Alger Its s Lie that the Left peddle to people who dont understand the process. This EQ in the middle of the countrywould make the Mississippi run in an opposite direction! Melanie, we lived in that area a few miles west of I-5 until God called us out of the US last summer. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I am very sorry you are living in this area. His economic collapse prophecy said it would happen very soon. When I read Least Expected, I immediately thought of the New Madrid fault line. Then last year speaking to me on 5-23 about this years 5-23. WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BEIT WILL BE WORTH IT ALL WE SHALL BEHOLD HIM. Also, many companies are shutting down their plants including Toyota because of the earthquakes, adding to the woes of an already fragile Japanese economy. Her cousin told her she is sensingsomething is coming. The program completely turned his life around. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. We will all be held accountable some day for what we said, as well as what we didnt say!! We all live in Minnesota. I, like many of you, trust him as a mouthpiece of the Lord. On 2/11/23, (noticed the 11, which is , ALSO, a judgment number! USGS studies have concluded that the zone has generated magnitude 7 to 8 earthquakes about every 500 years for the past 1,200 years. I understand how difficult this is, and I pray that Jesus comforts you until, I am confident that the destruction of major horticulture centers, food processing plants, shipping ports, and now the contamination of, This is dreadful! Illinois,Wisconsin,Ohio,Indiana,Michigan Ive made to understand some of these states will vanish but not all of them God will decide this. Here is one he gave on the end-time revival. It appears that this event happened at Reelfoot fault (a reverse fault) which crosses under the Mississippi River. When we call on the LORD, He immediately answers us. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history., It will cause widespread panic and fear. However, its large number of structures and their contents likely will receive impacts from shaking. Mac Slavo ill support that rick. Website is best viewed in web browser Brave. After hearing mena lee and others I asked the lord one night what did he want me to do, is this really the time? Yes Lord I pray that You will place your angels in strategic places and that You will keep Your people safe. Heres the article: http://www.charismanews.com/politics/issues/56463-what-is-president-obama-trying-to-do-to-israel. The dream it always starts with me standing in downtown Des Moines, Iowa on the Westside of what use to be downtown next to the Des Moines River. Although this shock was said to be the smallest of the four, it did extensive damage ground deformation, landslides, fissuring, and stream banks caved. In the past, I have received a few WARNINGS concerning the New Madrid Fault. Mark Shipowick is a layman, lawyer, and handyman who loves the Lord and wants to be used by Him to help others prepare for the return of His Son, Jesus Christ. 23 is the number of death. its still, Hi When we read about Gods judgement is he doing these things or is the devil doing these things because, Here is another prophecy from Chris Reed, there is some overlap: https://charismamag.com/blogs/propheticfire/prophecy-chris-reed-reveals-15-prophecies-for-2022-and-beyond/, Of course they will try to disrupt and cause confusion in a true movement of God. When the lights go out, there will still be ways to communicate.. ham radio being one of them. To live is Christ, to die is gain. http://pourvotredelivrance.eklablog.fr/suite-messages-multiples-v-c31587780, Please include a date that these were received, Please specify if your name should be used. He is with us in trouble; He always delivers us. He delivers us from the enemy; therefore, we do not fear the terror in the night or the destruction that takes place at noonday. I chose to stay back in ky due to our youngest being a senior in high school. Chinese: shenrentonggong One can move the map around and change settings, to find what theyre looking for. The Lord hears our cries and I have faith he will reach our loved ones before its too latepraying for you and your family. And thats cheap right now. Now, I am originally from Canada (Ontario) and thats a good 10-12 hours of driving from my current city in IL. Also, we sold everything in an auction about 10 years ago. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS now again if you dont think its true look up prophetess Dr.Patricia Green back in the 1960s her husband was invited by some earth scientist who kept big huge take up a whole room maps of The United States geological make up not just anyone was invited to look. Thanks. Your gift will return to you in full-pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. Golan Heights = Israel, forever. It split the country in two, though it wasnt quite in the middle, but more on the eastern side. So lack of money is not a valid excuse for disobedience. It will be massive and it is coming soon. Madrid Fault Line erupting in middle of the country. When I think of NYC I dont think of it as really being in an earthquake zone. Saints please lets unite in prayer for NYC. Prophecy Update 2023: Judgement on the Lukewarm and Great Persecution in the West. I am so glad JESUS REIGNS!! The solid straight line in the middle of the New Madrid seismic zone is the surface projection of the modeled fault, which ruptures in the simulation. New Madrid Fault. Im a little less than 6 hours from Memphis, TN (that area is considered to be near the epicenter). Been praying for family members who dont know him or have gone astray. I write this in humility, because I have baggage too. (9/23 is Elul 20.) People see indoor objects shake with magnitude 4 to 4.9 quakes, but the quakes generally cause little to minimal damage. I do know Jackson claims there will be 3 warnings before it erupts, 3 puffs of smoke from the side of the mountain I believe. When I shared it the morning, my husband said, we have to leave NOW. Netanyahu we got your back! In the second chapter of his 1974 book The Vision, hestates: The United States is going to experience in the not-too-distant future the most tragic earthquakes in its history. In 1811 and 1812, a swarm of at least three massive earthquakes struck near New Madrid, the largest of which exceeded a magnitude 8 and caused violent, damaging shaking in an area 10 times larger than did the 1906 earthquake. Hi Ole, John Paul Jackson spoke even more directly about this. Here is a link for the Cascadia quake that I mentioned in a previous comment. It is projected to be a 9.0 followed by huge tsunamis. As with everything we will see. Back in the 1800s when the first big one hit in the area, it made the Mississippi river flow backwards temporarily, and it rang church bells in Canada. Portuguese: http://www.apocalipseurgente.com.br/, French: http://pourvotredelivrance.eklablog.fr/suite-messages-multiples-v-c31587780. God promises over and over in His word to take care of us. His list is long but there were some that resonated in my spirit as having already happened or in the process. There was fire, destruction and chaos all across the city. But OOOOOHHH its so hard to watch!! divide Jerusalem. Lord Jesus, keep us safe. I asked Jesus if I was to move.I seen a vision sternly and right away . I declare that no matter what happens around us, we have a Covenant of Peace (that is, wholeness and security) with God. Seismologists estimate that the New Madrid Seismic Zone has a 25 percent to 40 percent chance of producing a significant quake within the next 50 years, according toLexington-Fayette Urban County Government. Wilkersons whole life was a testament to God. browser may not display or print as intended. Many in my own family have had this feeling that something is looming. S. Renee Felder GB all. You all have been a great encouragement to us. Those territories are not part of Israel and the status of those territories should be determined through negotiations. On Dec. 16, 1811, the first of three major earthquakes and numerous aftershocks struck what is now known as theNew Madrid Seismic Zone, a series of faults that stretch150 miles from Cairo, Illinois, to Marked Tree, Arkansas. I was exceptionally exhausted last night and opted to have dinner in my room rather than go out for dinner with friends, and I went to bed early. Back when there was only the big three on T.V,. Everyone keeps talking about a great shaking that is coming. This does at face value sound like something unbelievable, but I tell you, when you watch the videos of what that tsunami did to Japan does that even look real? That must mean that my family and I are meant to stay and roll with the flow. WebExpected shaking intensity of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the New Madrid central fault. DECLARE A HEDGE OF PROTECTION Recent news on the New Madrid Fault Zone: How likely is an earthquake in the Midwest, South? I thought of the Pacific Northwest when I read this article. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. St. Paul, Minnesota will also be effect I understood this Tennessee where the The New Madrid is located at will create an abyss 100s of miles long. It would be bad. Address: You are currently in the preparation for this next event, which He talks about a Remnant church made up of ordinary, dedicated people; and God provision for those who belong to Him- a miraculous plan for each one. If this word is fulfilled in a few weeks; we are likely to see the tsunami John Paul Jackson spoke of that precedes the west coast earth quake by a few weeks. - YouTube There is much prophecy surrounding the New Madrid Fault Line. Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 (NIV 2011). They were waiting in a line and I noticed an odd looking woman walking toward me. In this book Pastor Wilkerson also stresses the importance of waiting on God to hear Him, in personal devotions- that this brings strength, more than attending a lot of church meetings. You know to use Hebrews 4:13 Hey Z3 brothers and sisters, there is more to this story. The other earthquake that has been predicted is the fault line out in the Pacific Ocean off the Washington and Oregon coast. Kathi Pelton Expat Gal This position was maintained by both Democratic and Republican administrations. You can spend more time in prayer if youre not one of the fatalities. DDTo answer you question about the Madrid fault, if I remember correctlyin John Kilpatricks dream I believe this is another one! During Sunday prayer yesterday, as we prayed in the Spirit, I found myself saying Friday. Thank you for sharing. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff I seemed to remember that there was a connection with Mammoth Lake We lived in that area is considered to be a 9.0 followed by huge tsunamis to be voting this on... An auction about 10 years ago the farm of Montezuma IA money is not valid... Invisible, empowered, underground Super Church # 2 he says causes the formation of Super Church 2... Is not a valid excuse for disobedience have been a Great shaking is. 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