Let people begin to see the beauty of your glory in my life in Jesus name. Every witchcraft spirit assigned to prevent pregnancy in my life, die, in the name of Jesus. If you learn to pray powerful warfare prayers from 12 am to 3 am, you will become a subject of threat to the host of witchcraft and they will not be able to gain access into your life. Then we can begin to pray against all enemies both physical and spiritual forces, against our progress. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Amen. Every demonic house caging my breakthrough, I scatter your charms, in the name of Jesus. Coven of witchcraft in my neighbourhood, assigned to kill my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. I use the blood of Jesus to wash away my sin, in the name of Jesus. 29. Lord Jesus, I am about to go into today to start my day. Father in heaven, bestow your mercy upon me this morning. We must engage the power of diligence in every area of our lives so that we can be in the right position to identify and recognize opportunities and hence make productive and tangible use of them. O God my Father, send your fire to the root of frustration in my life and let it be destroyed by your fire, in Jesus name. 4. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 4. I ask for divine guidance today. Father, I will not let you go except you bless me tonight, in the name of Jesus. In praising Him we are ascribing all the glory and honour to Him because He is the only Help we have. Oh Lord, remove my career from stagnation and give me supernatural speed and taking over in Jesus Name. Every witchcraft power, causing erection failure, weakness of my husbands organ and impotency, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. We must always believe that He has done it even before opening our mouth to pray. Send your testimonies to: testimony@evangelistjoshua.com, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. The network of witchcraft cobweb over my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Show me a sign now that you have forgiven me and shower mercy upon me (Wait a little and hear Him now). It is a way of obtaining Gods favour. 9. We need to engage in the violent prayer of faith to be able to come out and be free of stubborn problems that have persisted for a long period of time in our lifes , that is why we have outlined powerful 50 prayer points against stubborn problems. My Father, use my life, business, profession and career to prove to the world that you are a God of prosperity in Jesus Name. Taking 3 am prayer points is a very important spiritual exercise. But I ask for your divine protection. Jesus, I commit today into your able hands, please take pre-eminent control of this day O God. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. I recover every blessings of the day and night the enemy stole from me, in Jesus name I loose myself from any spirit of delay in the name of Jesus. 1. Lets get to them! We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. The courage to be able to overcome any obstacles that the devil might deploy to pull me down. In the name of Jesus. All my blessings, wherever you are scattered, gather together and appear by fire, in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus clear away the atmosphere from demonic cobwebs, in the name of Jesus. Career can be said to be something someone does for a living and he or she is prepared and equipped to do it. O Lord, pull me out of the web of joblessness and unemployment in Jesus name. God has given us power to choose what we want out of life but Satan is our adversary who goes about like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour according to the text we read earlier in. Every spirit of hopelessness in my life, die, in the name of Jesus. Subscribe now. Every embargo of darkness upon my destiny, scatter, in the name of Jesus. Let every satanic human agent standing on the way of my breakthroughs, clear away now, in Jesus name. The Lord will grant me divine strength to overcome the days challenges in Jesus name. O God, arise and trouble those that are troubling my destiny at night, in the name of Jesus. An earthquake broke open the prison doors, setting the prisoners free. I refuse to be a burden on my neighbours, families and friends. Dedicate your career and financial life before God Barricade yourself with the blood of Jesus INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers between 6am - 6pm. Oh Lord, rain your showers of blessings upon my life, business and career in Jesus Name. My Father, grant me the uncommon power and wisdom to excel in my career in Jesus Name. I dont know what lays out there before me. O Lord, show me what I need to do to get a job this month in Jesus name. Arrows that flieth by 3 am assigned against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus. Anyone carrying evil sacrifice at night because of me, fire of God, paralyze them, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 100 vs 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. I am a lender and not a borrower in Jesus name. 5. Let all my hopes and plans come to pass on this beautiful day in Jesus name. 1 John 1 vs 9 says If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from every of our unrighteousness. In life there are obstacles that present themselves to us as opportunities meanwhile they are stumbling blocks to prevent us from achieving Gods purposes and plans for our lives, that is why we need to pray against every enemy of our progress. Unto You O Lord, do I lift up my soul, O my God, I trust in You, let me not be ashamed, let not my enemies triumph over me, in the name of Jesus. From this morning forward, let me continue to grow from strength to strength in Jesus name. Every unrepentant adversity working against my prosperity, receive the stones of fire, in the name of Jesus. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Prayer Room BACK TO SENDER PRAYER POINTS Esther 9:25 But when Esther came before the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked device, which he devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows. Amen. I thank you God for giving me another opportunity to embark on this night prayer programme. I receive fresh anointing to fulfill my divine dream and destiny in Jesus name. He hears our pleas and cries and He comes to our rescue. Most spiritual attacks are usually carried out from 1 am to 3 am. Every gathering of the ungodly against me, physically or spiritually, be scattered unto desolation, in the name of Jesus. Second, it gives us the ability to scatter the plans of the wicked (John 10:10). 2. 28. The Bible says in Matthew 6:6, But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Lord Jesus, I cry for mercy and forgiveness, give me a second chance, in the name of Jesus. From this morning forward, let my life be one of great example in Jesus name. I decree concerning my job, I shall receive phone calls and text messages of good news in Jesus name. Let God arise and let every enemy of my financial breakthrough be scattered,. Every witchcraft power, responsible for miscarriages of pregnancies in my life, be arrested, in the name of Jesus. You serpent of darkness, release me and die, in the name of Jesus. Through the power of Jesus Christ. Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. Every satanic plan to embarrass me, be dissolved by fire, in the name of Jesus. I renounce and reject any name which the enemy has assigned to my personality and which is used by the enemy to afflict me in dreams. All rights reserved. Let the demonic agents and operators militating against the life of my family members receive destruction, in Jesus name. The devil is always out looking for lives to destroy, destinies to terminate and children of God to frustrate and for this reason God gave us a clear warning in the scripture to be careful of the devil. Powers assigned to make me die the death of my enemies, die in the name of Jesus. I ask that you continue to shower me with love even as I go into a new day today in Jesus name. 49. Bless my spouse in his career from this morning forward in Jesus name. O Lord my father, You are the one who know what lays ahead of me today. Every stronghold of the devil over my life, be broken now, in the name of Jesus. Woe unto all satanic agents assigned to shut my doors of opportunities in Jesus name. The devil can use our mindset as a weapon to become the enemy of our progress or use humans as well. I break the curse of automatic failure working upon my life, in the name of Jesus. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety, Psalms 68:10 There your people finally settled, and with a bountiful harvest, OGod, you provided for your needy people, Psalms 139:5 You go before me and follow me. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. 2. I refuse to disappoint the Holy Spirit with the nature of my sin, in the name of Jesus. 2. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, 35 Prayer Points Against Enemies Of Progress, In life there are obstacles that present themselves to us as opportunities meanwhile they are stumbling blocks to prevent us from achieving Gods purposes and plans for our lives, that is why we need to pray against every enemy of our progress. Angels of the Lord, scatter all those plotting against my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Amen. It is even more dangerous to embark on a single day night prayer and relax. I remove every evil obstacle on my way to my miracles, in the name of Jesus. It was not actually stated at what time they stopped their prayer points. 30. INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7 days fasting and prayers from 6am - 6pm. Father by fire, break every wall of pardition between me and everyone assigned to . Oh Lord, by your fire set ablaze every spiritual headquarters sponsoring failure into my career in Jesus Name. Every step I take today, let me not fall out from your umbrella of protection. (12am-3am)! Prayers are our simple and traditional way of reaching out to God. Enemies of my success, receive failure, in Jesus name. 29. 12. You should learn to pray midnight from 12 am to 3 am. There is a great purpose in everyones life placed on such a person by God and the person wants it to manifest into reality and maximum measures. From this morning onwards, I shall always come out triumphant over all my problems, Amen. The Mighty man in battle, arise and deal with all the enemies of the night, in the name of Jesus. Join a prayer group in your church or online. We must always pray the prayer of favour so we can be a beneficiary of the favor of God. Oh Lord, let the joy of testimonies and celebration fill my abode in Jesus Name. That which hinders me from greatness, begin to give way now, in the name of Jesus. Enemy of progress envying my advancement, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus, Enemy of progress against my wealth, die, in Jesus name. Father, I am so helpless, I call you forth to help me from my situation, in the name of Jesus. I receive fresh grace and mercy to dream divine dreams of glory, honour, success, wealth, breakthrough, deliverance, family glory, restoration, peace, joy, happiness and fruitfulness in Jesus name. Witchcraft arrows fired into my life between 12 am to 3am, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus. Let the fire of God be released on every evil altar of affliction and hardship, in the name of Jesus. No right is given without my recognition. Every witchcraft servant riding on the horse of my destiny, come down now and die , in the name of Jesus. Every power working at 3 am to manipulate my day, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Send your testimonies to: testimony@evangelistjoshua.com, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. I break and scatter the altar of joblessness speaking against my life, in the name of Jesus. Travelling to countries like US, Canada,. Use the word of God against every stubborn problem in your life, the bible says speak to that mountain, so open your mouth and speak the word of God to that situation and you will be delivered. Pray more against fault foundation and generational curses. The devil will not be successful in his attempts to surly my life with storms and difficulties in Jesus name. 36. I receive grace to be diligent in my work, in the name of Jesus. I receive full time restoration of finances, in the name of Jesus. 24. By the power in the name of Jesus, I release myself from every problem introduced into my life through evil dreams, in Jesus name. My Father, connect me with my destiny helpers who will help in uplifting my career in Jesus Name. O Lord, favour me before every job interview panel in Jesus name. Spirit of rising and falling, expire tonight, in Jesus name Let the mighty healing power of God overshadow me now, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let the anointing of the Holy Spirit break every yoke of backwardness in my life, in the name of Jesus. 35 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST ENEMIES OF PROGRESS. Bestow your mercy upon me this morning, Amen. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Dear Lord Jesus, I come before you in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to where there is an opportunity, in the name of Jesus. Understand that stubborn problems are stubborn spirits of the devil as positioned in the life of a believer and this kind of problems can not be solved by man but by God, that is why the scriptures says in the book of Matthew 19:26 that with men it is impossible; but with God all things are possible. 2. 19. Oh Lord, bless the works of hands and make me prosper in all my endeavors in Jesus Name. Every evil gathering against my progress, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. 3. --Advertisements-- --Advertisements-- Many do not know the value of midnight prayers. 39. I release the fire from above to scatter every witchcraft meeting of 3 am against me, in the name of Jesus. Although, scripture does not definitively state if 3 am is the best time for believers to pray. Holy Ghost, seal all pockets that have demonic holes in my life in the name of Jesus. 47. Powers of 3 am assigned against me and my family, we are not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus. Let people begin to see the glory of God shine forth in my life from this morning forward. O Lord, let the anointing to overcome my present situation, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus. Father, make me Your sharp battle axe in Jesus name. You must live a life of holiness unto God. Father, forgive me for all my acts of unfaithfulness, in the name of Jesus. Powers that wants to terminate my life through sickness or disease,I am not your candidate, go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus. The best time to attack power of darkness that wage battle against you is during the night. O God, arise and break my yokes and difficulties, in the name of Jesus. Mornings are a beautiful phenomenon. I will continue to remain a success candidate in the name of Jesus. 3 am prayer empowers you to grow stronger and deeper. Any seed of bad dreams in my life, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus name. Let the resources of stubborn oppressors in my life dry up, in the name of Jesus. It dispatches the angel of God to work on your requests. A lot of people have given up on this kind of problem and have resigned their faith to either live with it or manage it. Let me rejoice in the joy of your people; let me praise you with those who are your heritage. Let divine earthquake shake down the foundation of every satanic prison of my progress, in Jesus name. Lord, I know you love me. O Lord, plant good things in my life in the name of Jesus. Let the fire of God consume all their demonic assignments against me, in the name of Jesus. I cannot take these prayers without asking for Your mercy and forgiveness. My Father, I shall not be a failure and I shall not be disappointed in my career in Jesus Name. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers. Let every evil trend directing my affairs be reversed, in the name of Jesus. 23. Every satanic hand against my ability to have children, be cut off, in the name of JESUS. No weapon fashioned against me this morning, for the rest of today and forever, shall have their way in Jesus name. However, this is the time where the forces of darkness are in operation. Every power of the enemy tying me down, fall down and die, in Jesus name. Midnight Prayer Points Isaiah 38:1-9, In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. 45. I send evil arrow back to the sender, in Jesus name. I release myself from every conscious and unconscious covenant with the spirit of poverty, in the name of Jesus. I command every anti-progress friend around me to be exposed and cleared out of my life, in the name of Jesus. I remove, by fire, every covering of darkness sending help far away from me in Jesus name. I withdraw my virtue from the prison of household-wickedness in Jesus name. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and Read On. Prayer is a master key. I break all the covenants keeping the evil marriage in place by the blood of Jesus. Holy Ghost, coordinate my life for effective and efficient performance, in the name of Jesus. I shall continue to grow from strength to strength from this morning forward in Jesus name. Father I paralyze every evil leg that is going about the issues of my life , in Jesus name. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. I cancel and wipe off all evil cobwebs and its effects in my life in the name of Jesus. Every evil word spoken in my home town against my family, backfire, in the name of Jesus. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. Any negative dream that triggers IMPOSSIBILITY and HARDSHIP in my life, be cancelled in Jesus name. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. Let the fire of God fall and destroy every work of the enemy, in the name of Jesus. I apply the blood of Jesus into my dream life, in the name of Jesus. in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, I declare that I shall see your goodness in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus. Angels of my breakthrough, arise and locate me today, in the name of Jesus. Horns of my father's house, scattering my lifting, die in the name of Jesus. It is the time where destinies are attacked for the purpose of destruction, stealing and weeping. Pray against any powers calling your names into cauldron. Lord, cause me and my family to enjoy divine blessing in abundance and beyond measure. Every evil arrow fired against me from the dark world, Backfire! arise and let my enemies destroy themselves, in the name of Jesus. And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. All demonic enemies of progress against my spiritual and physical ambition, be put to shame, in the name of Jesus. It can be used to unlock blessings, deliverance, prosperity, and joy from heaven. Grant me the strength this morning to get up and achieve goals. Lord, bring me to my land of favour and break through in the name of Jesus, 8. Oh Lord, every evil messenger sent to destroy my career, I command them to die by fire in Jesus Name. I acknowledge that I am a sinner. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. Get an APPLE fruit and decree divine fruitfulness into it and eat it for 7 days before you sleep. Holy Spirit, purge me of any demonic food and drink Ive even had in Jesus name (Spend at least 3 mins.). Every arrow of untimely death, fired into my brain, backfire, in the name of Jesus. I overrule every demonic decision made against my progress, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of follow follow, using my shadow to track me, So therefore, go blind and be paralysed in Jesus name I ask for divine protection from the blood of Jesus. 4. Witchcraft spirit of barrenness of my mothers and my fathers house release me in the name of Jesus. Everyone has a calling, profession, ministry, business in which he or she is actively and purposely involved. O Lord, let the anointing of excellent fall on me, in the name of Jesus. I loose angels, in the mighty name of Jesus, to go and create favour for my finances. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. I apply the blood of Jesus to dismantle the powers of witchcraft over my life, in the name of Jesus. Every power that wants to stand against me as a result of these prayers, let the thunder and lightening of God, destroy them, in the name of Jesus. I cover my journey and paths in the blood of the lamb. This means that, He sacrificed His sleep to pray all throughout the time to communicate with God. 40. Every good thing presently eluding my financial breakthrough begins to flow to it now!!! I claim back my goods presently residing in wrong hands, in the name of Jesus. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. They are warfare prayers organized by the childre. Any sickness projected into my life by the enemy to take away my money, scatter, in Jesus name. Lord, let all my problems become my promotions this year, in the name of Jesus. 4. I sabotage the operations of the powers of darkness commissioned against my life, in the name of Jesus. Let all evil counsellors against me follow the wrong counsel and let their faith be like that of ahithophel in the bible in the name of Jesus. Strongman sitting comfortably on my blessings, be unseated by fire, in Jesus name Every imprisoned and buried potentials, come forth now, in the name of Jesus. Every war waged against my progress in life, receive double disgrace, in the name of Jesus. My Father, touch every aspect of my life with your mighty hand and. #BackToSenderPrayerInBible #CursesBackToSendersBack to sender prayer is a fully scriptural backing prayers. 15. Water of sorrow flowing in the foundation of my life, be washed away by the blood of Jesus. 3. I pull down the stronghold of evil men in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus. Every spirit of disappointment going ahead of me to scatter my blessings, I destroy you today, in the name of Jesus. The 12 am and 3 am prayer is the best time to seek the face of God. I cancel every charge brought against me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. deliverance prayer points against the wickedness of the wicked, prayer against evil tongues, evangelist joshua orekhie prayer points to destroy my enemies, the God that answers by fire prayer points, prayer against enemies at work, mfm warfare prayers, wicked enemies wicked prayers, prayer against unrepentant enemies, warfare prayer points with Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. Bible Verses to use at Midnight prayers between 12 am to 3 am. 15. All evil and satanic arrows sent or fired at me in dreams from the time I was born, I render you powerless now and I return you back to the sender in Jesus name. God has many great plans for us in life and this He revealed to us in, Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, says the lord. Some people are viewing night prayer as if it is waste of time or a way of depriving ones sleep. Holy Ghost, connect me to miracles, signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus. 10. These prayers are for midnight hours. I cancel every decision passed upon me in the kingdom of darkness, in the name of Jesus. I want you to provide for me even beyond my expectations Lord. Every covenant of spiritual marriage, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. Unbroken evil covenant, break by fire, in Jesus name I frustrate every demonic arrest over my spirit-man, in the name of Jesus. From this days sunrise, my children shall stop experiencing setbacks in life in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost, coordinate my life for effective and efficient performance, in the name of Jesus. Whatever that made people not to prosper, marry and excel in my family, shall not swallow my hopes, in the name of Jesus. 26. 14. Repent and confess your weak prayer life. Whoever that does not want me to be employed, O God, arise and expose them, in Jesus name. Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayers. As children of God, one of the most important we obtain favor from God is engaging the power of prayer. 3. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Father, Whatever spirit that is strengthening the stronghold of sin should be blotted out in Jesus name. 50 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST STUBBORN PROBLEMS, Zechariah 4:6-7,says, Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link: admin@evangelistjoshua.com, or through this Email: dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Enemy of progress in my environment, receive disgrace, in the name of Jesus. From this day forward, just as the sun is rising, so will my glory continue to rise and shine in Jesus name. Don't take heavy food as from 6pm upward. The warfare prayer between 12 am to 3 am is a very significant moment physically and spiritually. 19. Protect me O Lord. Evil cobweb attached to my life, I arrest you today, in the name of Jesus. I take authority over every witchcraft dark prayer working against my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest, 1 Chronicles 4:10 He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Into cauldron and hardship, in the name of Jesus, 8 divine strength to strength Jesus. 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