The mule deers scientific name is Odocoileus hemionus. Fun Fact: They are the only British deer with palmate antlers (meaning a similar shape to hands or feet). if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. They can also weigh between 150 to 250 pounds on average, while the females weigh between 110 to 165 pounds on average. Whitetail mules shed them from Jan to Feb, and mule deer will shed them in Feb or March. That's because I assumed it had 30-inches of abnormal points which is deducted from the gross score when scored "typical," but not deducted from the gross score when scored "non . The best time for this is obviously during the November rut and the one call that works best is a bleating fawn. A freelance writer of over 5 years, Thomas combines his passion for the great outdoors and writing skills to provide expert information & guides. On the other hand, it can mean that your soul and spirit needed cleansing. Realtree is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including those with disabilities.2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Bucks have antlers whereas does have no antlers. As an avid outdoors person (hunting and fishing mostly)I love to mention and link to various products and gear I use. Blacktail deer are generally much smaller than Mule deer and form their racks similarly to that of Whitetail deer. Click here for Deer Tracks Chart The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 405 lbs, while the black-tailed deer weighs 225 lbs at its maximum. Also, mule deer tend to be much more laid back and less jittery. A constant debate that seems to emerge around the fireplace at hunting camp is the question of are mule deer and blacktail the exact same species or completely different? Your email address will not be published. Yet, the obvious difference between the two deer is that the blacktail has less white on the rump and a blacker, thicker tail than the mule deer. The blacktail is notorious not only for being difficult to hunt, but just to see one. Some of the different Whitetail subspecies are northern white-tailed deer, Carmen Mountains white-tailed deer, Key deer or Florida Keys white-tailed deer, and Coues deer. Mule deer antlers grow in a bifurcated way. According to Western states Departments of Natural resources, if a Blacktail deer moves further west, it becomes a Mule deer. Yet, the obvious difference between the two deer is that the blacktail has less white on the rump and a blacker, thicker tail than the mule deer. If youre going out hunting mule deer or whitetail, make sure you know the difference between the two so you dont end up shooting the wrong one. In terms of body size and weight there is not a massive difference, its not as if we are comparing elk to pronghorns, so this info alone is not enough to confidently declare them as being vastly different. This is when its tail is the most prominent. The fur of the mule deer is brown with a reddish tone in the summer months. I'll try to post some pics, I've got quite a few scrapes. White-tailed deer does, or females, can breed at 6 months of age. Sitkas also are larger in the body. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_16',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Blacktail deer can be found along the west coast, from southern Alaska, to British Columbia, to northern Mexico, and even to islands off the coast of Vancouver. Their antlers are appealing, because of the velvety fur covering those. Dr. Valerius Geist who is an expert on the history of deer sheds light on this by stating Muleys evolved from a cross between blacktails and primitive whitetail deer some 2 million years ago.. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer weighs up to 225 lbs, grows 3.7 ft tall, and measures between 4 and 5.5 ft long! Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. In the Pacific Northwest and into Canada and Alaska, you can find Blacktail deer. Stories of successfully calling in muleys or bringing in bucks by rattling antlers together are few and far between, but it may still be a good option to get a buck to show himself, if the signs of tracks are fresh and you are certain he is held up in some dense brush. 2) are our most common deer subspecies. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. Moreover, they share the same forking antler style that differs from the white-tailed deer. Your email address will not be published. And solidly in Blacktail country. What to put in water when boiling deer skull. Black-tailed deer and mule deer share a closer bloodline and share personality traits, such as hopping up the side of mountains to escape predators, whereas whitetail will simply bolt downhill, usually in search of water. You can also find them in the Southwest U.S. and up and down the western coast of North America. Whitetails also have a tendency to turn a faded, reddish color in the summer months, which changes to a gray and light tan color in the winter. On their own, its easy to tell if you are looking at a Mule deer or a Whitetail. Meaning that they fork as they grow. Anyone hunted or have experience with both? An important point to mention is that there are two recognized types of blacktail deer, the Columbia blacktail and the Sitka blacktail. Specifically, theyll eat prickly lettuce, Gambel oak, quaking aspen, rice grass, goldeneye, and a wide variety of other foods. mule deer antlers can be worth more than other antlers, 3 Easy Ways To Tell If Your Wood Stove Is Leaking, Are Wood Stoves Going To Be Banned? The average mule deer will grow between 95 and 330 pounds in weight, 2.8-3.9 feet in height, and between 4 and 7 feet in length. Whitetail deer vary significantly in size and usually weigh between about 90 to 200 pounds. Have more success. Mule deer usually have small or missing brow tines with bifurcated antler branching, which means tines that split once off of a main beam, and then again toward the tips. This white portion of the tail can only be seen when the deer "flags" or . White-tailed deer and mule deer have slightly different reproduction and mating cycles. Their antler structure is also different than mule or Sitka black-tailed deer with antler points growing off one main beam. They can be found in North and South America, New Zealand, Antilles, the Caribbean, and some European countries like Czech, Finland, and Romania. However, Northern populations have lighter, and Southern populations are darker comparatively. As a result, the only weight many hunters obtain for their deer is a field-dressed weight, leaving the whole weight of their quarry unknown. . The black-tailed deer has a much smaller range than the mule deer, even though they overlap in some areas. When a whitetail is in danger or alerted, it often raises its tail straight up. Mule deer does weigh in between 100 and 220 pounds, whereas white-tailed does come in anywhere from 90-200 lbs. White-tailed deer and black-tailed deer differ in many ways. Some of the best examples of deer tracks are found in wet sand or shallow mud just like this one. Whitetail deer gets its name due to its whitetail. Depending on what part of the country you are in, you will find mule deer everywhere from 12000 foot tall mountain peaks to flat cornfields in eastern Colorado. You may also like: Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Columbian white-tailed and black-tailed deer share the same habitat in some parts of western Oregon. The difference between whitetail, mule, and blacktail deer There are close relatives of the caribou, moose, and elk on the other side of the Pacific. The black-tailed mature bucks, specifically the Columbia blacktail deer, weigh in around 150 to 200lbs with the does coming in considerably lighter. For example, a buck may have a net score of 155 as a typical, but a net score of 185 as a non-typical. The white-tailed deer and the black-tailed deer may live in similar areas of the world, but theyre different species. The blacktail deer is a subspecies of the mule deer. That makes it important for hunters and other wildlife lovers to know the visual difference between the two. How to distinguish Columbian white-tailed and black-tailed deer It can mean that your soul is pure, your intentions are meant to benefit you and other people, and you are on the best path for your life. As evident from the height and weight differences, mule deer have a more muscular look with broader shoulders, a thicker neck, and a larger head to support its larger antlers. If they are much smaller, a fawn probably made them. A whitetail gets its name from its tail. Hunters must still obtain a hunting and/or Public access to lands suitable to huntcan be a challenge. Deer are native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica, and many species have been widely introduced beyond their original habitats as game . Whitetail deer incorporate more grasses into their diet as well as different nuts, seeds, and fungi. Whitetail deer is probably the most common deer found in North America. Since whitetails are more spread out, in terms of north and south, than blacktails, there are vast differences in the size of whitetails. Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, Fig. Copyright Jesse's Hunting & Outdoors L.L.C. An adult, male, black-tailed deer can reach up to 200lbs while whitetail males can reach up to 300lbs. That said, telling a buck from a doe track is an art. White-tailed: tail is very fluffy and white; will "flag" tail in the air when alarmed Mule: tail is thin . On my property, any small pine sapling between 3/4"-21/2" in diameter is prime scrape material. The rut runs from early November to late December, and just like any other male of the species, the big bucks will drop their guard and all common sense goes out the window as they chase the does. The white-tailed deer is known for having a bushy brown tail with a white underside for which it is named, while the black-tailed deer has a shorter, less bushy, black tail. Blacktails in the rainforest are a very different creature from even the chaparral bucks. They are mostly browsers and do not spend much time grazing. Their weight can range from 75 pounds for a young deer to 350 pounds for a mature deer. In most cases, the mule deer will have significantly longer ears than a whitetail. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? I graduated from Rowan University in 2014 with degrees in English and Education. As stated earlier, their antlers are also much different. The most obvious difference between these two species is their tails. Mule deer will also, usually, have more prongs and points, and be broader, than the antlers of the black tail which are shorter and narrower. Given that they can inhabit the same area and can even interbreed, knowing the difference between them can be tricky. They have much larger home ranges and of course winter ranges. The white-tailed deer measures 150 lbs to 405 lbs, grow 1.7 ft to 3.9 ft tall and measures 3.3 to 7.2 feet long. Here are just a few other examples of Mule deer subspecies: California Mule deer, Cedros/Cerros Island Mule, deer desert/burro Mule deer, Rocky Mountain Mule deer, and Tiburon Island Mule deer, just to name a few. Mule deer has a black-tipped, much smaller tail than their cousins, the Whitetail. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. Mule deer do not have this. First there are estrus doe bleats, which they make when they're in heat but there aren't any bucks around. Deer Meat: 10 Things You Should Know About Venison, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Caught in Maine, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Canada. The black-tailed deer is a subspecies of the mule deer. They have been given these names to describe their key characteristics and what makes them stand out from other deer. Their range extends south as well. Hey I'm Karson. You are using an out of date browser. United States Department of Agriculture, Available here:, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Available here:, N.C. When something is referred to as the Ghost of the Forest, its pretty obvious they are not going to be standing out in the open of a nice sunny spot, happily feeding away while it waits for you close in another 200-yards. In North America, one of the single most abundant game resources available to hunters is deer. Many plant and animal species exhibit albinism (including humans). WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. But there are telltale things to look for. However, the species has a variety of subspecies, including the black-tailed deer. Predator Hunting (Coyote, Bobcat, Fox, Wolf, Cougar, etc. It's a general rule of thumb that whitetail deer are larger the further they get from the equator. Dont fret. Mule deer developed as a hybridized species between blacktail deer and whitetail deer, probably on the Rocky Mountain front. Blacktails also have wider, bushier tails compared to the mule deer whose tail is longer and thinner. The antlers of the mule deer and blacktail are bifurcated, which means they fork as they grow. Blacktails, on the other hand, have all black tails. Deer Bleats Doe bleats, much like grunts, have numerous variations, all dependent on a given situation. Furthermore, the white-tailed deer stands up to 3.9 feet tall and grows 7.2 feet long, while the black-tailed deer stands up to 3.7 feet tall and 5 feet long. However, the black-tailed deer has a thick, puffy, black tail. This is a basic formation or pattern. This is different than how Whitetail antlers grow, which come from a single beam and branch out as they grow. 32+95=127. Ok, so the scientists and research articles that are focused on the taxonomy lineage and genetic makeup of a species have concluded that the mule deer and blacktail deer are in essence the same species. Coat colors greatly vary in mule deer and whitetail deer species. Western north america has more mule deer and black tailed deer. Whitetail deer have spread out more than mule deer. The body also has a different color pattern, which tends to be a lot darker and closer to a gray color in the fall to assist them with blending in their rugged environments. 2019 - Reliable Outdoor Reviews. Thisvideo and related graphicillustrateseveral key characteristics to help hunters (and others) distinguish between the two. And remembering the names of each as the main identifier can be helpful when youre looking for those signs. In mating season and other times of the year, however, mule deer appear to form larger herds of females who all share the same mother and males from different families. Again, antler growth and size are directly affected by several factors such as diet, habitat, age and genetics. When you add up the clues, they'll tell you if it's a buck or a doe. Two of these species are often confused with one another because they share many similarities; the mule and blacktail deer. Deer hunting is a great way to spend quality time with the ones you love. Folks that are really good at hunting whitetail and then hunt blacktail, are usually found standing in the field with their mouth hanging open, wide eyed, and wondering what just happened. Depending on the location, the climate, and the time of the year, it should be fairly easy to tell the difference between the two. Breeding season: Late September to October. Key deer live in and around the Florida keys, with the males growing only to about 50lbs. See also: Coues Deer vs Whitetail Deer: Differences & Comparison. I guess the old saying It isnt the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog, holds true. The Antlers Most pure mule deer have forks in their antlers. . Site by Gray Loon. We may earn a small commission on purchases made through our links. The blacktail deer doesnt have this feature, with the fur on its rump being the same color as the rest of its body. Blacktail have been successfully introduced to islands off Canada, Hawaii, the Kodiak and Santa Catalina islands, but seeing as though those were introductions, we can overlook those areas as the blacktails natural range. This will be at no cost to you. Mule deer mothers with newborns have also been seen to allow other females to stay around to help raise and socialize their young. Salem, OR 97302
Mule deers have a tendency to stay in large social groups when herding or foraging, while blacktail deer will rarely stay in a large group, usually only when feeding, before moving off on their own. Mule deer are on average larger than the blacktail deer. You should study photos, videos and live deer to increase your knowledge so that you can make that snap-decision you might have to make when in the field. Thanks, Mule Deer vs Whitetail 8 Key Differences To Tell Them Apart, Mule Deer vs. Whitetail Deer Visual Differences, indigenous to the Western North American belt, Mounting And Sighting In A Rifle Scope Updated [2021], Elk vs Moose The 7 Key Differences To Help You Tell The Two Apart, Best Single Stage Reloading Press Top 5 For 2021, Best Rubber Hunting Boots Reviews And Buyers Guide, Best Light For Coyote Hunting Full Buyers Guide, Best Night Vision Scope For Coyote Hunting Full Buyers Guide, Best Coyote Decoy For 2021 Full Buyers Guide. Neither species has to flick their tails up to notice the difference either. The most apparent differences between these two deer lie in their tails. This is not the case with Blacktail deer. Alfalfa is easily digestible but will not come cheap. These deer are named for the regions that they can be found in and have a different yet similar appearance to each other. Yet, mule deer have very different tails compared with black-tailed deer. However, the black-tailed deer has a black non-bushy tail. These deer are found throughout all of Central America and portions of northern South America. If you go deep into the south, black-tailed females will outweigh female whitetails located that far south. Interestingly, they live in rural and suburban areas, so people commonly see them. They will shoot up their tail and run at the first sign of danger. Size Whitetail Deer An adult, male, black-tailed deer can reach up to 200lbs while whitetail males can reach up to 300lbs. Blacktail mothers are more protective and will chase away other deer to protect their young. Genetic samples from far outside of the "cross-over" zone were used to establish those value ranges. Both mule deer and whitetail deer hear extremely well. Adult buck mule deers can range from 4 to 7 feet long and can stand up to 4 feet tall before their antlers. Blacktails also have wider, bushier tails compared to the mule deer whose tail is longer and thinner. Be educated. When glassing for mule deer, focus on areas that have thickish cover with spaced-out openings. Thanks for visiting Walk and stalk if you please, but remember that blacktail knows every trail, leaf, branch, clearing and mud pile in that area and so while you stumble along, kicking rocks, stepping on dry branches and making your presence known to every animal on the Pacific coast, that blacktail has slipped further into the dark forest without you even knowing it was there. Also, most mule deer will have very short brow tines, or none at all. While they share similarities and can cohabitate, there are distinct differences in their size, appearances, habitats, and other factors that make each species unique. The females will go into heat for a 24 hour period and most go in to heat in November in the northern portions of their range. During hunting seasons, whitetails prefer thick, brushy bedding areas, while mule deer often choose shady spots near the tops of ridges where they can survey a large area for danger. For a very rough on the hoof estimate on an average sized deer. This example will show you how to read a pointsummary report. Taxonomically, they are the same, but you can see a clear difference in each subspecies when you view them. Mule deer have a darker forehead than that of a whitetail deer. Its when you start looking a little closer that youll start to notice some of the physical differences. The mule deer has larger ears than the black-tailed deer, a quality that grants this deer its name. Thanks for visiting The most obvious one is the fur on the rump of each deer. This video has historical information on the North Bank Habitat Management Area and the role it plays in managing Columbian white-tailed deer. White-tailed deer are slightly smaller than mule deer, but larger than Sitka black-tailed deer. Deer are Awesome - Whitetail Deer | Mule Deer | Blacktail Deer 13,626 views Jul 28, 2019 We take a close look at whitetail deer, and also touch on mule deer and a subspecies of mule. As stated earlier, their antlers are also much different. Do you want to enter your opinion about a specific issue into the public record? Mule deer have longer, pointy, and floppier ears than whitetail deer. So for instance, a buck comes in and you can see a 7" G2, a 6" G3 and a 3" G4. in 2011 the plaintiffs noted in oral arguments before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that the difference is between a claimed 21 deer per square mile carrying capacity in the project EIS, . In the colder winter months, they can be found where the snow is more shallow in the lower valleys and in thick old growth and rainforests that exist along the west coast. Its often said that, despite the mule deers size advantage, a whitetail will win a fight between the two nine times out of 10. The tail of a hybrid looks very much like a typical whitetail, but is frequently much darker. A black-tailed deers antlers will branch from the main beam. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. They also live in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Canada. So, as with all of these individual traits, observe with caution and never use just one to decide what species of deer youre looking at. Whitetail are the oldest living species of deer at 3.5 million years old. Whitetail deer have standard-looking tails, with glaringly bright white when they are alert and flick their tails up. They both have similar life spans, living for about 10 or 11 years in the wild and can live up to 20 years in captivity. White-tailed deer are one of the most common in the Americas, but there are some less-known creatures, like black-tailed deer. Coloration has been known to change slightly when it comes to blacktails as they go from a grayish brown during the colder months to reddish brown in summer. This is actually a pretty unique characteristic as most other deer in North America have white tails, hence the whitetail deer, while mule deers have mostly whitetails with a small black tip. These deer are found within coastal regions, and their size results from living in that biome. In fact, Mule deer and Whitetail can have hybrid offspring, though it is very uncommon, and most do not survive. They cannot mix with other species of deer. Black-tailed deer primarily range in Britain Columbia and Alaska. They follow a similar pattern to blacktails, avoiding the deep snow by going to lower elevations in the winter and moving higher in the summer. Bushnell L Series 10x42mm Realtree Xtra Binoculars. It's almost impossible to distinguish between the East Siberian moose and the Alaska moose. Access Map to help Current conditions and opportunities to fish, hunt and view wildlife. White-tailed deer eat a greater variety of foods because they can access more foods. They can be considered the same sub-species. Mule deer have this antler formation that roots up like a fork; it further fragments it into two more forks on each prong stemming from its skull. They rarely branch off anywhere besides the main tine. Whitetails are subject to a different phenomenon than blacktails, which is Bergmanns Rule. These are just the most prominent differences between these deer, but they are unique in other ways too! Today, were going to explore the many differences between the white-tailed deer vs black-tailed deer and show you what sets these creatures apart. Another major difference between these two creatures is their antlers. Big game hunting and deer hunting especially have been around for thousands of years. That's why we have theOregon Hunting
Mule deer are identifiable in the way they move, too. by Lakna. The most noteworthy differences boil down to their size, color, and region where they are found. Summary: 1.A buck is a male deer, and a doe is female deer. Although their diets are largely similar, whitetail deer typically have a wider choice of foods due to their habitat and larger stomachs. Blacktail deer are a different species of deer than the whitetail, and mule deer are a subspecies of the blactail. Blacktails prefer mild winters and humid environments. A whitetail is a whitetail, and there is nothing else like it. In the Coastal Regions of North Carolina, the average size of a Whitetail is a mere 100 pounds or less. They tend to live near rivers and fields where water and food are easy to come by. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? Copyright 2023 Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Oregon Disabilities Hunting and Fishing Permit information. Most tracks are between 2 and 3 inches long on relatively hard ground. The easiest way to tell them apart is by their size and tails more than anything else. Dr. Valerius Geist is considered the #1 mule deer authority in the world. White-Tailed Deer vs Black-Tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? But mule deer also have some white in their tails, so whats the difference? Research shows that at this age, most bucks have achieved 50 to 75 percent of their antler-growth potential. . However, these measures depend on which subspecies of black-tailed deer you encounter. Patterning is as simple as finding the migration trails. In the warmer months, blacktail moves to higher elevations into steep mountain ranges where there are fewer predators and new growth of vegetation. Mule deer have smaller stomachs than whitetail deer, meaning that they also must be more selective in their diet and choose foods with a higher nutritional value.
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