At first, I thought there was no way this was intentional. My father taught me how important family is. Driving pin straight and determined are her MO. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. They're having fun. She just didn't sound right. I dont believe the Taconic Parkway crash was an accident. Perhaps she had a horrible headache who wouldnt with 5 kids under the age of 10 in the back seat? Brian was born November 17, 1959 to parents Dennis Schuler and Janice Eckhart. "He doesn't seem to remember right now," Ruskin said. 11:45am: An eyewitness reports seeing a woman fitting Dianes description, hunched over as if vomiting, on Rte. That morning she had a raging headache and 5 screaming kids according to the campground owner. Recommended. I have thought about this case in and off through the years. Emma reports seeing a sign that reads Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown. Diane takes the phone again and Warren tells her to wait there. So she comes up with a plan, and takes off, heading north at the first opportunity; maybe she thinks she can find a place to sober up and come up with an excuse for the strange phone calls. A context-free grammar (CFG) is a set of rewriting rules that can be used to generate or reproduce patterns/strings recursively. Michael Bastardi, 81, and his 49-year-old son Guy Bastardi were killed, along with family friend Daniel Longo, 74. Posted: 02 May 2020. But, why gel tabs? I just happened upon this post. On that bright sunny day 10 years ago, families were shattered in a fiery crash that killed . Then you have suffering, horror and the . Only her son Bryan, then 5, survived. Home \ Uncategorized \ bryan schuler 2018. On July 26, 2009, Diane Schuler, 36, was driving the wrong way down the Taconic State Parkway in New York when her minivan slammed into an SUV, killing Diane, her young daughter, three nieces, and three passengers in the other vehicle. Im sorry to hear about some of your family history. We lose far too many people.far too young. Every adult in this book handled their grief in varying ways but I found it distasteful that the four little girls who perished are largely ignored and the author goes on to trash Jackie Hance who is suicidal but tries to do some good with the money people donated. I think what was really going on was that they were so much in grief and were just not able to come forward. If anyone knows please pass it along. She gets back in the car. Thats so sad about your aunt. In my day it was called depression. I am amazed how the support of her community carried her through her darkness. Her babies did not have fetal alcohol syndrome, so she was probably not dependent on it yet. I believe she drank and smoked pot with her husband on weekends and camping trips. Sources have come forward to say that Diane was unhappy in her marriage, felt trapped, and was aware her husband was having an affair (the babysitter at the press conference who later moved in)? She may have turned out of Sonoco the wrong way because maybe she made a stop somewhere else or needed to make her drive longer so she could drink her OJ & vodka. The car contained her own two kids and three nieces. The 5-year-old boy who survived the accident is recovering from his injuries. A woman that tightly wound depended on several substances to maintain, add to that food and shopping. He had been married and get this, his last wife was so punked out by him she couldnt get out of the bed in the morning. I bought this book to see the Bastardi family's side of things. I said, What do you mean? I could hear Alyson crying in the background. At all times herein mentioned, plaintiff, DANIEL SCHULER, was a resident There was none. Unbearable tragedy: Jackie Hance lost her daughters Alyson, seven (left), Kate, five and Emma, eight in a horrific car crash. Bryan Schuler, the sole survivor. My brother was always there for me. Thank you so much for your kind feedback. I also understand their anger and desire to find answers. Doesnt even notice cars screaming by her because her brain is only able to do that one task. IE 11 is not supported. An eye opener for all. At this same time, the minivan passes through the Tappan Zee toll plaza. She was not an alcoholic," Schuler said Aug. 6. And it would be reasonable to ask that Daniel Shueler not profit from the acts of his wife that day. Im not buying all this crap. He was supposed to have showed up at the campsite on Friday but didnt show until Saturday. The campground keepers see the family leave and report nothing suspicious. I agree with other readers that there was a lot of venom in this writing. We know she self medicates, if you saw her prescriptions, Hydrocodone, Tylenol with codeine, ambien numerous prescriptions all habit forming for a tooth she wouldnt get fixed likely for drug seeking. Bryan was in the back of the family's van when, police say, his mother, Diane Schuler, left an upstate New York campground and drove the wrong way for nearly two miles down a Westchester County highway. What you may not know is that this version of the story comes from the perspective of the Bastardis - the oft forgotten family who suffered their own tragedy that day. Multiple witnesses call 911. The only accurate one Ive seen! She pulls into a gas station and goes inside to see if they have any aspirin. What I found was a book that created conflicting emotions for me. Loss of consciousness. The crash was caused by Bryan's mother, Diane Schuler, who cops claim was drunk on vodka and high on marijuana as she sped down the Taconic Parkway in the wrong direction. Recovering from broken bones and severe head trauma, Bryan is back at his . Thanks for your interpretation. Its been almost 10 years and it still puzzles me. Additionally, she was seen possibly vomiting by the side of the road on two separate occasions so she likely consumed more than 11 shots of vodka that morning. They spent the weekends together doing family activities but, how close Danny and Diane actually were remains questionable. Lots of inconsistencies; for example, I dont know where the information about Diane looking for Tylenol came from, I believe I read the attendant refused to cooperate; the little girl who talked to her dad said nothing about her aunt having problems seeing, that was something the surviving little boy told his aunt when he had recovered and was in her care. As a child Brian was very active and enjoyed playing many sports including basketball and baseball. Written after viewing the notes her husband Michael was keeping, the book is based on his story detailing the drunken driving accident that drew worldwide attention. Perhaps a long-aching tooth finally caused her such intense pain that it induced a stroke which would account for her disoriented state but what about her blood alcohol and THC levels? And why was an alcohol bottle found at the crash site rather than in the trunk of her husbands car where he had initially put it? All of a sudden, a red minivan comes around the curve at 85 mph going the wrong way and collide with the men head on. It depends on how much you drink and how long its been going on. There was a problem loading your book clubs. Her husband admitted she occasionally smoked pot to help with stress. Ashley Flugel: Bryan Kohberger's rumored 'gay' girlfriend died from heroin overdose in 2018, claim sources. Auto Brewery Syndrome is a disorder/disease that causes your stomach to produce massive amounts of ethanol after you eat a meal high in carbohydrates. Anybody thought about her suffering incest with those little buggars and that led to her never ending depression? 1:10pm: Four wrong numbers are dialed from Dianes phone. As haunting and eerie as it is, I dont believe its a mystery. I think Diane was hungover when she started the drive and the stop at McDonalds brought on nausea (it does it to me sober), and she decided a vodka/OJ was the answer. Bryan Schuler's mother, Diane, drove her minivan the wrong way and caused a three-car collision on the Taconic Parkway on July 26. Tylenol is known to be a pretty surefire way to commit suicide and is more readily available than some other means (gun, poison, etc). Bryan enjoyed Racing, Classic Cars, Snowmobiling, and Fishing. Show us the receipts, Danny. My father taught me how important family is. 11:37am: Emma calls her father, Warren Hance, on Dianes phone, to report they are running late. And she snapped that day. If you are looking for answers or some information not found elsewhere, this is not the book for you. Schuler's husband, Daniel Schuler, has repeatedly defended his wife, saying she was not a drinker and insisted that the toxicology report was wrong. No. Wonder how Danny Schuler is doing today? But was that true? . I think she always had one substance or another on board and this particular morning she woke up in an altered state. She is closed mouth about the case which is understandable as no one wants threats of lawsuits. Updated: 13:12 EST, 18 July 2011. You can usually find me at Washington in the mornings and Schuler in the afternoons. Perhaps there was tension between Danny and Diane. This case has so fascinated me that I friended Jay Schuler on Facebook. Diane was a type A control freak who had to have things her way and had a hard time relaxing. A few questions I wonder about are: if she was drunk, why did it appear that she was driving determined and straight on the wrong side of the highway? They may have been associated with this . Brian was severely injured as were two other people in a third car involved in the crash. The Bastardi family are right in wanting justice. I read Jackie Hance's beautifully written memoire of her heartbreaking and unimaginable loss of her three little girls before I read this. The Evidence That Diane Schuler May Have Experienced Auto Brewery Syndrome. Up until now the story had been all about the Schulers and the Hances; if the Bastardis wanted their story told they were going to have to do it themselves. Assignments included . However it is quite repetitious and not surprisingly has a lot of grieving in it from the Bastardi family who suffered a tremendous loss with the deaths of two family members. Your email address will not be published. When Diane had two children and had to continue maintaining the perfect facade, I imagine she began to crack under the stress. '', Hance on daughters: 'My greatest desire is for people to know them'. One little boy (her son) survived with life altering injuries. Id be curious to hear your thoughts and continue the discussion after you read Part II: I just wanted to be with the girls so bad that I got so emotional and so fixated on seeing them again, Jackie said. I should say at the outset that this book is not a slick, polished piece of prose. 17 outside Middleton. Dianes mother left her at age nine, and she was left with brothers? In one interview, Danny dismisses the notion that he didnt really know his wife beyond a superficial level: Shed talk to me if things came up, he said. The accident turned even more tragic after authorities revealed that toxicology tests showed Bryan's mother was drunk and stoned as she drove against traffic. Maybe a new one. I think she took one the last night of the camping trip, or maybe had been taking them, and the Ambien caused the confused fugue state she ended up in which could be the reason she drank from the vodka bottle. The way some of the witnesses describe her intense straight drive on the wrong way lane. Bryan . That makes sense. Danny describes bouts of impulsivity, especially around shopping, which may indicate some impulse control issues for Diane. I think she got out of the van to talk to her brother, and he maybe confronted her, asking if she was drinking; or he believes its a medical issue. She had ample opportunities to get help including just stopping the damn car. He was born on August 25, 1961 to the late Perry and Betty (Fowler) Shuler. In Dianes case she always appeared normal and NOT drunk. It just gives you a meaning again, Warren said., Can Auto-Brewery Syndrome also manufacture a big Vodka bottle, like the one found in the crash? Linda, thank you so much for your thoughtful reflection. Here is my theory: Diane was a closet alcoholic. The vehicles seemed to explode as they hit. The Hances were stunned, as they had had no reservations about leaving their children with Schuler. I found this book when I finished Jackie Hance's book about the tragedy. Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2018. Every theory has a credible source. Neither is it objective or balanced and why should it be? Again witnesses and video show her as sober and acting normally. Anyone with a hangover and red weed eyes would understand this behaviour. Please try again. Subscribe & Hit That Bell So You Don't Miss A Video! However, she and her husband, Warren, visited a fertility specialist, and she, Jackie has written a book, Ill See You Again,. By this time, she might be blackout drunk but still thinks maybe she can sober up on the way home, and all she can do is concentrate on the lines on the highway. Page 3. Diane never recovered from this trauma, refusing to seek professional help for the ways this affected her, and refusing to discuss the issue at all, even with close friends. This case was filed in Orange County Courts, Orange County Courthouse located in Orange, Florida. "He is a miracle child, there is no question about it," Ruskin said. Whats Dannys rush to get home? Lots of people are highly organized and have had trauma and do not have some illnesses. I do believe it is entirely possible Diane was a closet alcoholic and people either didnt know or refused to know/were in denial. One error thoughethanol is a liquid, not a gas. As Danny describes it, Diane would begin her Christmas shopping in July and the attic was neatly packed with clothes and toys for the children for years to come. She didnt get gas at the Sonoco because she stopped to go inside to find pain relievers. Who knows. What a detailed and totally believable theory. This is a post regarding the 2009 Taconic State Parkway crash. Even if thats not the case if Diane was suffering from ABS, which is very rare, people would have found out about it way before this accident because Im sure a McDonalds breakfast isnt the first time shes consumed a lot of carbs in one sitting! She calls her brother and tells him she is having trouble seeing. I have three questions that I still havent found answer to: Were all the kids in the back or was one in the front seat? Fair enough. Create a free website or blog at And third, why does Diane stop at the gas pump at Sunoco but not get gas? Oct 15, 2017 Drew Hensley 0. sign me up! He had no family, thank dear old God again. Thomas Ruskin, whois investigating the the crash for Barbara, said that authorities have not interviewed Bryan yet. When she died, Diane Schulers BAC was .19 and rising, considering there was undigested vodka in her stomach. He claims Diane was sober and just fine, perfectly capable of caring for five children and getting home. This documentary explores the depth behind the case of a woman whose vehicle collision killed numerous people, including herself. 1:15pm: Warren calls Diane again, gets her voice mail. So, what happened? Dianes husband, Danny, and sister-in-law, scoffed at accusations that Diane drove drunk and high with five kids in the back seat. I think her actions that day were intentional for whatever reason and she needed to get drunk & high for the courage to do what she wanted to do. Jeanne Bastardi has written a sensitive account of the death of her father in law, brother in law and six other people in a sickening car crash on the Taconic Parkway, NY state, in 2009. By Divya Kishore Updated On : 05:56 PST, Feb 23, 2023 . 2:50. Was shopping one of the ways Diane self-soothed and kept her demons at bay? I have such a difficult time believing this woman downed a bottle of vodka while driving a van full of her children and nieces. The three men, all from Yonkers, were on their way to a family cookout in Yorktown. Her family, including Jackie said they never saw her drink or act drunk. I dont know how he could not have known, at the very least. Warren speaks briefly with Diane, reporting nothing unusual about the call. The whole 4 hour torture ride goes on and Diane is supposedly sick. 10:46am: Diane stops for gas. For example, S ABB A 0 B 1 B 2. 7am: Diane wakes and begins getting her two children (Brian, 5 and Erin, 2) as well as her three nieces (Emma, 8, Alyson, 7, and Kate, 5) clothed and ready to get on the road, headed home. Second, why are there no calls between Danny and Diane during the drive? Her tolerance must have been high enough that she seemed normal to Warren and Jackie Hance (and if shes a closet alcoholic, this makes sense) in a few of their phone calls. Show enough interest in other people and maybe theypry about who I am? The most likely scenario is that she had been drinking the night before and had not metabolized the alcohol. So, why, then, was her blood alcohol content 0.19? Rounding a curve in the road, she rocketed head on into an oncoming SUV. Im no expert and this is just a possible theory. Maybe she found something out that was disturbing. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Schuler's lawyer told the Post, "As the attorney representing Bryan and Erin Schuler, I'm doing what needs to be done to protect their legal interests at this time." But even a private . He parked his car on the side of the highway, and walked out in oncoming traffic. Fracture plus head trauma he suffered as part of the injuries at the accident.". It's strange how the police could not get the employee to talk to them (as stated in their report) but the Schuler's miraculously could and that statement amazingly fits their picture. Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Dog Ear Publishing, LLC (August 23, 2011). Check out my podcast! Bryan Schuler was associated with Wlns USA in 2018. I was raised in an Italian-American family. (Of course it was empty, it was smashed). The kids went to bed around 9:00 PM Saturday night while Daniel and Diane stayed up. The crash killed the woman; her 2-year-old daughter, Erin; three . I found this book when I finished Jackie Hance's book about the tragedy. Maybe she still had alcohol in her system when they left the campground, so she would not necessarily have to drink a lot to raise her BAC a bit. I truely feel for their loss and pain. I think she did have drug and alcohol dependencies but harder to spot when you use prescription medication, food, shopping, alcohol and unchecked control issues. Ive never read where she was at the Sonoco for 12 minutes nor did she get gas or smoke a cigarette. Written after viewing the notes her husband Michael was keeping, the book is based on his story detailing the drunken driving accident that drew worldwide attention.Jeanne has a degree in Business Administration. Schuler, a 36-year-old Long Island mother of two, was at the wheel, drunk and high, headed south at 70 mph in the northbound lane. Maybe she felt like it was better for her kids to die than to be with her lousy husband. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. By the grace of dear old God, nobody in the car that hit him died, a family from a Midwestern state in the USA. 11:30am-12pm:Eyewitnesses report seeing a red minivan driving erratically and aggressively on Rte. There was no audio on the video camera, and the store clerk was reportedly not talking to anyone. Oct. 16, 2009— -- Nearly three months ago, 5-year-old Bryan Schuler witnessed the wrong-way crash that killed eight people, including his mother, sister and three cousins. Required fields are marked *. I too had wondered about the gel cap pain reliever that she sought at the Sunoco station. Address: PO Box 1012, Polk City, FL. Im also Jackie Hances friend on FACEBOOK. She by all accounts appears dead sober. Current address 409 W Lowell Ave, Shenandoah, IA 51601 B. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. Diane Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces also died in the crash. Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2013. And, with Dianes history of self-medicating, secrecy, and impulsivity, the level of risk goes up exponentially. I dont know where the info on pain relievers comes from. Meanwhile, Barbara announced Monday that his client, Daniel Schuler would not be charged with anything as a result of the crash. The investigator, reportedly, came to the same conclusion. Persons with PDs are famous for not voluntarily seeking out mental health treatment. She takes Ambien and Vicodin. . Dad gets up early and leaves with the dog. Actually, I heard in one interview that the private investigator hired by Dianes husband said this. So, she gets in the car, and they leave. It was caused by mother of two, Dianne Schuler who inexplicably drove her mini van for nearly two miles at high speed, on the wrong side of the road on Taconic Parkway. "Something medically had to have happened.". on Rock Center With Brian Williams on Friday. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Witnesses said they could see kids in the backseat swaying back & forth with her erratic lane changing but they never said exactly where the kids were sitting. I read Jackie Hance's beautifully written memoire of her heartbreaking and unimaginable loss of her three little girls before I read this. When Jackie Hance and her husband lost their three daughters in a two-car crash nearly four years ago, she felt she was too broken to be a mother again. With a head injury. At the moment she left the phone behind, she was literally standing right across from the police barracks. Michael Bastardi Jr. On July 26, 2009 Diane Schuler packed up the campsite, piled five children into her minivan and headed for home on Long Island after a weekend of camping, a drive that should have taken two hours from upstate, NY. They are two of the greatest people the world will ever have known. Were the sisters moved to another spot after this came to light? She never did anything to excess because she used them all enough to stay afloat in a medicated state. She was at the gas station 12 minutes. I also think its likely that Diane was upset with Danny. After all, Dianewas due to be home in less than 2 hours and could have gotten her preferred medication then. I believe Diane started drinking at the McDonalds around 10am, using the orange juice as a mixer or chaser. Also, at McDonald's she buys two large cokes. "Someone spared this child from this terrible, horrific accident.". Being hypoglycemic myself I have reached for alcohol to raise my blood sugar fast, because I was in a panic..its frightening.. From what I have read sometimes using the alcohol can make the symptoms worse instead of balancing your sugar levelthis is just my observation.. As hypoglycemia worsens, signs and symptoms may include: Those close to Diane claim she was the perfect image of a doting mother and aunt, a hardworking executive bringing in a 6-figure salary, and practically a teetotaler. In addition the fact that he didnt think getting his son into therapy had any point and that he and Diane had a relationship built on avoidance of issues, well tells me she had no way of working through a major crisis. 9; Bryan Schuler. She was practically a teetotaler, they claimed. I would especially like to know why no one has explored the Ambien angle. Her sister-in-law . Nearly a dozen other calls to her phone go to voice mail over the next 20 minutes. Jan 24, 2018. She had phone conversations with her brother during her drive back from the camp. The Floral Park couple lost all three of their children in a wrong-way crash on the Taconic Parkway in 2009.Four others were also killed. Bryan M Schuler is a resident of Shenandoah. Excellent synopsis of this tragedy. Perhaps a medical emergency, and that is why she stopped for Tylenol. OTOH, I do think its possible she had a migraine headache, which could explain her inability to see well. Diane Schuler, a 36-year-old . Hello! He stated that he never wanted kids and now here he is left alone to take care of his surviving son. Accounts taken from actual police reports, witness statements, depositions, and investigators.Takes a look at the failure of the justice system and the making of a cover up. I believe Diane intended to kill herself and either didnt care if she took others out with her or, worse, planned to take others out with her. Bryan passed away on September 27, 2022 at the age of 61. This video answers the questions: Can I analyze the mental health and personality factors that may be at work in the Diane Schuler case? Being from the UK I only recently heard about the tragedy that this book is written about. That woman is beautiful and courageous. If the hypoglycaemia is very severe and prolonged, it can even cause loss-of-consciousness and death, although this is rare & Blurred vision was the most common visual symptom reported during hypoglycemia (73.3% of all participants and 65.0% using CGMS), followed by dimness of vision (44.7%), black spots (37.1%), central black hole (34.3%), double vision (15.3%), and transient complete loss of vision (2.8%). Showed up at the Sonoco for 12 minutes nor did she get gas calls Diane,. 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