Now, what are these spirits in prison? You are only repeating the words of Christianity. There were instances when kids. After listening to your sermon, your life walking with the Holy Spirit, God is using you to minister to me and HS reminds and gives me the desire to go back to have intimacy with Him in lock closet. Days later, I was watching a documentary on the life of Oral Roberts. David says that God exists outside of time and I dont necessarily disagree with that statement by itself, however, I thought according to David that the CONTEXT DICTATES MEANING.. Well, David, it would appear that you have taken Psalm 90:2 COMPLETELY out of context if your interpretation is referring to God existing outside of time. Carriers of the Glory: Becoming a Friend of the Holy Spirit, Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible, 25 Truths About Demons and Spiritual Warfare: Uncover the Hidden Effects of Demonic Influence, How to Become a Friend of the Holy Spirit: A Feature Teaching With David Hernandez, Praying in the Holy Spirit: Secrets to Igniting and Sustaining a Lifestyle of Effective Prayer, Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn (Download in PDF), David Diga Hernandez Biography, Wiki, Age, Net worth, Teachings, Wife, Books and More, Glimpse (Official Music Video) by Kim Walker-Smith (Chords and Lyrics). 2 Corinthians 2:5God loves you very much. They go to grave Hades where there is NO WORK, NO PLANNING, NO KNOWLEDGE, AND NO WISDOM. You quickly surpassed them in corruption. God uses man to accomplish His purposes but man dies. Have a good day. Ministry and Spiritual Position were not even a concept in my mind. If Gods initial intent was for man to be obedient, then God sure set that stage for man to fail. A popular and charismatic evangelist, David is also a healing minister, author, and TV host. David has written over 12 books in total. Amen. Hell is immoral. Do you ever ask the Holy Spirit Why when someone is called mad? May God bless you David in the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost Amen. y recuperar mi casa, Your email address will not be published. God-ordained people cant serve globally if they live in poverty. I began to hear the voice of the Lord at the young age of seven, but I did not come to know Jesus until I was eleven years old. Easily offended? He inserts his interpretation of some scriptures as to justify the pagan belief of an afterlife. However, as he gained popularity in the '90s, Hinn admitted he became "distracted." Pay close attention here the scriptures NEVER state that Samuel came back from the dead. In 2016, he released two books, Carriers of the Glory and 25 Truths about Demons and Spirit Warfare. Encountering the Holy Spirit soon followed in 2018, reaching number on the best sellers list. Written By David Diga Hernandez The Church needs the Holy Spirit. God says, I WILL ACCOMPLISH WHAT I DESIRE and that includes desiring that all of humanity be saved. Davids ministry sessions are associated with the holy spirit, healing, and salvation of souls. How is it that Christ can plainly state that nobody goes to heaven but somehow Christianity has convinced its members that they will, in spite of what Christ says, go to heaven when they die? God doesnt last forever because He is eternal, God lasts forever because He is IMMORTAL! God, I said, I want you to use me like you used him. I continued to pray that, while still full of doubt. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood. Now, David breaks down his arguments into four sections as follows; 1. Pray for us especially were planning to build our church here in the Philippines. First of all, the way Matthew 10:28 is translated in the New Living Translation makes it appear as though one can live without a body but that is not the case. David quotes Matthew 25:41 which is one of Christianitys most favorite hell justifying verses and then he goes on to explain that Tarturus is the place prepared for the devil and his angels but David lies again. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. Do we have a second witness of scripture that testifies to God using demonic forces to execute His purposes? If you are going to be critical then at least be diligent enough to read the material before you offer your thoughts and opinions about what you think I know or believe. You have to keep adding wood or the fire and smoke will go out. My walk with the Lord began at the moment of my salvation, but my ministry, I believe, was started at another point. 2014 - 2023 Marathi.TV - All Rights Reserved. So I preached my first sermon the next thursday. Ministryhood came naturally for him because it flows in the family. (LogOut/ While we are still lying in bed, let's give thanks and fill our minds with Scripture. David Diga Hernandez (born on March 22, 1989) is an American televangelist and faith healer who hosts a Christian television program on JuceTV, a subsidiary of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). (Thought it might help someone reading this.). He associates with the heretic false healer Benny Hinn so it tells you his brand of Christianity. THERE IS NO SUCH SCRIPTURE! Guess what!? Luke 16:1 He also said to His disciples: There was a certain rich man who had a steward, and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods. There is actually quite a bit of support that the early church never believed in a hell until after the church was immersed into the ideology and imagery of European mythology. I would often display the wrong slide or mistype a word. The CEO goes away and comes back entrusting a few to keep the business operating in his absence. It was a regular Sunday morning church service. Love this! Some days this is how it feels, and the truth is things can always get worse. Notice at the very bottom of the list of Greek words, you will see Strongs G166 and the word AIONIOS! The teaching of hell is rank blasphemy and these ministers of the devil promote it with pride. The fact that he thinks this is even literal is hilarious! David talking about universalist using biblical gymnastics is humor food. Shalom. He doesn't feel . The New Living Bible Translation is not necessarily a bad translation but if you take a look at the Wikipedia page of the New Living Translation Bible, this is what you will read concerning its own translation philosophy; The New Living Translation used translators from a variety of Christian denominations. It is amazing how some people can have such courage at a young age. Naturally skeptical and analytical, I am the last person who should have ever been put into the healing ministry. To tell me that I dont get the idea of hell is arrogant because you dont know what I get. There is NO such thing as the afterlife There is life and then there is death. This is not an ordination program, so all may take this course. Experienced and new believers alike will benefit from a rich, Bible-based exploration of the presence, purpose, personality, and power of the Holy Spirit. Now, I have spent a lot of time dealing with the Greek word aionios, but now this word has been connected with this Greek word kolasis but what does that word mean? Show Encounter Podcast with David Diga Hernandez, Ep Condemnation vs. This verse begins with telling us that the righteous perish and what does that mean? A persons reality is only interpreted and understood through the mind based on ones life experiences and circumstances. Its a really good thing for me that I could careless what you think. It seems you are easily offended. The Greek word in question here is tartaro and this word is a VERB It is not a noun a person, a place, or a thing you know like what we learned back in 1st grade TARTARO IS A VERB and it has absolutely NOTHING to do with Christianitys pagan hell. He heads an international healing ministry based in Southern California. I saw in the book of Acts that they spoke in tongues but they were speaking in other mens languages. Once a person reaches that state they are essentially dwelling in heaven but this is not achievable without the mighty works of God. How about sharing the actual gospel instead the perverted > anti-gospel that Christianity spews from its pulpits I started this blog > about 6 years ago and havent collected a single dime from anyone. Sodoms sins were pride, gluttony, and laziness, while the poor and needy suffered outside her door. He says to his audience that theyll hear very far-fetched and stretched explanations about the explanation of Luke 16 and then he says that the universalist does a lot of biblical gymnastics to try to get around the very clear meaning of what the bible says David then quotes Luke 16:22-23 which is very interesting because he doesnt even quote the entire passage but he quotes those two scriptures because of the word Hades. The context of Psalm 90 has to do with TIME as if refers to mankinds experience of God. You cant shove your convictions on me and expect them to overrule what I know. Lets allow the scriptures to teach us and not Davids unholy interpretation. Gehenna defined as the post resurrection place of torment might not be too far off from an acceptable definition although I will confess that I do not share Davids zeal for people being tormented. The Greek word kolaz defined as to lop or prune as it refers to gardening is actually a GOOD THING and this metaphor is applicable when it comes to understanding the purpose of Gods judgment. ; 208 pages . When he returns, he reviews the work of all his employees and especially of those he entrusted with his business. God gives, and God takes away so at death, you no longer have the spirit that God gave you but this doesnt mean that God has forgotten about the dead. Ladies and Gentlemen the bible translators left aionios UNTRANSLATED in this bible verse because they knew it wouldnt fit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I seriously do not understand why you keep using that spurious word. Davids continues his square circles logic by quoting Psalm 90:2 in an attempt to justify his own foolishness; Psalm 90:2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. You have marked them with the seal of one baptism; now make them one in the fullness of faith and unite them in the bond of LOVE. No, the Valley of Hinnom is a SYMBOL but what would Christ use the Valley of Hinnon to symbolize? I will give to a man of god, that puts 90% of donations, into the gospel message of redemption/ souls salvation gospel harvesting! Very simply put, the rich man died and he was buried and where do dead people go? Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever (not forever but beyond). David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author and TV host. The preachers net worth could be approximately $1 million. I will bring your ministry up to my pastor at Calvary chapel Im sure youve heard of Calvary chapel since I dont know anything about you. Notice how David chooses not to quote his favorite bible translation for this verse because it doesnt say what he wants it to say. It has been suggested that this thought-for-thought methodology, while making the translation easier to understand, is less accurate than a literal (formal equivalence) method, and thus the New Living Translation may not be suitable for those wishing to undertake detailed study of the Bible. A refiners fire? I love your Ministry. Monday, 27 February 2023 04:58. David Diga Hernandez, Encountering the Holy Spirit in Every Book of the Bible 0 likes Like "The key to receiving this daily, fresh empowering of the Holy Spirit is to think in terms of moments. 1.6 million salary, thats a lot of money. Well, thats interesting The real issue here is the idea of punishment. I really dont know much about youI just want her to be careful and to look towards God for what to believe. Dead: deprived of life, no longer alive, lacking power to move, feel, or respond. We live in a culture that celebrates almost any behavior, no matter how sinful, yet the slightest misstep could be the catalyst of our social and financial ruin. For anyone to suggest that this is an example of Gods higher justice is out of their mind. God cannot not die.. Man is NOT immortal so mans experience with God is age-lasting. David travels both domestically and internationally and his TV show (Encounter TV) is available in millions of homes globally. You only offered your silly opinion with nothing to back up what you say with the only exception being what you think. David Diga Hernandez 101K views Streamed 2 years ago The Beast System and the Last Days - LIVE Encounter Service - Denver, CO David Diga Hernandez 380K views Streamed 1 year ago Passion. I didnt even do that good of a job, though I tried my best. Due to the fact that David spends a lot of time interjecting his personal ideas of universalism into his video, I will not waste a lot of time addressing such statements. Every time I think of that miracle service, I am reminded of this scripture: It was a small thing, but God moved in a big way. And Im thinking once the price is paid, through our suffering, and the lesson learned hopefully, then we are allowed entrance through the gate. God bless u richly, abundantly, and use you globally. The word preach in 1 Peter 3:19 comes from the Greek word kryss and it is also translated as the words proclaim and publish in addition to preach. David was only 14 when he wrote his first book, followed by Living a Life on Fire at the age of 16. It is so refreshing and inspiring and I want to know more. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); For requests, complaints, suggestions or queries, contact us via E-mail below, Keith Moore Wikipedia, Age, Wife Phyllis Moore, Family, Net worth, Bio, Kellie Copeland Wiki, Husband, Married, Age, Daughter, Net worth, Bio, Laurie Crouch TBN :: Age, Birthday, Illness, Wiki, Matt, Children, Family, Gloria Copeland Age, Wikipedia, Health, Net worth, Wealth, Biography, Suzanne Hinn (Death, Funeral, Dead?) The Bible truth is still true despite the instrument using it. There are no varying degrees of hell and there is most certainly no purgatory. Christ is talking about the judgment of God for God is a consuming fire but this is obviously symbolic language for God is not a literal consuming ball of fire. He married Jessica in April of the same year. Instead of dividing people with the gospel, you might try uniting them. Praise God for your love and walk with Jesus. The first thing that you need to understand is that the Epistle of Barnabas although not a part of biblical canon was a letter written in GREEK not English so the use of this writing points to more of an argument at the credibility of bible translating. Pastor Benny grabbed my wrist and pulled me forward. God is LIKE a consuming fire in certain ways. MAN ATE A PIECE OF FRUIT! The Real Gospel of Christ, <> wrote: The Real Gospel of Christ commented: What would I do for the sake of the > gospel? Be aware of who you choose as mentors. However, I am interested in where that money is going and how the ministry is serving. They had no idea what hit them, as they picked themselves up from the floor with very confused looks on their faces. I think heaven is probably what God makes it to be. Ironically enough, if we are looking for solid evidence outside of scripture, there is little to no evidence of a hell outside of the evil fantasies of the pagan religious. A new youth leader had stepped in and began to lead the youth group I attended. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author and TV host. It is certain that humans can desire or wish for a thing and not actually have the power or the resources to make whatever desire or wish they have come to pass but please tell me what would stop God from getting what He desires? Appears to have been gently used. I have one older sister, Raquel and one younger brother, Michael. My intellect was curious to understand the philosophy and cosmic ability of Jesus. Enroll for free. Ive noticed a trend with you though and you continuously add in your little passive aggressive threats proving that you are a victim of the same fear mongering garbage that Christianity uses to brainwash people into becoming weekly church building attendees. I cannot believe that Davids listeners are so easily fooled by such square circles logic. Here is a question to the reader in regards to Matthew 18:8, do you really think Christ is instructing his disciples to literally cut off their hands or feet? He says that hell get criticized and that no one has ever been able to come up with a good explanation for his interpretation of Luke 16. I sobbed tears of joy, as the perfect love of God dispelled all fear. And that will be the price you pay. It was simply all of Gods doing. I started listening to his messages for a few months and it has been a great blessing. You say that universalism stems from the idea that man has a higher morality than God. All thanks be to God that we do not have a God that is a terroristic monster painted by the church. Davids argument to this clear and logical position is to suggest that this makes hell the savior. Before David begins his teaching he takes a moment to basically call universalist arrogant for thinking that our understanding of the scriptures is right while the thousands of bible experts and bible translators got it wrong. Men lie, David lies.. Who is the Restrainer? Its a lie. Justice involves doing what is right, not getting even, which is exactly why Christians despise the word of God. He is also an author of several books that make him money passively. Amen. Wealth isnt the issue. As for universalist rolling their eyes, Id rather roll to the Ezekiel 16:43-55; But first, because you have not remembered your youth but have angered me by doing all these evil things, I will fully repay you for all of your sins, says the Sovereign Lord. That would appear to be a more plausible explanation but in his own argument, he attempts to deflate the idea that Luke 16:19-31 is a parable. David Diga Hernandez - Watch Sermon: How to Know You Have the Holy Spirit: 7 Signs. That is not good news but that evil garbage is what you choose to believe. The lesson is designed to achieve a life of love. The revelation of the mystery of the preaching of Jesus Christ was KEPT SECRET SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN next verse; Romans 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting (SAME GREEK WORD AIONIOS) God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: Now wait a minute The bible translators left aionios UNTRANSLATED in Romans 16:25 but then they somehow remembered to translate it as everlasting in the very next verse? It is amazing how someone like David can express that he wishes that God would save all of humanity but then goes on to preach a sermon full of heresy to make sure that God will not save all of humanity. Think about it like this Lets say a CEO of a company goes away for business and says he will return but nobody knows when. This is Christ dying for the sins of the world and then promising that he will return. This witch does NOT have the God given power to resurrect people from the dead but what she does possess is the power to access false spirits or demons and this old man that Saul perceived in his mind was a demon. John the Baptist was an angel, not a heavenly being but simply a messenger for that is what the word means and John the Baptist is called a messenger from the same Greek word aggelos. EVERYONE is subjected to death because of Adams sin so in the like manner, EVERYONE will be subjected to life through the righteousness of Christ to be made alive and free from death that will never have any future dominion. In another shift in the New Testament, David attempts to take on the Greek word aionios and he begins with quoting Romans 16:26 & Hebrews 9:12; Romans 16:26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith: I find it very ironic that David chose to quote this scripture not even realizing that this is one of my favorite verses to prove how bible translators manipulated the scriptures, the same bible experts that David boasted about when he alluded to the rigid arrogance of universalist. David says, When you violate the holiness of God, you are violating an eternal holy standard and therefore the punishment is just.. Jesus did not live in luxury and, as far as I know, did not have a home. Is this a clear enough explanation? My main influences were these four men: my dad, my grandfather, Eddie Vargas (Ill tell you more about him in a bit) and my pastor, Omar Lopez. That would be like a math teacher using and outdated math book to teach their students. At all? In Davids introduction into describing what he calls, the heresy of universalism, he states that the position of the universalist is that ultimately, everyone will end up in heaven, whether they receive Christ here on the earth or not or whether they receive Christ is this life time or not. There is limited detail about what Jesus actually meant when He used the word Gehenna but I think we can agree that Jesus was NOT referring to literal physical fire. I really dont think youll know until you realize youre there. So how is God like a consuming fire? Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. I hear youre a great healer I want my daughter to be very careful God warns us about false prophets. Shifting back to the New Testament, David again attempts to justify that the Greek word aionios pertains to an eternal afterlife. Your sins are so terrible that you make your sisters seem righteous, even virtuous. For two years, I prayed for over 4 hours each day. David was born on March 22, 1989, in Artesia, California, and was brought up in a Christian family, so it was no surprise the life path that he took. To further illustrate the CONTEXT of this Psalm, lets read the first verse to see if the from age to age theology makes sense. Everlasting to everlasting? Having listened to Davids preaching, he always reminds us that our focus must be on Jesus the Lord all the time, failing to do so is; making us at risk of deception. The scriptures do NOT lie Man lies David lies. 14 min; FEB 6, 2023; Praying with God's Authority Praying with God's Authority. Shambach,Michael Koulianos,Raul Nunez,,Robert Sanchez,Kelly Lohrke,Kim Clement, Donna Neville, Esther Bloom I could go on for paragraphs. The other employees do not get to experience the special cruise. Other powerful ministers of the word of God we have covered are Toni Collier, Sam Collier and Myron Golden. We love you brother David! For all good you see in me, give Him glory. But there were other internal problems. For He has put all things under His feet. But when He says all things are put under Him, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted. What was the first supposed eternal holy standard that man violated? Prophet, Man of God, Pastor, International speaker, father & follower of Jesus Christ. God created the garden and put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil IN THE MIDDLE of the garden. There was no agenda. Skin diseases, asthma, broken bones, eye problems these and many more things were being healed. But thats a digression from the story. I am praying for you. Related videos. This statement has been objected to by Christians who believe that the Bible has no record of such a statement. Video here Hernandez notes that because of religious fragmentation and cultural change, the simple message of the truth now gets labeled as "intolerant" or "hate speech". Pastor Eddie assigned me to my new ministry (without my consent). We prayed for the power of God to invade the school. You can only fill a cup so much before it begins to overflow. David ASSUMES that Christ is talking about the afterlife but Christ is talking about no such thing. The truth is that tartaro simple means to cast down and hell was added so that Christians could include their religious fantasy right into the word of God. The person I knew only as a historical figure, had now become my Lord and my God eternally. Do you not see how he just inserted Greek mythology right into the scriptures? Thank you so much for your teachingsI am so blessed by just hearing them over and over again! Does that qualify as conspiracy theory connecting of the dots as you so fervently intend to purport David? David Diga Hernandez (@digahernandez) Instagram photos and videos digahernandez Follow 1,306 posts 234K followers 156 following David Diga Hernandez Public figure Friend of the Holy Spirit. Why even stop at all? Uhhh? Christ says that those born of the spirit are like the WIND so it is clear that these words have a connection with each other. Is that not a matter of time? I was stuck with a doughnut in my mouth. Believers do NOT need eternal life for when they rise in the resurrection to life, they are raised in spiritual IMMORTAL bodies that can never die. I know you think Im upset but I can assure you that I am not upset in the least. He heads an evangelistic healing ministry based in Downey, California. David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author and TV host. Hitler tortured his victims but guess what? If you Google Tarturus, you will see a bunch of information about this word and how it comes from GREEK MYTHOLOGY! What would I do for the sake of the gospel? I get that a lot. Not wanting to be placed into a category of Youth Speaker, I began to pray for other open doors. He has a younger brother named Michael. If the word of God says that the dead KNOW NOTHING then shame on the person that tries to convince you or anyone that the dead actually do know something which is exactly what David attempts to do. They manipulated the scriptures to continue perpetuating the LIE of an eternal everlasting hell. Im a born-again Christian who gave my life to Jesus 30 years ago. In Revelation 1:18, Jesus says that he has the KEYS to HADES and DEATH but we all know that Jesus isnt talking about literal keys. Doesnt the bible say that Christ died for the sins of the world?
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