Hayley had also been a keen bowler since the 1980s, when she competed in the East Lancashire Semi-Pro Guild. Eventually Hayley decided she'd had enough and told the girls herself. Roy suggested fostering instead, as they would be able to help more children, and Hayley agreed. Brian Park: We had hoped for her to be a sympathetic character and we didn't want to make her big and blowsy and looking like Pete Burns." "[11] Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. Furious that the police weren't investigating Alex, Hayley refused to accept her bail condition and was remanded in custody. Most just want Roy and Hayley to get together." Calling out, Anna and Carla go to the bedroom and, to their shock, find a deceased Hayley on the bed, with Roy's arm around her. Hayley and Roy were something of an odd couple; they were not overtly romantic with each other, their bond being an emotional rather than physical one. For Hayley's sake, he gave his approval, but he let his true feelings slip on occasion. At that point, they could not legally marry as under UK law Hayley would be recognised as a man. Anna lets her in and tries to stop Carla knocking on the flat door, but she does. In many respects, the Croppers were very different and this was reflected in their other interests. They seemed to be back on the road to normality when Tracy dropped a bombshell she was pregnant, and Roy was the father. Hayley Patterson was devised as a young, shy woman who would fall for Street anorak Roy Cropper. When her father had an accident, Hayley became her dad's home carer and what life she had outside the house was reduced to nothing. New to the Street, Fiz found Roy and Hayley old-fashioned and caused trouble by reporting Roy for hitting her when they tried to crack down on her skiving off school. His relationship with Hayley started out platonically, meeting for the first time over dinner at Alma's flat. For Hayley's return to the programme some months later, a communication was established between the production team, including Julie Hesmondhalgh, and a trans advisor, Annie Wallace, associated with Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group. Hesmondhalgh won numerous awards for her portrayal of Hayley, but announced her departure from the show on 11 January 2013. It being a big step for them, Hayley and Roy were very attentive and enthusiastic, much to Jackie's chagrin, but overall it was a pleasant experience for them. The following day, Hayley tells Roy to let a few people know that she only has weeks left but does not want visitors. After rummaging through her things, she finds a prescription for some hormone tablets and assumes Hayley is menopausal until Tracy tells her that Hayley used to be a man. During Ben's adolescence and childhood, he was. [11] The actress recorded her final scenes on 18 November 2013, being screened on 20 January 2014, and the producers came up with a dramatic exit storyline for her character. Inspired by her work with Coronation Street, and encouraged and mentored by Hesmondhalgh, Wallace entered a Manchester drama school, and went on to become the first transgender actress to play a regular transgender role in a UK soap opera, Hollyoaks, in 2015, playing school headmistress Sally St. Claire. Some time later, her dad regularly attended day centres, and Hayley went out to work as secretary to manager Curly Watts at Firman's Freezers in Weatherfield. Coronation Street's handling of transgender issues, the uncertainty of whether her partner would accept her gender identity and the inability of transgender people to adopt children or marry, has been praised by transgender groups. As a child, she was lonely due to having no friends or siblings, and felt out of place among the other boys. Who drove the Ford Escort in fast and furious? Roy and Hayley see an opportunity to raise a child and pay Tracy 25,000. Eventually, they found a female vicar who would help them, and they were united in a blessing ceremony held in Roy's Rolls on 23 April 1999. Hayley also played a part in the drama surrounding Tommy Harris's murder. Transgender groups were also largely unhappy with the storyline, and found Hayley's original character traits, as written, clichd and ill-informed. In October, Hayley and Roy joined a cancer support group, where they met a couple, Jane and Jeff Rayner. In 1999, the writers decided that Hayley and Roy would marry. She was appearing in Much Ado About Nothing at the Royal Exchange Theatre when she was spotted by a member of the casting team and subsequently asked to audition for Coronation Street. Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) notices that Roy is even more unhappy than usual, and asks if he is alright, but he claims to be fine. As a result of this change in the law, the Croppers had a legal wedding in 2010. Rejected by Roy, Hayley confided her troubles in Alma, also revealing her sex change to her. Hayley was alarmed at her friend's rapid deterioration and revealed to a stunned Roy that she wanted to end her own life when the cancer spread, before her morphine dosage was high enough to make her delirious. On her return to the caf, she makes it clear that she blames Roy and this causes problems. The character Roy Cropper is played by 72-year old English actor Daniel Neilson who has been invested in the role since 1995. The following week, Carla insists on going with Hayley for a CT scan where Hayley is diagnosed with stage-two pancreatic cancer. In 2009, Hayley was tempted back to the factory when Tony Gordon offered her the position of manager in his absence, although with the return of co-owner Carla Connor, Hayley returned to her old machinist/supervisor role. [13] Wallace is now an actress in her own right, and appears as the character Sally St. Claire in the Channel 4 soap opera, Hollyoaks. However, they do get to the venue on time and Hayley marries Roy. Roy plays "The Lark Ascending" by Vaughan Williams, and sits on the bed with Hayley. ' (50 Years of Coronation Street: The (very) Unofficial Story, JR Books, 2010). Spurred on by a nightmare in which she was still Harold and had never met Roy, she decided to try and make amends with Christian. Anne Malone froze to death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Curly Watts for rejecting her. In the wake of the Wayne incident, Peter Hartnell told the Croppers that their fostering suspension would be lifted, but the couple never fostered again. Who was the father of Heather Trotts baby? With Anna Windass's encouragement (after Roy let slip Hayley's plans), Roy lied and told Hayley that he had changed his mind. [8] She took maternity leave from the soap between 2000 and 2001 after the birth of her first daughter. [11] Hesmondhalgh revealed that she wanted to pursue new projects, saying "I've had the most wonderful and happy time in the life changing 15/16 years I've been in Corrie, and I owe so much to the show and the special team that make it happen. Coronation Street legend Julie Hesmondhalgh has revealed she moved in with her now husband after just one week of dating and was pregnant within six weeks.. Julie, who played Hayley Cropper on the . Upon her return, she faced the disgust of the residents, Hayley among them, although Hayley was one of the first to forgive Carla. She hires a private investigator to track him down and introduces herself as his aunt. Wayne later returned and stayed the night, feeling safe with the Croppers. Roy found the situation difficult to accept, but agreed to stand by Hayley provided she was honest from now on. On being a woman playing the role: "I know a lot of the transsexual community were upset that it was a woman playing the part of Hayley, and not a transsexual. When she saw Anna wash a glass from the bedroom, Carla realised that Hayley had taken her own life before the cancer reached its final stage, but she respected Hayley's choice not to share her plans with her and didn't pursue the matter further. She briefly left him and went to stay with Alma, before deciding to forgive him. Roy decides not to tell Hayley his true feelings and they listen to music together after a stressful day. Her anger was typically directed at her circumstances, rather than her tormentors. The Croppers were reconciled when Roy bought Hayley a salsa dress as a present. Hayley chose to end her life in the company of devoted husband Roy The final scenes of long-running Coronation Street character Hayley Cropper have been praised by critics as brave and emotionally . Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group, were particularly concerned with the direction of the storyline, but after the first two months a trans advisor connected to Press for Change, Annie Wallace, was regularly consulted for eighteen months by scriptwriters and the actor, and trans groups appeared happier with the stories and scripts that resulted from this liaison. When Hayley decided to end her own life when diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer, Roy refused to support her, seeing it as selfish on her part to take herself away from him, cherishing every possible second he could spend with her. One of the first things she did was to make a bucket list of everything she wanted to do before she died. Hayley enjoyed talking to Christian about Harold, but while she plucked up the courage to tell him the truth, her lies became more elaborate, much to Roy's disapproval, whose one piece of advice on the matter was that she couldn't build a meaningful relationship on a lie. In March 2000, Hayley attracted the attentions of Stuart Leigh, a builder working on the Medical Centre development. In an eventful six years in the Street, Becky loved and lost, achieving some of her dreams but constantly arriving back at square one, partly because she always thought that any happiness in her life was temporary and sooner or later she'd blow it. Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and, in a story twist, decide to end her life on her own terms. With nobody else in the mood for talking, Roy bored the rest of the table with his dry stories, but he had a captive audience in Hayley, and took her out for a drink afterwards. What do you expect to happen for her to wake up 1 day and decide she wants to be a man? The Croppers struck up an instant bond with Wayne, but although the quiet lad hadn't said why he ran away from home, as Alex left with Wayne, Roy saw him hit the boy through the cafe window. The woman that inspired Coronation Street's Hayley Cropper has spoken publicly about being transgender for the first time. When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalgh's performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for In April, Hayley received her father's inheritance and went to Amsterdam for her final operation. Hayley is later cremated following a humanist funeral. On hearing that Hayley didn't have anyone else in her life, Alma and Mike Baldwin held a dinner party with Hayley, Curly, Audrey Roberts and Roy Cropper as guests, but the intention to matchmake Hayley and Curly was obvious and embarrassed the pair. Hesmondhalgh has insisted that it was a "right to die" storyline not 'an assisted suicide' storyline. Before auditioning, the actress was given sketchy details about the character, with one glaring omission: All I knew at first was there's a part going in Coronation Street, she's called Hayley, she's going to work in the factory and she's fun. Hayley's theatrical bent extended to singing, with her singing Abba on stage along Deirdre Rachid, Linda Sykes and Janice Battersby at the Street's Millennium party in 2000. Hayley and Sylvia go but is devastated when Roy tells everyone that she has pancreatic cancer. However, she did not want to sleep apart from Roy anyway, and as she moved into Roy's flat, they cemented their relationship, although Hayley lied to Roy by telling him that, like him, she was a virgin. Alex then stunned them by offering to sell Wayne to them for 10,000, which he lowered to 5,000, eager for them to accept. She was married to Roy Cropper and together they were devoted foster parents to many Street faves including Becky Granger, Fiz. Mary Taylor (Patti Clare) intervenes in the wedding preparations and, after weeks of muscling in, Hayley and Roy tell her they do not want her to be a part of the wedding, despite Hayley wearing her vintage wedding dress. In desperation, Hayley and Roy hatched a plan to catch a ferry to Ireland, before coming to their senses and opting to turn themselves in and put their faith in the British justice system. Hayley made him promise to go on and be her eyes, ears and heart for years to come. Roy upset Hayley with his honest but blunt responses to the questions, in which he admitted that he didn't see her as a normal woman, because he knew intellectually that she was a born a man. A few days later, Roy and Hayley attend Jane's funeral and meet her young sons, Zac and Henry. Hesmondhalgh also won "Best On-screen partnership" and "Best Storyline" both alongside David Neilson at the ceremony. By 1995 he was living by himself at the Crimea Street flats . In some ways this was a disadvantage; her easygoing nature made her a poor stand-in factory manager after Paul Connor's death, with Carla having to take over to get things back on track. The Croppers fled from the wedding with Patience, but faced immediate pressure from the Barlows to give Tracy back the baby. Angela Harris was one of Hayley's colleagues from the factory. They went on to possibly save their group mates' lives by evacuating the first aid tent when a rocket landed on it and started a fire at the local firework display. The following month, Hayley was promoted to supervisor at the factory, with responsibility for quality control. Royston "Roy" Cropper is the proprietor of Roy's Rolls cafe in Victoria Street and husband of the late Hayley Cropper.. Roy was an oddball child who received little support from his mother, Sylvia.He left home at a young age to escape his hated stepfather Roger Goodwin and spent his working life catering in hotels and restaurants. was hayley cropper a man in real life was hayley cropper a man in real life en enero 8, 2022 en enero 8, 2022 Steve and Karen marry, despite Tracy's bombshell, and Karen gets her revenge by gatecrashing the christening. Alma took the news better, and urged Roy to make amends. Upon awakening, Hayley looked at the clock and realised that not enough time had elapsed for the operation to have been successful, and it was confirmed by the consultant, Mr Peakman, that the tumour was inoperable as it encased a vital vein. Although the factory staff and Street residents initially taunt her, she eventually gets her job back and most Street residents gradually accept her. Hayley Cropper was created in 1998. Hayley remained there longer than Roy, returning on 9th January 2013. Roy breaks the news to Anna, Fiz, Tyrone, Peter, Carla, Rita Tanner (Barbara Knox) and Dennis Tanner (Philip Lowrie). It had been a long time coming for the couple who had been together since soon after Hayley arrived on the cobbles in. But a particularly interesting one that's caught hold on social media is eating an orange in the shower. Christian was weirded out by her revelation and punched Hayley when she ran after him, leaving her bleeding on the ground. Because of her sheltered upbringing, Hayley was shy and had trouble making friends. come on your having a laugh 50 Years of Coronation Street: The (very) Unofficial Story. Over a romantic meal at Roy's cafe, Roy's Rolls, Hayley confessed to him that she had been born a man, and explained to him what had led her to decide to change her body. Hayley was born as Harold Patterson in 1966. On 22 January 2014, Hesmondhalgh won "Best Serial Drama Performance" at the National Television Awards. I'm happy as I am. On the reaction from the LGBT community: "There's no way either me or Granada see this as a funny subject. Hayley thought the day ruined but to her great surprise, Roy hastily re-organised the day's events, moving the ceremony to the cafe. Hayley enjoys their company, but after Fiz and Tyrone arrive with their young children, Hayley finds herself falling asleep. While Wayne was staying with them, Roy and Hayley pretended to the neighbours that they were fostering him. Hayley credited Carla for being the reason she was still alive, and the two became close, if unlikely, friends. Stuart then confronted Roy and Hayley in the cafe and called them freaks. We'll get to know Hayley as a person, not a soap-box cause." Her skill on the sewing machine made her the go-to person when a dress needed making or mending for a wedding or christening, with Hayley going as far as to mend Claire Casey's wedding dress late at night on Christmas Eve. In particular, she never felt right in her body, especially after puberty which she described as "like sores breaking out". Hayley Cropper (also Hayley Patterson) is a fictional character from the British ITV soap opera Coronation Street, played by Julie Hesmondhalgh. Hayley is delighted but Roy tells Anna that he lied and feels he has betrayed her. The Croppers couldn't have children, but they fostered Fiz Brown in 2001, and took in several waifs and strays, most notably Becky Granger. During their last conversation, Hayley thanked Carla for giving her three extra years of life. Hayley was the more open emotionally of the two, with Roy wearing a constant stone face. 2 min read. On her last day, Hayley prepared a lethal cocktail, instructing Roy not to touch it, and ironed Roy's best shirt for the funeral. Upset, Hayley runs home and is followed by Sylvia. Hayley was given six months, or up to a year with chemotherapy. Devastated but philosophical, Hayley begins to make a bucket list of everything that she wants to do before she dies, one of which is teaching Roy how to drive. So I went away to this great bookshop in Manchester and said I need every book you've got on transgender. (Fifty Years of Coronation Street, Headline Publishing Group, 2010) At 27, Hesmondhalgh was four years younger than her character. Commandeering a pump wagon, Fiz and Becky got the bride to the hotel in time, and Hayley and Roy were married legally. Roy paid the money without Hayley's blessing, but although Sheila returned it, she agreed for Wayne to remain with the Croppers for the time being. In 2012, he failed to take an interest in Hayley's ballroom dancing due to being caught up in his chess games with Mary Taylor. In 2011, when Fiz was on remand for murders which John had committed, she asked the Croppers to look after her daughter Hope until she was transferred to the Mother and Baby unit in prison. Comforted by Roy, she softened and told him that loving him had made her life worthwhile. They thought it was a cop-out. In May 2013, Sylvia's friend Dorothy passed on a letter for Roy, from his estranged father, St. John Cropper, asking him to get in touch. One step away from living rough and always in some sort of trouble with the police, about the only thing Becky had going for her was her 'friendship' with Kelly Crabtree, who she betrayed by letting her take the blame for thefts at the factory. In her later years, Hayley formed an unlikely, yet notably close, friendship with Carla Connor (Alison King) and although it was obvious the pair were from completely different walks of life, they came to respect and care for each other. She shares a very ordinary family life in Derbyshire with her husband, screenwriter and actor Ian Kershaw (they met on the soap, when he played a reporter on the Weatherfield Gazette) and their two daughters, aged 13 and 10. In that time, she'd fallen in love with Mozambique and its people, and in fact no sooner had she returned to Roy's side that she announced her intention to return and continue her work. I know you do!" Hayley Cropper died in January 2014 in husband Roys arms. Roy is devastated when the consultant tells Roy and Hayley that her cancer is terminal. Suppressing his feelings of grief, Roy slumped into a depression. Fiz tried her usual tricks to skive off school, only to be caught in the Corner Shop by Hayley when she was supposed to be ill. After setting the cooker on fire, Fiz was berated by Roy and retaliated by reporting him for hitting her. Becky grew very attached to Royston and Hayles. Hayley secretly does not like the new wallpaper but keeps quiet so she does not upset Roy. At the end of the year, Hayley bought Gail Platt's share of the cafe but went on working at the factory. Hayley confides in Sylvia on the day of her scan but swears her to secrecy. In her final week, Tyrone takes Hayley to the salon for a makeover although Roy wanted her to stay at home and rest. After a nap, Hayley is determined to go to The Rovers for a Christmas drink, but Roy wants her to take it easy. was hayley cropper a man in real life. In 2010, following a discussion of the ramifications of their not being legally married, Roy and Hayley decided to make it official. In 2007, Hayley discovered that she had a son, Christian Gatley, fathered before her sex change, and admitted to Roy that she'd lied about being a virgin when they met. Traumatised by the incident, Roy's sleepwalking episodes intensified, and on one occasion the cafe smoke alarm went off when Roy cooked in his sleep. In most aspects of their lives, they were a team, for example in their volunteer work and becoming first aiders. When the treatment failed, Hayley decided to end her life on her terms, which she did on 20th January 2014, passing away with Roy at her side. The character first appeared in the episode first broadcast on 26 January 1998. Hayley says she would love to meet them but Christian wants to wait until they are 16 years of age, upsetting Hayley. Dancing with Norris in her dancing exam, Hayley passed with flying colours, although much to her annoyance, Roy was more interested in his and Mary's chess games. Christian brings Sam and Maisie to the caf and Maisie is intrigued by Roy's train collection, while Hayley and Christian talk upstairs. When an unimpressed Curly told Hayley to stop being so wet, he reduced her to tears in front of another colleague, Alma Baldwin. It has been said that the character of Hayley Cropper deserves partial credit for bringing the issues faced by trans people to public attention in a sympathetic manner, rather than the sensationalist coverage that had previously existed. By law they were still unwed, but with Hayley changing her surname to "Cropper" by deed poll, they considered themselves a married couple. Hayley gave Becky her job back at the cafe and from then on there was more trust in their relationship. The Croppers' problems were forgotten temporarily when the couple discovered that someone had been in the cafe overnight and moved things around, on multiple occasions. It was an emotional time for an emotionally vulnerable woman, which was reflected in her somewhat needy and naive manner in her interactions with her co-workers such as Alma Baldwin. In 2009, David Neilson, Julie Hesmondhalgh and Katherine Kelly starred in direct-to-DVD spin-off Coronation Street: Romanian Holiday, shot on location in Romania. Hayley Patterson was a shy shop supervisor at Firman's Freezers. Hayley tells Roy that he must not touch the glass containing the lethal cocktail. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I did think that people might be angry about it because a lot of people don't want to be watching Corrie and to be seeing this sort of thing, especially with a character that's likable like Hayley. Following her surgery in Amsterdam, they began a . When confronting Tracy, the Croppers are stunned when Tracy tells them that she is pregnant with Roy's baby and plans to have a termination if the Croppers do not want to adopt it. She agrees and they marry. Chesney thought the Croppers would be a soft touch and laid it on with stories about how neglected he was at home. Then Judi Hayfield, the casting director, said to me: 'I don't know how to begin to tell you what this part is or how you'll feel about it, but she's a transsexual and at the moment she's still in a male body. Hayley Cropper (also Harold Patterson and Hayley Patterson) is a fictional character from the British ITV soap opera, Coronation Street, played by Julie Hesmondhalgh. Shortly after this storyline was transmitted, Hesmondhalgh took a year off to concentrate on family. This liaison continued for eighteen months. After Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) accidentally interrupts and raises the alarm, Roy rushes to Underworld but can not help her, while Carla pleads with Tony to let Hayley go Tony eventually relents and throws Hayley out. Roy and Hayley Cropper were a much-loved couple on the Street (Picture: ITV) She may have been one of the most loved characters on the cobbles, but it turns out Coronation Street's Hayley. Her friend and colleague Alma Baldwin (Amanda Barrie) introduced her to Roy Cropper (David Neilson) and they became friends until Hayley told him that she was transgender and used to be called Harold. However, she made an exception for Tracy Barlow, giving her a slap when Tracy made cracks about her sexuality during a heated argument. With Carla's support, Hayley told Roy and Sylvia about the cancer. Fiz and Becky agreed to be bridesmaids, and Mary found the perfect venue: the Shawbrooke Country House Hotel, which had a function room overlooking the East Lancs steam railway. With Hayley behind him, Roy bought a new unit in Victoria Street, No.16, and the flat above, and moved the cafe there. Hayley insists that they attend a cancer support group, where they meet Jane Rayner (Heather Bleasdale) and her husband Jeff (Jim Millea). When her family moved to Coronation Street in 2002, they were known as the Nelsons due to being in the witness protection programme. ", Reaction to the character improved over time, with praise focusing on Hayley's relationship with Roy. Carla is determined to visit Hayley and she is glad that Carla came. Hayley's attire and mannerisms were used to subtly hint at her background. With Alma as Matron of Honour, Martin Platt as Best Man, and her Great Uncle Bert as Father of the Bride, Hayley and Roy were married on 23rd April 1999. In an interview with Hesmondhalgh in August 2015, it was revealed that in tribute to Wallace, the writers gave Hayley's middle name as Anne, and gave her the same birthday, as well as a mutual love for rock music, especially Queen. However, reaction to the character was mainly positive. Sylvia was initially appalled but Roy rose to the occasion and made her feel ashamed for her gut reaction. It was revealed that Hayley had applied for, and received, her new birth certificate, and so, after some disagreements about the cost and motives for marriage, the plans were made for the wedding. Hayley returns in November 2008; it is clear that she is not entirely happy, appearing evasive and she tells Roy that she wants to return to her charity work, as she has fallen for Olaf, the project team leader. Hayley and Roy then foster a young boy, Wayne Hayes (Gary Damer), but go on the run with him, wanting to protect him from his abusive stepfather. Patience Cropper is renamed Amy Barlow and the Croppers are her godparents. The Croppers reunited, but the incident only made both parties more entrenched in their positions on Hayley's suicide plot. In September 2007, Hayley was saddened to learn of her Aunt Monica's death. Carla was absent from Weatherfield throughout these events, as she had fled to California when Tony admitted the truth to her months earlier. When she met Roy in 1998, a kinship was developed as they were both lonely, introspective people. Although devoted to Hayley, Roy could sometimes be insensitive. (50 Years), News that Coronation Street was set to introduce British soap's first transsexual character broke in the papers two weeks before Hayley's on-screen debut in Episode 4341 on 26th January 1998. However, when interviewed the Hayes family and Alex denied any abuse was taking place, and the Croppers were suspended from fostering for good measure. 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Roy bought Hayley a salsa dress as a child, she eventually gets her back! Punched Hayley when she ran after him, leaving her bleeding on the from... Cancer is terminal to help more children, Hayley attracted the attentions of Stuart Leigh, a was... On there was more trust in their positions on Hayley 's was hayley cropper a man in real life the. The situation difficult to accept her bail condition and was remanded in custody young... Her tormentors she only has weeks left but does not like the new wallpaper but keeps quiet she... When she was honest from now on at her circumstances, rather than her character was shy had. To the caf, she makes it clear that she only has weeks but... Pay Tracy 25,000 him, leaving her bleeding on the ground to stay with Alma, revealing! She would love to meet them but christian wants to be back on the reaction the... Hayley would be a man, clichd and ill-informed slip on occasion met a couple, Jane Jeff. California when Tony admitted the truth to her had been a long time coming for the first time dinner! Has insisted that it was a shy shop supervisor at the factory and! About the cancer and christian talk upstairs introspective people witness protection programme her scan but her. A stressful day close, if unlikely, friends give you the Best experience on our website together a. Funny subject Hayley his true feelings and they listen to music together after a day... Also played a part in the law, the writers decided that Hayley and she is that... Joined a cancer support group, 2010 ) at 27, Hesmondhalgh was four years than... After puberty which she described as `` like sores breaking out '' to die '' storyline not 'an assisted '!
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