Encountering the Leader protected by a fortress he had built, the Hulks proceeded to rip out a depowered Leader from inside of the One Below All, returning the One Below All to its original state as a near-mindless force of nature. Speed: Supersonic+ (Should be faster than Jeff The Killer who can dodge point-blank gunfire with ease) Lifting Ability: At least Peak Human Striking Ability: Wall Class Durability: Wall Level (Can no sell attacks from other proxies who vastly exceed people like Jeff The Killer and Jane The Killer) While on the ground, Bruce pushed him back with his foot. The Blue Marvel questioned the validity of the One Above All's name and the One Above All unleashed a wave of creatures from pre-"creation" upon the Defenders. Hulk explodes with only a skeleton left. The Hulk enters into the Galaxy Master and all the radiation emitting from the Hulk's body cause severe problems with the Galaxy Masters internal system and it destroys him, Generated enough force to power the shield that was able to stop the planet-destroying force of Exitar's feet temporarily, After the malevolent personality of Bruce who took control of the Hulk persona was about to fight The Abominations, the personality increased the Hulk's rage to a level that he gave out huge amounts of energy from his eyes, cells reproduce so fast it seems that way, and the madder he gets, the more his system speeds up. Durable enough to survive black holes like they're nothing (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #92). He can perceive and sense demons, souls, he can know if he's being watched as well as feel, hear, and see them. May the One-Above-All forgive you! Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance). stated there is no power on Earth to stop Green Scar, and if his cousin Namora tries to help humans, Green Scar could bring doom to atlantis, states if Hulk loses control, nothing can stop him, including Hercules, Can release massive bursts of gamma radiation capable of leveling cities, involuntarily, when enraged, Energy blast in joules is 86,000,000,000,000. where, as Hulk no longer needs to hold back, because the planet he's fighting on is continually reforming, Hulk was holding back the entire time because of the fact that he was around innocents, Thor/Captain Marvel/an assembly of A-tiers can't stop him and don't try, is the strongest Hulk there's ever been, and defeated Sentry, Destroying a planet and a surrounding moon as a side-effect of a direct collision with the Red She-Hulk, The entire Dark Dimension itself was destroyed as a side-effect of Hulks battle with the Red She-Hulk, Absorbing the explosion of six gamma-bombs, the mystical power of 17.34 Hercules blows from Fin Fang Foom, become 80 feet tall titans that tower over the landscape, He is the eye of angerThe World Breaker. There is only one above the Living Tribunal!" Has dropped from a planet's orbit and been completely unhurt (from Marvel Team-Up #54 and Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #104). Enjoy. [14] During his research into the properties of gamma radiation, Brian Banner had a dream-vision of the One Below All, and sensed the creature looking for him. [22] Sterns managed to open a Green Door and assimilate Brian's soul into himself, obtaining his connection with the One Below All. Absorbed the energy of a prototype nuclear fusion reactor (from Totally Awesome Hulk #1). The entity is the source of the mutagenic third form of gamma energy, which means that it can use gamma mutates, like She-Hulk and, in this case, Hulk, to act through them and use them as avatars that he can control. (note to all the would be cannibals out there, dont eat someone who has a ridiculously powerful healing factor), Apart from cutting your way out of the Hulks stomach it seems the best way to beat the Hulk is to calm him down to the point where he reverts back into Bruce Banner(maybe some jokes?) First, "The Hulk" isn't the name for Bruce Banner when he gets super strong. "Just as the Incredible Hulk 'is the strongest one there is,' so too are gamma ray bursts the most powerful explosions known.". This implies that he can transform at will (from World War Hulk: Gamma Files #1). Usually, this being takes over and replaces the "Bruce Banner" identity when Bruce's body turn Continue Reading 1K 35 Ben Minch Leader wanted to allow TOBA to possess Hulks body as soon as possible but accidentally got possessed by TOBA himself. toba hulk powers and abilities. The Hulk is completely invulnerable to all known Earth-based diseases and viruses, including AIDS (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #388 and Incredible Hulk Annual #14). Superhuman Speed, this one seems kind of obvious in retrospect but is still a little surprising, the Hulk can run over 300 hundred miles an hour, although as he grows angrier and more powerful, his footfalls cause more and more damage to the ground, causing the ground to break apart under him, thus giving him no traction (so it's easier to jump a After billions of years of immortality, the most powerful Hulk roams the ninth cosmos, far in the distant future, Dormammu was able to defeat Multiversal Eternity, Stated that he could conquer the multiverse, and melt all creation into a pool of cosmic slag, absorbed the power of Multiversal Eternity, and threatened to destroy the entire multiverse, Umar own states Dormammu has stole Eternity's power after trick him, Sends Fin Fang Foom flying with a thunderclap, turning him into a projectile that shatters a barrier capable of withstanding the Mindless Ones, The Hulk's thunderclap sends back the Night-Crawler's sonic beams, destroying the entire universe, Can run at eye blurring speeds, as confirmed by text boxes Bruce Banner's dialogue, Withstood a 100,000,000,000,000 ton punch, Darwin (X-Men) attempted to absorb gamma radiation from the Hulk only to find that the Hulk's gamma radiation supply was far more than he could drain, Said by Thor to see the naked souls of men and smell the lies in their hearts hidden even from themselves, Gained the ability to see ghosts because he was afraid of his father coming back to haunt him, Hulk is able to see Dr. strange astral form when no one can, which comes in handy when working with his fellow defender strange, Absorbed the power and redirects it back at the Galaxy Master, destroying him completely, absorbed all of Robert Reynolds' energy (both the supernatural and scientific essences of his powers), Devil Hulk breaks one of the shards and absorbs its power without any harm, Absorb Metatron, the Sentience of the Eighth Omniverse, to become Breaker of Worlds and becoming the cosmic being of the Ninth Cosmos, Can explode if fueled by too much gamma energy, The Galaxy Master reforms into his normal shape and fires gamma radiation rays at the Hulk. Has homing ability allowing him to "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #314). As things calmed down the Hulk reverted back to Bruce Banner, and not a moment too soon as guards hearing the gunshots came rushing into the room. His very meddling in the affair caused the future never to happen. "Such is the power of the incredible Gamma Rays that created him--the more the Hulk exerts himself, the stronger he becomes!" He's just the biggest kid in all the playgrounds. The Hulk absorbed the power of Pandora's box which is explicitly stated to be 133.45 x stronger than Hercules, who states he can shake the universe, and can hold the weight of the entire universe. Gen. As the bomb detonated Bruce was able to get Rick into the protective coverprovided by a trench, but he wasnt so lucky himself, and even though they were miles away from the epicentre of the blast, because Bruce was caught out in the open, his body was bombarded with what should have been lethal amounts of Gamma radiation, butmiraculously he survived and fell unconscious. Strange: The Best Defense #1). It has enough knowledge and intelligence to communicate and perceive the universe and beings within it but according to Brian Banner it "doesn't have a true mind. Savage Hulk at his peak has matched Thor. The One Above All is the source of all that is good and is a being of limitless compassion and light. When the Silver Surfer argued that the collected Infinity Gems would make a far more potent force than the Cosmic Containment Units, the Goddess replied, "True, but the Supreme One's servant, the Living Tribunal, has ruled that the Infinity Gems may never again be used in unison." Now, when Bruce Banner is under a lot of stress (usually anger) Bruce's body and mind morphs into that of The Hulk's, granting him gamma powers. Most importantly, the empty future and destruction of the Multiverse are averted. And 'tis a humbling thought to consider how much greater the Creator of all Universes must be than that of all of His creations combined! The Big Green Dude The Green Guy The American A Pioneer in Gamma Radiation Wild Card The Big Guy Doc A Mindless Beast Big Man Answer: Here we have two of the most powerful villains Marvel comics has ever seen. There are no traces of Bruce Banner or Hulk in the body as its been taken over by The One Below All. Part of his extreme adaptability is that he can survive without food, water, air or sleep after he has adapted to the planets environment. Well weve loved talking about the Hulk and all the things he can do, hes definitely one of the more interesting characters out there, alternating from superhero to supervillain with alarming regularity, indeed hes fought entire teams of superheroes combined. The clap itself is swift enough that even catches Quicksilver off-guard (from The Order Vol 1 #3). Dead and dark as I. It's when ya come back that ya feel the pain" (from Wolverine Origins Vol 1 #28). While unleashing himself, Hulk also kills/disintegrates an amped Fin Fang Foom, Arm'Chedon, Bi-Beast, Wendigo, all the Mindless Ones (a feat not even Dormammu nor Umar could accomplish), demons, goblins, trolls, monsters, Tyrannus, Amadeus Cho and Dr. Sofia Di Cosimo (This was also an indirect consequence in consonance with the secondary effect described above). Can swim at a speed of 80 knots which is over 90 mph (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #33). By getting angrier, Hulk becomes more durable and stronger. Smashed through the Red Door, returning to his body all by himself (from Immortal Hulk #45). Certain images that appears on this site comes from Amazon Services LLC. His rising anger allows him to literally beat his own power being used on him. Overpowering a field of energy endowed with sufficient power to alter the orbit of a planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). Withstand a planet-devastating impact, a planet-shattering impact at point blank range, the, Withstood being subjected to a mechanism capable to easily soften and manipulate Adamantium (from, Withstood 100's of G's without suffering damage or harm (from. [20] When the sun rose, the One Below All was able to appear in an ominous cloud-like form and was soon ready to take control of Bruce's body. His powers have been stated and shown to increase after absorbing large amounts of radiation up to ground zero nuclear attacks (from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #105, Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect #2, Fantastic Four #433, World War Hulk: X-Men #2). Hulk has been a notable Marvel character since the 1960s and still is one of the most important parts of the Marvel Universe. In the present, the gamma-mutated villain Leader became aware of the One Below All's ultimate victory though a warning sent back in time by Par%l. He also. We saw what TOBA Hulk could do to most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, to Franklin Richards, Mr. Immortal, and Galactus, and even when restricted by the Green Door, fans suggest that TOBAs power equals Memphistos. Hulk was ranked as 9th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011. *the ensuing battle had destroyed the universe around them (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #126). Stopped all of New York City, which approximately weighs 2,394,111 tons, from sinking into the ocean. Now that weve given you a brief insight into who or what exactly TOBA Hulk is, its time to analyze this in a bit more detail. 1, Ultimate Hulk vs. Iron Man: Ultimate Human, Absolute Strength (Limitless at his peak rage), Enhanced Senses & Extrasensory Perception via Mystic Senses, Hulk Vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide #1, Hulk was stronger than any mortaland most immortalswho ever walked the Earth, Although his strength increased as more and more energy from an alternate universe was channeled into him, giving the Hulk greater power that could destroy the universe, Held up Exitar the Exterminator that was trying to step on the Earth, Supporting and rising up despite being weighed down with a force equal to the weight of a star capable of going nova, Ten million times stronger than a human while weakened, States he can lift Solar System and can defeat, Sent Emma Frost, who had half of the Phoenix Force, down through an entire island, Devil Hulk shattered a shard that contains Nyxs power, a weakened Nyx with no shards killed Zeus, Knocked Warrior's Madness Thor into the atmosphere with a single punch, Breaking Superman's grip, and knocked him into outer space, power/energies can challenge or possibly even overcome the celestials themselves, When angry enough, he can shrug off the combined efforts of Namor and Silver Surfer restraining him, who were stated to be one-thousand times stronger than before, His clash with another Hulk causes seismological activity all over the planet, Made a 123.2 Richter Scale magnitude earthquake, which realistically is 10^118 times the energy of the entire universe, Jumps down into the hole with the lava where the main split is and by sheer strength alone, pulls the tectonic plates of a planet larder than earth back together and prevents the planet from ripping apart, The power of gamma rays on full display here as the Hulk's "gamma-spawned might" can also give light to an "eons-dark cosmos".
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