Publishing more information on its website, training its members of staff and creating behind the scenes videos of the factories it works with, are just a handful of avenues Primark has taken on share what it does in terms of sustainability and social responsibility. Last financial year, 94 percent of waste generated by all of Primarks stores and warehouses was recycled or beneficially reused, points out Stewart. Nevertheless, Primark cannot argue with the fact that many consumers do shop excessively at Primark and are more likely to make an unnecessary, or unneeded purchase if the price is low enough. For example, Primark established a resource recovery unit in its German depot centre in July 2015, where cardboard, plastic and hangers are collected from its Northern European stores to be reprocessed and sent for recycling. "We made a 360 degree video of one of suppliers factories in Bangladesh, says Stewart. This set of guiding principles is based on the internationally recognised labour standards from the International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions 3 and the ETIs Base Code. Its a bit brutal, considering we do have a lot of future goals, but thats how it is. We will be putting a lot more information concerning our ethics on there come May, continues Stewart. RECYCLE. Milan, Italy Primark store photo. It has been using paper bags instead of plastic bags since 2002, and has also introduced initiatives to reduce waste and packaging. The incident came just months after it emerged that Primark clothes were being made in India by factories using child labour. These are: Giving clothes a longer life - We will become a circular and more sustainable business. Cotton is a natural fiber that is grown in warm climates. What we see on the social side, is that everyone has very similar Codes of Conduct, but various degrees of implementation - which makes it harder for everyone.. For years Primark has been fighting against the stigma that cheap fashion is not sustainable or ethical, even though the value fashion retailer shares 98 percent of its suppliers and factories with other high street retailers, such as H&M, Zara and Mango. But there is still a lot to do in this regard., One of the reasons Primark does not intend to publicly share the names of all their suppliers is precisely because of their competitive edge. Credit: PRIs The World, Video: PRIMARK | Rana Plaza: Kushi Mela. Primarks sustainable cotton pilot supported 1,251 female cotton farmers over three years. The strategic plan of Primark consisted of the strategy of growing inorganically as well as organically. Primark was among the first retailers to sign the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, initiated by the IndustriALL and UNI Global Union. The programme covers key issues workers should be aware of, such as health and safety responsibilities, hazard identification, and manual handling. So while Primarks work does show that the retailer is committed to improving wages for its garment workers, the retailer seems stuck at the strategy level and research stage and has yet to begin developing long term building blocks to paying livable wages. Its not something new, its business as usual and we have been doing it for a very long time. It turned out to be such a success that the participating farmers achieved the following results by the third year: This short film follows the impact Primark's Sustainable Cotton Programme has had on female farmers in Northern India and includes interviews with some of the women involved. But is Primark doing enough? 3 Supply Chain Strategies: Which is Best for Your Business? May 4, 2022 Primark is one of the first brands that come to mind in fast fashion. However many consumers still believe that Primark is less ethical than high street rivals H&M, Zara or Mango, which is false according to Primark. We actively engage with our suppliers, chemical experts, other retailers and organisations to help bring about sustainable change, states Primark in its Corporate Responsibility Report 2016. Hence whenever we see that there are more member companies sourcing from the same factories, we encourage them to exchange information on audits, remediate together and cooperate on further improvement plans., What Primark is doing to produce clothing with the least amount of harm to the environment, Our aim is for all our stores to be as sustainable as possible with the technology and infrastructure thats available at the time. Unfortunately, Primark does not enclose their supplier list which makes it really hard to verify if what they communicate about their supply chain is actually true, continues Scally. At the end of the day, the fashion industry remains one of the most polluting sectors in the world. For a number of years, weve been working closely with industry partners sharing information about where Primark products are made. Primarks Code is much in line with Fair Wear Foundation Code of Labour Practices, points out Lotte Schuurman, Communications Officer at the Fair Wear Foundation 5 (FWF). Video: The garment industry in Bangladesh: Made in Bangladesh | Primark 2014. Credit: Primark. In early 2016, the retailer started a new partnership with the Department for International Development 13 (DFID), which sees the two combining their presence, networks and expertise to boost the overall wellbeing of their workers in five of the retailers key markets - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burma, Ethiopia and India. Of course it can be seen as if the greatest offenders are now establishing themselves as the greatest investors in sustainability and ethics, but the truth is that the fast fashion model is far from being effective and considerate, continues de Castro. We would suggest Primark increase its use of sustainable fibres, including developing further sustainable cotton programmes and using recycled fibres, along with tencel and modal instead of the less sustainable viscose fibre, says FitzGerald. We are big business and people talk a lot about us because we are big., Lets just level the plane and get rid of this assumption that paying more for an item somehow makes it more ethical - price is not an indication of good or bad ethics. In addition the Farmers Field School has made Primark realise how important education truly is for farmers and what impact it can have on their lives. So it is important to remember that these flagship stores attract huge amounts of people and we shouldnt get side tracked as to what is looks like across the board., As long as we stimulate seeing clothing as a disposable product instead of an investment, the race to the bottom will continue, Stewart adds Primark has also been investing in creating better quality clothing to help combat the stigma that its offers throw-away clothing and ensure their products last longer. Because if there is no support on the systematic implementation of such initiatives, then it makes all the more challenging for suppliers, says Stewart. As Primark does not directly own any of the factories or suppliers it works with, an overall lack of transparency concerning their audit reports can make it hard to ensure their core working principles are constantly being maintained. In England, Primark is seen as a discounter. For Stewart, the community impact of the programme and the knowledge the farmers have gained thanks to the programme has been the most rewarding to witness. We know that as well as ensuring worker rights are protected within the factories we work with, we can positively impact lives outside of the factory too. India currently ranks 130 out of 188 countries in the UNs Gender Inequality Index, as gender equality is seen as one of the most pressing development challenges facing the country. According to the ranking, the large majority of the low performing companies , which includes ABF, are falling overwhelmingly behind, with all the dangers for human rights abuse of workers and communities that this implies., But these rankings have not discouraged Primark from looking for new ways to improve the wellbeing of its garment workers in developing markets. Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management (Cecil C. Bozarth; Robert B. Handfield) Signals and Systems (Simon S. Haykin; Barry Van Veen) . The value retailer believes that collaboration is one of the keys to improving environmental standards and working conditions across the industry in main manufacturing hubs. However, even though Primark responded quickly to the allegations and was eager to improve conditions, FNV is aware time will show if working conditions improve and has therefore scheduled a meeting in three months time. In a factory setting, where the management team usually male dominated, female workers can be pressured to work overtime without pay to reach production targets, or denied the right to maternity or sick leave. While Primarks work does show that the retailer is committed to improving wages for its garment workers, the value retailer seems to be stuck at the strategy level and research stage and has yet to begin developing long term building blocks to paying livable wages. Right from the start, when the buyers are developing the product, we ensure we have the quality team looking at the design of product. So far this tactic has enabled the budget fashion giant to multiply its store openings without saturating its market for consumers. Primark. Design clothes with strengthened durability and to be recycled. This does not do justice to the hard working garment workers, but into the production of the clothing. Primark currently counts 16 stores across the country, including its flagship store in Amsterdam. This has included, for example, details of our suppliers, their factories, as well as our supply chain practices, said a spokesperson for Primark. Brands like Primark should use their power to make sure union members are protected. Scally also encourages Primark to join a multi-stakeholder initiative, like FWF, who can verify what is really happening in the supply chain. Photo: Primark Employees at Primark Den Haag. The partnership, which sees Primark and Geosansar also provide financial education, as well as access to banking, has helped over 400 workers. Its own in-house teams are supported by independent, third-party auditing companies, which are said to be critical to ensuring Primark upholds its monitoring standards. We wanted to develop a deeper understanding concerning the manufacturing processes behind cotton. The programme was originally designed to introduce sustainable farming methods, improve cotton yields and increase the cotton farmers income. However Primark does not tackle its factory audits alone. All the stock we have in store which we cant sell, all our buying office samples and excess stock, is donated to Newlife. Primark first started working with Newlife in 2010, and since then has managed to generate more than 2 million pounds in donations, which has been used to purchase equipment such as wheelchairs, nurse services and fund medical research. As Primark has also expanded into new regions over the last few years, the retailer has ensured that all its new locations are supported by safety specialists who help uphold its safety standards. In total 6,279 workers in 436 groups have been trained through the programme since 2009, which has impacted the lives of approximately 30,000 garment workers. NGOs applaud the move from Primark and agree the retailer should explore further avenues on how it can share more information on its sustainable and ethical programmes. What certainly has helped over the last two years is there has been more of an appetite to collaborate, says Katharine Stewart, Primarks Director of Ethical Trade & Environmental Sustainability. To solve it we need more time and a concerted effort on behalf of us all, to buy a little less and demand a whole lot better for our garment workers., A closer look at Primarks stance on responsible fashion. We also believe Primark could do more to educate its shoppers on how to care for their clothes and encourage them to look after them and keep them for longer.. Primark opened it first store in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2008. "By working closely with Primark and their . However, this boost in income also brought on a new set of concerns for the female cotton farmers who participate in the pilot, as they were not used to managing a large cash flow. Credit: Paul Marotta / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP, Video: Primark The Biggest Primark Haul Ive Ever Done. However, most of Primark's China factories are small and medium-sized, and fewer than 1% report having 1,000+ workers. Building a solid, long-term relationship with their suppliers based on trust; paying their supplier a fair price for their products; ensuring labour unions are allowed within the factories they source from and are protected enough so they can do their work freely without being harassed are all key to tackling forced labour in the supply chain, says Scally. Weve always said that we have worked very hard with our suppliers, notes Stewart. Credit: Simon Trel for FashionUnited. However, Primark does ensure that all its workers undertake an online health and safety induction programme in their local language, at a time and pace which is suitable for them. Here are six supply-chain strategies designed to help enterprises thrive in the current environment. We will continue to look at what we feel might be useful or interesting as we continue to develop our program.. How transparent is Primarks supply chain? 95% of our manufacturers are based in Italy. Over the years Primark has implemented a series of strategies and initiatives which vary from improving the livelihoods of its garment workers, to reducing its carbon footprint as well its chemical usage, water usage and waste output, to using more sustainable materials. We have to find a more holistic way to share what we do., We have to find a more holistic way to share what we do. It's really interesting and been very helpful for when we have been giving school talks or teaching at colleges, adds Stewart. One of our long-term goals is to source all of our cotton more sustainably, says Stewart. Primark is pursuing a living wage for workers in the supply chain and support with financial literacy training and access to social protection by 2030. Understanding the environment, market shifts and analysing strategy, competitive advantage and the economy will allow Primark to maintain their large market share and position as the largest retailer in the UK (ABF, 2016). At Primark, we are committed more than ever, to . Photo: Primark Gent opening Belgium via AFP. In the supply chain strategy you are going to plan out how you are going to work with distributors, customers and suppliers. Although it is grown on large-scale industrial farms in certain regions, in most cases the cotton used to make textiles and apparel comes from small farms in low-income countries, such as India, China and Pakistan. In addition, the Irish retailer launched the Pashe Achi Project to ensure compensation recipients retain access to their financial compensation and understand their rights. In a new initiative, Primark will: Make clothing from recycled or sustainably sourced materials. Even before the Rana Plaza factory collapse, one of Primarks main points of focus looked to improve safety standards and worker wellbeing for all its employees around the world. The value retailer disagrees with this opinion, as Stewart says Primark has invested a lot in improving the quality of its garments over the last few years. "Primark is often (mis)judged to have poor supply chain ethics, due to its GBP4 price point, and has come under scrutiny from investors, consumers and . We are all quite focused on the flagship stores, where you see people coming out of Primark with piles of bags. The company therefore lost half a mark under Anti-Social Finance. It divides the supply chain process into three distinct phases. Photo: Amsterdam Flagshipstore. But what about Primarks Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Transparency is essential for accountability and credibility, counters Schuurman. In addition, Primark also works with the ILO Better Work Programme 4 in countries such as Vietnam, which aims to help factories meet and uphold international working standards. Over in Spain, in Madrid one Primark retail worker claimed he was making the same amount of money working 30 hours a week at Primark in 2016, as he was working 12 hours a week at department store El Corte Ingls in 2007 6. We provide suppliers and their factories with formal training, tools and support to enable improvements to be made throughout the manufacturing process.. Credit: Primark, Photo: Primark store Venlo. "For Primark, the pandemic stopped our only revenue stream in its tracks in an instant," Vanoli explained. Our experience is that transparency often can be among the most difficult requirements for companies that want to do good. "Our continued partnership with Primark as part of this industry-leading programme is materially changing the lives of farmers and their families in rural cotton communities," Ward concluded. Circularity addresses the problem of increased consumption and disposal of limited resources. Twelve factories have already benefited from the programme to date, and an additional seven are currently benefitting from the PaCT training through Primarks nominations. Primark will continue collaborating with industry experts such as CottonConnect to drive this change. To maintain this strategy Primark always focuses on buying, logistics and supply chain management. It used to be about slashing prices simply to shift stock and push sales, but this model has shifted. In doing these things well we know we contribute to making millions of people's lives better," says George Weston, Chief Executive Officer of Associated British Foods, parent company of Primark in ABF 2016 Corporate Responsibility Update. Pursue a living wage for workers in its supply chain. So we are sharing that information - we are just not making it public. In these regions a lot of the knowledge concerning the best practices for growing cotton, as well as the most environmental friendly tactics available to do so, tends to be rather limited. . 76% company name: primark module: strategic management bachelor business studies lecturer: dr. sharon feeney names of all group members: caoln kennedy: . Primark Current business strategies Primark is the most growing retail company in UK. And in Portugal, the retailer is considered a fashion expert. Credit: Primark. The new depot will serve as Primark's distribution centre for the Northeast, where the company plans to open eight retail stores by the end of 2016. However, although Primarks Code of Conduct remains an internationally recognised code of labour conduct, ensuring all its eight principles are consistently upheld at all of its suppliers around the world is another issue in its own right. At the moment it remains unclear what percentage of Primarks apparel collections consist of recycled materials, or if they use recycled fibres in their clothing at all, an area which they should consider moving into according to international organisations. We share 98 percent of our factories with other high street retailers, stresses Stewart. As a 100% brick-and-mortar operation with nearly 400 stores across 13 countries, Primark felt these challenges across its retail footprint and inventory supply chains and learned new strategies along the way. Without confidential worker interviews, many of these workers who fear losing their jobs - usually their only means of an income - may never share their real working experience with suppliers clients. Will a Sustainable Future for Agriculture Take Us Underwater? On the flagship stores, where you see people coming out of Primark with piles of bags openings! 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