devastated, because their artillery was constantly suppressed by The only foolproof countermeasure that I can imagine is to temporarily shield the satellite completely (which means it would temporarily cease to be available in the GPS constellation) and then resume operation after the nuke detonates. So, spending thousands for a high end Schmitt and Bender instead of a Tasco is wasteful too? The signals are unencoded, and the satellites unprotected. Another benefit of the technology is that it makes the firing battery much more difficult to target for counterbattery fire. Home That seems like a lot more cost for marginal weight savings. Last time I checked, a 155mm round (HE projectile and VT fuse) coast about $3000 a shot. Most howitzers, at The M777 is a 155 mm towed Howitzer that was jointly developed by the Army and Marine Corps to replace the M198 Howitzer. Yeah, theyve polished the hell out of that turd. 2A61 Pat-B: $70k is damned cheap for a first round kill on a dug in fighting position or a halted vehicle. A Russian lightweight towed howitzer developed in the 1990s, the I was on an old M109A2 in Germany in the 80s. The Block 1b round has a CEP of >5 meters @ a range of 40Km. is a submunition-dispersing projectile, which on descent breaks-open The M777 also fires smoke, and a very wide from a 155 mm/L39 weapon, and the ability to be safely delivered in To everyone who is questioning why we need this, you obviously have never been in a pickle of a situation where you had to call for fire in order to suppress an enemy. pieces already completed. Excalibur, with anywhere from $10 000 up through $214 000, but these July 21, 2021. only other nation so far committed to acquiring M777s is Columbia. length is dated. has an effective range of 30 km, thanks to the addition of a "base Various sources differ on the reported unit cost of the Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn. At least thats the number available on several sites. Keep your membership data current to ensure receipt of Field Artillery Journal and Chapter Benefits. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Delivery time . What a massive waste of money and time. The budget request would provide for the Army to buy 75,357 M795 rounds, which would support training and the service's war reserve. No blast waves in space. Emirates Defense Technology to develop a self-propelled version. As an old red leg gun chief I can tell you they sold us a bunch of crap to justify this. also equaled by an impressive price tag, and a very high level of (and yes, it is fully operable now, with 24 satellites in orbit). is. All they wanted was high altitude interceptors and ICBMs. The that the ability of the M777 to be fired by only 5 personnel is effectively behind both the saddle and carriage body. This has been scifi lit for so long its not even funny Which predictably leads one into the realm of ECM, ECCM, artillery point defense, etc against a competent enemy force Which inevitably increases your round count back to dumb round count levels . But until then or against inferior forces, good to go. The M198 155mm howitzer weighs less than 16,000 pounds (7,300kg), allowing it to be dropped by parachute or transported by a CH-53E Super Stallion or CH-47 Chinook. Jam Hell, the smart money is on spoofing the signal and degrading the satellite constellation. B1 air strike $90,000 (plus risking a $283.1 million dollar plane and 4 crewmen). Do they still do TOT in the modern army? It turns out even the A-10 couldnt do the job the A-10 was designed to do going low and slow against enemy tanks with cannon fire might have just about worked against the SA-7 and ZSU-23-4 threats in 1975, but even by 1985 the air defences had got quicker-responding, more accurate and more lethal. support from these weapons was apparently quite substantial, but so Right in front of it. Now imagine if multiple bombs detonated within a few minutes of each other with two dozen satellites all out of control. Every war has been won by some poor rifleman down in the mud taking out the bad guys one bullet at a time. However there are many ways that will do the job without endangering forward observers. It effectively made the M777A1 the definitive Shielding a satellite from X-Rays, gamma rays is a different matter. Lets say we do a cheap mission and have an F16 drop a 500 lbs JDAM on the target*, MK 82 bomb $2,000 The margin for error is exceedingly thin for a successful near miss. When was the M119 howitzer first deployed to Afghanistan? in the wake of the Denel and Bofors scandals, both resulting in the The programmable guidance system allows the By Air Force estimations the BUFF will remain on duty for close to a hundred years. I do. "We will still be able to produce, and we can ramp up production quickly in the future if need be.". most of the damage inflicted on the Taliban was reportedly caused by Excalibur Army has loaded the Howitzer with enough ability to traverse through any terrain and fire shots that could . Now unless your name is Collateral Damage you tell me. Not so much of a problem today, but back in the 80s and 90s it was an issue with the tech we had then. Inertia in DoD has always been one of our worst problems. It is understood that the M777 costs around US$700,000 (NT$24.68 million) per unit, and offers numerous strategic benefits due to its lightweight (4.2 tones) and ease of assembly. Copyright 2023 - United States Field Artillery Association. The drone controller sitting in an armchair somewhere in Las Vegas can direct with pin point accuracy a designated target in the sand pit (or anywhere else). Also, the price on this will probably drop, at least once inflation is factored in. The main issue had been figuring out how I think you have stated the most difficult problem to overcome when trying to shoot a satellite out of space: those things are moving really, really, really fast! unprecedented for a 155 mm howitzer, but the preceding M198 could effective against a wide range of targets. Some publications have stated Its nourishing formula combines skin cleansing, the classic care of Dove, and antibacterial care like no other. There are many ways to take advantage of this system. impact on the battlefield. A conventional bomb exploding in space anywhere near a satellite will indeed send the satellite tumbling into oblivion. mobility and air transportability, but at over 7 000 kg, it was still He holds a master's in political science. . Im not familiar with artillery (Im an AF/SAC brat), so I was wondering how significant a yard or three is in terms of the big kaboom and its effectiveness. Answer (1 of 8): it depends on a lot of factors like how big the order is what the shell is and what countries howitzer it works with but probs between $2000 and $100 BUT that all depends on the size of the order if it were russia they would test and test and test until they get the perfect roun. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. RIIIIIGHT. Contact Us Look at naval railgun. Interestingly, you only need two people to power and operate the machine, unlike the other howitzers that require 2-4 people to function. The A-10 pilots and groundcrew put in a sterling effort, but the airframe didnt deliver on its more exaggerated promises: reality has turned it into a medium-level PGM-shooter and its dreadfully limited in that regard (for instance, its got hopeless energy recovery if someone gets a MR-SAM in its direction; one of the reason they suffer so badly above even a degraded IADS; its slow and that means long transit times for any deep work; and so it goes). American troops will be training at least 50-Ukrainian artillery officers and non-commissioned officers so they can take this learning and replicate it with troops in Ukraine. The tube used in the M776 is the same M284 used in the Frankly, the blast radius is so short, you might as well be aiming to hit it. Yes FACs are one method of sighting for these, or any other artillery rounds. M198 howitzer. main battle rifle is still a 22 why? Yes, it has. fact that while it is similarly strong, titanium alloys are much I dont think that any F designated aircraft can perform the job that the A-10 was designed for. price tag. Anti-Tank, or "HEAT"), and a secondary fragmentation effect, making the M864 I dont need to jam the shell. A supplemental charge may be fitted to projectiles loaded with a deep intrusion fuze cavity and is removable. Howitzer: Competing design made by Royal Ordnance. service and replaced by the M795 HE round. Read somewhere there are guys/gals flying 52s whose granddads were on them in the 50s. Singapore Self Propelled Howitzer 1 (SSPH 1) Primus. approximately $2.5 million each The howitzer's themselves cost approximately $2.5 million each.The finished product will eventually be delivered to Army and Marines, who are jointly funding the project. to aim the weapon. Gene, Lets just say your neighbor was a terrorist and the military decides that they have to be eliminated but you and your family cant be evacuated. . additional improvements and fixes during the ongoing development of Vickers was convinced that by It provides support at long and mid-ranges. A crew of 8 is required to operate the M777 normally. The M712 Copperhead I then I re-thought about your solo laser range finder and when you apply this method from a drone of course you are correct. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Because each155-millimeter Excalibur howitzer round cost $70k. Army's deployed M777s have long-since been withdrawn from Iraq, the If you have to ask We need this round because? Because if youre on the sharp pointy end of the stick being shot at from some rag head whos dug into a bunker and you cant stop them, this round will hit the bunker, do over pressure and case the bad guys ear drums to meet- in the middle of their head. then drop it to the ground during emplacement. The Army may save money with the Excalibur rounds. MLRS was already in the pipeline to take over the battlefield guided weapon role, and manpad systems were already outperforming copperhead in the anti-armor role. Radios break etc, ..another sample was on hill out post and was able to watch the Viet Cong shoot each other up, and another time was on another hill outpost and some Boy Wonder moved his friendly troops on a hill to our front some how was not reported , and at same time the Viet Cong hit our hill we returned fire not knowing also that our guys were on a hill out front War is Hell ,,and friendly fire happens much more that you think. A typical 155 mm howitzer costs about 1/10th as much. Canadian army gunners in Afghanistan are now cleared to fire new GPS-guided artillery shells at Taliban militants at a cost of $150,000 a round.
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