Hadith 5: Imam Shihab ad-Din ibn Hajar 'Asqalani says: "These reports say that if Muhammad ( sallallahu `alaihi wasallam) were not created then Allah would not have made the skies nor the Earth, neither heaven nor hell, neither the sun nor the moon". 1.1 The heavens and the Earth. Someone very beautifully answered this question here. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. He arranges [each] matter; He details the signs that you may, of the meeting with your Lord, be certain. The Quran 38:27. Gardens (of) Eden flows from underneath them the rivers, abiding forever in it. appropriate to compare it to the width of the heavens and the earth by way 2 Ibn al-Jawzi said in his tafseer called Zaad al-Maseer (3/162), commenting on the verse in Soorat al-Araaf: If it is said, why did He not create it in an instant when He is Able to do so? That [is so], and [also] that Allah will weaken the plot of the disbelievers. it is above the heavens, beneath the Throne. Thus, from the sun and the moon in the heavens, to the creatures on the earth, to the innermost parts of the human being - all of these point to the power and deliberate design of the Creator. 46-Surah Al-Ahqaf ( The Curved Sand-hills ) 3. They have certainly disbelieved who say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary. The universe was created in a moment by Almighty Allah telling it "Be!" Created in such a short time, the universe still possesses a glorious variety and harmony. Heaven (Jannah) is a place in the afterlife filled with all sorts of comfort and pleasures. O2 Klean Spray; Dish Washing Liquid; Klean Hair & Body Wash; Table Top Cleaner; Natural Surface Cleaning Concentrate; feather river college division; carvery service advantages and disadvantages This is the view of the It is Allah who erected the heavens without pillars that you [can] see; then He established Himself above the Throne and made subject the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. Thats it for seven heavens in Islam with the levels and criteria. It does not mean precisely how wide the Matter and time have been created by a Creator, Who is All-Powerful and Who created the heavens, the earth and all that is in between: Almighty Allah, . How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created all things? Darussalam heaven is reserved for people who are strong in faith and Islam, pay attention to the verses of Allah and do good deeds. The prospective inhabitants are the people whose kindness is very much and rarely make mistakes. We have detailed the signs for a people who know. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. In the Arabic language, the word , translated in the above two verses as "Originator", means to create something without any previously existing example. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.} The following verse suggests everything in the heavens and earth were created by Allah simultaneously: "And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth in six Days and His Throne was on the water, that He might try you, which of you is the best in deeds" [Hood 11:7] The Prophet (saw) however elaborated on this saying: the earth are mentioned by way of metaphor, in the Arabic manner of Mawa heaven was created by Allah SWT from emerald green. [Your] vision will return to you humbled while it is fatigued. He arranges [each] matter from the heaven to the earth; then it will ascend to Him in a Day, the extent of which is a thousand years of those which you count. view of the majority, which is that what is meant is the actual width, and Wretched it is for the wrongdoers as an exchange. azislam.com -All Right Reserved. All I could come up with is that some scholars say since Allah is the Most Merciful, Most Loving, Most Forgiving and All Encompassing + the complete understanding of heaven/hell is only within the knowledge of Allah --> there is a possibility that the people who stay in hell forever will remain there forever after a certain time. It should be noted that He has not created anything in vain; exalted be Allah far above such a thing. And Our command is but one, like a glance of the eye. Allah has created the heavens and earth after passing them through six different eons; and He has kept its central command and control in His Own Hands. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and the day, and the [great] ships which sail through the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah has sent down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness and dispersing therein every [kind of] moving creature, and [His] directing of the winds and the clouds controlled between the heaven and the earth are signs for a people who use reason. Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord (Allah), Otherwise, we have to believe that there are seven earths similar to ours, one in each universe. Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of man from clay. The Prophet answered this question by first stating that Allah's Existence does not have a beginning, i.e., . And it is He who has released [simultaneously] the two seas, one fresh and sweet and one salty and bitter, and He placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition. 3 al-Qaadi Abul-Saood said in his commentary on the verse in al-Araaf (3/232): The fact that Allaah created things in stages although He is able to have created everything in one go is indicative of the Divine Will and is a sign of His power for those who understand, and it encourages deliberation in all things.. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve, so woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire. Unquestionably, His is the creation and . The Arsh of Allah Almighty is on water, whereas, water is on air. Some scholars Indeed, in the creation . (iii) Doing things in a short time is more indicative of power, and deliberation is more indicative of wisdom. Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. And We did not create the heaven and the earth and that between them aimlessly. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. When we see a breathtaking view of the Milky Way or peer at Saturn through a telescope, we are amazed at the wonders of God! exact length and width rather it is expressed in accordance with Arabic There is nothing in existence but beauty, for God created the cosmos only in His image, that is, in the image of His infinite beauty. Darul Muqomah heaven was created by Allah SWT from the white gem. 1.6 The stars, planets, and meteors. My question is: it is well known that the heaven is much, much bigger than the earth. Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. 3-Surah Al-Imran ( The Family of Imran ) 47. Allah subhanahu wa taala made this place for his pious servants. This is for two obvious reasons: First: Allah wanted to give those who contemplate nature a chance to figure out His laws that govern this universe so that they would use them in establishing a good life on earth. And it is He who has made the night and the day in succession for whoever desires to remember or desires gratitude. irrelevant. Allah, however, is infinite in knowledge. Verily, your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six days, THEN he seated himself on the Throne; he governs everything. Whatever the This is the creation of Allah. That is the Bounty the great. 1.4 The stars, the sun, and the moon. But He wanted to: -Teach His slaves kindness and deliberation in their affairs. We did not create the heavens and earth and what is between them except in truth and [for] a specified term. [CDATA[ two completely independent entities. I'm always fascinated by the author's thought process and she illustrated the book as well so her illustration process as well. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. Allaah may or may not show this wisdom to us, and those who have deep knowledge may understand it, to the exclusion of others. One day of Allah is equal to one thousand years by our reckoning. As Paradise is so vast and huge, in the utmost sense, it is And We placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and We made therein [mountain] passes [as] roads that they might be guided. This heaven is reserved for those who give thanks to Allah for everything. case, the example given in the question regarding area and size is This is one of the meanings of Allaahs name al-Hakeem (The Most Wise). UK is grappling with vegetable shortages. January 16, 2015 03:00. And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember. However, it is inconceivable that he meant the greatness of size. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. Islam teaches that human beings are a unique life form that was created by Allah in a special way, with unique gifts and abilities unlike any other: a soul and conscience, knowledge, and free will. those who keep the mandates (which he carries) and his promises. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency. He has absolute power, perfect will and ultimate control of all affairs. And He (will be) their protecting friend because (of what) they used to do. (Anam 6:127). It is only Him Who has the power to say to something, "Be." and it happens. Then those will enter Paradise and not they will be wronged (in) anything. It was said that Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in The human body too will not degenerate; nor will anything ever age. Source: Al-Qurtubi (may Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah.. These cannot be applied to Allah like it does to His creation. Indeed in that is a sign for the believers. This heaven is often called Garden of Eternity or Garden of Eden. There is no intercessor except after His permission. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. Ibn Abbaas said: It is as It was also said that mankind was favored with speech and writing, and it was said with understanding and discretion. He knows what is before them and what is behind them but they cannot grasp any of His knowledge save what He wills.His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the Earth and their preservation does not tire Him. and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth, Or have they attributed to Allah partners who created like His creation so that the creation [of each] seemed similar to them? Say, Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Prevailing., 55-Surah Ar-Rahman ( The Most Graciouse ) 7, And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing. speech and way of expression. Thus Allah rewards the righteous. (An-Nahl 16:30-31), And among them (is he who is) foremost in good deeds by permission (of) Allah. Then will they not believe? So bring us a clear authority.. It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days; then He established Himself above the Throne. 1.3 The seven heavens and their denizens. width; rather what is meant is that it is like the biggest size you have Allah created the order of the universe in superb detail to allow man to grasp His greatness. 1 Cosmology of the Quran. So who is correct? Such six days, together with the seventh day, constitute the circle of time, which is governed and regulated by space. She said, My Lord, how will I have a child when no man has touched me? [The angel] said, Such is Allah; He creates what He wills. Indeed, Our word to a thing when We intend it is but that We say to it, Be, and it is. Already the word has come into effect upon most of them, so they do not believe. Allaah, The Exalted, says (what means): {The creation of the heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of the people do not know.} Then will you take him and his descendants as allies other than Me while they are enemies to you? Allaah, The Exalted, says (what means): {And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with (definite) preference.} And Allah calls to (the) Home (of) the Peace, and guides whom He wills to (the) straight path. (Yunus 10:25), For them (will be) home (of) [the] peace with their Lord. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him]. 1.2 The Earth and its waters. another, and that is the width of Paradise. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light. 8-Surah Al-Anfal ( The Spoils of War ) 17-20. Heaven is the ultimate goal for mankind after the end of the world. What you must do is realise that the superiority of the words of Allah, may Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Knowing. It is not meant literally. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of human existence. Have they not looked at the heaven above them how We structured it and adorned it and [how] it has no rifts? Were firstborns of Egyptians killed on night of Exodus? And indeed, many of the people, in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord, are disbelievers. Then return [your] vision twice again. big and vast, in the utmost sense, it is appropriate to refer to its size by The earth was created. (4/89). Allaah has endowed some animals with distinguishing abilities and qualities that were not given to man. The Messenger of Allah said: 'Paradise has one hundred grades, each of which is as big as the distance between heaven and earth. The Most Merciful [who is] above the Throne established. Mawa Heaven (Gardens of Abode/Refuge). Allah is Superior and He is the Strongest. The We can either obey him or disobey him. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Is He [not best] who made the earth a stable ground and placed within it rivers and made for it firmly set mountains and placed between the two seas a barrier? Hell, on the other hand, will be utterly different; in it, Allah will create unimaginable torment. And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming. Do they not contemplate within themselves? And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away. Allah/God tells us of His perfect wisdom in creating the heavens and the earth, and that He has not created them in vain. And He placed on the earth firmly set mountains over its surface, and He blessed it and determined therein its [creatures] sustenance in four days without distinction for [the information] of those who ask. He knows what penetrates into the earth and what emerges from it and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein; and He is with you wherever you are. is easy for people to understand and is in accordance with their usual He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in dominion and has created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination. And Allah, of what you do, is Seeing. That (is the) Bounty (of) Allah, He gives (to) whom He wills. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and as protection. And the day He says, Be, and it is, His word is the truth. can you please explain why he took 6 days to create the heavens and earth?. Our heart circulates all the blood in the body in 60 seconds. He be glorified and exalted, to the words of human beings is like the if the heavens and the earth are put together and joined together, like We can only come to know to the extent that Allah permits us. Then whoever seeks beyond that then those [they] (are) the transgressors. And Allah (is) the Possessor of Bounty, the Great. (Al-Hadid 57:21). Allah was, is and will be. Say, Is it other than Allah I should take as a protector, Creator of the heavens and the earth, while it is He who feeds and is not fed? Say, [O Muhammad], Indeed, I have been commanded to be the first [among you] who submit [to Allah] and [was commanded], Do not ever be of the polytheists. . (Allah is simply the Arabic name for God!). Allah's creations were created over prolonged intervals. And He, for gathering them when He wills, is competent. (ii) He was preparing things for Adam and his offspring before Adam existed, to emphasize Adams high standing before the angels. So Allah has created such a creation, we are one of his best. 2 - Surat Al-Teen: "We have indeed created man in the best of moulds." [95:4] 3 - Surat Al-Sajdah: "He Who created all things in the best way and He began the creation of man from clay." [32:7] 4 - Surat Aale Imran: "And to Allah belongs the dominion of the Heaven and Earth, and Allah is over all things. States that Allah created the earth first and finished the earth and second: created the heaven, which was vapor from the big bang theory and finished the heavens and third made the stars. And We have placed within the heaven great stars and have beautified it for the observers. And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. size. Muhammad Sarwar: If you ask them, "Who has created the heavens and the earth," they will certainly say, "God has created them." Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven and made them seven heavens and He is the All-Knower of everything" The human being is a creation of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) which has a free will. Allah made the angels out of light and made them purely good creatures, but He did not grant angels free will. Say, Who is Lord of the heavens and earth? Say, Allah. Say, Have you then taken besides Him allies not possessing [even] for themselves any benefit or any harm? Say, Is the blind equivalent to the seeing? And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): When He has decreed something, He says to it only: Be! and it is, It is He Who gives life and causes death. He details the signs for a people who know, Indeed, in the alternation of the night and the day and [in] what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are signs for a people who fear Allah, Say, Are there of your partners any who begins creation and then repeats it? Say, Allah begins creation and then repeats it, so how are you deluded?, And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days and His Throne had been upon water that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and as protection. For a believer, looking at the boundless Heavens is a way of appreciating the power and . Al-Haafiz Ibn Katheer said in his commentary on this verse (4/261): Here Allaah tells us how His will is executed in His creation, and how His decree is implemented. superiority of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, to His creation. Yet, we do not see them. High is He above what they associate with Him. //]]>, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. We can comprehend it only as far as Allah permits us to do so: Allah, there is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining. 41-Surah Fussilat ( Explained in Detail ) 9-12, Say, Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days and attribute to Him equals? the scholars have two views concerning the interpretation of the verse: the 78-Surah An-Naba ( The Great News ) 6-16. Rather He creates things for great and wise reasons, and for sublime purposes. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Perhaps he meant the immaterial greatness; Allaah has honored man and favored him over all the other creatures, endowing him with intellect and subjecting all the creatures in the heavens and earth for him. Dr. Zakir Naik says that the human being is the greatest creation, but Allaah says that the heavens are greater than man. He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days and then established Himself above the Throne the Most Merciful, so ask about Him one well informed. Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term. Prospective inhabitants are those whose faith has reached the level of muttaqin. Of course, heaven is a gift to Allahs servants who believe and always obey Him. It is the highest and most exalted heaven reserved for those who do not associate partners with Allah for anything, guard against any prohibited activity, and practice what Allah and His Apostle command. Adn heaven was created by Allah SWT from a white diamond. Verses about Allah does what he wants and is just. Verses from the Book of Allah on The Creation of universes Arranged in the order of the descent of the fence and accompanied by a simple interpretation, as well as with the possibility of listening to it, Your email address will not be published. The seven heavens are no more in comparison to the Kursi (footstool) than a ring taken from your finger and thrown in a vast desert (the . knowledge of that. Indeed, your Lord He is the Knowing Creator. are like a ring in a very big open space. Ash-Shawkaani He it is who gives life and causes death; and when He decrees a matter, He but says to it, Be, and it is. In short, Muslims do not believe that human beings randomly evolved from apes. This heaven is often called Garden of Delight. And We did certainly create the heavens and earth and what is between them in six days, and there touched Us no weariness. 46-Surah Al-Ahqaf ( The Curved Sand-hills ) 33. That is in the verses in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): "He it is Who created for you all that is on earth. Everything in the heavens and the Earth belongs to Him. 43-Surah Az-Zukhruf ( The Gold Adornment ) 9-10, And if you should ask them, Who has created the heavens and the earth? they would surely say, They were created by the Exalted in Might, the Knowing., [The one] who has made for you the earth a bed and made for you upon it roads that you might be guided. Fath al-Qadeer (1/437). That is the width of There are five answers to this question: (i)He wanted to create something each day to show His power to the angels and those who witnessed it. people who keep his genital, except to their wives. And it was said that it refers to the actual width of paradise; it is created now, but it is bigger than the heavens, and it is above the heavens, beneath the Throne. what he must do is doubt his understanding, his reasoning, his knowledge and End quote from him refer it to those who know it and trust that there are scholars who have [He is] Knower of the unseen and the witnessed; and He is the Wise, the Acquainted. Is He [not best] who begins creation and then repeats it and who provides for you from the heaven and earth?
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