Patricia Trescelli, and attorney with Parker, Chapin, Flattau, and Klimpel, agreed to consult with the women concerning possible legal action on a pro bono basis. It is sad for him, and for those who cared and were so deeply hurt by him, that his behavior has been allowed to continue with such devastating results to people just looking for help." But to accept a tuition-free second year, or even to leave the Institute quietly, Megan says, would have meant giving tacit approval to the continuing exploitation. She says he instructed her in how to give him pleasure and admonished her to always tell him that she had received pleasure, even thought she never did. Ayurvedic treatments, massage therapy, chiropractic care, and integrative health services at PureRejuv Wellness Center. HIT ranked under Top Commerce Colleges in All India by The Week 2022. In 1969, Pandit Arya met Swami Rama, who gave him "one of the highest meditation initiations," in which he experienced himself "as a being of light." In the mid-1970s, she and her husband George,* both students of Swami Rama, traveled to India and stayed at the guru's ashram in Rishikesh. When he told her to visit him at night again, Carolyn says she did not have enough self-confidence to say no, but she hoped that this time he would treat her differently, with more sensitivity and respect. She says he arranged for her to meet him at the Gramercy Park Hotel and instructed her not to call him Swami in public. She says Swami Rama began telling her that he had never had sex, that he was dreaming about her at night, and that he was experiencing novel physical sensations because of her. Following on the wave of favorable publicity, Swami Rama founded the Himalayan Institute in Illinois in 1971. During my weekend visit, Carolyn and I took long walks on the Institute's wooded grounds while talking about her compulsive eating patterns and her disastrous relationships with men suggested as possible husbands by Swami Rama. Pandit Rajmani cannot entertain the notion that the women's stories could be true. But their encounters were exactly the same as before, she says-emotionally impersonal and sexually mechanical. To my relief, I could detect no flash of recognition, guilt, fear, or anger in Carolyn's eyes. Maybe it's an honor that this great yogi asked me of all his students to serve him in this way. After teaching, studying, and traveling throughout India and Europe, he came to the University of Minnesota in the 1960s, where he taught Sanskrit and Indian religions. He would call her to his office for a private audience, and as she hung anxiously on his words he would paint a flattering picture of her future with the Institute. Megan says she squelched an urge to speak out, instead deciding, like most of the Institute's residents, to suspend judgment so she could "understand and learn" from this "great master." Carolyn had sought a consultation with Pandit Rajmani, who told her that Megan was either lying because she was "on an ego trip," or fantasizing a sexual encounter that had never taken place. She opted to forego pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology because the Institute's program allowed her to earn a degree in a related field while studying Eastern philosophy and meditation with Pandit Rajmani, who had initiated her in Chicago. Shortly after they started studying with Pandit Usharbudh Arya at the Meditation Center in Minneapolis, he introduced them to his guru, Swami Rama. In some states, a patient has the right to sue her doctor or psychotherapist for malpractice even if she originally consented to sex, because people under psychological or medical treatment are considered too vulnerable and dependent to give free and full consent. He rapidly attracted a following that included many graduate and professional students. We inspire, educate, and. But after two unsatisfying years, she left college and returned to the Chicago area. Carolyn felt important, entitled to be there because she was one of his secretaries. He is held accountable only to the higher spiritual laws, which he is uniquely able to comprehend. Now Megan says that in a different atmosphere, she would have immediately recognized Swami Rama's behavior as sexual harassment or "sadistic manipulation." Our humanitarian projects serve impoverished communities through rural empowerment and environmental regeneration. She thanked me, but assured me I had no reason for concern. The two couples referred to this statement in a petition to the FBI: they asked the FBI to investigate the threat letter and argued that Swami Rama could be deported by the Immigration and Naturalization Service as an undesirable alien on four grounds: possession of narcotics, sexual immorality, fraudulent financial dealings, and "affliction with [a] psychopathic personality." "The real guru is within," Dr. Ballentine says, "that still small voice within you." "Nirvana is one," Carolyn says she told him. Megan*, a former graduate student in the Eastern Studies program, wrote a letter to the Jesuit administration of the University of Scranton saying that Swami Rama was subjecting women students to sexual exploitation. Pandit Tigunait holds two doctorates: one in Sanskrit from the University of Allahabad, India, and one in Oriental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. ALL NEW! A world leader in yoga, meditation, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. The women's fears have aborted projects intended to expose possible exploitation to a wider audience. Trained to meditate and educated in the scriptures from early childhood, he was able to translate and interpret any of the 20,000 verses from the Vedas by the age of 13, according to a biographical pamphlet put out by the Meditation Center. No, he says: "Even if it happened, what's the big deal?& People say that Mahatma Gandhi& slept with women. Himalayan Institute of Technology Ranking and Awards. Its mission, according to the Articles of Incorporation, was "to make known to the members and people in general the real, synthetic, and harmonious view of world religions and philosophy in terms of modern scientific achievements and undertake researches for all around ethical, social, economical, and spiritual development of humanity to attain world peace, international integration, understanding, and spiritual awakening of the human race." Donate Help Our Cause US$20.00 Things are moving quickly now in the sex scandal involving the three oldest sons of Steven Anderson of Tempe, Arizona's favorite SPLC hate group Faithful Word Baptist Church. Spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute, Pandit Tigunait is the successor of Swami Rama of the Himalayas. Go to Top. Rather than being a saint, according to Green, Swami Rama is an advanced yogi and "a mortal with some ego problems.". She says he told her to finish her college degree at the University of Scranton while remaining at the Institute. At the same time, she felt anxious, because she'd seen how severe Swami Rama could be with those closest to him. The Swami, she says, bragged to a crowd of disciples that the woman would do whatever he told her, then put his dog's collar and leash around her neck and walked her back and forth, while the others laughed. "Before [these women] started saying these things, I also had a very good feeling that these people were wonderful people and they would never lie and they were trustworthy people. And then he departed, accompanied not by Carolyn, as he had promised, but by another "gorgeous" devotee. Carolyn and others say Megan caused a scandal in the Honesdale ashram by breaking the silence surrounding Swami Rama's sexual behavior. The institute has branches in the United States, Europe, and India. Companies Himalayan Institute Tell us how to improve this page Yoga seminars, retreats, and professional certifications taught by our world-class faculty, designed to bring you the best of an authentic yoga tradition. In mid-autumn, the day came for Swami Rama's annual trip to India. Whether youre retracing the footsteps of sages through pilgrimage in the Himalayas, or immersing yourself in the most incredible spaces the US has to offer, you will experience the life-changing power of yoga in action. Irwin Schneider, the lawyer for the Himalayan Institute, conceded that it was morally wrong for the Swami Rama to have sex with the woman from North Carolina, a 19-year-old student at the time. Several months later, the two couples met up again. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Explore high-quality, unique, practice-enhancing products made for yogis everywhere. Who We Are; What We Do; Where We Work. Ultimately, the woman had revealed the liaison to her husband. A world leader in yoga, meditation, and holistic health, we are dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. The Greens' experiments caused a furor in the scientific community because they gave powerful support to autogenic biofeedback research, which 10 years earlier had begun demonstrating that body functions which had formerly been considered involuntary could be controlled. The original creator of the neti pot, the Himalayan Institute has been offering traditional and modern products for health and spirituality since 1971. The yogis, he says, have demonstrated these abilities in the past and continue to do so. Over the past 15 or 20 years, numerous spiritual teachers have admitted to, or been charged with, having sexually exploitative relationships with their female students. The Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy is an international non-profit organization, which promotes yoga and holistic health through yoga retreats, residential programs, health products and services, media publications including Yoga International magazine, and humanitarian projects.The institute's main campus is located on (1.6 km 2) in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern . But in 1980, they say, they returned to Honesdale after a brief vacation to learn that their friend Rose* had allegedly been sexually assaulted by Swami Rama during their absence and had fled the Institute for New York City. Health Clinics Health Education Public Libraries School of Carpentry At some point, we ran into Swami Rama in a hallway. Treat yourself to a massage, meditate in the peaceful meditation shrine, or relax in one of the many attractive community spaces available on campus. The same spirit of community and service that fuels our headquarters in Honesdale, PA, can be found in these dedicated affiliate centers of practice. The daughter of an alcoholic, she longed for guidance from a spiritual authority figure. He warns against relying too heavily on the inner voice: "When we look for the guru within, we only end up finding our own samskaras-vagaries of the unconscious mind are mistaken for directions from the superconscious. Relationships are the first test of spirituality. Expert wellness consultations direct to your home. He told her he was writing a book of poetry for her, and he offered to find her a husband. His disciples believe he knows them better than they know themselves, and that if they want to achieve their spiritual goals they should do exactly as he says. Terry* and Brian* say they were recruited into the Himalayan Institute's inner circle for their wealth and social connections. Swamis, he explains, are renunciates who take vows of abstinence which include giving up sex, wine, and red meat, as well as other stimulants to the physical senses. But the purified ego is a means in discriminating real Self from not-self-real Self from mere self. The 10-campus system closes a loophole that could have let undergraduates piece together a degree. He is also head of the Institute's Holistic Studies (formerly Eastern Studies) program and has written a number of scholarly books on yoga philosophy. Shortly after they returned to the U.S., Karen and George say that they and all their correspondents received a bizarre, defamatory letter containing an implicit death threat. Swami Rama called a meeting to defend himself. kono oto tomare main character; best supported football clubs in europe; rolling ridge conference center Because I do not want to find out. Outside of work, Sawana has been married to her wonderful husband since 2008 and together they have 3 beautiful sons. They are instructed to have "no emotional relationship inside or outside the Institute," and residential program directors are charged with monitoring disciple's behavior and attitudes to make sure they conform to Institute expectations. She was thrilled; it was commonly believed at the Institute that the fastest way to reach enlightenment was to spend as much time as possible in the presence of the guru. During that time, neither of them would see any other, and she should never tell anyone. He also sent out a letter resigning from the board. He reportedly sat down on a chair next to her bed and proceeded to make sexual advances. Dr. Ballentine says he has good reason to think that Marston "was very anxious for [Nuernberger] to go further, and he didn't. Our various programms address all aspects of a meditator's life because all of life has an effect on meditation. University of California System Bans Fully Online Degrees. Join us for studies in the true meaning of yogaincluding asana, meditation, mantra, tantra, sacred scripture, and the art of joyful living. He says it is a relationship that goes beyond religions, the purest relationship possible, "the relationship of water flowing from a hill and filling a hollow at the bottom-the hollow has nothing to give in return, but only to accept that grace in gratitude. My father certainly had sex, and that's why I was born, so will I lose faith in my father? Brian says he felt betrayed, but the knowledge that Swami Rama had financially exploited him made it easier for the couple to cut their ties to the Institute. Study Online As the other disciples looked on with envy, Swami Rama called her aside for a final, intimate word: She should work on herself, he reportedly told her-lose some weight and learn to admire herself. Our Honesdale campus continues to be home to a service-driven community of yogis, volunteers, and faculty-in-residence. Whilst there's no hint of it on the Himalayan Institute's website, Swami Rama faced lawsuits in the 1990s over sexual abuse with his students stemming back to the 1970s. The two women who wrote statements for the Cult Awareness Movement were among those involved: One stated that she was a patient at the Institute's holistic health center in New York City, and the other stated she was 17 years old when Swami Rama initiated a sexual relationship with her. "I only needed one person to corroborate my experience," Megan says now. From its beginnings 20 years ago, the Institute has expanded steadily to include some 25 branches and affiliated yoga and holistic health centers in the Midwest, the Northeast, Texas, California, and abroad. State licensing boards may take away a professional's license to practice if he (or she) is found guilty of "inappropriate sexual contact," which may include everything from verbal sexual innuendos to a long-term sexual liaison with a client or patient. In my interviews with current and former members of the Institute, I heard an almost unvarying litany of beliefs about Swami Rama's abilities. So far, none of their attempts to communicate their experiences has been met by official Institute willingness to investigate their charges. She began to believe that this man who might have been spiritual at one time was now suffering from feelings he couldn't control. A week later, Megan blew the lid off Swami Rama's private life, confirming what Carolyn already knew in her heart. Our endeavors are distinguished by their living connection to an ancient wisdom tradition of the Himalayan Masters, expressed through a unique offering of online and in-person mission programs. The Meditation Center became affiliated with the Himalayan Institute, and eventually Pandit Arya achieved his dream of having his own ashram in India, when Swami Rama made him president of his Rishikesh ashram. [2] [ Brian says he refused to tell Rose's story in such an atmosphere. Unfortunately, there is some mystery surrounding its founder, Swami Rama, and possible connection with drug abuse and sexual indecency. The Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, nestled in the beautiful Pocono Mountains in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, was founded in 1971. A world leader in the field of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is a non-profit international organization dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. Finally I found an opportunity to broach the topic of the lawsuit with Carolyn. Only recently has she acknowledged her anger at Swami Rama. When she shared her news with the other residents at East West Books, they told her she should feel honored: She had been chosen, while long-time devotees had been denied the privilege. Teaching since 1971, the Himalayan Institute offers a wide variety of wellness supplies. We are happy to bring you a combination of Zoom, In-person, and Hybrid options. Swami Rama, she says, would extol his own sexual abilities but tell her she was bad at making love. Both women and men say they blamed themselves and their own spiritual obtuseness when they repeatedly failed to discern and follow the shifting rules. To judge by their price tags, these and other Institute programs must bring in a considerable income. She became paralyzed by her fear of angering him. Swami Rama made Carolyn his appointments secretary in August also. She specializes in Myotherapy, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, Swedish Relaxation, Sports Therapy, and Hot Stone Massage. Swami Rama's claims to this spiritual background have been questioned by some of his former students. Rajmani explains the basic goals of the Institute's tradition of yoga: "The most important part of the practice is nonattachment." Marston's lawsuit, he says, was an act of revenge. Carolyn remembers being amazed: Could Swami Rama possibly be talking about sex? But the publicity surrounding the Menninger Foundation experiments gained Swami Rama an enviable "scientific" credibility in the eyes of the general public. What a foolish woman! He must also vow that he will not harm any living being. Instead they deny the experience of the "unenlightened" women who are the guru's victims. Friends of the two couples set up a "truth booth" outside the entrance of the Institute's first annual congress in 1976. Up to that point I had felt like he was a guru, that he cared about me at least, but no, he was just using me.". Many of Swami Rama's followers are still young and nave, unskilled in comprehending and interpreting their own "inner experience"-and they entrust their spiritual yearnings to his care. She would start with handling the appointments and then she would make his plane reservations, scheduling lecture tours. "This sudden animosity indicates that there is something fishy in the statement of this person. As the couple started making arrangements to move to England, they received another blow. Obedience to the guru's commands is implicitly expected of all long-term residents; former students describe him walking through the main dining room and ordering one person to move to the New York branch, another to change jobs. He backed off, Megan says, while telling her that sex wasn't necessary-she could be his special student. Since she had taken over, everything had been put in order. At the meeting, Brian says, Dr. Ballentine presented letters from another woman, Karen,* who also claimed to have been sexually exploited by Swami Rama. Himalayan Institute Online Our new online platform for community, courses, and content. But for a man of Pandit Arya's background and beliefs, the relationship with one's guru is more momentous than any merely temporal bond. A world leader in the field of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is a non-profit international organization dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian programs. Still, she felt she had no right to question the guru's actions. But as she spent more time around Swami Rama and his inner circle, Megan says, the guru subjected her to a barrage of sexual harassment. Himalayan Institute Online. The Himalayan Institute and its varied activities and programs exemplify the spiritual heritage of mankind that unites East and West, spirituality and science, ancient wisdom and modern technology. "We were Brahmins in the Institute's caste system," Terry recalls. His devotees hovered near the ashram's entrance, hoping for final instructions or a blessing from the guru. A pearl necklace that Brian had bought from Swami Rama as an "investment" was appraised at roughly one-third of the $100,000 he had paid for it. She never received a response. Residents are expected to donate a large portion of their labor, and they must sacrifice personal freedoms and privacy. Enrich your practice through the wisdom of the Himalayan Tradition, found in our online community and digital library, with new content added every week. She was dreamy! The guru spoiled them, they say, calling them his spiritual son and daughter, and soon invited them to come live in Pennsylvania. Yet the Institute's success comes at a high cost for many of those involved. At the same time, she says, he offered her money and told her he wanted to put her in his will. My initial experience with yoga in the 1990's at the Himalayan Institute of Buffalo led me to making a radical shift in lifestyle and moving to the Institute's educational headquarters in Honesdale, P.A. Pandit Arya reportedly alternated between disbelieving and believing the growing number of his female students who told him that Swami Rama had sexually harassed or abused them. As an enlightened being, he is thought to be beyond the judgment of ordinary mortals, their laws and morality. Under the guidance of his master, he traveled from monastery to monastery and studied with a variety of Himalayan saints and sages, including his grandmaster who was living in a remote region of Tibet. For a time, she says, she considered getting a pistol to carry to work. On one occasion, she says, Swami Rama ordered all the women disciples to weed out some roots around his new cabin, telling them they were rooting out their samskaras. Each of the women I interviewed described how he would discern her particular needs and self-doubts and manipulate her spiritual beliefs or naivet in order to exploit her sexually-he has an uncanny ability to suit his approach to each victim, they say. Perfect. He reportedly smokes cigarettes, watches television for hours every day, and gossips, but his disciples rationalize this non-abstinent behavior: "Oh, Swamiji just smokes to bring himself down to the earth plane," or, "The TV is on incessantly just to give the student one more distraction to challenge his ability to maintain yogic balance," or, "all the stories Swamiji tells about other people are just to give the disciple the opportunity to develop objectivity and not get caught up in the meaningless gossip.". Our commitment to service both at home and abroad incorporates our global humanitarian impact through projects in Africa and India as well as a commitment to sustainable partnerships with the local community at our world headquarters in Honesdale. Had anyone spoken to her? A leader in the field of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and holistic health, the Himalayan Institute is dedicated to serving humanity through educational, spiritual, and humanitarian . A short time later, Swami Rama let her go as his secretary-because, she says he told her, she didn't really want the job. Our new online platform for community, courses, and content. A report has been made to law enforcement, and I'm guessing . She said no: She had been on a work crew Swami Rama had ordered to week poison ivy roots for his new garden, and she was covered with oozing blisters. Similarly, a woman who had been repeatedly abused by Sri Swami Rama of The Himalayan Institute when she was 19 years old was awarded $1.9 million. There's no need for finding out, if I know it is completely wrong.". Minneapolis was the site of another Institute-related scandal in 1981. The teachings contained in the sacred texts cannot play any meaningful part in judging who is a good guru and who is not: "How could they? Mission Membership is an invitation to put your spiritual values into action by supporting our shared commitment to service while deepening your study and practice in the living Himalayan Tradition. The Combined Therapy program and the outpatient branches of the Institute for Holistic Medicine combine Western medicine, homeopathy, Eastern medicine, psychotherapy, nutrition, yoga, and meditation to treat people with a variety of physical and emotional problems. Himalayan Institute locations 3.6 Honesdale, PA Show all locations What's being discussed at Himalayan Institute? According to the story Terry and Brian say Rose later told them, late one night Swami Rama tapped at the door of her room and then walked in on her. One evening in early June, Carolyn remembers, Swami Rama's housekeeper phoned the women's dorm and asked her to bring the manuscript she was preparing over to Swami Rama's new cabin. Check our website! Within a sect the guru's authority is often absolute: he rules from the pinnacle of the institutional hierarchy. Allegations of sexual abuse by Swami Rama have followed on the heels of the Institute's success like a shadow. It was years more before she felt she had the right to be angry at her spiritual family, the staff and residents of the Institute who, she says, denied the signs of abuse all around them. Nestled in the rolling hills of the Poconos, our stunning 400-acre campus is a gathering place for seekers from around the globe. What a foolish woman! This was not true! Fortified by their mutual discovery, Karen says, the two couples undertook to inform their fellow students back home in Minneapolis. Humanitarian, Swami Rama, Teacher. Himalayan Meditation Institute is dedicated to providing authentic and transformative training in the art and science of meditation. Before leaving, Megan says, she tried to confront Swami Rama publicly-but he went into seclusion, claiming illness. 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