Trajan rose to prominence during the reign of emperor Domitian. I believe this is a humanist approach to the idea at the end of A Doll's House. Thus points of preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love and Exhibitionistic requires constant attention and admiration and lack of empathy: inability to recognize how others feel resembles some of Nora characteristics. Millions were infected. But Marcus decided to blame his wife for his acting like what Eve did to Adam. In Marcus letter to his wife, not one time did Marcus tell his wife that he loved her? He pleaded with her to tell him how they could make it work. The act as if they have all the control and base all there actions upon that.They have many similarities, in the controlling part and in the fact that they believe as men & husbands they have the upperhand with everything that goes on. He was disappointed that knowing the role society has for her in his family and how that reflects upon him, yet she chose to shame them. The tone of Marcus's letter is cold and harsh. 19th century society was built on very strict Victorian values. However, right after he states they were both responsible for the seperation he seems to put the blame right back onto his wife. I felt a touch of compassion for Helmer in that he didn't know what hit him when Nora declared her intentions. It seems that Marcus does not take much responsibility for their separation. He expresses his dissatisfaction of her actions by telling her outright she "sinned greatly." 15. Krogstad needed to keep his job to support himself and keep the only good thing about his reputation. However, I believe that she acts like this on the surface in order to hide her insecurities about her own life. Both husbands simply lacked humanity.The first difference that can be noticed between the two though is the tone. The husband is making statement such as if she comes back it will be the "correct" thing to do. He seems to play more of the submissive role in the marriage. WebSeveral of the younger Pliny's letters are addressed to Suetonius, with whom he lived in the closest friendship. On March 15, 44 B.C. Just by reading his letter to her, it seems that Marcus holds all the power in the household. But the kids - they certainly will suffer from this entire ordeal. Tufts purpose in arguing that Nora be seen as narcissistic can be explained by the way the story ended. Nora realizing that her so-called 'husband' Torvald was only making her stay by his side trough the use of money. He's clearly very narcisstic. stream WebBarker for stimulating discussions and the solution to one of the problems; William Waite for pictures from his antique math collection; and Peter Cromwell, Lord & Lady Dunsany, Peter Knoppers, John Lienhard, John Mainstone, David Nicholls, Paul and Colin Roberts, Anders Sandberg, John Sullivan, and others for their valuable contributions. After reading Tuft's article, I completely agree with Nora as a Narcissist. She cares more about the positive aspects of her life than the troubles her friend is going through. Also, the itinerary he requested from her and the schedule that was enclosed with the letter both show me that he is a very demanding man and most likely a difficult person to be married to. A ship, namely a merchantman, returning to Archangel and then England will deliver the letter. Nora does display some characteristics of a narcissist that are given by Tuft. WebHis wife, Abigail Smith Adams was wrote constantly to him on the conditions of wartime Boston which had been held by the British.The city had been liberated by George Washingtons army just before these letters were written. Tuft says Nora is narcissistic, and I think that is something we can all agree with. Tufts argues the fact that Nora is narcissistic - because in the end she thinks only of her well being and only about herself right before she leaves. Aside from a brief mention of their family (their children and their extended families), there isn't a personal tone in the words written. While yes, these things seem as though they are narcissistic roles, but if a lady has no other option, then the role of a housewife of this time period can really lead no where else besides egocentricity. He asked her how she could possibly not love him anymore. So under all that reprimanding and power it seems that the husbands are crippled and need their wives to come back. He is almost reprimanding her for her mistakes and he seems very egotistic. Plan daccs; Formulaire de contact Marcuss letter to his wife sounds like he is reprimanding her for the cause of her leaving. Because if the time period these characters are in, Nora could not be much of anything and was living under the financial accomplishments of her husband Torvald. Helmers lenient way in controlling his wife was way less controlling where as Marcus was in complete under his rules.A women living in the early nineteen hundreds with Noras traits being rebellious and lacks content in what she has is definitely a narcissistic. May God bless and keep you, dear heart, and be kind to little Elizabeth, and those others I love so well. Which is very childlike and well you did it first so ha. Almost slave like relationship. A difference that I see is that Helmer is willing to do anything to get Nora to come back but Marcus lays down all these rules if she wants to come back. Tuft breaks down the definition of narcissism by referring to the criteria established by the Task Force on Nomenclature and Statistics of the American Psychiatric Association. ever since I've had a job the amount of money that I currently own has been a great supplement into making me feel either depressed or achieved. I find some very significant similarities and differences between Marcus and Torvald Helmer. For some peopole, the belief is to stick with your family through thick and thin. In the following letters, Abigail writes to her husband in Philadelphia. He compares himself to Adam of the bible arguing that Eve sinned first and if not for her, he would never have had that opportunity for sin. At the end when she leaves it seems that she is only thinking of herself because she just gets up and leaves. Nora no longer wanted to be a wife nor mother, Nora only concern was herself. It's more of a job then something you should because you feel like doing. He was equally guilty as her because he shouldn't have pushed her away from him and she shouldnt have left her children. However, if Marcus' letter is indeed a future version of the letter Helmer is going to write to Nora, I do not believe Helmer would be far more demanding than Marcus because because Helmer's main concern is his dignity. He even proposed a schedule for them, to follow in order for their home to be happy; but with the same routine happening over and over again, happiness will soon disintegrate and the family will crumble yet again. ,W YXYk(\'z?^{)FrQ1%S,VIHdXG$oCe,9][ \7%{u2V](Z2YD`3njuX*W Describe the tone of Marcuss letter to his wife. I believe Tuft's purpose and reasoning on why Nora is a narcissist is a true statement that can be proven by Nora's actions and comparing them to Tuft's list of narcissistic personality traits. His determination seemed to be winning success when, in 180, he died at his military headquarters, having just had Whether there was like real love between them they did in fact care about each other one or the other.Some similarities I saw which is the obvious one is the wives leave their husband and I think the reasons they had were similar as well. David. His tone in the letter is condescending and self-righteous. Rather than her catering to his ever whim, he spoils her. Thats such a gross over simplification of the problems Nora was going through, it wasn't just capitalism that made her do these things, it completely turns these personal decision and thoughts into a reason for a socialized economy. She always wants things to center around her which seems to be the reason why she loves all the attention and little games her and Torvald would play in the beginning of the story. Answer:marcus is calm because it's a letter I thinkummmExplanation:I tried I think that is why they had to find a way to escape all of it, because money really isn't everything they just wanted to find some kind of happiness instead of always being controlled. The tone of Marcuss letter to his wife is very strict and bitter. However, I do not believe he takes on any responsibility for their separation. Whatever Nora does she's doing it for her well-being and if she gets nothing out of it then she won't do it. This page provides opportunities for students to contribute ideas, multi-media resources, written materials, analysis of literary critiques and even announcements that will amplify our responses to class readings, literary reviews and projects. This is opposite of Marcus approach. It matches up to one of the behaviors in the list. What human being is wrong for finding what makes them happy? The goal the speaker wants to achieve. Torvald constantly checked to ensure Nora wasnt sneaking off to eat macaroons. Men might understand, but woman are people, not property. She has no middle point or other options for herself to choose from. I completely agree with Alyssa. He was living by society's rules and really didn't know any better. It is understandable that outsiders will comment on such a juicy and tragic event as their wives leaving. WebIn 177 Marcus proclaimed his 16-year-old son, Commodus, joint emperor.Together they resumed the Danubian wars. how to tell a male from a female dragonfly; what happened to christopher and serena phillips; christina simons lush Your good taste will tell you which to send to Mary. Now well into his voyage, on July 7 Robert Walton writes to his sister. From this passage I can tell that Marcus is a very demanding man, and wants his wife to live up to the expectations being portrayed in this present day. A denial of the validity of an opposing argument. I found Torvald loved Nora where as Marcus does not love his wife. She had a variety of prepared replies she instructed her secretary to send. he does in the start of the letter state that he feels it is both of them who have caused this seperation. Aside from responsibilities, Torvald also like Marcus blames everything on his wife however as much as we know about Torvald, Torvald actually pushed his wife to this point. I truly dont believe it was for the obvious rotting effect, but the way her rotten teeth would be perceived by the public. Check it out here: ====> Why men leave perfect women <=====, Making Literature Matter in Contemporary Thought, The Secret Ingredient to obsessive love. Marcus is much more in control than Torvald was. His tone is very indifferent in the letter; he tells her "Don't travel unprepared; if you need money, ask your father." Mrs. Linde depends on Torvald to provide her with a job and she is able to get the job because she a widow. Nora is seen as a feminist heroin because she was brave enough to walk away from her oppressor, but what if she is the complete opposite of a hero? Marcus wants to be the one in cotrol and you can feel his anger through this letter. WebA woman in upper- class society of the time had few choices in an unhappy marriage. Nora could of gone about handling these situations in different ways, but its as if she likes the change, she likes where her life is heading. Nora is narcissistic. This point acted to support Ibsen's statement that Nora was not necessarily the heroine which readers so often liked to portray her as. The condition of ones marriage should come before the words of neighborhood gossipers. Relationship Support Letters Examples Canadavisa com July 8th, 2010 - Having some family and friends provide letters to help prove our common law relationship My mother and his mother and at least two friends from each of us Do you think thisKindly say, the Affidavit Of Support Sample Letter is universally compatible with any devices to I do not beleive that Nora purposely ment to be ego-centric, however, she was. The Marxist approach to "A Doll's House" provides a different way of examining this situation than I could have thought. What might have been shocking is now seen somewhat antiquated. Ms. Linde was stuck taking care of her relatives. While many people argue that Nora leaving was completely wrong, sometimes spouses need to leave. Marcus warned Ulrike of the contempt and indifference he and the children would face if she didnt return. Nora had responsibilitiesshe made a vow to her husband and she had 3 children. For his part, Marcus does not accept responsibility for their separation. He sees no other reason as to why someone would leave in search for their own desires is they weren't content in only pleasing themselves. He coats her with sweet words and places a cherry on top of each sentence with a reference to a bird or squirrel. If he had indeed reflected on his actions, he would not be telling her "if we want not only to be content for a day but forever, you will have to follow my wishes." It makes us ask the question can we truly ever achieve total freedom on this earth. Throughout almost the entire letter, he is dictating his wife; telling her what must be done and the way it is done. The text is not feminist due to the fact that Nora is not standing up for some rights giving by women. At the end of the story, Nora leaves her husband, her children, her vows even her old life in search of a better one. Narcissism is characterized as someone who has a large sense of self-importance, preoccupied with fantasies of success, requires constant attention, indifferent to other peoples feelings, and takes advantage of others to get what they want. However, it seems strange that at the time of Torvald's promotion she finally left. Unlike him, at least Helmer was willing to treat Nora with more respect. But who is a man telling an individual man nor woman, what is correct. Later, he subtly admits that he heightened the problem. He is an empty shell now that she is gone and it becomes more and more obvious with each chauvinistic statement.He also spoke of things to come. This, I find, is actually quite the contrary. Marcus starts with unyielding disappoint from his wife when he places her in a cycle of vicious injustice, "you have sinned me greatly--" The five words of the letter creates the stage where the husband is showing his power over his wife. Marcus starts off by saying you have sinned greatly and maybe I too; but this much is certain: Adam sinned after Eve had. He did not say hurtful things to her. Her departure is also on very short notice, which would make one think that Helmer's reaction would be one of great surprise and anger. As Nora is the main character of the play, she would be receiving the most attention, however, Nora seems to like the attention. He simply says she can return if she wants, but only if she makes some changes. Helmer is not the best man in the world but he is certainly more cleaver than this fellow, Marcus. The Marxist approach is very interesting. Nora does display some traits of a narcissistic person because of her obsession with how much money she has, and because her appearance and status in society is very important to her. Marcus is using his assertiveness as a way to instill shame and guilt into the heart of his estranged wife. Torvald does admit his mistake and begs Nora to stay, while Marcus pretty much says, "I was partially wrong for the way I acted, but I don't really care whether to come back or not." The letter to me seemed like a contract between two people who work; a partner at work and not a marriage because he states everything that he wants her to do so she can come back in specific detail and the thing is is that she doesn't want to come back because of that specific reason; his way of making everything a business and not a relationship. She can come back and play the role that she hates or be out in the world as an outcast, that could prevent her from living a normal life. You explore the feelings of a man desperate in the heat of loosing his job, and wife trying to hide the debt she has obtained from her husband. She leaves her children and her husband behind because she wanted to be free. Instead, words that describe tone focus on how the person's disposition or mood is conveyed. This comment has been removed by the author. In Marcus's letter to his wife, his tone comes off as authoritative, egotistic,extremely critical, threatening and domineering. That I can say is true because Nora did not have a job of her own other than tendingto the house and basically spending Torvald's money. I never considered a Marxist approach when thinking about A Doll House, but it makes some good points and I can see it some many of the other characters perspectives not just Nora and Tolvald. Life is all about compromise. For most people it worked and they believed to be happy with it. He had to keep his wife in perfect conditionlike a delicate set of China. Besides that, I see no similarities. However, in Marcus case he makes defines what are the duties that a woman should be doing in her house. She is very preoccupied with her husbands success. When Nora wants to leave he tells her she is crazy and is pleaing with her to stay. When coming to that conclusion Ms. Tuft uses diagnosis "criteria established bythe American Psychiatric Association," such as Nora's "grandiose sense of self-importance (and an) inability to recognizethe distress of someone who is seriously ill. (1771 Tuft)" Throughout the play Nora emphasis how she "saved Torvalds life, that if it wasn't for her borrowing money and booking that trip to Italy then "Torvald would have never recovered" (1515 Norton Anthology). In the letter that Columbus wrote to the King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, he explained why and how his voyage was a success. One of the similarities between Marcus's letter and Nora's husband is in the fact that both of them want their wives back. While Marcus just tell her to leave, that even though she sinnes maybe he did too, but she did it first. Marcus basically explains to his wife that she has sinned first therefore the entire sin is on her and not him which is exactly like a dolls house. i do not feel this makes her narcissistic. Through this letter we can see that Marcus was not in any way like Torvald. He thought their home and family was happy. Similar to Marcus in the letter, and Torvald in the play A Doll's House, with men treat their wife's as second class citizens. Tuft was referring Nora as someone who seems to be the victim due to society but yet its not so when she made the choice to leave her family. I think that if Helmer were to write a letter to Nora, it would not be of the same framework as Marcus' letter. The difference is , Trovold kind of treats Nora as a child or dog -- giving her rewards for being a "good" wife, like always giving her money and rewarding her with jewlery and clothes. he is dictating to his wife in this letter as well. I cannot believe the arrogance he has when he expects her to return to him. It would be considered marxist due to the fact that her decision were partly based on the social parts of the play. Of course! WebWritten by Timothy Sexton. As I read Marcus's letter to his wife, it reminded me a lot of the type of relationship that Nora and Torvald had. I would have sent it back. This shows that he believes women will not willingly choose to live on their own because they may be incapable, dependent, or other things. Tufts wants the readers to realize that Nora is not illustrating any form of solidarity towards others. He writes "you alone carry the guilt of all the misfortune" and that their happiness is dependent on her ability and willingness to strictly follow his orders. It's business. She is finally becoming her own person and figuring out her own life. Furthermore if such decision making power she had then whey has she ignored Dr. Ranks condition? However, walking out on your family has a great affect on many individuals. He wears his emotions on his sleeve while Marcus masks his underneath his masculinity. Marcus's letter reminded me of someone who writes something to a person that left them, blaming everything on that person. !z4eSLA};q".]X'.U_>*rZ/zyW}qY__-w/\|yp[qyfyVq}]}tD"pB/'|. Tuft's purpose in arguing that Nora be seen as narcissistic because Nora character cannot stand on her own. They also seemed like they wanted to be their own person instead of "someone's wife". centerpoint sniper 370 crossbow replacement parts. In that time, as the letter shows, a wife did not have much say so in a relationship besides taking care of the children and running the household. In the end, she sees that he is more aware of his own self and she needs to discover what or who she can be without anything from him whether it's money, love, or even their kids. And come to think about it even our days I am not sure how I would have understand a women who abandoned her 6 (!!!) Hence, the Athenians represented him with his robe before his mouth, as if he felt the pinching winds. A Marxist Approach to A Doll house show how a female role relies on a male. But I do have one thing to disagree with, and that's to think that all of Nora's decisions that she had made in the end were a result of capitalism, I think its a little more personal that, I hate the fact that the author of the Marxist article tried to say that "Noras of the world by manipulating their economic status and, by extension, their conscious estimation of themselves and their place in society." Noras abandonment of her family was wrong, but there were many of things that provoke her to leave her family. An argument that presents Nora as narcissistic is one of great interest, one which I had never considered before. In the letter he uses rhetorical strategies such as tone, diction and pathos to convey the greatness that was the United States. His tone makes it seem like he does not care whether she comes back to home or not. The man that is in Marcuss letter sets the ground rules of what the definition of a women should be and do because he feels like it is her priority to fulfill his wishes. Rhetorical Analysis Of Benjamin Banneker Letter 535 Words | 3 Pages However, Marcus is being harsh and lets his wife know he will be the one in charge and no buts should be heard.
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