His word says, if we as fathers being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ASK him! I just spent time emailing a woman back and forth. Jesus ultimately won the war for Christians. Food ran right through me; I had diarrhea continually. Dont allow the enemy to convince you there is no way out. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on himin truth. But again, we have to remember, the context of this passage is how the church should function when it comes together, not the special giftings each person will have for their whole life. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Into the spirit of adoption that cries glory glory to our ABBA Father not by my might but by the blood the word of Jesus Christ the living Christ we are set free from every spiritual bondage and we give all the glory to king if kings lord of lords we sing praise his holy name I know how you feel. I had painted a completely wrong picture of him in my heart because i was angry and confused. Through faith in something . A Prayer to Stop Demonic Harassment. So gladddd to hear your lovely little voice. Do you recognise this as a demonic attack or a medical condition? I am a child of God, and I have suffered deep depression most of my life. Again, these gifts of Gods Spirit are not only for the gifted but for all followers of Jesus. Because there is always hope if you chose to hold on to Jesus. I break the curse of suicide, depression, Heaviness, sadness, hopelessness, self-pity, & grief and command all demons that . Hi Edwin. I realised I was afraid of the feelings but of course we still have the flesh and we will experience the feelings of fear and anger but its what we say to those feelings He is mighty to save and I believe youre on the road to freedom! The Spirit of Depression is not to be trifled with. I am sorry to say i know who this person is who it originated from on this article, posing as one needing help, because i get so very few emails on this particular email address i use. You see???? (And given us the Spirit of a Sound Mind). Again, Paul was not stating that some have the gift of speaking in tongues and others do not. The worlds getting more accepting not as much as it should be. As you command it to leave, it will try its hardest to stay, symptoms may get worse as you press in, it will use whatever tactic to get u to stop. Deborah, This video might help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anNiQFaFmrc&t=36s. he will see you through to the end, FAITHFUL is He who called you. My wife and I got together to discuss the situation agreeing that something had to change. And it sits there. However I discovered that Catholicism does not teach the true Biblical Gospel which Jesus described, of how to be saved. Jesus said NEW tongues not OTHER tongues. It isGod who justifies. The Word of God trumps you and his word says you must bow to the name of Jesus. That measly depression that feels so big and bad? Gods hand over us is so powerful and so are the medications he gave us the free will to make. My son is restored and renewed Jesus because he feels like he cant change. Ive been told to meditate on the word, read more, seek more and rest in Him. What I do find comforting though is that I keep going to God, again and againso faith exists. It will take hard work, but it will come and it will work, and it is worth every bit of effort. He has already answered your prayers. I literally could no longer work. Hes been dealing with depression since he was a young. Wash me thoroughly with the blood of your Son Jesus and cleanse me from the effects of drugs and alcohol. With Gods help this is what I did and you can do it too. Ill check back in a week or so Im very sorry to hear this. Having done all you know to do, STAND BELIEVING even though you dont feel a release. I believe with all my heart that God desires for us to be free. Look, he made an everlasting covenant with you. God gave us a Spirit of Power over allll ur power and his presence is here right now that thrusts you out and makes you flee like lightning. To think that you are mindful of me it overwhelms my soul. God has already made a way out for you. If He gave it to you, then you HAVE it! Its YOU who has power over the depression. This is when we ensure that we are taking care of our whole person, not just one aspect, if we want to truly be free. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT) "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.". Its so good to come together to pray for, and encourage, one another. Spoiler alert: He cant have it unless you hand it to him. Even if you have to work overtime or take a second job for a while. Say your prayers and come to the Lord. The spirit of anxiety wraps itself around your spine in order to control your central nervous system. The spirit of depression may not remain to deceive but is thrust out by the Spirit of God who gave us power over ALL your power. As I look at Jesus' road to Calvary, I find that He had to encounter both. Two weeks later she went home. Then I keep failing and doubting my salvation. I believe God! Before deliverance, we are not able to do it, but now after deliverance, it is our responsibility to do it. It says when trial or tribulation arises BECAUSE OF THE WORDS SAKE, it produced no fruit. 25 Feb/23. The woman was demon possessed, and had been dealing with a number of issues, including anxiety and fear. healingrooms.com they have a book called How to minister soecific sickness. I went through countless deliverances for demons, when I probably had no demon at all. Romans 8:2. I have been battling anxiety and depression most of my adult life, for decades. Were going to battle! I do feel like its the end times, so maybe thats why its not as easy, but we have Jesuss promise to be with us always! You feel more hopeful. Sink the enemy boat, its you who has the power. When you use the Word, it slays the devil. There is hope in Christ HE is LIFE. I went through years of depression and he saved me. Once you understand what you are truly dealing with, it is much oh so much easier to nip in the bud, rather than being a victim with no way out. It wants you to believe ITS symptoms rather than the Word of God. We may not notice its full impact immediately, but over time as we dwell on our feelings and emotions, it takes its grip. They will give you hope and they will change you. I truly believe that God is almighty and that he is able reading this just gave me hope and to write the pray down for my son . Sometimes it does feel as if the Holy Spirit has left us; but if we are not aware of any sin we are committing and on a daily basis remain in an attitude of repentance why would the Holy Spirit leave us? It isChrist who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. They contacted me , give very vague responses, ask me to call an international phone number, and now ive been receiving scam emails from the same country they reside in, informing me i will be inheriting large sums of money, and another deceptive email on an enormous business venture. I just wanted think it needs to be said for anyone that might need to hear it. Other instances when i am at end of my rope, i sit down and say, God, i cant do this! I am A new creation born again into the life of Christ Jesus I. You would say oh YES they are by Jesus Christ. Gods call to fight was often preceded by a weary I cant fight anymore Then one dayGod spoke to me very clearly about the battle I was in. This is a prayer designed to help lead a Christian through the process of deliverance. me to feel hopeless. Its very similar to a diabetic. Experience the glorious freedom and joy that God has for you. Today we shall be looking at the deliverance prayer from the spirit of alcoholism. Have communion at your home. I dont care how bad the feelings are, do not back down, rather declare all the more knowing the truth that God said you have power. Manifestations of this spirit include despondency, despair, discouragement, and hopelessness. Seven people here have responded to your request for help, but we havent heard back from you. It WANTS you to walk away from it. He is no liar. Understand the Word of God is the authority, not your feelings, no amount of the enemy just sitting there has power. We are humans-thats the issue. Can every Christian interpret tongues? Depression CAN come from a spirit, but most times it comes from Trauma. Are you a new Christian? You shall KNOW the TRUTH.and the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. But, that is not Gods plan for us He has come to set us free. I struggled with severe panic attacks through the summer and into September. I was set free when i understood i had power over it. Resist means avoid, oppose, stand against, not to accept. They were so severe that my doctor ordered me out of work for 6 weeks. My trust in You fades into the background, giving fear and concerns permission to discourage me.In those moments of apprehension, help me remember that I belong to You, and that You are not the author of fear or anxiety, but the giver of love and a sound mind. Not everyone speaks in tongues, just as not everyone possesses the same gifts. #orphanspirit #jenniferleclaire #morningswiththeholyspirit #deliverance, Do you need to repent? This deliverance prayer will empower every believer whom the devil has caged with the addition of alcoholism and drunkenness to break-free. GOD HAS GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF POWER. Instead I would give more time to reading the Bible, hearing worship, praying and talking to God, even journaling my conversations with him, these things increased my relationship with God, which gave me the strength and power to overcome mental battles. Rebuke the spirit in name Jesus. Lamb Jesus Christ the son of God I belong to him he is mine and I am his all glory and power belongs to the lord Jesus Christ son of the living God Is everyone speaking in tongues at once? Dont let this all be in vain; come out of this experience stronger, ready to help others, having learnt the truth of Gods power, and having strengthened yourself in the word. Not all mental health issues are spiritual, not all mental health issues are mental, but indeed spiritual. Realize you do have what he says he has given you and dont back down. Make it fear YOU as master, let your spirit rise up, it cannot be master of YOU. It is gone now over a year and he contends he is not interested in me but the Lord has shown me many times vision type things of us together even working together in a business As well as having a dream of confirmation. She experienced the love of God in a personal way that marked her and allowed her to know that God sees her and cares for her. Prayer For Deliverance From Drug Addiction. I would also recommend contacting these prayer lines if you are alone and feeling depressed. 1 Corinthians 15:57, You may be at the beginning of your journey, or at the end, but wherever you are, know that God is with you and will take you through. I believe God and not you. Clearwater, FL 33760, Brandon, Florida Have you received the Holy Spirit? Briefly reading your post has given me some immediate comfort and hope and I would be grateful to learn more about how God can help me. Should you use medicine just continue to see God in all you do. Once delivered, we must renew our minds and get rid of old mindsets. Nice meeting you. If You are with me, who can be against me? Thank you! Its Operation Torment. The times you dont want to are the best But really, whatever situation you see in your walk that you cant handle and feel weak and know you cant strive your way out of it.THATS the perfect time to sit down, say i cannot do this, take it over, i am done striving. And you cry thinking you have no help. Ive made some progress and I was delivered from the kundalini awakening but I struggle everyday with condemnation and deep rooted pain and fear etc. obsessive - compulsive behavior. Hi Glenn As I opened my bible I read this Psalm. Believing the symptoms or B) Believing God. cross. Its difficult enough to remain faithful to God these days, but we need to for our own protection. Fear will leave. No matter your circumstances, God hears your cry and has delivered you from sickness to health, from darkness to light. I cannot bear the weight of this anxiety and panic any longer. Help me stand strong in you. And rivers in the desert. (Isa 43:18-19 NKJV), Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. There is a solution to every problem and with Gods help and some discipline you can get there and the weight of getting out of debt being lifted will change your entire mindset. Who has the power to knock out depression? It sounds like you need deliverance from this spirit. But you dont realize you have it. Hi Dorothy i want to recommend a book called Spirit Wars by Kris Vallaton i believe it will help you and your daughter to come out of depression. The mere presence of His Spirit shatters the evil one instantly. Lashawn, please read what i just posted to Bethanyfor your daughter. Hes not deaf, nor is He a monster. Trust Me. With prayer they might be able to see a breakthrough. Father God, i pray you give Habab understanding that your Word is truth and you meant what you said. I say Its, because in my experience the entity of depression sneaks in like a thief, bringing its companions. I am saved and trusted in Gods word to the best of my ability according to what I had been taught. Also, will you remove my email address i posted on my Comment dated Sept 23? We need to believe his promises and word even when we dont understand why in the moment or dont feel like its true. A one on one with Him, and not through a priest. BELIEVE God has given you power by His Spirit. In the section above we have seen that speaking in tongues is available for all followers of Christ, not just some. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jake Kail was called to ministry in college after a life-changing encounter with God. They reason they control us, is because we dont know about the power Jesus has given us. I get a little relief and then I hear the thoughts of killing my self again and Im in bed all day. ******Understand what you have been given and who you are in Christ. Hey good afternoon Ian, thank you for your transparency, thats the first step to major break through. I pray and pray. Brigitt Avalos, But he is with you if you call on him. Many believers are trying to help me and pour into me but they say I have to fight and Im so tired. It creates separation, worry, anxiety, and fear. This is not the same as possession. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. Pray and fast. In the beginning I was too weak to fast, so I would ask my husband to fast for me. An over-active nervous system is the reason why your body becomes flooded with adrenaline during times of fear and you behave so aggressively at times. Are you going to believe God or the lies of the symptoms tormenting you? He said, my power is made perfect in your weakness! 1: Try to do self-deliverance if you are strong enough in faith and conviction by doing the prayer below in its entirety on your own in a quiet place . Do I believe You are truly good? 5. I recognize I can't get through this alone, and I pray against the very active enemy who is trying to shake my faith and tear us apart. Be encouraged to walk in greater freedom from these influences! https://sarah-e-ball.teachable.com/p/fearlesstraveler1, Fearless Friday Finding Faith Up The Amazon. It seems like God is not doing anything This spirit comes at night to drain you and deplete you. I dont even know what to say. I bind and take authority over the strongmen of rejection and rebellion and separate them in the name of Jesus. Take personal communion, and take your Bible touching your four walls. Im gonna try this. You want to free me from ALL my fears. I simply say i cant do this,,,take over! Then one day I started praying at night, because his body was restless as he was asleep, I then asked God to cast the evil out of his body, I remember I touched him and told the demons to leave ,immediately after I said so there was this strong movement or wind that moved from our bed to the closed windows and it left. The funny thing is that this spirit always try to come back, but it cant stand faith in God. Those who seek shall find. I had no doubt about this. The head is typically a spirit of idolatry or witchcraft (control). Then you will be able to easily trust him because you understand his personality. Now this is not suggesting that everyone that struggles with depression needs antidepressants in order to overcome. Not even Satan can snatch us out of His Mighty hand! The obvious answer to all of these questions in verses 29-30 is no. This is how I keep myself free from depression. You must address it as you would an enemy that has invaded your house. Rachel began to cry out to God, asking Him to show her that what was happening was real, and that she would leave the service changed and set free. 12. I will pray for you. How do you know if the Holy Spirit has left you? Pick even ONE promise and stand, do not budge, be FULLY convinced in ur heart. There are different things that can cause depression. By placing his Holy Spirit in us). Thank you again for your prayers. He can do it for you. He said i will NEVER fail you nor forsake you. When I started to seek the Lord for insight into the nature of the Octopus spirit . Its you who has the victory in Christ. Believe that the Lord came that you might have life with exceeding joy in the midst of everything. There will be speaking in tongues coupled with interpretation of tongues when that time comes (1 Corinthians 14:27). We dont have to beg him to fill us with his Spirit because hes ALREADY given you His Spirit. Now Im to the point that I just want the Lord to remove this from me because my heart cannot take it any longer. No wishy washy doubting, wondering, and unbelief. She was asking God for healing from anxiety and depression, knowing that this was not His best for her. It sits there after you pray to challenge you and defy the Word. Instead apply it to the next smallest bill and repeat the process. I know that we are in the last days perhaps even the last hours and Satan is working overtime to confuse and block our ability to hear from God. Gods word says you ARE cast out which means you are leaving according to our Gods glorious Word. HE HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS. I just accepted I was a Catholic and that was it! When I was stronger, I fastedand it was always effective. We are winners. Then pay attention to your dreams. Thank you for praying,,,got hooked up to a wifi spot today. Youre going to get BIG BIG BIGGGG revelation from Him. We know this because of the following verses. This context of coming together as a church starts in 1 Corinthians 11:18 and then continues until chapter 14, with a slight break in chapter 13 to explain the importance of love. Read the parable of the seed & sower. Bethany, Tampa, FL 33618, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling The Lord your savior is a wonderful deliverer. Remember the verse, when you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it? Many believe that when the apostle Paul said, to oneand to another, he meant that God gave person A one gift and that He gave person B another gift. What did you say or ask? Such awful things have happened, I dont even know how to pray about them anymore, because theyre already done. Maria, Is a manual on how to help in prayer many sickness. Help me rest in You and trust You as I navigate through this broken world. Some days anxiety stalks me like a deceitful predator, and the temptation to worry draws me in. The Holy Spirit gives different gifts, tongues is one of many gifts. If he can get you to doubt that, he sinks your boat. He has too because GOD said he would. 8. It challenges and defies because it wants you to doubt and back off. Chapter 12 . Be bold, be strong, for the Lord Thy God is with thee. Do not waiver even for a second. I understand. Octopus spirits, like all spirits, need a host to operate.Until such time one is obtained the spirit remains without physical attributes. Joel 2:32. Many people are unaware that the occult is a gateway to demonic attack. Every bondage that I am subjecting myself to by the spirit of fear, I break you, in the name of Jesus. Mostly its rebuking and casting away in the name of Jesus. In Jesus' Name, Amen. This is amazing breakthrough for me because I was trying to get rid of the feelings instead of using gods word He is now 20 who he was so very close to she passed in her home with us there . Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022. Fear and anxiety has now crippled me to the point where I have pushed away a special man in my life. You may check my blog The Truths about How God Can Lift Spirits "Blessed be the Lord my strength, who prepares my hands for war, and my fingers to fight.". Nobody shoukd ever ever ever sit and suffer alone when they sanded just like with Jesus, with medication and I have a Christian therapist. I am 77 and live alone, so dont have anyone around me to help. HE HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS. PRAYER AGAINST FEAR & ANXIETY (As always, get on your knees humbly before God and pray out loud) Prayer for Fear and Anxiety Thank you, Lord, that You are my strength. The feelings/symptoms were there to challenge me, in attempt to convince me it was not leaving. I went thru depression for 30 years and the Lord delivered me instantly. BELIEVE. 5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of anxiety. The symptoms scream out that it has power over you. I have some good info to send u beloved. Its so overwhelming I dont want to pray because I feel like I have done it enough and God wont take it away, I almost given up. Thats the first step to major break through way out hold on to Jesus gateway to demonic attack a. 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