The plane was said to have bumped the runway three times, causing fuel from the tanks to spill and flare, engulfing the back of the . Hopefully, the oligarchs will tire of being confined to Russia, and losing millions, they will force Putin out. Remember the Democrat party slogan: ..diversity, equity, green peace for every living being. Did Canada allow this as a one-time exception, which would be reasonable, since the plane was returning to base? At least 41 people on Aeroflot Flight 1492 died. Gander or any operational airport would have let them land for an emergency refueling or to let (non russian) off. At least we never annexed Cuba. If the Russians and putins friends lose a lot of money they might buy some bullets. Transport Canada says it will look into how a Russian airline broke a ban on that country's planes in Canadian airspace. The way Trump did, make us energy independent so the world buys energy from us and not Russia. All countries need to quit buying Russia's oil and this will be biggest hit on their economy. Thats because the flight (which used an Airbus A350-900) operated before both Canada and the European Union officially banned Russian planes. We need leaders who put the people they represent before any special interest group or political affilation. It was initially thought that an electrical fault caused the fire, which meant the aircraft returned to Moscow for an emergency landing. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and Russians soldiers are fighting because they are forced to. What, exactly, would you do that is guaranteed to deter Putin? The biggest Oil reserve in the world in the US backyard. Or now you just give those people cause to seek asylum. American Airlines Flight 1 was a regularly scheduled passenger flight from New York International (Idlewild) Airport (now John F. Kennedy International Airport) to Los Angeles International Airport.During the March 1, 1962 operation of the flight, the Boeing 707 executing it rolled over and crashed into Jamaica Bay two minutes after takeoff, killing all 87 passengers and eight crew members aboard. This is America. This needs to be done before he can use his nukes. The results led us to a video uploaded by news organisation The Telegraph from April 2020, that discussed a Russian Aeroflot that caught fire and made an emergency landing at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport "last year.". At the moment, these intentions have not been confirmed by a firm contract, which was planned by the end of 2022. We can & have risen to meet the challenges set before us through many wars. Five minutes into the flight, the Superjet turned north toward . WATCH LIVE . Putin needs to be put down like a rabid dog before this happens. USE OF VETO POWER needs to be rephrased. It's unlikely that Putin would nuke his own country but his own country can remove him (however they choose) but he can nuke any other country that gets involved which is what a cowardly bully would do. I would not discount the possibility of Ukraine, a western country, or Russians planning such a thing. You can also read all our fact-checked stories here. I am very concerned about this Canada ban. Putin poses with women flight crew of Russian airlines during his visit to the aviation training center of PJSC Aeroflot on March 5, 2022. Sad, that when US invaded Iraq, the West & the world did not see it as an act of war. Jesusand what is wrong with their properties?! Just take back Venezuela and we are all set. Long ago when I worked in Government Policy Coordination at a major oil company, it was federal policy to encourage depletion of foreign oil reserves, leaving US reserves in the ground as "last man standing" if no alternate energy source (solar, nuclear, hydrogen, etc.) Board a Russian transport. The five hundred mile flight suffered a loss of control as a result of a malfunction of its elevator, causing it to crash as it made its final . So 787 just curious what you would like to see happen? To avoid it is 100 MI detour when headed to Asia. The Siberian air corridor is far from valuable air space. Curious minds want to know. The idea behind these and any sanctions is to hit the ordidary people, and in due course, expect that same people to topple the regime as a consequence. Funny, the 787 was making loud noises earlier. Are you afraid of Putin? Mr Putin, this is 2022, not 1980. There again, americans will assasinate their own countrymen that they disagree with, (kennedys for example) but not someone the whole world disagrees with Meanwhile Saudi Airlines can fly unhindered while their state carries out genocide in Yemen. Yet most aircraft not built in Russia (Boeing-airbus) but owned buy Russians or Russian companies are registered in the Bahamas or the Cayman Islands. According to the Ministry of Transport, by the summer of 2022, 77 aircraft leased by Russian airlines were detained. As a veteran I'm ashamed of our government today. banned Russian airlines from using their airspace, Russias Aeroflot Suspending International Flights, Major: Sabre Cuts Off Aeroflots Technology, UK Bans Aeroflot, Russia Bans UK Airlines, Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. There was a time for many, many years we didn't allow Aeroflot to fly in/out of the USA. That's it! Also, EU wasn't playing this one too smart. And land at Russian airship, go Fcuk yourself. We are all wishing the same thing, and he should take Kim. As further details emerge surrounding the Aeroflot crash landing, a worrying trend has become clear. If they were trying to assasinate Putie Tootie in that way, they would not mention it to the press. We saw that this video resembled the one from the viral claim. Russia's official Tass news agency reported that Aeroflot has suspended its flights to Sri Lanka after authorities here did not allow its SU-289 flight to depart the Colombo airport. You might have overestimate the impact of these sanctions. This happens every becuse i know a few examples first hand. Would you be this self centered if Russia were invading your country and bombing your neighborhood? TORONTO, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Russian airline Aeroflot on Sunday violated a ban on aircraft from the country using Canadian airspace, regulator Transport Canada said, on the same day the restriction . Taking a cue from this, we used keywords to look for reports of an Aeroflot plane on fire. 2022, 4:42 PM UTC Updated on March 8, 2022, . It's the leaders who cause problems and then the rank and file people must suffer, especially the military personnel who are made to do their government's bidding. You know what Putin is thinking and his why and when? For all we don't know, he could be wealthier than Elon Musk. Remarks Russia should be shut down. Weather is repeating itself. Why not?! You are very smart along with others, who do not even question the value of life being on that plane guided to the crush by idiots who supposed to be responsible for the safety of passengers: adults, kidsRussians, Americans, Jewsand you call someone murderer?! :) may be we just go ahead and start creating for them internment camps? An inquest has heard how a 24-year-old flight attendant for Air Albania died suddenly, shortly after she landed at London-Stanstead Airport (STN). We, Russians, are without hope, and the world is increasingly hating us. They are designed to hurt the people. Providing commentary for outlets including the BBC, CNBC, Reuters Thomson, and others, she works closely with IATA, AviaDev, and various airlines and suppliers to get the inside track on the global marketplace. I'd agree on All Cargo Flights, by Aeroflot, also charters and privately or government owned flights to be banned. Russians are being bombarded with Propaganda, if they see that the entire world is not playing with Russia anymore, the pressure will not only mount external but if Russians stand up against Putin and the world does as well, governance only works when people listen and act, I am sure there are dire consequences because as evil as Putin is he would need to turn against is own citizens and then the world. Oh so easy to criticise others 787 but tell us what you think would be effective measures against Russia? Freeze all Russian assets in Canada and confiscate the same giving them to humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Talthats rite we are not living in the 1980s. The Biden administration is politically weak and hypocritical. New footage has emerged of the harrowing crash landing of a Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 airliner last year, which resulted in the deaths of 41 people on board and left 10 more injured. Aeroflot confirms engine fire on flight SU1492 Moscow-Murmansk 5 May 2019; My name is Gulkhan And In This Channel For Discover Knowlage Videos Pleas. (Photo | AP) Its just a matter of time unless Russia closes its Siberian air corridor for the west. Why don't you say let's close the border with Canada? Cry me a river but get them out of our airspace. This is why fracking sites close down, when barrel is below $50. All us that we enjoy traveling (that is why we read this great post) we appreciate the experience in other countries and we learnt from other perspectives and different ways of thinking. came fully online before world depletion of oil and gas. All of this could have been avoided if Ukraine had declared neutrality and form a commission with other European nations to address the problem. Aeroflot Flight 593 was a regular passenger flight from Sheremetyevo International Airport, Moscow, Russia, to Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong. New Delhi, UPDATED: Aug 22, 2022 18:45 IST. In a Twitter post Sunday night, the department said Aeroflot flight 111 . In case you are wondering why these flights cross Canada instead of flying directly across the Atlantic ocean, it is because the routes are "Great Circle" routes that are actually shorter than what one would think from looking at a map. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you. The Russian people need to have a revolution in overthrow Putin before he kills them all. Hes a pathetic old man full of anger. The EU sanctions are acts of defiance - nothing more. The poem is written in a simple yet effective manner, with each line comprising only one or two words. Hello Team of Bazooka Snipers ,, Russia will not be able to do anything anywhere if this keeps up. Daphne, Well done EU & Canada. Objectives of Fire Planes Market Report: 1. Aeroflot Flight 1492 took off from Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport on Sunday at 6:03 p.m. local time. Identifying target markets and consumers: The report will provide information on the demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns of the target market. For goodness sake..what does anyone expect a pilot to do in these circumstances??? Is it just that collectively you have had things so good for so long that you are bored and just looking for something to complain about? Why not the US? I am very disappointed that the US has not blocked its airspace. Like or not Russia its part of the world and plays an important roll in many issue. If the aircraft are not used in accordance with the lease agreements, they will have the right to terminate the leases and reposses the leases aircraft. The tragic Aeroflot Flight 1492 accident in Moscow earlier this week claimed 41 lives. The republican party is the party of hate. We should destroy the Nordstrom pipeline right now to stop the flow of oil from Russia. . On carefully observing the video, we noticed that the plane on fire had the word 'Aeroflot' on its body, which is Russia's largest airline. 41 people died in the fire. The remake of the old way of the soviet union will not work any more. Putin invaded Ukraine on his own terms. He is in self destruct mode. My personal experience - they hurt the people, however, they also create a united front in the country against the countries imposing them, rather than against the governement. A video of an aircraft crash landing at an airport, while going up in flames, is doing rounds on . So you can check that box off. Would there be a "Trifecta" for someone who gets the date of all three. For impactful stories you just cant miss, By subscribing you agree to our Privacy Policy. Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. Cmorgan, ), (At The Quint, we are answerable only to our audience. War against Russia and China, which will surely turn nuclear and destroy the entire planet? Now, if these flights are "true" re-patriot flights to get Russian citizens back to Russia, that's fine. Where ever we can hit them with these type of situations, will ultimately frustrate the Russian citizens to keep protesting against their leader who is doing this. I had an unfortunate opportunity to live in a country that was hit by UN sanctions - much broader and much harder than current restrictions placed on Russia. Id rather not post that footage up as no normal person really wants to hear the sounds of people screaming and dying, but if you really want to see it its all over Twitter. He is begining the end of the world. Six minutes . I suspect the reason reason they turned around us the prospect of aircraft being seized by lessors. . Peace to you and your family. And it's time to send troops on the ground in the Ukraine to help the ukrainians. Trump among others with him. Aeroflot, Russia's flagship carrier, says it is suspending all international flights - except to neighbouring Belarus - starting on March 8, as Moscow faces a sweeping range of Western . But cutting communication of ordinary people with their families, colleagues and friends abroad definitely didn't help - at the very least, give the people a chance to see with their own eyes things are and should be done differently. Although Aeroflot state that the evacuation was completed in just 55 seconds, it is somewhat telling that only 37 of the 78 passengers and crew escaped with their lives. However, as time passed the number of fatalities grew to 13, 20 and eventually to the current toll of 41. Did we even learn anything from Afghanistan? However, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has led to severe economic sanctions, cutting . It just seems odd to me how some mericans have no problem insulting fellow mericans people on how stupid or useless they are, but have no problem complimenting a russian. Film at 11. Makes no sense. Now WE buy oil from Russia at $140 barrel and give him cash to buy tanks and rockets. All he has to do is just stop. Undoubtedly there will be a full investigation into what caused the crash over the coming weeks. When Poohtin people begin to be displaced and Daily lives affected same as all Ukrainian families are right now there FREEDOMS restricted. So what do you suggest? The decision is to to avoid seizure of leased aircraft abroad. Emissions of the climate-warming gas that were caused by energy production grew 0.9% to reach 36.8 gigatons in 2022, the International Energy Agency reported Thursday. 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. Profits would be given to support the people in the Ukraine, North Korea and Trump's Florida neighbors. Any sanctions placed by the US, Nato and EU countries Restricts Russia from the rest of the world. Aeroflot, Russia's flagship airline, has announced it is suspending international flights, except those to Belarus. The only way your going to hurt Putin is by U.S. becoming Enegy Independent like it was under President Trump. Don't know what our government's thinking. Russian investigators probing the Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100 crash at Moscow Sheremetyevo a year ago are still awaiting results of specific fire and structural analyses before releasing their . Same with the people coming through the southern border. But even more tragic is that multiple media reports indicate some of those lives may have been saved if those . The video shows Russia's Aeroflot Sukhoi Superjet 100 on fire at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow. Not true. As a growing number of countries move to ban Russian flights from their airspace, officials in Canada say they are planning to launch an investigation into an Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow . For Boeing aircraft there are: 37 737-800s, averaging about six years, and Come on Puton Many still love this stupid lunatic Putin. The company also vowed that those passengers with tickets to Moscow for later dates would also be brought home as scheduled. The West is taking various measures that, while of minimal effect individually, will hopefully combine to have some sting. As a result, the British Civil Aviation Authority issued a blunt warning to passengers, which said that airlines, should review their procedures and the manner by which passengers are informed of pre-flight safety information. I believe 1/3 of the U.S. use to be under water..So if we go back to that.Goodbye Californiauour only here because of climate change.
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