The soldiers climb down, hurl grenades and unleash a crackle of machine-gun . In March 2014 acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov issued an order to create seven territorial defence battalions. Most of the citizens who experienced the so-called "mop-up" refused to describe their stories in writing, fearing for their safety. The fighters could come into any house and take whatever they liked.There was an old woman living nearby on Lebedinskogo Street, paralysed, her children had fled the shelling when the conflict started, and her neighbour was looking after her. Was Turkey's Earthquake Really Caused by a 'Super Space Weapon'? REUTERS/VALENTYN OGIRENKO (3) SPECIAL REPORT 5 UKRAINE MAVERICK BATTALIONS and bribes are still used for everything from 2,654 Fans Like. It shows his communication with Ukrainian volunteer Volodymyr Savanchuk and his wife Svetlana. The explanation is simple no bodies were found, and so far, all the victims have been reported missing. The wave of outrage over the crimes of the Tornado battalion was so strong that the Ukrainian law enforcement system, despite the constant cover-up of war criminals, was forced to react. The detainees were also forced to rape each other anally and orally. Does Nol Le Grat still have a chance to return to the helm of the FFF? They were personally loyal to the commander and ready to carry out any assignment. They should not be confused with the volunteer units of Special Tasks Patrol Police of Ukraine created along with territorial defense battalions, but under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior. However, the Ukrainian government was in for a surprise when it realized it did not have the authority to control these battalions after all. In the summer of 2015, Ukraine witnessed a scandal over the Tornado battalion men whod only recently been hailed as. Ruslan Onyshchenko, the commander of the Tornado Volunteer Battalion of the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior and seven of his men were arrested on June 17 accused of rape and torture. The elderly man was put in the basement, where there were eight other people besides him. note Sputnik). However, it was decided that the trials would be held behind closed doors. Some of the Tornado men have personally confessed to having a tendency towards sadism, a predilection for torture. The deputy minister tweeted a "creative proposal" he had for the aircraft that are planned to be replaced by the F-35 fighter jets. They were personally loyal to the commander and ready to carry out any assignment. The men screamed violently. were mentioned, indicating that the TDF has likely expanded far past the initially planned size. 11 September 2015. If they were caught, all hell broke loose on the ground: the deserters were sometimes tortured for weeks. . Access to the chat has been blocked for violating the. "Tornado" is a national police battalion that was put on trial in Ukraine for numerous atrocities on Ukrainian territory. There's nothing like raising your vitality when you have someone's life in your hands, says Mujahid. "Mujahid (Danil Lyashuk), a supporter of the Islamic State (a terrorist organisation outlawed in Russia), according to Ukraine's Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoliy Matios, was known for his exceptional cruelty:"Lyashuk committed with extreme cynicism and audacity, cruelty and ruthlessness the most brutal torture of the local population of Lugansk region, organised and directly participated in the rape of detainees whom he and other suspects abducted for profit.The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. Are you sure that is what they did? Tornado fighters also set up a torture chamber in the basement of a school in Lysychansk where they raped and tortured locals, including minors and retired people regardless of their gender. Tens of thousands of people in Europe marched to protest against the Wests military aid to Ukraine. 1,127 Subscribers Subscribe. Eventually, several months later, in mid-June 2015, Hennadiy Moskal, the head of the Kiev-controlled administration of Lugansk, demanded that the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies disarm the Tornado battalion and remove it from Lugansk region. Radical politicians, members of neo-Nazi movements and ATO veterans, who were convinced that the charges were fabricated, demanded an open trial. Residents had been contacting the police and even other national battalions about the "lawlessness" and crimes of the Tornado fighters practically from the very start. Those who managed to escape found themselves with no documents, since the commander would confiscate the passports of the new recruits. And then he filmed this video. The discussion is closed. The case file contains correspondence, including photos** seized during the arrest from the phone of Tornado commander Onishchenko. Things were getting so bad that they would go along the street, smash up all the houses, and take everything. The victims did not believe that the same authorities who had thrown them to the mercy of the Tornado fighters would give the battalion a fair trial: today they are behind bars and tomorrow they'll be free taking revenge on those who dared to testify against them (spoiler: indeed that is what happened the defendants were later released).Since the beginning, the court was under enormous pressure from politicians, neo-Nazis and "brothers in arms". They hit them repeatedly with their hands, feet, plastic pipes and other objects, mainly on their legs, buttocks and intimate areas. They repeatedly tried to storm the courthouse. The Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs established the Tornado battalion in September 2014 from the personnel of the Shakhtyorsk national battalion, who were disbanded due to allegations of looting and crimes against the population. "The Shakhtyorsk battalion, having fought beautifully at Ilovaisk, was disbanded by ministerial order because of repeated incidents of looting in Volnovakha and other instances". However, they never rushed there, preferring to engage in torture, provocation, mockery and robbery behind the lines.Among the released former fighters of the punitive battalion is Danil Lyashuk, known by his moniker "Mujahid". The Ukrainian far and fascistic right was then mobilised in 2013-14 to overthrow the more pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. This was in 2016. The Kiev government released the sadists from this battalion in March and sent them to the front. The men were also subjected to torture with an object similar to an electric generator. However, neither the names of the generals who smuggled weapons into the LPR and DPR, nor any evidence were provided by the Tornado members, either during the trial or afterwards. It is reported by "" with reference to the ex-People's Deputy of Ukraine Igor Mosiychuk. According to the investigation, members of Tornado installed a torture chamber on the first floor of a local school. There has been scary rumours about their basements". How could someone recruit a gang into a battalion? , c , , , . , , 454/2014 , "In Nikolaev create the armed battalion of territorial self-defence for situation deduction in the region", "Promised Remedies Transformation 34 Battalion territorial defence", . In mid-June, Ukrainian officials decided to disband one of these volunteer battalions. According to its data, the former commander of the disbanded company of . They did a horrible thing to my son. The public learned about the crimes of the Shakhtyorsk battalion almost straight away. The philosophy is all like this. On February 23, the Russian defense ministry claimed that Ukrainian armed forces were planning a provocation against the breakaway Moldovan region of Transnistria "with the involvement of the nationalist Azov battalion." The ministry added that Ukraine plans to stage an attack by Russian forces in Transnistria as a "pretext to invade." [5] The best known volunteer groups are Self-defence of Maidan, which has its own warehouses in Melitopol, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv, and Army SOS, an initiative of former Euromaidan activists. [31] In social media statements by the TDF, several previously unseen battalion numbers (some exceeding the theoretical 150 number), such as the 103rd,[32] 124th,[33] 130th,[34] 251st [35] etc. He is on trial for molesting his own young children. On 17 June 2015, eight members of the battalion, including battalion commander Ruslan Onishchenko, were detained. But Tornado outdid the latter in the heinousness of its crimes. If they were caught, all hell broke loose on the ground: the deserters were sometimes tortured for weeks. Another battalion that started life as a right-wing militia, the Tornado battalion was . The Ukrainian President published a photograph on his social media channels showing one of his security escorts bearing a patch referencing the personal bodyguard unit of Adolf Hitler. Rallies of support for the Tornadoes were held outside the court building and supporters threatened to take the building by storm. The yelling, public threats and humiliation paralyzed the fighters.After the lineup, not on camera, they could receive a beating.Among the Tornado members who came to their senses, there were some who dared to escape. 2. Popular opinions were split: some, despite the evidence of crimes against Ukrainian civilians, believed in the innocence of the former "national heroes", while others wanted a fair trial and retribution. According to the former MP Ihor Mosiychuk, Mujahid, who received a ten-year sentence, was released back in the summer of 2021. Alyona Mazurenko SUNDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2022, 12:39 PM. Moreover, survivors and witnesses of torture were simply afraid to testify against their torturers. Nikolai Tsukur received nine years in prison and was stripped of his rank of police lieutenant. However, it was decided that the trials would be held behind closed doors. The "Greys" were ordinary guys without any military experience who came as volunteers. According to the prosecutor, the most brutal forms of violence were sexual offences against men, committed in a particularly perverse form, with the entire process being recorded on mobile phones. The Ukrainian military revolted after they had learnt that Ukraine's Interior Minister Arsen Avakov was planning to disband the Tornado battalion KIEV, June 18 /TASS/. _____ "Tornado" is a national battalion that fell under the Ukrainian court for numerous atrocities on the territory of Ukraine.It was created by veterans of the ATO - the Shakhtersk national battalion disbanded due to looting and war crimes.
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