I discussed the beauty of taking full responsibility for ones action. I decided to find out. The group seemed to be composed of students from many persuasions. It was for class members only. Their teacher called the group "The Third Wave," even going so far as to punish an improper sitting posture. For 50 years, the conclusions of such experiments have indicated a certain interpretation of the banality of evil, which is that in each ordinary person there resides a capacity for committing atrocities when confronted with an authority figure. Simply upload, import the demo data, and swap out the text and images as you wish! Anticipation turned to anxiety and then to frustration. The Third Wave. Strength through understanding No one laughed. Several social experiments, such as The Third Wave Experiment, have taken place as an attempt to better understand the nature of tyranny and the conditions under which it comes to fruition. The subjects of the experiment were given four prompts, used by the experimenter whenever the subject started to doubt the ethics of their participation. Replace reason with rules. He was fired for his outrageous behavior. There were the athletes, the social prominents, the student leaders, the loners, the group of kids that always left school early, the bikers, the pseudo hip, a few representatives of the school's dadaist click, and some of the students that hung out at the laundromat. It was like we were all witness to a birth. For a brief moment it all rushed back. Ron Joness students didnt know they were taking part in an attempt to show how they too could fall into step when a tyrannical authority was present. Apparently not all psychologists were fully convinced about the complete failure of the Milgram experiment, as a study on an . he was a body guard. It was equally disconcerting to realize that complex and time consuming written homework assignments on German life were being completed and even enlarged on by students. Take part. The intensity of the response became more important than the content. I am Mr. Jones. I turned off the lights in the room and walked quickly to the television set. The air in the room seemed to be drying up. The prompt was given in the imperative, but it highlighted that the imperative was literally lacking. In staccato words he pleaded that I understand and help him get home. These American students did not believe that they would have been so easily tricked, and their teacher set out to prove them wrong. "Mr. Jones, have you seen this advertisement in Time magazine? Lesson Plan: Directed by David Jeffery, Philip Carr Neel. Everyone was capable and equal. Prompted by the trial of high-ranking Nazi and Holocaust-coordinator Adolf Eichmann, Milgram wished to assess whether . They were asked to read out questions to a student and whenever the student got a question wrong, the subjects were ordered to electrocute the student, increasing the force of the current gradually the more questions that they got wrong. "This is the final lesson to be experienced. I just kept talking. The Third Wave experiment once again indicates that the normal group processes that make social life possible also can lead people to conform to standardsin this case fascismthat most of us would reject. The feeling of never acting, never being a part of something, never supporting each other. Proper seating became the most important aspect of learning. Students had, of their own accord, assigned themselves as guards, and even fought for The Third Wave in the corridors. Their faces held looks of disbelief. It's strange, you most a past student In these chance ways, You catch a few moments of your life. You bargained your freedom for the comfort of discipline and superiority. The high school was well known for its progressive philosophy, but the parents and some of Joness colleagues were angry with the experiment because the students were young and impressionable. It must be coming on. He normally let them call him Ron, and was much respected, charismatic and popular. The tension and anticipation was beyond belief. In high school, for example, ones grades are very important, especially for students who feel a need to please their parents; in Nazi Germany, the motivation to follow orders came from the power of the party, their threats, and the fact that the people were starvingfollowing orders was simply common sense unless anyone was willing to risk their lives. I think its a great, although disturbing, story but I guess what I'm having trouble with is the timeline. I enjoyed the unified action demonstrated by the students. You can't admit to being manipulated. I explained how at noon on Friday a national candidate for president would announce the formation of a Third Wave Youth Program. Pulled the locks shut. The white glow of the test pattern didn't snap into the vision of a political candidate. A hushed silence shrouded the room. How can a people be a part of something and then claim at the demise that they were not really involved' What causes people to blank out their own history? If we can change the way that school is run, we can change the way that factories, stores, universities and all the other institutions are run. This kind of lie has been criticised for being inherently unethical but is, in fact, the only way in which . If only he would have raged in anger or simply investigated the situation I could point the students to an example of righteous rebellion. We would repeat the mottos in a rotating chorus. It went like this. The intellectual skills of questioning and reasoning were non existent. "Sit down." He seemed delighted and told me not to worry. In our own personal habits and way of life. During the days of the experiment I was curious how they would respond to the equalitarian and physical reshaping of the class. They are lost. A presence that will not change. I felt very alone and a little scared. His students where attached to the order. "There is no leader! The Third Wave. Mr. Jones used his own students to test out his theory, that the desire for order and discipline was the key to manipulating a body of people to act a certain way. Upon receiving this card the new member had to demonstrate knowledge of our rules and pledge obedience to them. Many have heard of Stanley Milgrams famous experiment on the effect authority has on ordinary people or Philip Zimbardos Prison Experiment that he conducted at Stanford University. The school was alive with conjecture and curiosity. On Wednesday, I decided to issue membership cards to every student that wanted to continue what I now called the experiment. But the rally itself. For years I kept a strange secret. It was something we all wanted to forget. Was the desire for discipline and uniformity a natural need? Every word seemed to be taken and absorbed. Others simply sunk into the activity and took self assigned roles. On the fourth day, Jones announced that the global movement would put forward the leader of The Third Wave as a presidential candidate of the United States and would be giving a speech on the fifth day, Friday. Why hadn't I thought of this technique before. They had indeed fallen for the trap. While Jones taught his students about Nazi Germany during his senior level Contemporary World History class, Jones found it . Ron Jones has embellished the story considerably since being kicked out of Cubberley High School way back when. With everyone sitting at attention I slowly raised my arm and with a cupped hand I saluted. Indeed, people of all nations and races . Soon everyone in the class began popping up with answers and questions. But to start. This conclusion falls flat on the hard ground, as many critics have concluded, including Arendt herself. Jones was a teacher who usually granted his students a lot of leeway. Feel strong and in control of destiny. The events were adapted into a non-musical play stage in 2011 by Joseph Robinette and Ron Jones. pride, and action. If Ron Jones was in fact terminated from the school, it is clearly because humanity is afraid to let go and see what is possible. Students were withdrawing their arms from behind their chairs. [9], The students all arrived at 11:50 a.m. Jones had convinced a number of his friends to pose as reporters, and asked the students to demonstrate what they had learned in the minutes before the televised address would supposedly begin. "Mr. Jones do you remember the Third Wave?" Yes, I had been pushing information at them in an extremely controlled setting but the fact that they found it comfortable and acceptable was startling. He would talk to the parents and calm their concern. He was correct. Powerful. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. The trouble with the situation and role I had created was that I didn't have time to think where it was leading. I confessed my feeling of sickness and remorse. My heart was pounding. In focus drills I concentrated attention on the feet being parallel and flat, ankles locked, knees bent at ninety degree angles, hands flat and crossed against the back, spine straight, chin down, head forward. Thanks, Eugene In as such as there were several months still to go in the school year and I was already at World War II, I decided to take a week and explore the question. Just smiling and saluting other class members. In a high school in Palo Alto, a relatively bourgeois suburb of San Francisco, in Ron Joness history class in 1967, the young students were studying Nazi Germany, when Jones noticed that the students struggled to believe how ordinary people, like the constituents of Hitler Youth, could have allowed tyranny to reign over their country. The project was adapted into an American film, The Wave, in 1981, and a critically acclaimed German film, Die Welle, in 2008. The Third Wave Experiment took place over five school days. We have seen that fascism is not just something those other people did. Be meaningful. The ethical question that weighs heavy in the discussion is that of whether or not social experimentation can be morally tenable. The machine came to life producing a luminous field of phosphorus light. Following my description of community I once again told the class that community like discipline must be experienced if it is to be understood. Once again I faced the thoughts of closing the experiment or letting it go its own course. I talked about pride. Students who responded in a sluggish manner were reprimanded and in every case made to repeat their behavior until it was a model of punctuality and respect. The salute was give. Jones was clear, history can repeat itself, but sometimes it does under controlled conditions. No. Jones based the name of his movement on the supposed fact that the third in a series of waves is the strongest. Thanks to ethical codes and institutional review boards, most of these experiments could never be performed today. The ultimate triumph. In my view and pedagogical experience, a good pedagogical simulation should involve a sense of ambivalence between real and artificial that promotes an inquiry and reflection among the students. Many students were over the line. Like the Germans, you will have trouble admitting to yourself that you come this far. When a student asks how so many people could be . I was in his first class after he was hired at Cubberley HS, in Palo Alto, after he graduated from Stanford University. Jones emphasized this main point of the movement . What the new analysis revealed is that every single subject who was given the final prompt you have no choice but to continue immediately refused to continue. The belief that human beings are basically evil and therefore unable to act well toward each other. Or he is exaggerating, or what? . I found one inaccuracy in his account based on what you wrote. Where was this experiment leading? The advertiser identified his product as the Third Wave. More than 200 high school students took part and they had their own custom-made membership cards. Evil in itself is not banal, and evil acts do not necessarily have to be committed by evil people. Following minutes of progressive drill assignments the class could move from standing positions outside the room to attention sitting positions at their desks without making a sound. There was not a murmur of resistance. It's a secret I shall share with you.". All day long he opened and closed doors for me. Robert was sobbing. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. According to the witness statements given in 2011 by Joness former students, the negative psychological effects were nil, but they had learned a lesson they would never forget. "Through the experience of the past week we have all tasted what it was like to live and act in Nazi Germany. Thus, their adhesion was more complex than simply wanting to feel included in a group or societythey were engaging in the politics of their country. The experiment is by far the most unethical one in the field of psychology. "Pride is more than banners or salutes. He sat in the second row. They were also acknowledged for doing this in a crisp and attentive manner. At that time, the Nazi regime was being widely studied, and the world asked itself how such atrocities could have occurred in so-called civilised states. I now began to ponder not just how far this class could be pushed but how such I would change my basic beliefs toward an open classroom and self directed learning. Still the viewers persisted. In the still darkened room I began the explanation. I marked three of the cards with a red X and informed the recipients that they had a special assignment to report any students not complying to class rules. They waited. Some of their faces were relaxed with smiles that come from pleasing the teacher. He followed me every- where. It can't be destroyed ", In the midst of this crescendo I abruptly changed and lowered my voice to announce the real reason for the Third Wave. When and how will this end? we each have witnessed something over the past week. Finally questions began to emerge. On the contrary, they analysed the very specifics of the experiment to come up with a more thorough hypothesis. One-third of participants refused to do it, while another two-thirds complied, with a great deal of trauma done to them-and the rats. You will not allow your friends and parents to know that you were willing to give up individual freedom and power for the dictates of order and unseen leaders. I particularly remember Robert. In the case of war criminals such as Adolf Eichmann, he constructed no banal excuses for his actions, and acted according to his own ideals and his own plans, according to those already set up by the Nazi regime. Manipulated. In the four years I taught at Cubberley High School no one ever admitted to attending the Third Wave Rally. He will explain all the things that he was able to manipulate the kids into doing which seems like would've taken weeks or months and claim it only took one day. Large numbers appeared in a countdown. Jones announced to the class that this movement was a part of a nationwide movement and that on the next day a presidential candidate of the Third Wave would announce its existence to the public. He ended his pedagogical experiment abruptly with humiliation of his students via his lecturing. Based on his account, he did not question his students' experiences and reflections by careful listening to them and providing them with sensitive guidance. "Oh my gosh," he gasped. The Third Wave experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California during the first week of April in 1967. So we become the image. programming. The distinction is pertinent: why implies necessity, whereas the question how implies not necessity but rather by what mechanism the consequences came to be. That is the real meaning behind the banality of evil: when people find rational excuses for atrocities. They, in fact, believed in change but were easily indoctrinatedif only for those five daysby what they believed was a superior cause. This kind of lie has been criticised for being inherently unethical but is, in fact, the only way in which experimenters can ensure that their subjects are acting in an authentic way. You would hear a crash of cafeteria food only to have it followed by two classmates saluting each other. It was the last time I would ask anyone to recite. By this, the fourth day of the experiment I was beginning to lose my own arguments. My God He's a member of the Third Wave. I called it the Third Wave salute because the hand resembled a wave about to top over. Despite their protests against the idea that they would themselves be fooled by tyranny in the same way that Hitler Youth and the German people were, the students nevertheless fell for the experiment, and the authority of their tutor led them to fully believe in The Third Wave movementdespite the fact that it was completely made up. To conclude, the Third Wave Experiment may have been unorthodox, but the Third Wave Experiment produced several insights and conclusions into the nature and mechanism of tyranny. While the class sat at attention I gave each person a card. I'm afraid something will happen to you. Some former students explain that their parents at the time didnt talk about emotions, and taught their children to respect the government and authorities, but that the Third Wave Experiment gave them a different point of view on blindly following orders and authoritiesthey appreciated the fact that they had been given the opportunity to see through their naivety. [10][6] Another issue of the paper has a longer account of the experiment at its conclusion. On Thursday I began to draw the experiment to a conclusion. Not a vacant seat could be found. In this case it was Steve running down the street shouting "Mr. Jones, Mr. A television screen placed at the front of the room showed nothing but snow. To avoid the Hawthorne effect, Milgram told the volunteers that the subject was, in fact, the learner behind the screen, and not themselves. I can tell you and anyone else about the Third Wave. So, he decided to demonstrate this . Arrogance, violence, terror. Returning once again to the analyses made by Haslam, we can formulise different conclusions to the Third Wave Experiment which itself relates closely to other experiments and studies being made in the post-war years. The only reason I came to know Robert at all is that I found him eating lunch in my classroom. Always we said them together, emphasizing the proper way to sit, stand, and talk. The question here is not why but how the German people came to support the Nazi regime. There was a mental tug of war between the people in the room and the television. This incidence of monitoring meant that half the class now considered it their duty to observe and report on members of their class. The visual stench of death camps. This also featured interviews with Jones and former students. I worried for students doing things they would regret. Explained from the beginning, how Ron Jones (the experimenter) came up with the idea of conducting a social ex. They watched the activities and participated in a mechanical fashion. It was also the genesis of a secret that I and two hundred students would sadly share for the rest of our lives. How a ballet dancer or painter works hard to perfect a movement. It's raising a barn with your neighbors, it's feeling that you are a part of something beyond yourself, a movement, a team, La Raza, a cause. [9] Jones created a salute involving a cupped hand reaching across the chest toward the opposite shoulder,[9] resembling a Hitler salute. How far would you have gone? Oh I was benevolent. quite the contrary. I also questioned if they could make a good showing, because the press had been invited to record the event. Moving toward the door and the world outside. In an embarrassed hug we greet. Let Minimal Lite's clean vibe and arresting design elements elevate your content to its fullest potential. In objective terms I began to describe the past events. I had to stop for a minute to remember. [9] Jones then assigned each of his students an individual assignment, such as designing a Third Wave banner, stopping non-members from entering the class, or recruiting their friends to join the movement. We carry it like a disease. Oh he tried harder than anyone I know to be successful. 2008 German film The Wave, based on these events, A first-hand account from the Chicago Teachers Union strike, from education worker Agnieszka Karoluk. The trial was over. New people were speaking. For other uses, see, Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:27, reliable, independent, third-party sources, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Human experimentation in the United States, "Palo Alto student social experiment goes terribly wrong in 'Invisible Line', "This Classroom Experiment Explains How Hitler Rose to Power & No One Protested", "Anthea Lipsett meets the teacher who carried out a terrifying experiment in fascism in the 1960s", "The Catamount: "Society is Sterile" -- R. Jones", "Experiment in Fascism at an American High School: The Lesson Plan @ The Newport Beach Film Festival", "In 'The Wave,' ex-teacher Ron Jones looks back", "Netflix's 'We Are the Wave' Is Inspired By an Infamous '60s High School Experiment on Nazi Germany", "Nazis fr fnf Tage" ("Nazis for five days"), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Third_Wave_(experiment)&oldid=1139531317. "We can do it!" Where is their curiosity or resistance to this marshal behavior. Here are ten bizarre psychology experiments that totally crossed the line. Every fibre strained to perform the deed. in fact I instructed the class in a sitting posture. So are you saying that what Ron says happened in the other class didn't really happen? I had a bodyguard. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during the first week of April 1967. The Aversion Project (1970s and 80s). Thirteen students had cut class to be a part of the experiment. The trance with the television continued for what seemed like hours. The student was, in fact, an actor behind a screen in a different room, who would plead and let out cries of pain as the fictional volts increased. Yes, we would all have made good Germans. We knew that it was interesting learning about different political systems, but not something we would ever emulate. To experience the power of discipline, I invited, no I commanded the class to exercise and use a new seating posture; I described how proper sitting posture assists mandatory concentration and strengthens the will. The students obeyed. I expected a flood of questions, but instead got intense quietness. I began to think that the students might do anything I assigned. In the split second of my race back in time Steve sensed my questioning and backed up. At twelve o'clock sharp I closed the room and placed guards at each door. This lesson was the question that started our plunge in studying Nazi life. When the bell sounded ending the period I asked the class for complete silence. Events were crushing around me. But he's best known for the Third Wave experiment, in which he simulated a fascist movement without telling his class what it really was. Ron Jones himself was, at the time, part of the Black Panther movement which was a far-Left activist organisation that was strongly opposed to the Vietnam war and the US government. He was polite and condescending. Only a small minority of students saw through the faade, they were named the breakers who tore down Third Wave posters and replaced them with counter slogans. To accentuate this, I requested answers to be given in three words or less. With Ron Jones, Philip Zimbardo, Scott Thomson, Sherry Tousley. Within days, they had a motto, flag, salute, and began to view themselves as an exclusive, elite group. Late Wednesday afternoon I found Robert following me and asked what in the world was he doing. 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