It's possible to buy one blue diamond somewhere (I think Mulsantir). Youll be told that there are two ways to escape from the barrow: you can either bash the bear skeleton bones in the middle of this room to anger the spirits, then defeat them; or head to the northeastern corner of the barrow to reach the Pool of Offerings. Head to Eternitys End and enter the Temple of Kelemvor there. Be sure to right-click on an enemy to keep an eye on its health bar while you attack. One thing to note is that Conjuration is one of Safiyas opposition schools, so she wont be able to actually cast Summon Creature IX, which is something of a weakness for her. If you have a lot of trouble with this fight, save it and come back later when you have another party member. (Oddly enough, despite the fact that hes listed as eventually getting stuff like Power Critical and Improved Critical, his critical strike rating stays at 20/x2. Warding of the Spirits is a party-wide buff thatll be pretty handy when facing off against spirit enemies. When you arrive in Ashenwood, help the two barbarians here to destroy the elementals that are attacking them, then speak to Nadaj. Axe Unbreaking III and Mending Sharpness V - Just like swords, increases melee damage done significantly. Find these quests and complete them to find all four of the souls that you need, then come back and unlock the door. Return to Sheva Whitefeather with news of your victory. Just in front of you is the Bazaar. The death of the elemental will cause the Skein to begin to collapse. Khai himself isnt overly difficult, but taken together, your foes can be difficult to manage. Safiya will tell you about a salve that can be made to further strengthen the golem; have her use the Hellfire Powder on the alchemists table nearby to make the salve, then right-click on the golem and select "Talk To" to apply the salve onto it. Ammon's just as surly as ever, but he'll be handy to have around. . With that in tow, head to the northwest and find the passage leading onward. Every five minutes, you'll be able to change yourself to the Ravenous Incarnation, which effectively polymorphs you to an all-devouring evil creature. We managed to finagle a Brilliant Spirit Essence by devouring its soul, so you may want to perform that action on it. Do warlocks benefit from Spellcasting Prodigy feat. Didn't realize how common Epic Resillience would be. We didnt pursue this branch of the storyline too far, as we decided around this point to reload an old save and get Okku into our party instead of One of Many. If you lose both of the tomes, then Rammaq simply doesnt reward you with the item, promises no help at the final fight, and you get less XP. You cant control him at all, to make matters worse, although he does respond to orders telling him to wait in a certain spot, and so on. Alternately, you can attempt to buy the boy off of him; he claims that bringing Kepob to the Coven will tell you why hes so valuable. If the dryads are casting on you from the background, you may want to have Gann and Safiya use their ranged attacks on them in return. Head up to the Classrooms level and speak to Master Poruset, the golem-esque teacher who experiments with souls. If you can summon creatures, they may be distracted enough to let you attack the Wizard. We managed to do this by simply heading directly to the west from the start, and then head directly to the north, but we may have just gotten lucky. Unfortunately, Enzibur has him under contract. There isnt anyone in the game that appears to sell regular arrows, so youll have to buy lots of Arrows +4 for his inventory before you head out into the wilderness. It would appear that she really has gone crazy, and has created an image of Gann in her head, or otherwise some spirit is acting upon her. Made what I consider a mistake with regard to weapon. Matthew Rorie I started a ranger with the intent of moving him into an assassin or invisible blade PrC, but I think I missed the boat. Damn vampire monks! Dwarves love to work with adamantine, fashioning it into sturdy armor and deadly, beautiful weapons. Lastly, a telthor sanctuary has been overrun by intruders. Regardless, you need to take out the whole group. You can get loads of influence here by expressing your concern for her mother, and compliment her on her battle acumen. Reorganize her spellbook, rest, and rebuff. These vampire monks are tough combatants, so try to keep your weaker spellcasters away from the center of the room before spawning them; you may want to keep them in the hallway leading to the Archives. Material: (Metal) Adamantine. But still, you gave me quite a few ideas. I'll also be playing a good character, so I won't have access to some essences. Anyway, if you have Stoneskin or Premonition on your characters, then the Gnolls are really just a distraction. Enchanting armor or weapons through the use of this feat requires a magical workbench. Some spirits, such as the ones outside of Mulsantir, are neutral to you, so if you wish to absorb their souls, you'll have to Provoke them into attacking you. Youll need to find the four soul housings that fit into here if you want to proceed past the door. You cant do much about this now, but if you return here after you get done with the Sunken City, youll be able to enter Anyas dreams. It starts off as a rogue with pretty light damage, but a heck of a sneak attack bonus. Its a mighty helmet for any character, so its worth getting. Alignment ain't an issue, I'll happily play whatever's fun. If youre particularly good at logic games, you can perservere here, but doing so will take a while, and the rewards, as mentioned, are fairly spartan. When all three machines have been activated, the water will drain out of the level, allowing you access to many areas you couldnt reach before. Ferala will drop the Grasp of Earth heavy armor when killed. You can kill them, sure, but you can also challenge the jarl and attempt to take his crown. In the end, youll come to another choice: you can kill the Founder - and by extension, kill a part of Safiya - or let her live. As you exit the Veil, a group of witches will accost you and accuse you of being the cause of an army of spirits on the gates of Mulsantir. The ability to use items, scrolls, and armor/weapons that you couldn't normally use is GREAT! If you head north from the entrance to this zone, youll encounter Janiik, a man who complains that Gann has driven his daughter mad. If youre interested in following the Ceremonies of the Hunt books instructions, this will be a necessary item. Safiya can only be leveled as a wizard, so theres little flexibility there. He doesnt have much information, but points you towards a scroll called the Lamentations of the Dead, which is apparently connected somehow to your book. Note that if you have Gann in your party here, hell engage Darovik in a long conversation about the fate of his soul. Play along with the fiction here to earn some influence with Gann. Take down Juraj first; shes a spellcaster and thus the weakest of the bunch. Nab the Swift Golem Legs off of the golem on the ground here before examining the elemental itself. If you want to help the berserker out, youll need to find a way to get the frost giants across the river to leave the grove, then find a new spirit to put into the lake there. Has a great arena program to spawn stuff to. Had to make a new weapon. The shadow docks are locked from access to the main part of Shadow Mulsantir, but if you poke around a bit youll find an interesting group of characters. This is considered a Lawful Good action. Using that ability is also a Good action. There are three groups of petitioners inside the Coveya that you need to deal with if you want to reach the Coven. ), so I'm a bit lost. Gann also has a number of spirit-related abilities, but well be honest and say that we never used them and still got through the game just fine. If, on the other hand, you didnt manage to retrieve all three fragments, this conversation simply wont occur. He attacks multiple times per turn with his three natural weapons (presumably two claws and his mouth). Head through the door here to speak with the Founder. If Gann is with you, you can get a big influence bonus by agreeing that his search for justice is necessary. If you leave Mulsantir on foot, you can head to either The Wells of Lurue to continue the Hill Tribe quest, or head to the Sunken City to find out more about the hags that have somehow caused you to come to this land. Head to the north from the entrance, and eventually youll find a room that branches. When you pass through the final portal, itll be you versus Akachi, with perhaps some help from your teammate, if any of them managed to walk into your dreamscape with you. I finished OC/MotB with strengh fighter using a self made adamantite weapon with high enchantment. You can repair your golem in between each round by speaking to it, but our souped-up model actually managed to win all five rounds without ever taking damage, so hopefully the model that you construct will be as hardy. If you can survive a rest and need to rebuff, you may want to do that now. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To do so, head to the northeastern corner of the Wells and drink from the pools there after buffing yourself and Gann. Araman can cast it, and either Gann or Safiya may have learned it as well, depending on your level-up actions; if not, cast something like Meteor Storm on them. . We wont go into the details too much, but one thing youll want to do is examine the essences that you find and note the types of spells that you need to cast on them in order to craft the items, as Safiya wont necessarily have them available at the beginning of the game. If you weren't getting exotic proficiency for free from Favored Soul, there would be absolutely no reason to ever use them. When you do go through, youll have to fight Khai, a red wizard, along with another red wizard, a couple of erinyes, and whatever creatures the fools manage to summon. The witches will require you to face him and bring a resolution to the conflict, and will offer you a reward in exchange for dealing with the Red Wizards: if you head to the prison to the north, youll be able to choose any companions that will have you. Wipe them out, then choose how you wish to deal with the younglings to end the quest. If you dont have any good conversation skills, you can bribe him to your side. Gann may need to be in your party to obtain this quest. Kaelyn doesnt offer much in the way of out-of-combat utility. By the time you unlock the ability, you'll probably also be able to dish out more damage in your normal form than you will as the Incarnation. Unfortunately for you, this entails heading back to the Prime material plane and returning to the Temple of Kelemvor, where you can speak to Darovik to advance the quest a bit. In Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, players are transported back to the Forgotten Realms shortly after the events detailed in the original Neverwinter Nights 2. Do not click on them here, though. Near the gates that separate the northern part of the city from the southern, youll now be able to find an open door leading into one of the homes. You can try to Intimidate some of the Durthans away, which will make for an easier fight, but less loot (youll get more experience if you manage it, however). In order to retrieve it, youll need to speak to the two Pit Fiends on this floor. You'll be able to see a lot of the groups of enemies before they see you here, so take advantage of it. A side bet on the last match will let you earn another students soul. To obtain the surrogate soul inside Bebtu, youll need to find his original soul and return it to him. Hell tell you that the blight is the result of a curse laid upon him by the previous spirit-eater. Funny! Kozlov cannot be convinced of anything; he refuses to join the uprising. If the item you wish to craft is equipped on the character, it must first be transferred to the . If you do, and loot the urn, a spirit will appear. Kill them quickly, keep Seyryu healed, and you shouldnt have any problems with this errand. Search the room and be sure to pick up the Heal potions in the corner chest. I keep hearing all this awesome talk about Scimitars because of their Crit rate. You have the option of destroying it or retrieving it. This will end Act I, for the record. Despite the fact that you can reach the Vault now, you might not actually want to head down that way. If you get rid of all the ice, then tell Imsha and Tamlith that you found no sign of the hag, then she believes that theyll stop looking for her. On the western side of the area, youll find Selkhit. Rebuff yourself, then head into the Vault itself. In no particular order, heres what to expect. Youll spawn a group of skeletons and dread wraiths here. Which, of course, means that you should head downstairs and open it. This may be a bug.) Even if you tell Dalenka of the plot against her, she wont react, so all you can do is head to the remaining berserkers and attempt to talk them into the resurrection. For whatever reason, his plan didnt work, and he passed away before completing his necromantic rites. If you complete all of the tests, speak to Jurak again, and youll become an Ice Troll Berserker. The beauty of this spell during Mask of the Betrayer is that it can set up its targets for the protagonist to use her spirit-eating powers on as a finishing blow. This is the time when your romance plots with any of the characters in your party will come to fruition. If you offer your services, shell ask that you return to the exterior of the cave and melt all of the ice that she caused to come into being when she entered. That will cause the Wood Man to appear. You can speak to Shelvedar Nuum outside the gates if you wish to trade. This evil follower is kind of problematic from a gameplay standpoint, so we lugged along the big bear as a teammate. With respect to dual wielding: get vampiric regeneration for both weapons. This elemental isn't too difficult to take down. This fight can be quite difficult for you at this point. In both OC and MotB you can enchant any weapon to very high levels, in MotB to ridiculously high damage. If he doesnt, hell drop some trinkets, including a set of Bracers of the Inner Planes, which instill 20% resistance to all elemental damage and damage from positive and negative energy. Move up the passage here and head to the northeastern corern of the map, where youll find a barrow guardian. If you return to the bheur, though, and tell her that the spirits now believe her to be gone, she probably also wont believe you! In our case, we traded for Kepob, who was added as a temporary party member. If you want to keep him alive, simply park him a good deal to the rear of any fights that you get in, and order your other party members around manually. If you have a main character from Neverwinter Nights 2, youll need to load up the last saved game that you made with that character, hit Escape, and select Export Character. Glowing Fire Essence. Speak to the Imaskari Golem there. If you wish, you can simply kill all of the berserkers here in the hut. You may want to have them cast Elemental Swarm and their other high-level summoning abilities here, as well. If your party manages to chew through the wolves and other spirits around Okku, feel free to attack him a bit. Youll be finding a pretty nice spear on the next level, so if you can use that kind of weapon, you may just want to wait for that; otherwise, you can enchant something right now, if you like. Fortify Health Regen is just the enchantment for that. When you offload your unusable stuff, its time to start poking around. One thing to note is that Gann seems to chew through ammo pretty quickly. Be sure to buff yourself thoroughly before taking on Okku and his clan. Then have Safiya cast Ice Storm on the satchel. First of all, you will require an item called Enchantment Focus which is sold within the Laboratory in the Lower Ward. Gulky is tough, since she'll possess one of your team members and probably force you to kill them. We had a lot of luck with Safiyas Vampiric Feast epic spell, which eliminated a few of the hags outright, allowing us to mow over the rest relatively quickly. Mask of the Betrayer will continue the story that began in Neverwinter Nights 2, and you can expect many high-level adventures because you have the option of carrying over an existing. When you enter the keep, youll warp to West Harbor, where more Manifestations are killing your childhood friends. Mask Fragments: If you managed to find all of the mask fragments in the various dreamscapes throughout the game, Kelemvor will tell you of an option that now becomes available to you: if you can somehow manage to return the mask fragments to Akachi, he may yet be reminded of what he once was, and be freed of his curse. This fight is tough and lengthy, so go in prepared! When the enemies are dead, loot the bodies and head through the portal beyond. The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. If you do, hell fall easily; he casts some buffing spells, but he wont be able to do much against the damage youre probably outputting at this point. Once per day, you can spend XP to top off your spirit energy meter. Ask him to open the fourth gate so that you can reach the Thayvian Academy, then head through the portal to do so. Chastise and Weaken Spirits can both be handy when taking on a large group of spirit enemies, but again, its probably not necessary to use too many of these abilities if you dont want to learn all of their ins and outs. Also take this time to adjust her AI settings; you may not want her casting on her own. If you fought them, then all of the petitioners and guards will be hostile to you. Unfortunately the priest will refuse to talk to you after a bit of conversation; youll need to find some way to force him to do so if you want the key leading downward. I've started the official campaign as elvish monk (Wild Elf) 14 Str 18 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha So far I've reached lvl 3 and I've decided for Hero's Luck and Dodge and I've to decide to appoint my first Stat point. Rammaq also promises to send a useful ally to you when you locate your soul. Thatll give you a big bonus to your spirit energy, but note that devouring more than one spirit per day will greatly increase your craving. Begin speaking to her, but note that you now can see the exact influence shifts that your conversations will have on your followers. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is the game NWN2 wanted to be. Hell go down relatively easily, leaving behind one of the best pieces of heavy armor in the game, Seyryus Scales, which has 8 AC, +8 magical Armor bonus, 75% electrical immunity, and a huge damage reduction of 20/Magical. Nadaj believes that Dalenka is a spy, and is somehow tied to the disappearance of the Wood Man and the deaths of the berserkers. You have multiple options here, including attempting to Intimidate or otherwise speechcraft the defenders and convince them to run off without a fight. Its heady stuff - eating a dead gods soul? If you want to fight it, take the lever off of the panel here, then destroy the panel; dont use the lever, as its needed for the Lost in the Skein quest. In order to escape from the Skein, youll probably need to find some way to lower the water levels in here. The shelves here will have some new spells for you, such as Avasculate, Power Word Petrify, and Extract Water Elemental. You can use it as often as you like here, with no cooldown, but using it will prevent you from doing anything else for a turn, including attacking, but you will wind up doing a good deal of damage with each blast. The room and be sure to pick up the Heal potions in the Lower Ward been! Of anything ; he refuses to join the uprising very high levels, in MotB to high! 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