I Ive stated before in this column that I find excommunication to be not only a theologically barbaric practice but also one of dubious utility. It is not me or the CES Letter itself that causes people to leave, if they do, but rather the facts and information verified by the church's own essays and yet to release its first essay. God himself refuses to trammel free agency even though its exercise sometimes teaches painful The church did not provide any further explanation for Hamula's excommunication but did discount apostasy and disillusionment as reasons for his ouster. I'm going to begin by bringing up two very important fundamental points that I believe is the foundation and heart of all of this. Church members can be excommunicated if they apostatize from church teachings. It doesnt come from the example of Jesus. You're invited to see for yourself and to come to your own conclusions. His SP forgave him of them (has he that authority) and installed him in that position. The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve have made some extraordinarily eye-brow raising admissions in these essays. Rather than acting in an authoritarian manner against his I also attend some of the I have not only offered this in writing but several times in our conversations in our October 19, 2014 and November 2, 2014 These actions and very vague insinuations felt like a character assassination attempt on the part of you and the church by insinuating that I was I have done nothing wrong. obedience and conformity over the pursuit of truth and virtue of individual free agency. Why is the exmo community up in arms over something they believe to be meaningless to begin with (since being excommunicated from a fraudulent church doesn't mean anything)? These recordings and release of recordings are 100% legal as all communications between Jeremy Runnells and Mark Ivins took place in the state of Utah held on April 17, 2016 @ 6:00pm. Ivins hesitated and then reluctantly stated over the phone, "This is in regards to your membership in the church.". The CES Director read the letter and promised a response to Runnells' questions and concerns. I will walk into this court on Sunday with my head held high, with a clear conscience, and a complete conviction that I have done nothing wrong. As I wrote in my last email to you on March 24th: "It is my sincere hope that your next email to me will contain answers that I have been asking you for - many times - over the past year and a I accept and embrace the theme from the quotes above. me exactly what the charges are and why disciplinary action is being taken against me. It shackled you with the notion that the world was dark and lost for the express purpose of preventing you from seeing its light and findings your own way. You did not have to retrospectively create a false story about angelic visitors to possess that power it was there all along, but the church blinded you to it. It was a vicious confirm about the March 15th meeting with the following 3:04pm email (screenshot): Can you confirm that our meeting on Tuesday, March 15th @ 7:30pm in your office is still on? ", "I'm not discrediting the church. Unfortunately, no response ever came. censored due to the personal nature of the details and names of individuals, locations, and events involved. My goal is to defend my name and integrity from I also appreciate your confirmation that you intend to follow Handbook protocols. If the church seeks to suppress negative facts being discussed in the Mormon marketplace of information and to excommunicate those who have doubts, You're invited to your Court of Love next month. The only reason why I'm offering translations is because volunteers have given me Runnells replies back to Ivins' above email with the following 3:37pm email (screenshot): I can come in on March 15, 2016 @ 7:30pm. today's church essays facts. Ivins responded with Explore your doubts. or "stay in the boat" or "God not Google" are not answers to the problematic facts that directly undermine and challenge the LDS Church's there to answer/rebut your accusation once again: It is not my goal nor is it the goal of the CES Letter Foundation to drive members out of the church. Let that statement be the one that starts you out on a life which is determined by your own conscience, will and judgment. I'm not alone here. access the most up-to-date and accurate CES Letter as the original was before any of the church's essays. Ivins leaves a voice mail on Runnells' phone in the morning to call him back. Stephen Daley, LDS stake (regional) president in Derby, wrote in a letter on Wednesday that while members may hold diverse opinions on a number of topics, Helfer "cannot be a member in good. If you are not sure that your membership is still carried on the LDS records, you can call the LDS Church Membership Dept. thousands of questioning current and former LDS Church members. Your generous donations are tax deductible and will go a long way in helping us to continue to help the honest-in-heart seekers. Unfortunately, Excommunication is the most severe penalty that can be imposed by church leaders and effectively means that the exiled person is no longer a Mormon. After four years of research into Joseph For the purpose of expediting this process my personal information is as follows: I have given this matter considerable thought. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My and the first century C.E., long after Abraham lived." The bishop is appointed to be a judge in Israel, D&C 107:72. The following is a video and transcript of Runnells' speech: I want to first thank each and every one of you for being here tonight. Also note that, after Runnells' strong protest to Ivins, this letter moves away from "conduct unbecoming a member" and other vague insinuations to simply "apostasy". Richard Lyman, who held the rank of apostle in the church, was excommunicated in 1943. Religious societies have the right to deal with members disorderly conduct, D&C 134:10. He never responded as promised. Natasha Helfer has become a prominent Mormon sex therapist because many people find her common-sense positions on issues like masturbation helpful and compassionate. The following is the PDF letter Runnells attached to email to Ivins: I'm still waiting for your answers to my CES Letter questions. Brigham Young was wrong about Blood Atonement. It mostly deals with historical issues surrounding the time of the founding of the LDS Church in the 1820s and 1830s, although it does talk about more modern issues as well. Lots of hats but no cattle. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed." The LDS gospel topics series: A scholarly engagement. charges of apostasy. I would have thought that my email indicating a willingness to Why is it wrong for me to publish issues but not for them? As of February 28th, the Stake President cancelled the March 20th disciplinary council against me. [1][2] Runnells grew up as a seventh-generation member of the LDS Church with pioneer ancestry. I am resigning because the LDS Church and its foundational truth claims are just not true. What errors and mistakes are there in the CES Letter or on my website that I can publicly correct? "[23], In 2018, when Lars Nielsen published confidential documents about the investment fund of the LDS Church, he titled his work, "Letter to an IRS Director" in homage to the "Letter to a CES Director" written by Runnells. There will still be work to be done in clearing out the cobwebs of control from your mind but that theme is the most empowering one upon which to do so. I excommunicate the church from my life That statement is so potent because it asserts real authority. interested media, along with supporters of Runnells, are invited to attend and show support. They were wrong for over 130 years on the blacks. You tried to hold a court on me on If I were to be excommunicated and kicked out of the church for asking questions and for sharing truth despite my verbal and written offers to publicly I have asked you questions seeking understanding and clarification from you as to how you and the church justify your demands to censor me, obstruct my disciplinary council taken against me. It contains the summons letter from William H. Reeder Jr., the president of the New England Mission, for her to appear before the bishop's court and his cryptic, one-line excommunication proclamation 26 days later. One of the most common questions that is asked on message boards for people who are in a new place with the church because of problems with church history and doctrine is Should I resign or should I let them excommunicate me? Many reasons have been given for both approaches. Adulterers who do not repent shall be cast out, D&C 42:24. Ivins responds to Runnells' March 12, 2016 @ 3:47pm email with the following 5:05am email (screenshot): After reading your latest email to me, I thought I should be certain that I understand your position. "okay" and the phone call was over. This date has not He was called to be a stake high counsellor. Smith and LDS origins, doctrine, and history and after years of silence from the CES Director and leaders of the church (including a Church Historian and [11], No official response from the LDS Church has been released, including from the CES Director to whom Runnells sent his letter; however, Tad R. Callister, general president of the church's Sunday School, while referring to Runnells as an unnamed "critic", wrote that the assertions from Runnells were "rash", "partial truths", and "a classic case of 'presentism'". The church called the police on the vigil attendees. Church members can be excommunicated if they apostatize from church teachings. Its like even the witnesses were pre-excommunicated out of communication, out of sight, out of the protection of the Church Handbook. This is great news as Elder Ballard has just given his apostolic permission to members, including me, to be more open about and discuss the problematic A Bishop has 4 tools at his discretion to help someone repent and be forgiven in the eyes of the church: The first 2 do not show up in a member's record, the other 2 do. In response to and protest of Mark Ivins' inhumane ASL interpreter ban (See April 7th Disciplinary Council letter), CES Letter Foundation released the following: When Jeremy Runnells was 14, a General Authority blessed and promised him that his hearing would be naturally restored. If you would like to meet before March 15th, please let me know and I will adjust my schedule Runnells was not to legitmate questions and doubts through proper church leadership channels. I didn't hear from you for a year and a half and I only heard back from you when you called me on January 25th to tell me that you wanted me to come in Location 253, 6302 of 8366, Anonymous Author(s) "Response to "Letter to a CES Director: Why I Lost My Testimony (CES Letter: My Search for Answers to my Mormon Doubts) and 'Debunking FAIR's Debunking'(Debunking FairMormon)" 20 September 2019, Larry D. Curtis "Survey: Commitment of LDS Church members chilled by high-profile excommunications" KUTV 2, November 30th 2018, Last edited on 25 February 2023, at 12:50, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smith's marriages to already-married women, "In this new era of doubt, will a stronger Mormon faith emerge? All of these recordings and documentations are listed below and are released to the public. I would appreciate you or other church leaders taking the time to answer my questions before calling a disciplinary council. Ivins attempts to take their conversation away from light of transparency to dark of secrecy, Ivins attempts to censor Runnells and CES Letter by demanding censorship and removal from Mormon Marketplace of Information, "If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. "If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak." The real question here is if the church believes in a healthy and balanced Mormon marketplace of information that includes both positive and Front row: Jody England Hansen. John Tracy Ellis, a historian.Lefebvre was excommunicated in 1988 after he consecrated four bishops for a new religious community. the ones i've known about a one night stand was never enough to create a common law marriage. If you're going to listen to anything, listen to this. actions in a premortal life;" - Race and the Priesthood. You are attempting to spiritually Instead of calling Ivins back, Runnells emails Ivins the following message @ 1:39pm (screenshot): I received your voice mail asking me to call you. Runnells - Just checking to see if anything has changed in your schedule that we could meet sometime this week. I understand what you consider the "seriousness" and the "consequences" of my actions. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your There is a great deal of legislation concerning common-law marriage, child custody, property ownership and contractual services. I am a product of Mormonism. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Understand that good, sincere members who value truth will study church history from many sources - the It takes considerable time, effort, man hours, money and resources to contribute to the conversation in the Mormon marketplace of information. I read booksa lot of the approved books. [17], In November 2020, FairMormon released a set of 16 videos[18] responding to Runnells, meant to appeal to Millennials and Generation Z. church" simply by publishing and discussing the very same information and facts verified today publicly by the church's own essays. LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells: I received an email this morning from my Stake President, Mark Ivins, indicating that the disciplinary council has been postponed until March 2016 - it essays. non-transparency. Also is there a time frame, is there follow up required? All of our upcoming communications, in writing or in person, will be confidential. I was extremely alarmed and disturbed by your actions on the week of February 8th with your claim that newly "additional information" demanded a The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. you're not the easiest guy to hear). You tried again by announcing the now cancelled March 20th court on me without talking to me. ", https://www.facebook.com/runnells/posts/10158069407958737, "With its gentler approach, FAIR drops its snarky videos aimed at LDS Church critics", "Marvel Removes Anti-Mormon Reference from 'Amazing Spider-Man' Comic", "These Mormon twins worked together on an IRS whistleblower complaint over the church's billions and it tore them apart", "Mormons, Here's Why I Published the Revelations About the LDS Church's $100 Billion Stockpile", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jeremy_Runnells&oldid=1141515508, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 12:50. Church authorities excommunicate a person from the Church only when he has chosen to live in opposition to the Lord's commandments and thus has disqualified himself for further membership in the Church. I don't want to suggest that this is all his fault - I realize that the source of this "additional information" may be instructing him on reference. The folks that I shared the letter with online for editing and feedback found value in it for themselves to give to their own family members and friends Truth is often found in the most unexpected places. '"[25], Harris, M. L., Bringhurst, N. G., & Mauss, A. L. (2020). response. Church Excommunication Response Letter Page 3 of 9 EXHIBIT: _____of _____ The Bible also says that the essence of "loving" is obedience to God's laws. The main response is in the attached PDF, which can be read below after email content: See attached PDF for my detailed response to your April 7, 2016 disciplinary court letter. Runnells made the observation that it appeared that Ivins' interpreter offer was his Plan B only if Runnells showed up with his own interpreter and put up a fight. It is Runnells' position that the only reason why there was an interpreter there at all is because he fought hard for one - not because Ivins cared about Runnells or his ability to understand the meeting. I never heard back from him again. allegiance from the beginning has been to truth, accuracy and transparency. Joseph Smith translated a standard funerary document that has nothing to do with Abraham Rather than answering the questions, you went ahead and followed your year and a half pattern of consistently refusing to answer my sincere questions while I wish no harm to and only the best for the Church and its leaders. 28K subscribers in the mormon community. 675. I am grateful for these essays for confirming and legitimizing most of my main concerns in the CES Letter. Most Chapel Mormons would be disturbed and shocked at the new Mormonism that these unofficial apologists mingle and preach with To drag me into a disciplinary court is a grotesque injustice. It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for seeking and sharing the Is this really a legitimate reason for excommunication? All I wanted was the truth. Alarmed and disturbed at what appears to be a character assassination attempt, Runnells responds to Ivins' above February 8, 2016 @ 9:36pm email by sending "[3][13][14] Utah news station KUTV pointed to a survey that 57% of LDS Church members were troubled by high profile excommunications like Runnells, including 43% of temple recommend holders. In other words, yesterday's prophets are today's heretics. Those who are excommunicated can return and have their Church membership readmitted through the process of repentance and baptism . As you know, we ended our November 2, 2014 meeting on a good everyone. What errors or mistakes are there in the CES Letter and on my website that I can publicly correct? Runnells publicly announces the latest updates (screenshot): Many of you have emailed me or contacted me to ask for an update on the LDS Church's Excommunication attempts against me. areas of Mormon experience. [15], Writer Jana Riess has argued that the impact of the CES Letter has been overstated, yet important. If a one-night stand constituted a common law marriage, we would increase the number of polygamists by a million-fold overnight! A few months later in the summer of 2013, unofficial Mormon apologetic group FairMormon decided to publicly post an "analysis" of my letter. that you still do not understand the background and evolution of the CES Letter. Or is this something the Bishop can do on his own? The Salamander Letter: The Most Scandalous Document In Mormon History A clip from Netflix's Murder Among the Mormons that explores the infamous salamander letter. I am morally clean, honest with my fellow men and I have a Brown, "Historians did not create problem areas of the Mormon past, but most of us cannot agree to conceal them, either. For your convenience, I am copying/pasting from 1.5 years of waiting and radio silence from President Ivins. The essays are a welcome step forward in No communication or interaction took place between Runnells and Ivins between their October 19, 2014 meeting Some leaders, like Hans Mattsson, an area authority in Sweden, when Goodbye. The church, through its CES Director, promised me a response in April 2013. you wanted to help me and that you were going to pull in other folks who could help me. [Attached to the resignation letter that Runnells physically handed to Mark Ivins was also a letter from Runnells' attorney, Mark Naugle. addition to clarifying how your demands are reasonable and congruent to the foundational principles of free agency, transparency, honesty and freedom? all over again. So, hopefully tonight the church will answer the questions that they've been ignoring the last 3 years. He was made General Authority in 2008meaning he had to give up his practice as a lawyer and serve the church full timeand spent time in New Zealand before returning to the church's Utah headquarters in 2014. Thank you for the clarification on your intention to cancel our March 15th meeting and to communicate via writing. call ended with Runnells telling Ivins to have his secretary call him around March 15th to schedule a time to come in. (Toto, Helfer isnt in Kansas anymore. Rather than get the answers from you which I waited a year and a half for, instead I received threats of excommunication. Additionally, I have asked to remain on the As of Thursday, more than 200 health-care professionals signed a letter to the stake president saying they are concerned that withdrawing Helfer's membership will create a culture of stigma and. half. I resign morally clean, honest with myself and my fellowmen, and with a clear conscience knowing in my heart that I have done what is right and I'd do it They are the common judge and will be responsible for the judgements that they hand down. In 1841 the Mormons published a poem which stated "Or Book of Mormon not his word, because denied by Oliver". Runnells did not hear back again from President Ivins until January 25, 2016 when Ivins telephoned Runnells to inform him of his intention to While I no longer attend regularly, I enjoy attending family events (blessings, baptisms, ordinations, funerals, etc.). crazy but factual anti-free agency story of an angel with a sword threatening Joseph Smith with destruction if he didn't practice polygamy. responses to FairMormon. | Enlighten the World. questions and concerns to him in writing as part of his effort to potentially resolve my questions and concerns with the Church's origins and history. action is needed or necessary. Members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing during the biannual general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 5, 2014. I was always curious as to what level a court is required. assumption has always been that the 15th meeting is still on but wanted to make double sure. Then help me. However, in light of your recent surgery and the fact that you have a close member who is near death, I have decided to postpone [4], The CES Letter outlines a large list of issues Runnells has with LDS Church beliefs and its historical narrative. filled with fear and its house is built on sand. Third, Ive never heard of a time limit being preset for a hearing. He must, It was a Mormonism that claimed the Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the [3][4] In 2012, he began to experience doubts over his faith. me. I trust that you will be honorable and 1. Someone I know went to a new ward, her records were transferred and it said she was currently disfellowhipped, she was a member in good standing with a temple recommend, but found out in her new ward that she had been disfellowshipped. Are listed below and are released to the foundational lds excommunication letter of free agency life which is determined by own... And are released to the personal nature of the CES Letter has been to truth, it to. And votes can not be posted and votes can not be cast mistakes are there in CES. Consider the `` consequences '' of my actions defend my name and integrity from also. To cancel our March 15th to schedule a time frame, is there a time limit being preset for hearing! Email indicating a willingness to why is it wrong for over 130 years on the vigil attendees appreciate confirmation... Societies have the right to deal with members disorderly conduct, D & C 107:72 convenience, i resigning. 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