Five of Cups and Eight of Swords: a. And thats not good! This is a good sign for your relationship. The Five of Cups reminds us that we can turn our most difficult moments into learning opportunities. This is a positive step forward as previously you were so caught up in despair that you could not accept the help that was offered to you, which left you feeling lonely and isolated. The Five of Cups shows a man in a long black cloak looking down on three cups that have been knocked over - symbolic of his disappointments and failures. Discover Your Tomorrow! The Knight of Cups indicates a person who wants to express their feelings of admiration. Advertise with us. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. Did an argument teach you about something in your relationship? Remember what we said about the main meaning of Five of Cups? The Five of Cups indicates that your relationship was imbalanced and now you can move away and correct the imbalances. Address the elephant in the room (if there is one). Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). You can find out more about Lisa and her work at After you have gone through a painful situation, you will have valuable experience, which will help you to navigate similar situations in the future. The Five of Cups is a surprisingly complex card for being a part of the Minor Arcana. Sometimes, all they need is a person to listen. This really is the card of moving on, of letting go of past grief and suffering. Thats why I recommend Psychic Source. Wearing a dark cloak and hiding your face is already a sign of something negative. It means that you can still get out of this difficult situation. The Page of Cups is seen as a happy card, someone who wants to take their heart on a journey. If you choose to see only the empty cups then it is truly a loss, but you can turn around and see the open cups. Now, Im sure that this card is not telling you that you wont have anyone in your life. The person, however, seem to notice that there are two standing cups as is too busy mourning overthose which are fallen. This card shows a man crying over three knocked down cups. And thats because if youre still holding on to something from the past, chances are, you will never be happy. You have come to terms with your grief and sorrow. What caught my eye is that some cups with wine are knocked over, others remain standing. And if thats the case, then it might be a good idea to read your cards again. This loss is necessary to make way for growth. This person wants to aid their friends in any way they can. And its not because he or she is a bad person. Five of Cups and Lovers: a. Or it may be that someone with whom you work might abandon the projects you shared, or you may choose to walk away instead. Click here to get your own professional love reading. The Five of Cups also tends to appear if you have suffered a recent bereavement as it represents mourning and grief. Whether you like it or not, Five of Cups is a clear no. This is a card which signifies loss as well as thepainful challenges which stem from that particular loss. Does the future of this look promising? NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards. The bridge in the Five of Cups indicates that not all your bridges are burned. Whatever resentments and disappointments they had been holding onto, they are now ready to let go. Five of Wands Upright. Thats all for the Five of Cups Tarot card meanings! Try to get back out into the world. If you get Five of Curds in a reversed position, get ready because positive changes are coming! Five of Cups and Four of Cups: a. It means that you will be grieving over the loss of someone close to you. Whatever problems you were having in the past, theyve let go of it. You may feel like you are being attacked from all sides and that no one can be trusted. What if you are already in a relationship? Behind him are two other cups, still upright and full. - No, this relationship is not going to last. Although this indicates an unwelcome, difficult change in circumstances there is still something that can be salvaged from the situation so try not to let anger, frustration or despair overwhelm you. Theres an abundance of fake experts out there, but very few genuine advisors who can offer practical life advice. Privacy and Terms. 13 ways to win his heart back after hurting him, 12 ways to win someone back who doesnt want you. There are five cups on the ground, three of which have fallen while the other two remain standing. The disappointment could come from a side job, an unexpected bill, or a flat tire. Alternately, it can indicate that you are still holding onto the negative feelings of the upright version of the card, to the detriment of your future. But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine, professional advisor. If this card appears in your reading, then it might mean that your partner is about to let you down. . What is the worst feeling you can have in your relationship? As the Tarot has shown us in this card, sometimes we cant prevent a heartbreak from happening. It is also likely that the stress and pain you have been experiencing as a result of these troubles will start to weigh on you less heavily. Her divination book, The Modern Oracle, was published in 2021. The Five of Cups shows a man in a long black cloak looking down on three cups that have been knocked over symbolic of his disappointments and failures. Now you may be wondering what does letting down mean in this case. Perhaps you are being forced to take a step backwards in your career. Or can't find what youre looking for? Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. It is telling you that your heartbreak is inevitable. A disappointing orgams. And the answer is that its because youre holding on to the past. This may be the result of some sort of trauma or unwelcome change you have suffered. Trouble can brew because of a lack of love or even physical and/or emotional abuse. You are finally able to forgive others for the pain they have caused you. Tarot eBooks. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! Scientist. General - Unfortunately, the Five of Cups is a no for most types of Tarot readings. They are filled with regret. There may be lots of stress at the moment, and you may have to make sure that you are not spending wastefully in order to build up your financial security once again. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. I did, and Ive never looked back since. You are letting of the past, releasing your negative emotions and emotional baggage. Stay connected to the best elements of what you lost. He is so absorbed in his loss that he doesnt see that he has two upright cups behind him. So dont worry, you will get through this! Bartender. When the Five of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that you are going to receive an inheritance. And if you do that, then chances are that youll be ready for love again! Alternately, it can signify that you are still holding on to old pain which is stopping the relationship from progressing. They are so deep within their feelings that they are finding it very difficult to look towards the positives at the moment. Five of Cups, being the fifth card of the Cups Suit, carries all the qualities of number 5, which in a psychic reading would be translated to conflict but also hope, challenge, need for spirituality, loss, a change of heart or status, rebuild from what was destroyed. Because this card is telling you that there are things in your past that you are holding on to. It is normal to grieve over our disappointments and failures. Am I going to reconcile with my ex? When this card turns up in a Tarot reading, you are realising the full implications of the past, and you appreciate the lessons learned from the experience. How many negative emotions can one card represent? Their inner world has become a place of calm. The Five of Cups reversed serves as a reminder that you cannot undo the past what has happened, has happened. When the Five of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling like they are ready to let go of their past pain and suffering. You may feel as though The One has slipped through your fingers and could be oblivious to potential partners as you are so focused on your sense of loss. Reflect on what led you to this point and understand what valuable lessons you can take from the experience. It represents a time of healing and renewal in the relationship. They have surrendered to what is. If you are in a relationship, the Five of Cups is not a great omen as it can signify a break-up, separation or divorce. And you feel like you might never be able to get over it. When you dream about an ex, are they thinking of you? Five of Cups as a Positive, Strength or Advantage When the Five of Cups appears in a positive, strength or advantage Tarot spread position, this means that you are going to receive an inheritance. Sorry, Willow Huntermoon balenciaga #12 I'm in the "he wants you to feel sorry/bad/guilty" camp (5 cups). Don't be afraid to compete against others. If you havent heard of Psychic Source before, its a site where gifted advisors help people through complicated and difficult life situations. An enchanting astrology oracle deck featuring blue holographic detailing and edges, with calming and minimal full-bleed illustrations. And after that, youll be glad taht it ended! Whatever the case may be, it will lead to disappointment on your part because you put all your trust in this person. It can also represent beginning to rebuild a business after a loss or after being abandoned by a business partner. So stop focusing on all the negative, dreary things and think about all the good you have in your life! Is this relationship going to last? Maybe he wants the vice to go out of the relationship and make it pure (wine compared to water in the Temperance card). You may struggle with consistency. c. Feeling really hung over. The 5 of cups is what he wants from me, and for what he feels I give him - it was Death. He wears a blue floral tunic and a beret, and is usually seen with the sea behind him. In a health Tarot reading, the Five of Cups reversed indicates that allowing yourself to let go of past pain and opening up to positive healing energy will be key to resolving any health issues you are experiencing. Remember, you can discover more love Tarot meanings (and the feelings of your lover) by checking out the Love Tarot Meanings e-book. This person is also starting to understand what they can change and what they cannot. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. If this sounds like you, your Tarot cards are urging you to find meaning in your work instead of looking at it as one more thing to be down about. Or maybe they are just going through a lot right now. Five of Cups and Tower: a. Behind him stand two cups representing new opportunities and potential, but because he is so fixed on his losses (the over-turned cups), he misses the opportunities available to him. If you are asking about whether a reconciliation is possible, it is only possible if your ex has decided that they see you fitting into their future. They are in pain, and they are feeling very deep inside their emotions right now. They may also be feeling resentful and envious of others. JavaScript is disabled. In the context of your career, this can take place in the form of a loss of a job, business, a coveted project, or partnership. However, when it comes to love, these symbols might have different meanings. Privacy Policy. Ouch! Well, this card represents disappointment. The Five of Wands means you should fight for what you want. He seems to be full of regret and loss. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. It is just trying to tell you that for a certain period of time, you will feel lonely and unloved. Are you ready to hear another meaning of Five of Cups? I hate feeling like Ive made the wrong decision or that Ive done something stupid. And if you are feeling trapped right now, then its a good idea to stop and think about what you want in your life. The bridge is a message to 'find a way through'. These interpretations can be used with any of the decks (Rider Waite, Marseilles etc. After a breakup, all you want to do is rest. There is a sense of loss and disappointment in this card, but you are . Sadness, loss, grief, despair, abandonment, guilt, remorse, regret, trauma, bereavement, mourning, heartbreak, unwelcome change, emotional instability, focusing on loss, focusing on negative emotions, isolation, loneliness, emotional baggage, divorce, separation, anger, disappointment. So if youre tired of wondering about whats coming next, get in touch with a legit advisor and take your future into your own hands. dont be too sure about that, i was in a similar situation and the 5 of cups would never leave any of the spreads or readings i did with me and my gf, anything is possible and there is always a chance to make things right if you really want to. A modern Marseille tarot deck featuring rose gold detailing, rose gold edges, and bright, gentle, colorful full-bleed illustrations. Having tried several online advisors, I think theyre the most caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable network of gifted advisors out there. Am I pregnant? with The Tarot Guide? For relationships and feelings, the Five of Cups represents grief and loss. What happens when you send love energy to someone? The Five of Cups can reflect the fact that this person has a depressive mood. Healing is on the way; you may realize that despite the suffering that you experienced, these losses allowed you to find a position that was much better suited to you. You maybe regretting how a situation turned out and would like to rectify things. I can see Temperance here. A minimalist iconographic tarot card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. Winning is not everything. The breakup forces them to look at their relationship and do a complete soul assessment.b. Negative thinking can cause you not to see the positive. Advertise with us. Know that you did the best you could. Number 5 Meaning In Tarot All fives, including the Five of Cups, Five of Pentacles and Fives of Swords indicate movement and change. Five of Cups and Two of Cups: a. Because it means that one of the two people involved in this relationship is already in love with someone else. The person hides his face in what seems to be despair. The Five of Cups suggests youre stuck in the past and cant let go. Just take the bridge to the other side. So, if you see this card in your reading, then you should prepare yourself for the worst. You maybe regretting how a situation turned out and would like to rectify things. It is time to stop living in the past, when the reversed 5 of Cups appears in a love tarot reading. This may be a period of sadness and transformation. Not all is lost. You will do things within your relationship, which you will wish you could take back. They provided me with a unique insight into where my life should go, including who I was meant to be with. And it could be a friend, a partner or even your family! For those in committed relationships, the Five of Cups reversed is a sign of feeling like theyve worked through some of the issues that youve been facing as a couple. Finally, as stated earlier, sometimes the Five of Cups will appear in the future to indicate that there will be a wedge in your family or friendships. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. The Five of Cups is the card of grief, loss, sadness, and disappointment. As the saying goes, holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. However, I only recommend products that I personally love. It can also signify problems or disputes over an inheritance. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. If you do not feel up to dating, that is OK! This means that he has a high chance of missing out on what new joys that the future can bring. In the background, a bridge crosses a large, flowing river and leads to the security of the castle or home on the opposite side of the riverbank if only he can move on from the over-turned cups. They are coming to terms with their grief, and they are ready to let it go and move on. Your partner is carrying grief, loss, and disappointment with them. But thats not all. All Rights Reserved. As wands represent action, it means you need to act in order to achieve what you want. Some Tarot readers still interpret the Five of Cups as representing physical death. When I read the subject, before reading the rest of the post, my immediate thought was that someone wants forgiveness. You can chalk up the experience to a learning experience and walk to better days. But what do these symbols represent exactly? If thats the case, chances are, you might be holding on to something from the past. The 5 of cups is what he wants from me, and for what he feels I give him - it was Death. In any case, they are having a hard time staying positive. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into what my future holds, and the confidence to make the right decisions when it comes to love. Or it might be telling you not to look at the negative side of a situation, but to see it in a more positive light. You may want to patch things up. With the Five of Cups, all is not lost. After all, its trying to tell you that you will have a lot of regrets in your life. You shouldnt worry because no matter what the reason is, this feeling will make it difficult for you to enjoy your life at the moment. Part of the reason why they do not like you is that they are so wrapped up in themselves. It can also indicate that you may be still harbouring old feelings about an ex rather than emotionally committing 100% to your current relationship. About us. So dont give up! He doesnt want to be tied down in a relationship, so he runs the other way, while in his wake leaving her heartbroken. Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. So, you should believe in your relationship and allow it to grow from this experience. Chances are that youll move on from the past relationship and youll also get over your current heartbreak. You are seeing that the suffering and grief that you endured gave you strength and imbued you with resilience. The card is often going to reflect a person who is so caught up in his past that he is absolutely incapable of moving on. If youre already in a relationship, you may have just gone through a tense period. Rather than being able to work towards a common goal, you . Standing cups The fact that two of the five cups are still standing is actually a good thing. Keep reading and youll find out the possible meanings of the Five of Cups for love and romantic relationships. Its time to shift your mindset and focus on what can go right from this point onwards. And it could be because of a breakup, because of an important change in your life, or because of an illness or death in the family. The meaning of the Five of Cupsshows that you may havecertain issues letting go of things which are in the past. The bridge suggests that while you may have a tendency to focus on what you have lost, there is always another way to look at something. She is the author of The Modern Oracle. The Five of Cups is one of the typical break up and heartache cards. If you are in business it can also signify a business partner or staff member abandoning the company or it can signify you leaving the business or abandoning a business plan. They are no longer sad, angry, or bargaining. Five of Cups and Four of Swords: a. While this may seem bad at first, try not to dwell on what you have lost and look at the valuable experience you have gained. But a surefire way to know for sure is to speak with a real advisor. If you said something to hurt them, they are feeling very depressed right now. If you have lost a partner, the Five of Cups can signify that you are isolating yourself as you feel too heartbroken to even contemplate dating anyone. They are taking it very hard, and they are also being very hard on themselves. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. To be full of regret and loss face is already in a love tarot reading expecting the two... A friend, a partner or even physical and/or emotional abuse tarot readers still interpret the Five of Cups is! And her work at five of cups as what someone wants hides his face in what seems to be despair means that you endured you... Card which signifies loss five of cups as what someone wants well as thepainful challenges which stem from that particular loss who was! 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