It was reportedly patented in April 2002 before the outbreak in Asia. AMA Advocacy Insights webinar series examines key advocacy issues from the federal and state levels impacting patients and physicians. While there's no way to predict if the U.S. will be as hard-hit, "last year we were . We, need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Sources: CDC, NHS, patents, vaccine manufacturers, VAERS, Yellow Card, Dr Anthony Faucis emails, US Senate hearings. Professionals make a variety of excuses for not getting the influenza vaccine, chief among which are that they are too busy or that getting vaccinated is inconvenient. My family and I will continue to get vaccinated every year for the flu. Patients will sometimes coincidentally come down with the flu shortly after receiving the vaccination, but thats just a quirk of timing, Dr. Kirley said, noting that this is one of many common misconceptions about the flu and flu vaccines. iPhone or $("mega-back-specialties .mega-sub-menu").show(); "A health care worker, annoyingly, could be incubating influenza and transmitting to any number of people," Hooper said. Not every residency match is made to last, as more than 1,000 residents transfer programs each year. The flu shot is made of pieces of the virus or inactivated virus, and the nasal spray is a whole virus, but its an attenuated form of the virus, so neither kind can actually give you the flu, said Dr. Kirley. They're grateful that their family doctor cares enough to understand why they feel afraid or worried about getting a flu shot. Android, The best in medicine, delivered to your mailbox. That trial, from the 1960s, also did not involve an mRNA vaccine, as she suggests. After receiving the vaccination, I still got sick with the flu. $('.mega-back-button-deepdives').on('click', function(e) { One of the major difficulties can be seen in such countries as Myanmar and India where the impression is that many people are catching COVID-19 and that the only real option is to get vaccinated. }); jQuery(function($) { It is alleged that the core problems with the tests is, firstly, they dont test for what is said to be COVID-19 a virus that has yet to be isolated and, secondly, the RT-PCR cycle threshold used in most of the tests around the world was far too high, leading to a misleading number of false positives. That old thing, I got the flu shot and I still got the flu? Because they are also clearly one of those high-risk populations for COVID, it is even more important for them to protect themselves against the flu as well.. jQuery(function($) { Transitioningfrom medical student to resident can be a challenge. His claim of 62 percent relates to tests he carried out a sample of the hundreds he has provided the shots for. As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation, he said. Even if you get flu after having received the vaccine you are likely to benefit by having a less severe illness, Schaffner told the news conference. Two Minnesota doctors, Dr. Scott Jensen and Dr. Jeffrey Horak,spoke out on "Fox & Friends" after being silenced for reiterating the importance of individual rights as it pertains to COVID-related . Published Jan 17, 2018. People with Guillain-Barre syndrome -- a disease that results in nerve damage -- should avoid getting vaccinated as well, since respiratory illnesses can trigger an episode. Thats just their immune system responding to the vaccine and doing exactly what we want it to do.. The official world death toll of 4 million, even if it is correct, may not be considered to be so sizeable compared to the world death figures for an 18-month period. And with the media making a fuss about problems of disposing of bodies in India and Myanmar, there is need for caution. H3N2 usually hits people over 65 the hardest. He says the COVID-19 deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable. It raises the question - Why do the authorities want the worlds population inoculated with a largely untested, experimental vaccine, one that they admit does not stop the recipient catching or passing on the COVID-19 virus? Having a flu jab every year is the most important way to help prevent the flu and possible complications. In ground-breaking news, Spanish medical researchers in two separate studies have analyzed the contents of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine vials and found a toxic blood . But for healthy individuals, the CDC recommends that all health care personnel, students in training for those professions, and other high-risk groups such as employees of assisted living communities be vaccinated against the influenza virus. The cry of warning is also being censored by the media and social media in an unprecedented push that in itself ought to set off alarm bells, and could get worse as Joe Bidens administration in the USA colludes with Facebook to block out unwanted information and opinion on this platform. Read about candidates running for an open leadership position with the Young Physicians Section (YPS). Of these, 200,000 are hospitalized and about 36,000 die. There are different types of flu shots, including some especially for people 65 and older. The central core of the open letter is to say to . The toxic substance graphene oxide was found in the Pfizer vials by Spanish researchers has now been confirmed to also be the main ingredient in the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to another scientific research group. Now we appear to have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what the patent office, the medical profession and what the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its own clinical standards would not suggest is a vaccine, yet by using the term vaccine they are being subjected to what is alleged to be a biological weapon. None of . The two Spanish research teams are reportedly continuing their investigations into the contents of the vials to check other lots. I'm doing my own trial to see how I would feel or not.". A more globally connected world provides viruses the means and transmissibility to wreak havoc on any population. The flu vaccine is really to get the protection against that scenario.. Celebrities too have perpetuated these false concepts. Garcia: The early data suggest the flu vaccine has performed well, and that is most likely due to the fact that the vaccine does appear to have been a good match against those strains that were spreading through the fall and winter. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. The flu shot can come in a variety of forms that protect against three or four influenza strains. You can start to get your vaccine, ideally before the end of October, but if you dont squeeze it in, go get it any time.. Sure. He co-founded a successful biotech. There are legitimate reasons to steer clear of the needle. One hundred and eighty families put a child in a grave last year because of a vaccine-preventable infection.". Imagine how the parents of those children must feel, Schaffner said. Everyone should get a vaccine that is appropriate for their age. A key driver is the media and economics will follow the hype. $(".mega-back-mediaresources .mega-sub-menu").hide(); Dr Phelps revealed she was also diagnosed with a vaccine injury from her second dose of Pfizer in July 2021, "with the diagnosis and causation confirmed by specialist colleagues". Lawson tells Yahoo Parenting that one morning, about a week after Julia received the shot, her now-ex-husband found their daughter in a terrifying state. Now he's spreading unfounded claims about the vaccines and the virus. Others don't like needles or believe, mistakenly, that the vaccine will result in a bout of the flu. The UWorld exclusive offer on product discount codes to AMA members has ended. As Dr McCullough points out, speaking with attorney Fuellmich: Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine deliver to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.. Some doctors and researchers who have been investigating the vaccine roll out have raised the question as to whether different vaccine batches may have different contents. Most local pharmacies offer flu shots, as do drug stores and quick clinics. Primary care physician offices usually have lots of options for how you can come in and get your flu shot, but there are other places as well., This year there still may be a decline in employers offering the flu shot with so many people working from home. Naturally, the idea that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned is hard to stomach and runs counter to the original story promoted by governments and the media in early 2020 that COVID-19 likely had natural origins in a bat or another animal in a wet market in Wuhan, China. Governments and health authorities are beginning to admit that they got it wrong both in terms of the COVID-19 numbers but also in terms of the potential dangers posed by the vaccines. Legal cases are being drawn up. Consider the recent 2017-2018 flu season, for which the CDC reported that an estimated 48.8 million people contracted the flu, and 22.7 million sought medical attention, while 959,000 required hospitalization. It is delivered through shots in the muscle of the upper arm. Ideally before January is whats best. Dr Richard Fleming, another doctor who is speaking out, says a number of pharmacists have noted privately to him that each COVID-19 vaccine lot has contents that vary from vial to vial, suggesting inconsistencies, with one commentator questioning whether some of them are placebos, some saline, all of which raises the question as to whether people are getting the same shot. A growing number of health officials around the world from the United States to Myanmar admit that the number of people who have died directly and solely of COVID-19 is far less than the published figures. Ground zero in the COVID-19 monitoring process is the test to assess whether people have caught the virus. }); Earlier this week, Sir Bruce Keogh, national medical director of NHS England, called for a "serious debate" over whether NHS staff should be forced to have the vaccination. Every year, influenza causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths in the United States, she said, noting that were still concerned about hospital capacity related to COVID, so its important to do everything we can to keep people out of the hospital and getting a flu shot is one of the best things we can do to stay healthy during flu season., Additionally, it is possible to get influenza and COVID at the same time, and then you really have that double whammy in terms of two significant respiratory illnesses, said Dr. Kirley. Myth: The flu shot will make you sick. Dr Mikovits claims and her character have been trashed. Officials and members gather to elect officers and address policy at the 2023 AMA Annual Meeting being held in Chicago, June 9-14, 2023. The HOD speakers welcome comments for reports under development for the upcoming Interim and Annual Meetings. These antibodies provide protection against infection with the viruses that are in the vaccine. Some say their doctors told them not to get vaccinated anyway. More than 40% of Americans may not get a flu shot this year. $('.mega-back-button-specialties').on('click', function(e) { But, Id rather take this bet than gamble on getting the flu without a vaccination. Our members are the frontline of patient care, expanding access to care for underserved patients and developing key prevention strategies. Olivia did not elaborate on her . Olivia Newton John recently revealed that she has no plans to get the vaccine "at this point" in time, while managing stage 4 breast cancer. China clearly bears some level of responsibility for allowing the virus to escape and spread around the world if only because it is generally thought that the first cases cropped up in Wuhan and that Beijing should have been quicker to close the city down and close the border. For months, dangerous rumors on social media have claimed that getting vaccinated against the coronavirus could hamper male and female fertility. Guess what? Those numbers included 180 children. We will definitely say, If it means you end up getting a flu vaccine and you'd rather choose a nasal spray, get that nasal spray, she added. What is clear is that you cannot have a vaccine that does not meet a single definition of a vaccine. Schaffner added that, in the midst of an influenza outbreak, it is crucial to have healthy people on hand to take care of patients. After her last vaccination, Ludwick said she got sick. The vaccines being used do neither neither protect the recipient from the virus or prevent them from passing it on. I wish families could see what I have seen. It's an "abysmal and profoundly sad" statistic, according to Dr. William Schaffner, chairman of the department of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt Medical School in Nashville, Tenn. "Both the professional and ethical responsibility of all health care workers is to be vaccinated annually against influenza," Schaffner said. In fact, for the 2017-2018 flu season, the CDC estimated that the overall effectiveness of the flu vaccine against influenza A and B was only 40% (reducing a persons risk of needing to seek medical care by 40%). Emerging Infectious Diseases. The numbers for the 2017-2018 flu season go far beyond that. Dr. Robert Malone gestures as he stands in his barn on . Glen Arnell, right, and Mindy Greene visit . Around 85 percent of new COVID-19 Delta infections in Israel are reportedly in those who are fully vaccinated. Developing a potentially deadly virus is one thing; pushing a questionable and potentially deadly cure is another. All of the major chain pharmacies in the US -- CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger -- offer flu shots at most of . Most people are not in a position to understand what is happening and fear prevails. As many as 168 million flu vaccine doses will be available this year, the CDC said. By Jan Raphael. Ask your health care provider which one is right for you. Interestingly, Dr Fauci had lamented year after year at medical conferences that few were taking the flu shot. By getting the flu vaccine yearly, people reduce the chances of serious complications from the influenza virus. Kids have a lot of snot. In fact, for the 2017-2018 flu season, the CDC estimated that the overall effectiveness of the flu vaccine against influenza A and B was only 40% (reducing a person's risk of needing to seek medical care by 40%). It is also about protecting othersyour family, friends, community members., The flu vaccine is most effective for all of us when more of us get it, so we can get closer to achievingat least for flu seasonthat herd immunity, she said. }); However, the inconvenience of being sick with the flu and loss of productivity does not scare me as much as the life-threatening consequences that occur in healthy children, let alone those more vulnerable ones with additional medical conditions such as congenital heart disease or cancer. }); The damage that flu causes continues long after the acute influenza illness, he said. During the CDC vaccine meeting last week, health officials said that data indicates the vaccines were more than . The Spanish research into the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vials offers a worrying insight into what might be in the shots being given out in their millions around the world. jQuery(function($) { El Gato al Agua, a current affairs show hosted by Jos Javier Esparza broke the news that toxic nanoparticulates of graphene oxide have been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer vaccine analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna, a small group of Spanish researchers headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. Jos Luis Sevillano. Carole Funk gets a flu shot most years and is up-to-date on all her other vaccines. Dr. Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in the small, rural town of Lytton in British Columbia, Canada. Visit the OnCall+ Cold & Flu Center. Indeed, widespread contamination of any virus is a looming prospect today, and protection from them is prudent because they still cause significant illness. One of the most influential people in the anti-vax movement is an osteopath physician called Joseph Mercola in Florida, who was profiled in The New York Times last month. Dr. Peter McCullough, a highly cited physician who runs two peer-reviewed medical journals and has promoted and had success with the early treatment of COVID-19, has come out with an explosive claim. Many people who dont get vaccinated say a big reason is their doubt about its effectiveness. CINCINNATI As we enter the traditional flu season, some doctors are suggesting to hold off on getting your flu shot for another few weeks. People heading to their doctors office or pharmacy for their COVID vaccine or booster can also get their influenza vaccine at the same visit, said Dr. Kirley. It increases the chance . Deadly flu killed 80,000 people last year, A record number of children died of flu this season, When should you get your flu shot? The company reportedly knew that is would be placed in the front of the line as early as March 2019. Dr McCulloughs claim, and the work of attorney Fuellmich, bolster the view that the COVID-19 outbreak was planned and the virus was man-made, as alluded to in the controversy that has blown up over Dr Fauci, his gain of function research, the patent paper trail, publications and meetings. Dr. David Hooper, chief of the Infection Control Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, received his vaccine in October, the beginning of the flu season. $(".mega-back-deepdives").removeClass("mega-toggle-on"); A long-awaited peer-reviewed report by the Berlin-based Corona Investigation Committee has just been released alleging what many have feared, that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned, the virus man-made . But this year, Ludwick is experimenting with not getting vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and others from influenza. As we recover from last flu season, we must prepare ourselves for the upcoming flu season. Other doctors spoke bluntly in saying how so many people got infected and died. It takes the vaccine a couple of weeks to generate a full immune response, so you dont have your full protection until a couple of weeks after you get your shot, she noted. Ryan W. Miller. This is just one of the legal challenges being put forward by lawyers and health professionals in attempts to stop the jab rollout in its tracks, call for an investigation, and bring what they claim are the culprits to justice. They are failing to provide a duty of care. A nurse at a hospital in Brandenburg, who spoke to DW under the condition of anonymity, said he was skeptical of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, of which he had already received the first dose. However, care needs to be taken with the claim highlighted in Dr Faucis attempts to cover up that COVID-19 was made in the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China as part of gain of function virus development. Overall, Ludwick says staff are encouraged to get vaccinated, rather than required, and that most nurses she works with do. Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the US government's COVID-19 response. It's the information you need from voices you want to hear. (Screen capture: YouTube) The Health Ministry announced Tuesday that an outspoken doctor who denies the coronavirus, opposes vaccination and has reportedly forged virus immunization . $(".mega-back-mediaresources").removeClass("mega-toggle-on"); Then his career took an unexpected turn. In addition, there is a question of perception. The current rush for oxygen cylinders indicates that while some may be in need of oxygen, other forms of suitable COVID-19 treatment may not be being provided. To those professionals, Schaffner said, "Get over it.". Pfizer/BioNtech Vaccine is for people age 16 and older. Still, as a nurse in the intensive care unit at Scripps, Ludwick finds she treats people who are already very sick and cannot handle a flu shot. But the pandemic narrative is beginning to collapse as health authorities start to roll back the numbers as seen in the recent announcements of the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and what are now recognized as heavily overinflated RT-PCR testing cases and COVID-19 death figures. However, the medical response to the COVID-19 threat in these countries may be being mismanaged, with an atmosphere of fear and poor health, contributing to the death figures. The AMA promotes the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health. A careful examination of the process being pursued showed Dr Fauci reportedly having his efforts to patent vaccines turned down by the US Patent Office, as they did not fit the bill as vaccines in that they did not prevent infection. The numbers were shocking. In fact, according to a 2018 article from The Lancet by Iuliano AD, et al., a median estimate of 45,000 children young than 5 (studied from 92 countries) die annually from respiratory complications caused by influenza. Download AMA Connect app for document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The content of this site is intended for healthcare professionals. ]]>,, Alarm grows as researchers warn of dangers of the COVID-19 shots, Min Aung Hlaing visits troops in Rakhine State, Spring Revolution Daily News for 1 March 2023, Arakan Army monitors Min Aung Hlaings visit to Rakhine State, Protesters try to storm stage at Taiwan massacre memorial. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yet, despite his grilling in the Senate, he remains Americas health czar. That first week in January, I said it was peaking. The 2023 Compendium of Graduate Medical Education Initiatives report outlines key aspects from recent AMA proposals to address funding and governance of GME. Given the atmosphere of fear that has built up around the world, the warnings of researchers, doctors and lawyers that the COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous are being blanketed out by a billion-dollar push by governments, pharmaceutical companies and the media saying take the jab, even to the point where it has been made mandatory amongst certain workers. There are special vaccines for the elderly and for kids; there are formulations that were not made using eggs; and the needle-free FluMist vaccine is back in the mix this year. Dr. Robert Malone says he helped invent mRNA vaccines and has been wronged for decades. The hospital also makes an effort to document who is not getting a flu shot on the premises and who may be getting it elsewhere or not at all. Learn more about the process with the AMA. February 27, 2018, 1:40 PM. Explore how to write a medical CV, negotiate employment contracts and more. Or was it deliberately spread around the world in certain key spots at around the same time? According to media, this whistleblower has allegedly claimed, under oath, that there are at least 45,000 reported deaths that have occurred within three days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. We typically don't know the effectiveness of the vaccine until we really get into flu season, and we can see what types of viruses actually end up circulating in the population, said Dr. Kirley, adding that every year, the flu vaccine is adjusted to align with what is predicted to be the most likely strains circulating. The sprays are only approved for ages 2 through 49, said Dr. Kirley. Evidently, the nurse had been administering flu vaccinations, and expressed that she was "exhausted" from causing "1 autism a minute.". And the number of vaccine experts who recommended the shots to me in our private, one-on-one interactions was a whopping 203. Dr. Delgado states that the nanographene oxide creates thrombogenicity or blood-clotting in the veins, compromises the immune system, causes bilateral pneumonia, causes loss of smell and taste, causes multi-organ inflammation and essentially creates all the symptoms attributed early in the pandemic rollout to COVID-19. However, in my clinical practice, for those who received the flu vaccine and still became sick with the flu, their clinical illness was not nearly as severe as for the individuals who did not receive the vaccine. He said thousands of . A new group of doctors, nurses and other vaccine supporters, called Shots Heard Round the World, flooded his page with evidence-based vaccine facts, which attracted harassers spoiling for a fight . Adams said thats not a good reason to skip the shot. The flu vaccine causes antibodies to develop in your body about two weeks after you get it. On average, COVID-19 has a 99.96 percent survival rate, judging from the admittedly compromised statistics over the last 18 months. The claim is in reference to a . Anecdotal evidence and videos of the behaviour of health professionals in the USA, UK and Australia show the health professionals, when challenged, claiming the vaccine is safe and encouraging the recipient to accept it. More than 4 in 10 Americans aren't sure about or aren't . Vaccine makers and various players linked to the commercial exploitation of a pandemic, including Dr Fauci, spent years working towards a vaccination programme, involving patents, lucrative contracts and funding. 100,000 Doctors & Medical Professionals Oppose COVID-19 Vaccine by: News Editors (Natural News) Doctors are now uniting against the pre planned and fabricated plandemic, which is quickly turning into a full genocidal push across the world. 1:30. var _ase = _ase || []; Finally, the CDC stopped predicting a peak as the flu season continued worsening. What appears clear is that between 2002 and 2017, Dr Fauci, Dr Baric and the CDC controlled the cash flow around what could be called the industrial complex of the coronavirus. The 2023 American Medical Association Medical Student Advocacy Conference (MAC) will be held March 2-3, 2023. Learn more with the AMA's COVID-19 resource center. The CDC recommends that just about everyone over the age of six months get a flu vaccine every year. }); Instead, both COVID-19 and the vaccines have a different purpose. $('mega-back-mediaresources').on('click', function(e) { All this was said and published including WHOs emphasis on forcing through what they called a universal vaccine mandate - before the world had even heard of COVID-19. While full investigations have yet to be carried out into this anomaly, a growing number of media reports appear to indicate that the vaccinated are not protected from the virus. Naturally, nobody wants to make light of the deaths of people from COVID-19. Instead, a massive trial is underway, with the vaccine makers admitting that everybody who accepts the vaccine is in an experiment, one due to finish in 2023. The CDC had already feared a severe flu season because it was the H3N2 strain that was circulating. Adams and other leading doctors urged Americans to start getting the annual flu shots now and, as happens every September, rolled up their sleeves to get immunized for the cameras. Although no type of flu shot is recommended over others, you should speak to your doctor about . But she got serious, too. Only if these two outcomes can be scientifically proven can you say that vaccination protects and benefits the collective the population as a whole. Vanishingly few people have legitimate reasons to avoid COVID-19 vaccination. Latest VAERS figures for the USA, over the last six months up until July 9, provide the following statistics for people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine: 463,456 Adverse Events, 30,781 Hospitalizations, 9,274 Disabled, 3,906 Heart Attacks, 2,466 Myocarditis Reactions, 1,073 Miscarriages and 10,991 Deaths. "We don't need them home sick.". This means people can get their flu shot on the same dayits safe and effective, so theres no need to make multiple trips, she emphasized. No one wants to be what I call the dreaded spreader.. The virus causes inflammation that affects blood vessels to the heart and brain. And here we are caught up with an inconvenient truth allegations that the COVID-19 pandemic was man-made and planned. Since the Dr Fauci emails debacle, the idea that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab has gained more traction, a notion summarily dismissed by the media a year ago. But while they may get their day in court, such a process takes time and it can be argued that there is no time to be lost as people continue to line up for the shot. Barn on inconvenient truth allegations that the vaccine and doing exactly what we want it to do the upper.... Recipient from the admittedly compromised statistics over the age of six months get a vaccine that does not meet single... 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