Areas of interest or specialty:Walking with any person seeking spiritual transformation; Ignatian Spiritual Practices; the Enneagram; guided, contemplative retreats, either one-on-one or in community settings. It is my joy to guide leaders into spiritual practices that open us to the mystery of Gods transforming presence in the most intimate places of our lives. Denial of an application will be accompanied by written explanation and advice on acquiring the training/education needed. A crisis of faith in my early forties, where I questioned Gods basic goodness and love for me personally, launched a journey I continue to this day. Until then I didnt understand the emotional and spiritual struggles of not-for-profit leadership and the toll it can take on your interior life. In 2005 I completed a spiritual direction internship in the Ignatian tradition at Loyola University in Chicago. I grew up in South Africa and moved with my family to Canada in 2000. An Introduction to Spiritual Direction practicum is a required component of this Certificate. Studies in Biological Sciences led to employment in animal health and research, and 18 years of life in Vancouver, BC, with mission work in Mexico for 3 years, followed by 19 years of campus ministry and part-time theological studies. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm EST, Copyright19752023 | Privacy | CCPC Global Inc. To provide the avenue for qualified persons who have studied, worked and developed skills in the field of supervision of spiritual direction to receive professional recognition. Will completing this program enable me to work as a spiritual director? I use this training in Spiritual Direction with directees who so desire. I have a BA in Religion and Psychology and have long devoted myself to both business and ministry. I am trained through Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction, am a certified Enneagram coach, and completed training in strategies for trauma awareness and resiliency. CCPC encourages everyone having the required qualifications to apply regardless of age, race, nationality, sex or handicap. Areas of interest or specialty:Ministry leaders, pastors and laity. While I was in TC12, I also enrolled in certification for Spiritual Direction at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. Training courses are offered through eight weekend sessions held in April, August, and December over a period of three years. it out? You can connect with a member of our team via email or Zoom! Our focus is: Any person may apply for credentials as a Certified Spiritual Director (CSD). While I continues my own spiritual transforming journey, I consider it an honor to accompany others toward wholeness, harmony, and balancein relationship with God, self, and others. I was drawn to the Transforming Center, and through the Transforming Community(TC6, TC13) experience my soul was able to come back to life and drink deeply of the things of God. I have been at Indy Vineyard Church for the last 20 years, having just transitioned from Sr. Pastor to Pastor of Teaching & Prayer. I discovered pastoral skills and passions I was previously unaware of and my entire concept of ministry and vocation have been reshaped during my two years in the program." . Following my first TC Community experience (TC5), I sensed a call to the ministry of listening. Areas of interest or specialty: I'm interested in Ignatian spirituality and in pursuing additional training there. God has really used the Institute to solidify in my heart what following Jesus in the next phase of life can look like. To earn a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Soul Shepherding, Inc. students will read 17 books and resources during their two-year program. I have two adult children with my wife, Kelly, who is also a TC alumna and spiritual director. I have been married to George for 38 years and love being the mom to four grown children and grandma to Lucy. Maintain federal, provincial and agency regulations concerning confidentiality by following proper procedures to preserve the clients rights. Spiritual Directors Rev. If youre interested in receiving spiritual direction, please reach out to any of the spiritual directors listed here. I sure did, and I hope you do too. Both of us had been married previously and worked through the pain that accompanies that journey. I have been involved in church ministry nearly all my life, mostly in megachurch settings, where I led and shepherded musicians and artists. Lori is a spiritual director and an IEA Accredited Professional Member and certified by Enneagram Spectrum (Jerry Wagner) and iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (Clare Loughrige). Use the "Find a Spiritual Director" tool at Spiritual Directors . I only consider directees who are able to meet in person. I like the idea of talking and praying and encouraging one another on the path. Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Ignatian Exercises; the Enneagram; Myers-Briggs assessments and spirituality; exploring imagination and creativity as ways of approaching God; listening and dialoguing with God; rest-Sabbath-prayer; communication and appreciation between generations; "giving your life away," aging, and "giving your death away" (Ronald Rolheiser's words); and experimenting with life, with ways of seeking and avoiding God. Author of three Enneagram books, I am a trainer with The International Enneagram Association and have developed a credentialed program that trains/certifies Enneagram instructors in the Christian Tradition. Let's take a look at why people enroll, what people can expect from the program, and how it has worked for students. Can I take one course to check it out? Shes offered a collection of her own photos for us to, Who is in your Community of Care? The options for a personal spiritual practice are multiple and flexible. The little ones keep me in touch with my own childlike innocence. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Contemplative practices; spiritual growth, the Enneagram, levels of consciousness; ecumenism; meditation; connecting with God; sexuality; doubt; and changing religious beliefs/identity. To become a spiritual director, you must complete a minimum of 2 years of training at an approved and accrediting program. Exhibit a vibrant spiritual director identity with the requisite foundational knowledge and skills. It is a grace that assists transforming persons to live more fully into who God has created us to be. Please confirm you want to block this member. The following list is seen as the primary foci in supervision: To ensure that these competencies are met we recommend using the CLEAR supervision model. CCPC Global extends professional credentials (CSDS) to individuals indicating the minimum skill level reached. All of these spiritual directors are available for remote spiritual direction via phone or video call. Since completing my spiritual direction training at Selah, I have hosted numerous day retreats in my home, provided group spiritual direction and one-to-one spiritual direction. I am a spiritual director, facilitator of contemplative retreats, and centering prayer workshop presenter for Contemplative Outreach. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I have walked with Christ since I was a young teenager. I've translated books by Dallas Willard, Scot McKnight, NT Wright, Robert Mulholland, John Ortberg, Henry Cloud, and many more. 20 Bergen Road CSD is a non-credit, continuing education program that seeks to train participants in the art of accompaniment and guidance of others in their spiritual journey. I love to share about pursuing freedom and SOULWELLness. I am not sure if I want to commit to the whole program. In listening to your story, we are listening . You receive an acceptance letter and all that is necessary to get started. For questions, please contact Sue Wood at, ** Additional costs for spiritual direction sessions, network resources, books, and a private room on retreats, *** Pastors and missionaries can apply for scholarship assistance, Pastors wife, Sr. I taught elementary school for twenty-four years. I believe that in spiritual direction, our true being begins to emerge and unfold, and we become more and more the person God created us to be. The phrase "listening people to life" was a signature saying for Sister Del Rey . I am a Certified Forest Therapy Guide and have a Eco-Ministry Certification with Seminary of the Wild, helping people to find the Sacred in nature. I am the co-founder and president of SOULWELL Ministries. Wheaton, IL 60187 I am married with 3 adult children and 5 granddaughters. For each intensive weekend, you will sign onto Zoom Friday through Sunday for all-day learning sessions. You can search for those who do using our sorting feature below. has been my question from the time I was being raised as a pastors kid in a conservative religious environment. Although most of the spiritual directors listed are RCA members or ministers of Word and sacrament, their certification as spiritual directors is not granted through the RCA. REVIEW: Review the actions that have been agreed. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. All education must be documented. The church was conservative Christian in its teaching, with lots of "do's and don'ts," so I learned early to try to be very good so that God would be pleased with me. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. However, he or she must be able to meet the Standards Criteria set by the CCPC Examining Board. During each intensive, a team of core and guest faculty will guide you in an integral learning experience, incorporating theoretical, practical, and creative elements. I completed the 19th Annotation of the spiritual exercises in 2020. This question emerged partly from my awareness of my own need to change and partly because of my observation that spiritual transformation is one of the most over-promised and under-delivered aspects of Christianity in its current expression. I am married with four children, six grandchildren and English Springer Spaniel "Tucker", which bring me great love, laughter, and joy. The Wrights live in Columbia, Missouri. When the business sold I shifted to something that aligned with my desire: a position on the church leadership team as well as head of the board finance committee with the local community foundation. was a normal part of going deeper into life with Jesus. The spiritual direction journey is for: Those who desire growth in their relationship with the Lord; Ministry leaders relying on God for guidance; Anyone discerning God's will; Recent retreatants desiring to embrace mature spirituality; Faithful experiencing dryness in prayer; And, others seeking to grow in their spiritual journey. Formal education may NOT be substituted for the experience requirement. Also helpful is my training in MBTI. Spiritual Directors are hired independently of the school and are compensated for their services directly by the student. My desire to know and experience more of God led me to transition from 25 years in pastoral ministry to embrace the richness of a broader Christian tradition and accept the calling of spiritual direction. Mona Chicks CFDM NW Spiritual Formation Training Faculty Program Director: Rev. I am also a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain with the Center for Spiritual Care and Pastoral Formation where I did most of my training with hospice care and grief. Christs presence being revealed amid lifes celebrations, losses, transitions, and challenges. I grew up on the prairies in a Dutch Immigrant Community. Areas of specialty or interest: Transforming leadership; group spiritual direction; corporate leadership discernment with boards, elders, vestry and staff teams; Ignatian spirituality; integration of psychology and spirituality; sabbatical guidance. I served for over 30 years in pastoral ministry in the PC(USA), my last 14 years as a co-pastor with a focus on centering our life in being emotionally and spiritually healthy as a people, grounded in a discernment style of leadership. Three of the foundational courses in interfaith spiritual care are open for enrollment anytime they are offered. Spiritual directors can provide that spiritual support for pastors or for any Christian seeking greater spiritual direction. Currently, more than a dozen chaplaincy groups within the U.S. offer varying education/training, however, no other organization that . Who are our Spiritual Directors? Leadership Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and Abide by the ethical guidelines put forth by Spiritual Directors International. Learn More For Those Seeking Connection Considering Life's Biggest Questions Learn More Ascending The Mountain Welcome to the Home of Spiritual Direction and Companionship. Set up and maintain a program of self-assessment of professional conduct (strength and weakness) using ethical and legal standards. In 2021, I became a CertifiediEnneagramMotions of the Soul Practitioner with Clare Loughrige. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Inner Healing Prayer, Enneagram, Pastoral ministry, Ministry to serving and transitioning missionaries, Supervision of Spiritual Directors. Monday to Friday I've received spiritual direction for the past six years, and my director has helped me see that my spiritual journey is moving toward greater freedom in Jesus. The SDC Program is made up of six online classes which include two four-day, on-site residences, practicum, and supervision. With the encouragement of spiritual direction, we start to say "yes, I will do that with my life!" We are empowered to choose love, healing and freedom. We do not believe in telling people how to think, what to believe, how they are supposed to feel, or what to do in any specific circumstances. How Spiritual Directors and Companions Help You on Your Journey, Discovering Your True Self and Your Place in the Universe. Listing of Spiritual Directors For those seeking spiritual direction, LTI provides a listing of people who have received a Certificate of Completion of training in LTI's Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction Program. Cultivating the Practices of Deep Listening and Spiritual Presence Across All Faith Traditions and Spiritual Orientations. An important part of the past twenty years included . Were the better for doing that work. They should be addressed to the CCPC Global, included with the application under confidential cover and addressed to the attention of: 3377 Bayview Ave, Toronto, ON Canada M2M 3S4. Intake Form CEDAR RIDGE She also works as a retirement guide. Click here to view. It uses all our human faculties (intuition, emotions, imagination, senses and intellect) to . LISTEN: By using active listening and catalytic interventions, the supervisor helps the supervisee develop understanding of the situation he/she wants to affect a difference. family and community. A need has been expressed for excellence, competency, integrity and established professional qualifications in almost every field and discipline. At Altar it is our passion to bring faith and fly fishing together into a common stream which we do by offering retreats focused on soul care around the country. Once we receive your application, we schedule a live interview in a virtual format. I am a certified spiritual director and Enneagram life coach. Though I stayed connected to church as I grew older, I so longed to experience more of God. Submitting to the flow of the Spirit has allowed me not to give up on myself and the gift that I might bring to the conversation. Kobe, Japan Telephone: E-mail: Congregation: Toledo Mennonite Conference: Ohio . To provide Certified Spiritual Directors with encouragement for continual spiritual awareness, education and professional development. Completion of the full application including two letters of recommendation and a Zoom interview are required. Examples include attendance at a weekly worship service, daily meditation or prayer based on a primary faith tradition, yoga, art, journaling, and so on. I have had over 50 years of experience with extended household and pastoral leadership in a Presbyterian Church and at Willow Creek and had 30 years of leadership in Christian Camping. To help fulfill that mission, we offer a high-quality certificate program in becoming a Spiritual Director. I love living in the light of Psalm 139, which promises that we are wonderfully made. 20 Bergen Road My participation inTransforming Community#13 was a life and leadership altering season, growing me in the knowledge and benefit of Spiritual Direction. The applicant must provide written documentation that you have received supervision in spiritual direction for a minimum of 12 months. Once your course work is completed and your supervised practicum hours with your own directees or clients are completed, you will receive a certificate of completion for the program. In addition to intensive weekend sessions, you will participate in asynchronous classes at your preferred time for the 3 to 6 weeks before attendance on zoom. To provide regular space for the supervisees to reflect upon the content and process of the work. If you have an interest in having Dan come speak at your parish or Catholic event or group, contact us at or call 818-646-7729. I am an alum of TC4 and TC13. Spiritual direction is normally carried out in the context of a one-to-one trusting relationship or a small group, explains Ellen Ratmeyer, a spiritual director and member of the Reformed Church in America. I was part of TC 6 and it changed the trajectory of my ministry direction. The application and documentation will first be screened for eligibility for certification by an Evaluator, and then scrutinized by the Board of Examiners of the CCPC. I also conducted scientific research on living systems using improvised mathematical tools in nonlinear dynamics. Areas of Interest or Specialty: When church doesnt work anymore; loss; struggles with being in community; physical pain or new diagnosis; questions of identity, and life or work transitions. SD released me from dreaded dualism and binary theologies, it enabled me to be free to be myself and to value my gifts and abilities and to be confident in spiritual discernment., My very first seeker came to me once I finished my training. I have served as the spiritual development pastor at a church in Maple Grove, Minnesota, until recently. To assist you in this process, I bring warmth, curiosity, compassion, authenticity . 630-588-8133. Have completed a recognized spiritual direction training program; Have at least two years of experience providing spiritual direction; Be faithful to spiritual direction and peer supervision in his/her own practice; and. My early experience was as part owner of a medium sized corporation but my heart wanted something different. I appreciated having someone to share my heart or insights with or to help me see things from a different angle., Opened a whole new world of joys and also of pain, My experience is that when we are able to quiet our nervous systems, clear our minds by sharing our joys and challenges and questions, and come to a place of center, wisdom and guidance come., Every time I offer spiritual direction I feel that I am standing on sacred ground. I'm so thankful for His love and guidance throughout my life so that I can now help and serve those God leads to me. Individual Spiritual Direction - 30 sessions. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I am open and affirming of anyone seeking personal transformation and wholeness; navigating the numerous transitions life presents; and providing a safe place for leaders to explore their truest self. The certificate program is designed to identify your potential in becoming a spiritual director, to assist you in discerning a call to this ministry, to formulate a model of spiritual direction and chaplaincy and to develop the specific skills required to serve as a spiritual director. As much as we tout prayer, my hunch is that most of us dontat least not as often and as deeply and as satisfyingly as Scripture promises possible. Our Interfaith Spiritual Direction Certificate Program teaches a non-directive Interfaith approach. I am a former Presbyterian pastor. Areas of Interest or Specialty:I do not specialize. Many say "I was already kind . You also work independently on reading, practicum, and spiritual practices. My desire to respond to Gods unfolding within my everyday experiences has prompted lifelong learning, leading to a Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation, studies of the Enneagram with Jerome Wagner, and a cohort study of Spirituality for the Wisdom Years with Father Ron Rolheiser. One of the great joys in my life is walking alongside others in their journey to intimacy with God; a second is welcoming strangers (immigrants and refugees) to my community. To develop and understand the skills within the work. Find out more. Spiritual formation occurs for me by being attentive to the Spirit as a wife, caregiver, stepmom, Oma, friend in For the past 18 years my wife and I have been part of a Vineyard congregation, and I served as a staff pastor there for five years. Spiritual direction or companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all. I love to listen to others in the Spirit and help them pay attention to the activity of God in their lives. The program includes discussions with faculty, who are established professionals, and hands-on, small-group work. I have served as a pastor for 37+ years, concluding my pastoral ministry at First Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, NC. I graduated with Honors from Texas A&M in speech communications and psychology. Can I take one course to check it out? Companioning Pastors and church staff. I grew up in a farm community where church was the hub of my spiritual and community life. As a certified spiritual director, I focus my attention on your spiritual experience and points of self-discovery, and to explore with you God's movement in your life. Each candidate will complete an approved / accredited Supervision course, namely two one day supervision seminars. I also served as a reflection paper reader and a spiritual director for several Transforming Communities. I say my faith was likely saved through spiritual direction. If you are interested in applying for this certification please go to the manuals page and download a copy of the CSD manual or simplyCLICK HEREand follow the steps. Church leaders. Wright, and C. Thompson. I and my mother both graduated with degrees in counseling on Mother's Day, 1980. As a published songwriter I have also authored five books, including The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide For You and Your Ministry Teamand Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services As If Spiritual Formation Mattered. My spiritual direction style is marked by my ecumenical, inquisitive, and nonjudgemental nature. I also led Christian 12-step recovery ministry for 5 years. Graduate training, a volunteer pastoral position, my profession as a therapist, my membership in TC12 and TC15, and a certificate in Enneagram Studies led to an Apprenticeship Training Program with Teresa Blythe in the evocative style of direction. Areas of Interest or Specialty: Church leaders; 19th Annotation of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises; the Enneagram; life-mapping; Twelve Steps. The cost of 30 spiritual direction sessions and 12 supervisor sessions are paid directly by the student and will cost from $50-$100 per session. Spirtual Direction is a path to that understanding. I pursued the study of Spiritual Direction because I wanted to learn and grow in my own faith. Two-Year Spiritual Direction Formation Program: This two year certification program for the formation of Spiritual Directors in the Christian tradition and for our time includes six intensives, evaluated assignments to facilitate distance learning, and regularly recurring peer group check-ins via Zoom or similar. But there's also a need for credentials so that you don't hang a . Mona Chicks CFDM Board of Directors She has joyfully participated in UU Wellspring since 2013 and finds it a necessary anchor in her life. Director of Campus Ministry Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader, Certified Grief Counselor. Ignatian Discernment practices. In addition to being a certified spiritual director, I hold a certificate in contemplative spirituality from the The Living School for Action and Contemplation and care deeply about spiritual transformation. Plan on 2 months time to prepare for the first course (administrative forms, student handbook, class reading and homework assignments). Areas of Interest or Specialty: The Enneagram; Ignatian spirituality; listening and discerning God's grace with clergy, helping professionals, and social justice activists. I began spiritual direction while at the TC and have continued with the same director for 10 years. Mail | Web | More Posts (539) This article is reprinted with permission from our friends at Roman Catholic Spiritual Direction. Training: Sustainable Faith program, Oldenburg, IN. I support those desiring to explore and deepen their spiritual experience and open their story to transformation. She has been a spiritual director since 2003 and a therapist in private practice over the last 27 years. Areas of Interest or Specialty: I have experience working with missionaries, ministry leaders, spouses of ministry leaders, college students and young professionals, leading prayer retreats, discernment in transitions. CONTRACT: Supervision sessions start with establishing the supervisees desired outcomes, agreeing to any basic ground rules or roles. After retiring from academia, my Christian journey led me to be trained as a spiritual director in the Franciscan tradition (2013-2015) and Jesuit tradition (2020-2022). In January 2020, Connie retired after serving on the staff of First United Methodist Church for 26 1/2 years. (New cohorts begin in April and August only). Drs Bill & Kristi Gaultiere lead students on a two-year journey of following Jesus that culminates in a certificate in spiritual direction. To see people be transformed into the image of Christ for the sake of others has got to be the most thrilling thing on the planet. "How do people changereally?" Identify the importance of the diversity of clients by attaining knowledge about character, cultures, lifestyles, and other elements that are dominant to a clients behaviour, in order to advise services that are sensitive to the client. The required education is defined as formal classroom education in the spiritual direction field. After experiencing a dark night of the soul season, I was drawn to TC14. Attendance is required on all days. The applicant will be notified in writing concerning the decision of the Board of Examiners. I am a trained spiritual director and also a trainer of spiritual directors through Sustainable Faith. Spiritual Direction Tom Elliott is a certified director who has been offering one-on-one spiritual direction for more than 20 years and can help you experience clarity, healing, and freedom in your deepening intimacy with God. Pass a final interview with a Portland Seminary spiritual-formation . (416) 724-5339 The Transforming Center is pleased to offer a listing of spiritual directors* who have completed one or more of our two-year Transforming Community experiences and have also completed a recognized training program in spiritual direction. I am married to Joani, and have three adult children, and two grandchildren. This certificate is suited to applicants holding a Master's degree or above in theological or ministerial studies, psychology or counseling, psychiatric social work, or health care. After experiencing burnout, TC8 gave me language for earlier personal encounters with Jesus in solitude and silence. My greatest joy in life is witnessing the work of God in people's lives, and creating a safe space where people can feel heard, accepted, and loved as they are. Additional fees: The cost of personal spiritual direction is covered by the student.) We take small groups on transformational journeys in the mountains of Northern Italy through our LLC, StandLookAskWalk. 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