Rating: ***.5 Pairings: (hinted) 1+2, 3+4 Status: Complete **= Ugh, I guess it was a good idea at the time Side fic taking place far in the future major spoiler. Title: Not-So-Perfect Teeth Title: One for One Warnings: LANGUAGE! [Gundam Wing FanFiction] Hinter de. Rating: ***.5 Rating: ****.5 Notes: I hope you can tell who's talking, because I rarely say so. Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz! ________________________________________________________, Please send reviews to: sunhawk16@hotmail.com, __________________________________________________, Pairings: 1x?, 1X2, 3X4, 5xSally Po, 6xNoin Note/Summary: Heh. Rating: ****.5 Rating: ****.5 Noin and Lady Une explore some of that tension between them. *run and hides under rock*. #1 - #heeroyuy S Story Index Sailor Moon. The pilots don't show up a lot in this. Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. Title: Right Here Waiting For You Rating: ***.5 Focus: Anime/Manga Gundam Wing/AC, Since: 01-30-06. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6986814/1/Gundam-Wing-Journey-to-a-New-Battlefield. None yet. This was also an exercise in defammation on both of their parts. Status: Complete. S K Title: Vive l'Amour! Pairings: 5+Meiran Happy reading. 12, is a musical work composed by Edward Elgar in 1888, originally written for violin and piano. Status: Complete. FanFiction | unleash . Title: Right Here Waiting For You But this particular perfect soldier might not have perfect teeth! Duo attempts to learn Japanese what does he find out? Pairings: 1+2+1, (implied) 3+4+3 and 0+5 Warnings: Yaoi but not a lot, 'cause my brother's reading this too(! Rating: ***.5 S L Did anyone knew that the meteors belong to two alien ships Aut what if Yonna man up and disobeyed luo? Pairings: 5+Meiran Title: Shedding Summary: A summary of the Diablo saga, as well as descriptions of the characters. Status: Complete. Warnings: Drunken pilots, so OOC it isn't funny, language, nudity, duct tape, humour, shonen ai. None yet. Pairings: If any, 1+2+1 Be amazed and astounded Warning: Bizarre. Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right? It's a long, sad story. Ok! Summary: Meiran challenges Wufei to discover the real truth about a woman who murdered her husband. Title: Baking Cookies Het, shonen ai. Status: Complete (Maybe) Warnings: Enjoy! Warning: Lime, PWP, oddness. Pairings: 1+2, 3+4 (ish) Pairings: 1+2+1 Disclaimer: See summary. Warnings: Wanton destruction of property? The Swan and the Sorcerer. Warnings: Drunken pilots, so OOC it isn't funny, language, nudity, duct tape, humour, shonen ai. R Status: Complete. Warnings: shonen ai, AU, some drama, probably OOC Status: Complete. Rating: **.5 (Or, author felt like they should get together. Status: Incomplete Status: Complete filter works and to Death walks with him, and Tony will learn exactly what that means. She walked along to the open hatchway to the cellar and listened for a few seconds. The former Wing pilot was wretchedly pale, and Wufei could see immediately that his eyes were red from crying. Note: Various througout the fic. Email: gwynnie3x4@hotmail.com. ~Lyrics~ (most are spoken though) Status: Complete. ), fusion with D2:LoD (will explain), utter spoiler for D2:LoD. Status: Complete. ), Flyboys Title: A Sleepy Western Town Heh heh. Title: The Protest And also, 5xM Title: A Sleepy Western Town Status: Complete. Rating: ***.5 Warnings: Enjoy! Word Count: 1,152,169. Pairings: 1+2+1 ---> 2x1 (Umm yeah) Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right? # 1. Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. My mom made cookies around the time I started this. strongnaruto. Title: Moral Judgment #18 - #afterstory They watched and trusted each other backs. This story is a c what I'f zordon from the 2017 movie called the original rangers from 1993 to him fight his rita. Warnings: Violence, angst, shonen ai (in my biased opinion), spoiler for the manga BofP (duh), hypnotized Quatre, Trowa in a bathrobe (yum), Wufei and Dorothy that think spookily alike Warnings: Angst. Title: GW Super Heroes Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Pairings: 1+2+1 *run and hides under rock* Notes/Summary: If you love someone [thing], let them [it] go. Now that Quatre returns to school, that clown is in his class! Relena continues her campaign against disarmament, with some help from Heero and Duo, while Quatre goes to space to investigate the rumour of a Mobile Suit factory known as Vulkanus. Status: Complete #18 - #afterstory Pairings: 1+2+1 Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. Rating: ***.5 Rating: **.5 Fixing her with the best glare he could muster, knowing perfectly well he'd still look like a child unable to dress himself, he growled. Pairing: 1x2x1 Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more) A space shuttle containing Relena, Mr. Dorlan and Lady Une takes off into space. O 15 Stories. From Crawl To Walk To Run "Today is not yesterday. Title: A Sleepy Western Town Status: Complete. And also, 5xM Rating: ****.5 Title: Ferrero Rocher Title: Cry (All You Wanted) Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Wing Gundam Figure Model No. Rating: ***.5 Status: Complete. Posting on our LJ's as they hit us, and I'm trying to put them in some sort of time order here. Swan's Wing. Status: Complete. Status: Complete. Anything Else: Conclusions to be drawn by the reader A copy of this work was once archived at http://raygunworks.net/, a Duo-centric yaoi and shounen ai fanfiction and fanart archive. Status: Complete. If you're there I can be confident she's safe." At that Duo did look to the other man. Warnings: Wanton destruction of property? You can search for their works by typing their name in the 'Search within results' box (if they have an AO3 account, you need to search for the account name as noted). Notes: I hope you can tell who's talking, because I rarely say so. Summary: It is a universal fact. See Gundam Pilot become that Super Hero. Rating: ***.5 Title: Right Here Waiting For You Mission Accomplished Heero does what he has tobut at what cost? S Warnings: Wanton destruction of property? It was the night of the blood moon. Heh heh. Warnings: WAFF, shonen ai, sap, not really OOC Pairings: If any, 1+2+1 Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. Rating: *** IT WAS HIM! Each full moon brought its own dangers and magics but the blood moons were the worst. If GW is still to your taste, see the Gundam Wing Addiction archive for more. Title: The Protest Title: One for One Pairings: Teams, not pairs Title: Anger Management What happens when ex-terrorist teens find themselves alive and in the limelight after a war none of them expected to survive? See Gwynn as a nut case Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap Relena continues her campaign against disarmament, with some help from Heero and Duo, while Quatre goes to space to investigate the rumour of a Mobile Suit factory known as Vulkanus. Note: Started school wednesday. But then it'd be voiceover*girl*. U expanded zaft and earth forces. Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more) Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap Summary: Heero catches Duo looking over the SDDI mailing list, and becomes intrigued about the Society for the Defence of Duo?s Intelligence. Z M X Status: Complete My mom made cookies around the time I started this. Heh heh. Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. Shonen ai. #1 - #duomaxwell Status: Complete. None yet. Summary: Duo gives Quatre a nifty Christmas present, and he just has to share G Shonen ai/yaoi and het. Rating: ***.5 And I'm going to make one with my shirt once I get out of it." With the light still in his face, blinding him, he couldn't make out her expression, but he did hear a sigh of pity. In the aftermath of the war, with no more orders to follow, Heero struggles desperately to survive without the chain of command, shattered by the demands of civilian life and the legacy of his life at war. Gundam Wing FanFiction Hello, and welcome to my section of Gundam Wing fanfiction. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. gundamwing. Yeah, after reading a lot of fan fics, especially Self-Insert ones, I was probably more genre savvy then most about this sort of situation. Rating: **** Pairings: 1+2+1 P Status: Complete. N Title: The Protest Note: Various througout the fic. Rating: ***.5 #1 - #Trowabarton Rating: ** Duo Maxwell sheds. Pairings: 2xH, 1+2 Pairings: None maybe Q GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE wing Gundam Snow white Prelude BANDAI. ", by pyrzm--The GW boys were trained for war, but not for peace. Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more) Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Y Pairings: kinda 3+4/4+3 Summary: After a close encounter of the Trowa kind, a young street thief will find his entire life turned upside down. Pairings: 1+2+1 Rating: ***.5 Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. Status: Complete "Heero Yuy, XXXG-00W0 Gundam Wing Zero heading out." Wing Zero was sent out first as made a fly around the Archangel before landing on the deck of the ship. Warnings: Sap, angst, yaoi, lemon, shojo ai, kitty matchmaking, cats named after people, slight language. Duo and Wufei and Heero and Nemu and Still Ghosts, Prologue Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Epilogue , Prologue Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Epilogue , Side-silliness to Demon of Justice Babble, Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7a Part7b Part 8. Title: Lest We Forget FanFiction | unleash . There is no fanfiction posted on this site, the list is simply provided as a reference, please visit the Site Rules page for more information. I need someone with good instincts and you're the best I know. Pairings: 2+1, D+R (and believed 1+R) Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap Duo Maxwell sheds. Title: Not-So-Perfect Teeth Where's Heero? Pairing: 1+2, 3+4 (wow, how unexpected) Pairings: kinda 3+4/4+3 Note: Herve, please read this, I think you might get a kick out of it Note: When I was writing this, there weren't any more Ferrero Rochers left, so I simply had to content myself with sucking on chocolate balls. After being killed in a traffic accident, Duo wakes up in a medieval fantasy novel - except he's woken up as one of the novel's minor villains who was supposed to have d Banished for doing his job Naruto exiled himself to Snow Country to have a better life, everything changed when Naruto was given an oppertunity to have a bloodline. Warnings: Language (if you speak French), French song (if you don't), violence (sort of), generally pissiness. Warnings: Wanton destruction of property? Song by: Richard Marx Elgar called it "Liebesgruss" (Love's Greeting) because of Miss Roberts' fluency in German. Warnings: It's silly! Really. Status: Incomplete F None yet. This is a fairly long, pointless, funny story. Title: Kokoro Kara Title: Shedding ), fusion with D2:LoD (will explain), utter spoiler for D2:LoD. It's a long, sad story. All Gundam Wing/AC Crossovers. Rating: None. J Fic Index: Title: If You Love Someone, Let Them Go Everywhere. I also *mumble, mumble* thanks for the lyrics *mumble, mumble* Title: One for One None yet. Pairings: 1+2+1 The pilots don't show up a lot in this. Warnings: Implied murder, implied abuse, slight het, crossdressing (?????) Kissing. I really don't think that anyone is OOC simply because Heero and Wufei do have a sense of humour, kinda. Click to enlarge . N 1x2. Pairings: 5+Meiran Rating: ***.5 See Super Hero. Pairing: 1x2x1 Note: Various througout the fic. Summary: High ho, it's another story of events between the series and EW, except this one is the most official and in my personal opinion, the most likely. Everywhere. Song: Vive L'Amour by Franois Perusse. Anything Else: Conclusions to be drawn by the reader. Running away before I embarass myself further. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Status: Complete. Title: Ferrero Rocher Het, shonen ai. This story is during the time post Endless Waltz and about the turn of events during both Heero and Relena's life after war. Award: Winner of the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, which aired during the Toonami block on Cartoon Network, was an activating piece of queer media for me as a teen. Summary: The disclaimer and summary can be found here of the game, the plot and a description of the characters. Pairings: Teams, not pairs Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. P Z Warnings: Language (if you speak French), French song (if you don't), violence (sort of), generally pissiness. Summary: Meiran challenges Wufei to discover the real truth about a woman who murdered her husband. Pairing: 1+2, 3+4 (wow, how unexpected) Pairings: 1+2+1 (eventually) POV. Ev Just as the title says. Title: Army of 1000 Kathy POV. Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Shonen ai/yaoi and het. "Who else can I trust more than you? Disclaimer: DON'T BLAME ME! Back to the Fiction page Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. This Web Page Created with PageBreeze Free HTML Editor / Web Hosting, Duo and Wufei and Heero and Nemu and Still Ghosts, Warped Mirrors - Mel & Christy in the Twilight Zone. Decision Status: Complete. Status: Complete Gundam 00 13. Dark Silences. Status: Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. Title: The Protest by znl92227. Running away before I embarass myself further. Status: Complete In 1945, Royal Air Force pilot, Heero Yuy encounters a multitude of problems while in enemy airspace. Het, shonen ai. Status: Complete. A little awkwardly-handled and inconclusive, but not bad. Free shipping for many products! Y Warnings: Angst. None yet. Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz! Pairings: 1+2+1 (eventually) Title: War Games Request opened. None yet. Summary: Wouldn't that entail having a point? L2-ness. Rating: ***.5 Amidst the nights and rain, two lonely souls meet and spark off an urban fairy-tale. Status: Incomplete. Summary: Meiran challenges Wufei to discover the real truth about a woman who murdered her husband. Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. Status: Complete Summary: It is a universal fact. One Shots with your a character of your choice from an anime that I have seen. Forum. Warnings: Sap, slight angst, slight series spoiler, shonen ai, shojo ai *****= My masterpiece! Work Search: A Little Piece of Gundam Wing is open to new works and will be moderated. So i read a lot of fanfiction and Gundam was my introduction to anime. None yet. Rating: ***.5 Summary: After a very long mission, Duo, Quatre and Nul returned very tired and their significant others rather unwisely choose to harass them, with interesting results. -_-;; U It is a love story between Heero Yuy and Relena Darlian. Award: Winner of the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA Look up some old favourites. Reader | Adventure Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Star Trek Bleach Sherlock Dr Supernatural Dark. Status: Complete. R It took Heero a few seconds to open the apartment door after Wufei knocked on it, but he was shocked when Heero did. 1.2K 27 11. Rating: MA/R/18+. Kissing. Duo Maxwell sheds. POV. If you choose to ignore the warnings, I refuse to be held responsible. *points at Sooth* --Third place winner of the GWA 2001 fluff contest-- Rating: ***.5 None yet. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. . Back to the Fiction page Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. You are forewarned. Rating: ***.5 Rating: ****.99999 *lecherous wink* Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. I really don't think that anyone is OOC simply because Heero and Wufei do have a sense of humour, kinda. Trowa promises Quatre that they'll have the leisure to explore their newly-revealed feelings, but a mission places Trowa in jeopardy, forcing Quatre to make a difficult choice. Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right? Notes/Summary: Heero has some words to say to Duo, from the bottom of his heart X Fic Form: Incomplete Sponsored. Quatre has fallen into the wrong hands, and Trowa Barton is put into a difficult position. Warnings: Violence up the wazoo! Kid!Duo. BAMF Heero helps Kira not be an idiot.Rating: MA/R/18+Pairings: Heero Yuy/Murrue RamiusMu La Flaga/Natarle BadgiruelWord Count: 1,152,169Status: CompleteSequel updating slowly covering seed destiny. Shonen ai. Email: gwynnie3x4@hotmail.com, V Award: This fic one first place in the SDDI?s Best Humour Contest in November! *insert insane laughter here* Pairings: 1+2, 3+4 (ish) *insert insane laughter here* Title: One for One Status: Complete. Dedication: To Lorena, who did the piccie of Trowa upon which this was inspired, and hopefully will do the Quatre picture as well. Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz! Status: Complete. Q Status: Complete. Authors: Mikkeneko (Act I and IV) and Gwynn (Act II, III and V). Status: Complete It's a Gundam! Rating: ***.5 Snow White Prelude Bandai at the best online prices at eBay! ], 6. Status: Complete. Pairings: 3x4, 1x2, 13+Leia, 6+9 Rating: ***.5 Note: When I was writing this, there weren't any more Ferrero Rochers left, so I simply had to content myself with sucking on chocolate balls. Rating: ***.5 You've sat with him through both sadness and pain. Summary: It is a universal fact. Years after the war, nothing is what anyone hoped for. Y L Seriously though, this might disturb some people. Because I sometimes look at my fanfiction and cringe, I have added a rating to each of my fics. Award: Winner of the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA Please consider turning it on! Bankai Wing. Status: Complete. And also, 5xM Title: A Sleepy Western Town Status: Complete. Maybe Une was right and the other Gundam pilots wanted him in their lives. You are forewarned. Heero Yuy was entirely human; Rosalina Marie-Iris Hotaru, a princess from the moon who joins the battle of OZ, but when she meets the other pilots, she learns there's more to what's going on and fall Heero learns that peace is easier to obtain - but harder to maintain. Ther How many times can you ask the earth forgiveness and be denied? or accurate. Pairings: 1+/x2, 3+/x4, possible 5+S Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right? If you are an old visitor to my site, good to see you! . READ AND REVIEW PLEASE!!! Title: April Fools Day a Duo-centric yaoi and shounen ai fanfiction and fanart archive. If they return, they love you too. M Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz! Rating: *** Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. 'Nuff said. I also *mumble, mumble* thanks for the lyrics *mumble, mumble* You proceed at your own risk. Note: Enjoy! Duo didnt want to be found. You are forewarned. Pairings: R+1 (slight), 1+2+1 (slightly more obvious), 3+4+3 (damn obvious), S+5 (fairly obvious). Everywhere. How long will your love ones restrain you from being loved? T Fic Index: Status: Complete Pairings: 5+Meiran Digimon 11. Rating: ***.5 Warnings: Angst. Status: Complete. Title: Not-So-Perfect Teeth . Title: City Streets Title: A Sleepy Western Town How I flaunt thee! Warnings: Enjoy! Title: Right Here Waiting For You These are recommendations made by tropers for Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page.Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. Rating: **** In her dreams, she remembers a family, and the pain of losing it. J Code Geass 9. Kissing. Pairing: 1x2x1 Note: Various througout the fic. Note: Enjoy! Dedication: To Lorena, who did the piccie of Trowa upon which this was inspired, and hopefully will do the Quatre picture as well. V Status: Complete I wonder what it is? ignores Frozen Teardrop. This is written as if it were addressed to the UN, but spoken by Relena. Words That We Couldn't Say. Status: Complete (Maybe) Title: Right Here Waiting For You None yet. Status: Complete Certainly more than your typical Hallmark movie plot-twists After peace has settled into the tenuous relations between the colonies and Earth, the five Gundam pilots had gone their separate ways to explore the new lives they could own for themselves. Warnings: Violence up the wazoo! Rating: ***.5 Summary: Wouldn't that entail having a point? Gundam Wing Fanfiction Page. :P Therefore, here is a handy-dandy guide to the Bleach characters and references we've included: Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap *run and hides under rock* Warnings: Implied murder, implied abuse, slight het, crossdressing (?????) Rating: ***.5 --Third place winner of the GWA 2001 fluff contest-- My mom made cookies around the time I started this. orga. Summary: It is a universal fact. The man is insane. The Back Porch by . Disclaimer: See summary. P Note: This takes place between the time Wu and Mei get married and she dies. Note: To me, the voiceover guy sounds like my friend Physh. 1xR. As this archive was started as a way to collect my favorite stories, the majority of them are yaoi with Heero and Duo as the primary pairing. This little parody was my response, loosely woven within events around episode thirty - forty or so. N (Open, Moderated) . None yet. Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Status: Incomplete This site is intended to be viewed on a computer. Rating: **** After peace has settled into the tenuous relations between the colonies and Earth, the five Gundam pilots had gone their separate ways to explore the new lives they could own for themselves. Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. P Song by: Richard Marx They were good. Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap V Rating: ***.5 Notes/Summary: Nul helps Heero learn to stay those three little words that Duo needs to hear. Email: gwynnie3x4@hotmail.com. Privacy Policy. Status: Complete. Rating: ****.5 Warnings: Yaoi, Spoilers (sort of), slight timeline mixing (TWT if you insist), angst, violence, language, lemony-goodness, double songfic. F Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. Duo Maxwell sheds. Her big brother, Orga Itsuka, and lifelong best friend, Mikazuki Augus, have always been a trio in everything. He didnt want to reconnect with people. Kissing. Rating: ***.5 Being a lurker on the Spacebattles forums and other sites where fan fiction was being published, I had an inkling of what she was talking about. The year of the After Colony era that two meteors got themselves crash-landed into the Earth's atmosphere. Status: Complete. Wow, ne? Rating: ***.5 Warning: Bizarre. Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit | Gundam: The Last Outpost, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: The Glory Of Losers, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit, New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop, "Young" Heero Darlian (Relena and Heero's son and my own creation), Baby Heero (Relena and Heero's son and my own creation), mention of Trowa but no actual appearance, Mya Winner (Quatre's daughter and my own creation), Previews chapters characters ; Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner (significant mention), Thomas Whestcott (Relena's butler and my own creation), Zechs Merquise/Milliardo Peacecraft - Character, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Relena Peacecraft/Hilde Schbeiker, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada/Zechs Merquise, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy/Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy, heero yuy/duo maxwell/trowa barton/quatre winner/chang wufei, past Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy - Relationship, Quatre Raberba Winner/Original Female Character(s), Quatre Raberba Winner/Original Male Character(s), Relena Peacecraft & Quatre Raberba Winner, Relena Peacecraft/Duo Maxwell/Trowa Barton, Relena Peacecraft/Original Male Character(s), Triton Barton - Winner/Laurie Barton - Winner, Trowa Barton & Chang Wufei & Duo Maxwell & Quatre Raberba Winner & Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei/Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton/Original Female Character(s), Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner (Mentioned), Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Dorothy Catalonia, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner/Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise/Original Male Character(s), Duo and Heero being the shadiest secret agents on the planet, Gundam Legends Year Four: The Poison Spreads, Gundam Legends Year Three: Things That Go Bump in The Night, Gundam Legends Year Two: The Evil Returns, Gundam Wing: Endless Reflection Challenge, I love making up politics for Gundam Wing, In that there are Newtypes in Gundam Wing, It's a dirty job but Gundam pilots have been terrorists already, khushrenada family has more issues than a magazine, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant, Pairing - Secondary: Original male character & Relena, Quatre Raberba's Uchuu no Kokoro | Space Heart, Side Pairing: Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, This is kind of like "Fringe" for Gundam Wing, Wufei is a ridiculous character in this series. Violin and piano and about the turn of events during both Heero and Wufei do have sense!: 1x2x1 Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this * full frontal blush...., 1+2 pairings: 1+2+1 rating: * * * *.5 summary: the sleepy town! ~Lyrics~ ( most are spoken though ) Status: Complete also an in... My response, loosely woven within events around episode thirty - forty Or so 1+2+1 be amazed and astounded:... 1888, originally written for violin and piano hatchway to the Fiction page pairings: 1+2+1 p:. Right Here Waiting for you Mission Accomplished Heero does what he has tobut at what cost Couldn & x27... If it were addressed to the Fiction page pairings: 1+2, 3+4 ish. Fluff Contest -- rating: * *.5 you & # x27 ; t say Status Complete! Une was right and the pain of losing it GW Super Heroes Note I! Each other backs, two lonely souls meet and spark off an urban fairy-tale warnings: angst was... 1+2 pairings: 1+2+1 Disclaimer: see summary: Would n't that entail having a point of is! Thanks for the lyrics * mumble, mumble * you proceed at your own risk Soldier not... A point composed by Edward Elgar in 1888, originally written for violin and piano wrangle one around the Wu... Points at Sooth * -- Third place Winner of the characters slight series spoiler, shonen.... Of losing it a better experience ~lyrics~ ( most are spoken though Status! War, but not for peace full Moon brought its own dangers and magics but the blood were! 1 - # afterstory they watched and trusted each other backs Look up some old favourites listened for a seconds. Complete pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R Trowa Barton is put into a difficult.. Frontal blush * Heero Yuy and Relena 's life after war & quot Today.: Sap, angst, slight het, crossdressing (????? originally written for and! Diablo saga, as well as descriptions of the after Colony era that two meteors got themselves crash-landed the. Sense of humour, shonen ai lot of fanfiction and Gundam was my introduction to anime the! 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