In meeting the challenges of his time, Kennedy sharply expanded the power of the presidency, particularly in foreign affairs. E. is subordinate to the Supreme Court. (The choice, and the terminology, were slightly less bellicose than a blockade, or a halt to all Cuba-bound traffic.) In the Steel Seizure case, the Court rejected the Presidents argument that the Clause empowered the President to seize steel mills in the United States to support the Korean War, and in Milligan, the Court rejected the argument that the Clause allowed the President to use military commissions to try civilians in areas where civilian courts were still operating. Both views seem to overstate. An opposing view, developed by Professor Saikrishna Prakash in a series of articles and an important 2015 book on executive power, sees Congress as having complete power over the military through various clauses of Article I, Section 8, with the Presidents substantive command authority operating only where Congress has not provided specific direction. During 2006, the year before Democrats took back control of Congress, George W. Bush B. By 1968, it was clear that he had little hope of winning re-election. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. B. But by the early 1960s, the president had become the undisputed architect of U.S. foreign policy. The president's constitutional roles, such as chief executive and commander in chief, But in general, the former power encompasses creating standing directions and punishments that broadly control behavior of the military (such as the articles of war, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or statutes such as the War Crimes Act); the latter power refers to contingent orders made in response to developments in battles and campaigns. A. 31. is the queen more powerful than the president. Link couldn't be copied to clipboard! B. convention delegates' judgment as to the candidate who would make the best vice president. D. have expanded in practice to be more powerful than the writers of the Constitution intended. After the terrorist attacks of September 2001, George W. Bush won Congressional resolutions backing the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, but both were substantial military actions that under any traditional reading of the Constitution required declarations of war. A. Scholarly opinion is sharply divided on this question. Your Privacy Rights E. manipulating the media, 41. D. limit the president's war-making power. Contrary to the first view, the Constitution expressly gives Congress significant power over the military. E. must be a Protestant. C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. It was a challenge that Kennedy saw fit to manage exclusively with his White House advisers. C. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed. To the contrary, the reality is that the Constitution expressly envisions a role for Congress to play in providing for governmental responses to even the most existential crises at home, however lost to modern eyes. D. the Supreme Court 10. 38. 1789 Which of the following is NOT true of the 2004 presidential election? Examples include making treaties, commanding the military, appointing Supreme Court justices, and vetoing legislation. The Constitution specifies two sources of presidential power: Expressed powers include the power to make treaties, grant pardons and nominate judges. E. poor circumstance related to the economy. Shortly . Naval Academy at Annapolis, graduating in 1946. C. the period of a president's term immediately following a successful foreign policy initiative. And yet, except as it pertains to debates over the original understanding of the Second Amendment and the authority to deploy National Guard units overseas, Congresss constitutional power to provide for the use of the militia during these three types of domestic crises has been overlooked in almost every contemporary assessment of the Presidents inherent war powers, to the point where scholars too numerous to count have accepted without qualification the argument that the President possesses at least some independent authority to use military force in domestic emergenciesassuming that such power derives, most naturally, from the Commander in Chief Clause. After all, if the militia was initially intended to be the primary (if not exclusive) response force for a domestic emergency, and if Congress was given the power to provide for their calling forth (and, through the other Militia Clause, their regulation), then the Constitution appears to resolve in Congresss favor any argument that such statutory limitations unconstitutionally infringe upon the President's constitutional authority as Commander in Chief. Under the Twenty-second Amendment, no one may be elected president more than twice, or serve as president longer than ten years. E. mid-term elections. A. Howard Dean did not accept federal matching funds in the primaries. A. Michigan and Montana. C. New York Which of the following did the framers want from a president? B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. In 1975, Ford signaled that the War Powers Act had placed no meaningful restrictions on a presidents power when, without consulting Congress, he sent U.S. commandos to liberate American seamen seized from the cargo ship Mayaguez by the Khmer Rouge, Cambodias Communist government. Although he was quite skeptical that some 1,400 Cuban exiles trained and equipped by the CIA could bring down Fidel Castros regime, Kennedy agreed to allow them to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. C. has been used more extensively in recent decades, such that the candidate who dominates the primaries can usually expect to receive the nomination. Less than two months into his term, Kennedy announced two programs that gave substance to his rhetoric: the Alliance for Progress, which would encourage economic cooperation between North and South America, and the Peace Corps, which would send Americans to live and work in developing nations around the world. In the original design implemented for the first four presidential elections (1788-89, 1792, 1796, and 1800), the electors cast two ballots (but only one could go to a candidate from the elector's state), and the person who received a majority won the election. A. A. the U.S. Supreme Court The Constitution explicitly assigns to the president the power to sign or veto legislation,command the armed forces, request the written opinion of his cabinet, convene or suspend congress,grant pardons and pardons,and receive ambassadors. B. He now has command of the Texas bureaucracy almost akin to a president's control of a cabinet. Professor of Law at the University of San Diego School of Law, Dalton Cross Professor in Law at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, The Commander in Chief Clause of Article II, Section 2 provides that The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. As Justice Jackson put it in the Steel Seizure case (Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1952)), These cryptic words have given rise to some of the most persistent controversies in our constitutional history, with Presidents at various points claiming that it vests power to do anything, anywhere, that can be done with an army or navy., At a minimum, all agree that the Clause has two separate but related purposes: First, in response to the charge in the Declaration of Independence that the King had affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power, it ensures civilian superintendence over the militaryand, as such, the subordination of the military to civilian (and democratically accountable) control. A. Ronald Reagan E. None of these answers is correct. B. allow the president more leeway in committing U.S. troops to combat. University Press of Kansas. B. is used in Europe as well as in the United States. Which of the following states gives one Electoral College vote to the winner of each congressional district and two Electoral College votes to the statewide winner? . D. A surprise attack on the United States is the only justification for war by presidential action. The 19th Amendment: How Women Won the Vote. Such a limitation on the command power, written at a time when the militia rather than a standing army was contemplated as the military weapon of the Republic, underscores the Constitutions policy that Congress, not the Executive, should control utilization of the war power as an instrument of domestic policy. A president's accomplishments have largely depended on A. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. E. Calvin Coolidge. Ronald Reagan informed Congress of his decisions to commit U.S. troops to actions in Lebanon and Grenada, then suffered from the Iran-Contra scandal, in which members of his administration plotted to raise funds for anti-Communists in Nicaraguaa form of aid that Congress had explicitly outlawed. Examples include issuing executive orders and negotiating executive agreements. 7. D. all of these factors: the small policymaking role of the federal government; the sectional nature of the nation's major issues; and the U.S. government's small role in world affairs War under any circumstances is unjust, even in self-defense. E. the support of partisan rivals. C. office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed. Upon taking office, Johnson,. Which of the following is part of the Executive Office of the President? A. Additionally, today's society puts the president as the figurehead of the nation and so he has a lot more sway and reach over the American people than he would have used to, with the advances in media and communications technology that we have made. 23. In mid-November, 74 percent of Americans approved of the way John Kennedy is handling his job as President, a clear endorsement of his resolution of the missile crisis. There are limits to this ability, as they can't simply come up with an idea off the top of their head and make it a reality. States that apply the unit rule The selection of the vice presidential nominee at the national convention is based on the Which of the following presidents failed to win an electoral majority, but still won the presidency by decision of the House of Representatives? B. the support of the party's organizational leaders. 28. In sum, the Commander in Chief Clause gives the President the exclusive power to command the military in operations approved by Congress; it probably gives the President substantial independent power to direct military operations so long has the President does not infringe exclusive powers of Congress or other provisions of the Constitution; and it may (but may not) limit Congress power to pass statutes directing or prohibiting particular military activities. C. is the office most representative of the people. C. are not subject to check by Congress. 24. To ensure domestic support for his decisionand in spite of calls by some members of Congress for a more aggressive responseKennedy went on national television at 7 p.m. on October 22 with a 17-minute address to the nation that emphasized Soviet responsibility for the crisis and his determination to compel the withdrawal of offensive weapons from Cuba. The continuing belief that Truman had trapped the United States in an unwinnable land war in Asia by crossing the 38th Parallel in Korea, the distress at Johnsons judgment in leading the country into Vietnam, and the perception that Nixon had prolonged the war there for another four yearsa war that would cost the lives of more than 58,000 U.S. troops, more than in any foreign war save for World War IIprovoked national cynicism about presidential leadership. Yet his sustained commitment to ending the war in Iraq offers hope that he will fulfill his promise to begin removing troops from Afghanistan this coming July and that he will end that war as well. E. the State of the Union address. A. George W. Bush won the popular vote. C. mass mailing of campaign literature. 35. At the same time, he unilaterally chose not to expand the conflict into Iraq, but even that assertion of power was seen as a bow to Congressional and public opposition to a wider war. Terms of Use Congress can no more interfere with the Presidents conduct of the interrogation of enemy combatants than it can dictate strategic or tactical decisions on the battlefield. B. Thomas Jefferson Nineteenth-century presidents had had to contend with Congressional influences in foreign affairs, and particularly with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Nobody can say with confidence exactly what JFK would have done in Southeast Asia if he had lived to hold a second term, and the point remains one of heated debate. A. George Washington A. is a shared office where the president and the cabinet are equally powerful. Federalist No. B. the president's skill at balancing the demands of competing groups. But, they are in a position to make suggestions and push forward on important campaign issues. But as the cold war accelerated events overseas, Johnson assumed he had license to make unilateral judgments on how to proceed in Vietnam. Here, President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H. W. Bush examine legislation in the Oval Office in 1984. C. George W. Bush did not accept federal matching funds in the primaries. For the past 50 years, the commander in chief has steadily expanded presidential power, particularly in foreign policy, Fifty Januaries ago, under a pallid sun and amid bitter winds, John F. Kennedy swore the oath that every president had taken since 1789 and then delivered one of the most memorable inaugural addresses in the American canon. A more difficult question is how much authority the Clause gives the President beyond operations approved by Congress. 27. D. economic policy. 4. Direct link to scrublorf30's post Role as commander-in-chie, Posted 2 years ago. The issue of accountability is with us still. Direct link to Hecretary Bird's post Generally, the president', Posted 3 years ago. Posted 2 years ago. 1948 E. environmental policy. E. George W. Bush, 42. A president is likely to propose the most new programs A. the small policymaking role of the federal government b. from time to time, the public elects someone of exceptional talent. B. party organizations. Home / Uncategorized / a president's power has largely depended on . C. had a congressional success rate of more than 80 percent. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) was created in ________. How many presidents have been impeached in U.S. history? D. the period of a president's term immediately following a successful domestic policy initiative. D. is designed to strengthen the political parties. His intent was to build a consensus not merely for the quarantine but also for any potential military conflict with the Soviet Union. B. administration of the laws He altered the stewardship theory to reduce the power of the presidency while remaining an activist president. $39.95. E. None of these answers is correct. E. an increase in the number of presidential candidates per party. D. limit the president's war-making power. The presidential advisory unit that, as a whole, has declined significantly as an advisory resource for the president in the twentieth century is the B. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. A. Why do you think the presidents informal powers have grown over time? This dramatically undermines arguments evoking a broad and unilateral authority for the Commander in Chief in the circumstances contemplated by the Calling Forth Clause, i.e., to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.. B. Senate only. C. Jimmy Carter reduced the power of the vice presidency by removing the vice president's office from the White House. On this basis, Presidents have claimed authority over a range of military actions, including attacking pirates, rescuing U.S. citizens abroad, and making military deployments, although this authority is presumably circumscribed by other provisions of the Constitution and perhaps, some have argued, by international law. C. the margin of victory in the presidential campaign. A. E. efforts of friendly civilian and corporate group efforts. D. lack of sufficient executive authority. E. midterm elections. The forced removal of a president from office through impeachment and conviction requires action by the Direct link to kgandes's post What's the difference bet. Another is the appointment power, which offers presidents important formal means E. was introduced during the Cleveland era. Which of the following happened in the presidential election of 2000? This strongly suggests that Congresss Government-and-Regulation power does not include power to direct [military] operations.. These cases indicate that the independent authority conveyed to the President by the Clause generally does not extend to interference with the rights and duties of U.S. civilians, at least outside the battlefield. Every president since Nixon has contested the War Powers Act as an infringement of their role as Commander in Chief of the armed forces. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. D. the president's skill at balancing the demands of competing groups. It was a miscalculation that would cripple his presidency. B. spin control Similarly, after he decided to commit an additional 120,000 U.S. troops the following January, he tried to blunt public concerns over the growing war by announcing the increase monthly, in increments of 10,000 troops, over the next year. What are the potential dangers in the powers or the congress that have over time. E. None of these answers is correct. C. Congress can usually muster the two-thirds majority in each chamber required to override a presidential veto. In contrast to the Constitution, the Articles gave Congress the powers of making rules for the government and regulation of the said land and naval forces, and of directing their operations (emphasis added). After serving three terms as a congressman, he said, We were just worms in the Housenobody paid much attention to us nationally. His seven years in the Senate didnt suit him much better. C. 55 Truman could enter the Korean conflict without having to seek Congressional approval simply by describing the deployment of U.S. troops as a police action taken in conjunction with the United Nations. 29. D. all of these factors: the small policymaking role of the federal government; the sectional nature of the nation's major issues; and the U.S. government's small role in world affairs, 26. The president's role in foreign policy increased largely because B. To learn more about enforcement please click on below link. D. None of the three candidates (Dean, Kerry, and Bush) accepted federal matching funds in the primaries. He knew that if he responded ineffectually, domestic opponents would attack him for setting back the nations security, and allies abroad would doubt his resolve to meet Soviet threats to their safety. D. 3 A. going public D. George W. Bush Domestic Affairs. B. whether circumstances favor strong presidential leadership. But then on October 4, 1957, Moscow launched Sputnik, the first space satellitean achievement that Americans took as a traumatic portent of Soviet superiority in missile technology. If the U.S. House of Representatives chooses to impeach a president, who conducts the trial? Although the missile gap would prove a chimera based on inflated missile counts, the Soviets contest with the United States for ideological primacy remained quite real. Congratulations to Michael Renna, president and CEO, SJI, and SJI Board Directors Kevin O'Dowd and Christopher Paladino for being named to ROI-NJ's 2023 Super C. Jimmy Carter C. the president's ability to come up with good ideas. As Alexander Hamilton explained in The Federalist No. The Constitution assigns no executive authority to the vice president. But when he begins to move his lips, you know hes lying. How does the structure of the government help prevent tyranny? B. Being president provided powers to make a difference in world affairsthe arena in which he felt most comfortablethat no senator could ever hope to achieve. Under which president did the Electoral College selection process change to a popular vote? To be sure, it may often be difficult to draw a clear line between legislative Rules for the conduct of the military, on one hand, and executive direction of military operations on the other. To be sure, the Presidents control over foreign affairs had been growing since the Theodore Roosevelt administration (and still grows today). Bush won a Congressional resolution supporting his decision to oust Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991. E. the Department of Justice. True, he wanted a show of Congressional backing for any major steps he tookhence the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in 1964, which authorized him to use conventional military force in Southeast Asia. The 50th anniversary of his inauguration highlights the consequencesfor him, for his successors and for the American people. B. after reelection to a second term. Cookie Policy A. One reason for this was the emergence of the United States as a great power with global obligations. But whereas the Supreme Court has largely vitiated the Calling Forth Clauses potential role as a structural check on other uses of military power, the Clause remains relevant today in helping to cement Congresss constitutional authority to circumscribe the Presidents domestic war powersauthority it has exercised in a number of circumstances, including through the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which requires express authorization from Congress before the military may be utilized in a domestic law enforcement capacity. Jimmy Carter's Early Life and Start in Politics. A. has the strong support of the American people. Office of Management and Budget. D. the image-building that the president's foreign policy strength lends to the rest of his agenda c. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Tuesday urged pro-UK politicians in Northern Ireland to grab the economic "prize" on offer after he secured a breakthrough reform deal with the European Union.On a visit to the tense province, Sunak said he was "over the moon" at clinching the pact with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen on Monday.Following their meeting in the royal town . D. George W. Bush The second-place finisher became vice president. E. the image strength lent by the sheer size of the executive establishment, even though the president has little direct control over most of it, B. the presidential image-building through public relations that contributes to the idea that the president is in charge of the national government. B. He reasons that one president can act more quickly, and with more secrecy when necessary, than a larger group of leaders. Nixons affinity for what Arthur Schlesinger would later describe as the imperial presidency was reflected in his decisions to bomb Cambodia secretly in 1969 to disrupt North Vietnams principal supply route to insurgents in South Vietnam and to invade Cambodia in 1970 to target the supply route and to prevent Communist control of the country. A. guide the military in its use of force in field situations where it is impractical to seek direction from the president. He also knew how to secure widespread backing for himself and his policies. Bill Clinton B. the first part of a president's term. Direct link to Yagnesh Peddatimmareddy's post Presidents have used exec, Posted 4 years ago. The president is currently elected by a plurality voting direct election of the areas administered by the Republic of China for a term of four years. E. VII, 14. C. It requires Congress to consult with the president whenever feasible before passing measures that will restrict president-ordered military action. Among other perceived problems, Congress meddled in the tactical direction of the Revolutionary War. D. Andrew Jackson S ince the founding of this republic there has been debate about the proper scope of the executive branch. Before 1991, the president was selected by the National Assembly of the Republic of China for a term of six years. A. during his or her first year in office. When the operation cost 41 military lives to rescue 39 sailors, he suffered in the court of public opinion. Hamiltons view accords with criticisms of the pre-1787 design of government. The answer, as it turns out, is a series of Supreme Court decisions that have largely mooted any argument that the Clause imposes substantive limits on the federal government. Ooops. A. broke most of his campaign promises. The former power is carried over directly into the Constitutions list of congressional powers, but the latter is not. Which of the following is a reason that the nation did not routinely need a strong president during most of the nineteenth century? A. the two-presidency problem. E. are not considered to be states in which there is a competitive race between candidates. The U.S. House of Representatives last decided the outcome of a presidential election in ________. The invasion ended in disaster: after more than 100 invaders had been killed and the rest had been captured, Kennedy asked himself, How could I have been so stupid? The failurewhich seemed even more pronounced when his resistance to backing the assault with U.S. air power came to lightthreatened his ability to command public support for future foreign policy initiatives. A. was introduced during the Jacksonian era. In the modern era, the equivalent practice of using the presidency as a bully pulpit (Theodore Roosevelt) could best be summed up in the phrase, "________". B. 74. A. Texas Thus Congresss order not to burn New York City during the retreat would be unconstitutional under the 1789 Constitution, although general regulations on the treatment of civilian property would not be. 9. B. the sectional nature of the nation's major issues B. hold a single primary for presidential candidates from each major party. While most Americans were ready to applaud Nixons initiatives with China and Russia as a means of defusing cold war tensions, they would become critical of his machinations in ending the Vietnam War. The primary election as a means of choosing presidential nominees E. 1800. D. Office of Legislative Affairs On March 31, he announced that he would not run for another term and that he planned to begin peace talks in Paris. C. A president should be allowed to declare war, because only the executive can react quickly enough. A. B. enjoyed Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. Direct link to Jay C's post how has the president's p, Posted a year ago. C. of the need to coordinate national economic policy and foreign policy, a task to which the presidency was well suited. The War Powers Act was enacted in order to Which of the following is a formal constitutional requirement for becoming president? Both reflected the countrys traditional affinity for idealistic solutions to global problems and aimed to give the United States an advantage in the contest with Communism for hearts and minds. C. define the relationship between the United States and its allies. When he announced the expansion of ground forces that July 28, he did so not in a nationally televised address or before a joint Congressional session, but during a press conference in which he tried to dilute the news by also disclosing his nomination of Abe Fortas to the Supreme Court. As a controversial 2002 government memorandum argued. Explore our new 15-unit high school curriculum. As David Barron and Martin Ledermans definitive academic study of the Clause explains, the textual designation of the President as the Commander in Chief was intended to ensure that that officer, and no other, would be ultimately responsible for performing that role, whatever it was to entail. To that end, they continue, the Clause suggests that, at least with respect to certain functions, Congress may not (by statute or otherwise) delegate the ultimate command of the army and navy. It requires hostilities to end within sixty days unless Congress extends the period. E. All these answers are correct. C. They will only be binding if reviewed and approved by both houses of Congress. Which of the following did the framers want from a president? E. All these answers are correct. I mean, who gives a s--- if the minimum wage is $1.15 or $1.25, in comparison to something like this? The Bay of Pigs would remain a searing memory for him, but it was only a prologue to the gravest crisis of his presidency. In a position to make unilateral judgments on how to proceed in Vietnam Jackson s ince founding! A successful domestic policy initiative the Texas bureaucracy almost akin to a president 's term immediately following successful. The only justification for war by presidential action China for a term of six years early,! Exclusively with his White House advisers Washington a. is a shared office where the president EOP. Of a presidential veto contend with Congressional influences in foreign affairs, and particularly the... 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